Inspired by true events, the story begins with Japanese rugby officials dwelling on a humiliating anniversary, a 145-17 defeat by the New Zealand All Blacks in the 1995 World Cup. Officials question their decision to appoint Eddie Jones, to coach their national team for the 2015 World Cup. Jones plans to defy convention in order to put a stop to Japan being the laughing stock of world rugby.
Inspired by true events, the story begins with Japanese rugby officials dwelling on a humiliating anniversary, a 145-17 defeat by the New Zealand All Blacks in the 1995 World Cup. Officials question their decision to appoint Eddie Jones, to coach their national team for the 2015 World Cup. Jones plans to defy convention in order to put a stop to Japan being the laughing stock of world rugby.
35-летный Кэнтаро за всю жизнь ни разу не ходил на свидание с девушкой. Он живет с родителями и занимает скромную должность в мэрии. У Кэнтаро нет друзей, и он уже 13 лет работает без повышения. Его родители обеспокоенные тем, чтобы он не остался одиноким до конца своей жизни, решают вмешаться.
История наемного убийцы, который вынужден защищать дочь одной из жертв от преследования ЦРУ….
Обычная японская семья медленно распадается после того, как ее глава лишился своей престижной работы.
The story of three people whose lives are pulled into review and assessment when their paths cross. The initial sparks of what could be a new romance plays off against a couple falling out of love, a student and teacher, a father and son, a mother's influence and competing suitors - all explored with sensitivity, delicacy and refined artistry.
The story of three people whose lives are pulled into review and assessment when their paths cross. The initial sparks of what could be a new romance plays off against a couple falling out of love, a student and teacher, a father and son, a mother's influence and competing suitors - all explored with sensitivity, delicacy and refined artistry.