Connie Gilchrist

Connie Gilchrist

Nascimento : 1901-02-02, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Morte : 1985-03-03


Connie Gilchrist


Cavaleiro Romântico
Um coubói fracassado vai trabalhar num rancho que na verdade é um spa. Como o rancho só é frequantado por mulheres, Lonnie acaba se envolvendo em muitas encrencas.
A college professor gets into trouble when he tries to prove any animal can be domesticated, including an African lion.
Molly Banter (uncredited)
Sylvia West (Carroll Baker) may not be who she says she is. Her fiancé, the very well-to-do Frederick Summers (Peter Lawford), hires an investigator named Alan Maklin (George Maharis) to do some digging, and what he finds out about her life prior to becoming a writer is quite shocking. Will the newfound knowledge ruin the marriage? Gordon Douglas (Young at Heart) directs this drama, which is based on E.V. Cunningham's book.
Two on a Guillotine
Ramona Ryerdon
The daughter of a dead magician who accidentally killed his wife, her mother, while performing a guillotine trick must spend the night in his house in order to collect her inheritance. Is the house haunted or is it all magic?
A House Is Not a Home
Hattie Miller
Story follows the life of Polly Adler, who grew to become one of New York's most successful bordello madams of the 1920s.
Um Tigre Caminha pela Noite
Liddy Lewis
Um tigre escapa de um caminhão de circo enquanto passa por uma cidadezinha, e esconde-se na floresta que a cerca. Isso causa pânico na cidade e todos querem que o animal seja morto imediatamente, exceto pela filha do xerife. Ela quer capturar o tigre e colocá-lo num zoológico, salvando sua vida. Sua determinação inicia uma campanha nacional entre crianças para juntar dinheiro e comprar o tigre do circo, mas antes, ela, seu pai e um domador de tigres indiano precisam achar o animal antes que Guarda Nacional siga a ordem de matá-lo.
As Desventuras de Merlin Jones
Mrs. Gossett
Merlin Jones (Tommy Kirk), é um rapaz inteligente que estuda a escola secundária. Tem como hobby fazer experimentos científicos. Após um curto-circuito em uma máquina de leitura cerebral, ele adquire o poder de ler mentes, o que o coloca em grandes confusões. Depois ele se mete em novos problemas ao fazer experiências com hipnotismo.
Viver, Amar e Sofrer
Connie Dean
Amores e problemas de jovens médicos internos em um grande hospital.
Swingin' Along
An amateur tunesmith and a con man pool their resources in order to win first prize in a songwriting contest.
O Céu por Testemunha
Padre Conroy (Crosby) tem uma paróquia que atende a comunidade de atuação e performance. Quando um de seus paroquianos fica doente demais para trabalhar, sua filha Holly (Reynolds) encontra um emprego trabalhando para uma boate de caráter questionável, dirigida por Tony Vincent (Wagner). Vincent nunca teve um grande momento, e o padre Conroy tenta cuidar de Holly. Existem muitos números musicais, e a conclusão é um show beneficente televisionado apresentado pelo Padre Conroy, e Tony deve escolher entre Holly e a fama nacional.
Deus Sabe Quanto Amei
Jane Barclay
Em 1948, o escritor Dave Hirsh retorna à sua cidade natal de Parkman, Indiana. Ele deixou o exército e não tem certeza do que vai fazer para o resto de sua vida, embora não deseje ser um escritor. Não tem certeza do por que está voltado para casa. Não se dá bem com seu irmão mais velho Frank e nem com sua cunhada Agnes, que o odeia. Logo se encontra com um jogador profissional Bama Dillert e se tornam grandes amigos. Também tem que lidar com Ginnie Moorehead, uma garota que conheceu em Chicago na noite da sua partida e ela decidiu ir junto. Não planeja ficar na cidade por muito tempo até que conhece Dawn French uma professora de redação criativa na universidade local e uma fervorosa admiradora de suas obras anteriores. Ele se apaixona por ela, mas ela não é tão rápida em se apaixonar por ele.
A Mulher do Século
Norah Muldoon
Mame Dennis, a progressive and independent woman of the 1920s, is left to care for her nephew Patrick after his wealthy father dies. Conflict ensues when the executor of the father's estate objects to the aunt's lifestyle and tries to force her to send Patrick to prep school.
Dominados Pelo Ódio
'Ma' Becker
George Kelly is angry at the world and scared to death of dying. A career bank robber, Kelly gets his confidence from his Thompson SMG and his girl Flo. After a botched robbery, Flo, Kelly and his gang try their hand at a more lucrative job: kidnapping.
O Pirata de Porto Belo
Purity Pinker
Novamente em busca do tesouro, o pirata Long John Silver finge ajudar o governador a resgatar sua filha raptada por outro bucaneiro, que também mantém cativo o jovem Jim Hawkins. Mas é só um truque para obter um navio. Produção independente e continuação não-oficial do grande sucesso da Disney, "A Ilha do Tesouro" ("Treasure Island", 1950).
Região do Ódio
Em 1896, Jeff Webster (James Stewart) vê o início da corrida do ouro de Klondike como uma oportunidade para consguir uma fortuna no ramo do gado. Ele leva um rebanho de gado do Wyoming para Seattle, e depois para Skagway. Lá, ele e seu parceiro Ben Tatum (Walter Brennan) vendem o gado e passam a trabalhar com o ouro. Os problemas vão começar, pois duas mulheres começam a disputar o seu coração e várias pessoas ambiciosas estão de olho no seu dinheiro, e de tudo farão para roubá-lo.
The Great Diamond Robbery
Ambrose C. Park, left on a park bench as an infant with an impulsive need to find his parents, is an assistant to a diamond cutter. Shyster lawyer Remlick, in a strategy to get a fabulous uncut diamond through Ambrose, arranges for Emily Drummon, Duke Fargoh and Maggie Drummon to pose as Ambrose's long-lost parents and sister. The diamond, through many comic situations, is acquired and the gang is going to have Ambrose cut the diamond, and relieve him of the two stones and his parental illusions at the same time. But Maggie, who has no taste for the deception, tips Ambrose off and a wild chase ensues. At the end, Ambrose is very happy as he can now marry his "sister."
Demônio de Mulher
Mrs. Riker
Gladys Glover has just lost her modeling job when she meets filmmaker Pete Sheppard shooting a documentary in Central Park. For Pete it's love at first sight, but Gladys has her mind on other things, making a name for herself. Through a fluke of advertising she winds up with her name plastered over 10 billboards throughout city.
Houdini, O Homem Miraculoso
Mrs. Shultz
A carreira espetacular, mas tragicamente curta do mágico e ilusionista Harry Houdini, cujos truques desafiam explicações e a segurança.
Tormento da Carne
Mrs. Richardson
Deaf boxer Paul Callan captures the interest of gold-digging blonde Sonya Bartow and retired fight manager 'Pop' Richardson. For a time, Sonya has the upper hand with Paul, but ultimately a rival appears in the shape of upper-crust reporter Ann Hollis. With a 3-way fight under way for influence over Paul, he takes matters into his own hands, but learns that getting what he wanted isn't necessarily a happy ending.
The Half-Breed
Ma Higgins
An Apache of mixed blood tries to make peace between Indians and whites.
One Big Affair
Miss Marple
Lawyer Jimmy Donovan thinks a bicycle tour through Mexico is just the thing to keep him out of trouble until his client arrives. But when school teacher Jean Harper misses her tour bus, all of a sudden Jimmy is in for much more than he bargained for.
Thunder on the Hill
Sister Josephine
Sister Mary presides over a convent where a convicted murderess, who is being escorted to Death Row, is stranded by bad weather. She is slowly becoming convinced that Valerie is innocent so Sister Mary sets about to clear the girl and bring the real killer to justice.
Órfãos da Tempestade
"Ma" Jones
Pete Garvey improvisa uma agência de adoção de órfãos de guerra, em Paris, quando um ultimato de sua antiga noiva chama-o de volta para Boston, com dois órfãos adotados para derreter o coração dela.
Chain of Circumstance
Mrs. Mullins
A childless couple adopts a baby girl, but a crime committed by the husband's secretary could cause them to lose custody of the infant.
In 1805, the United States battles the pirates of Tripoli as the Marines fight to raise the American flag.
Undercover Girl
Captain Parker
After her father is murdered, a girl joins the police force in an effort to track down the killers.
Cidade Apavorada
Belle - the Landlady
In New York, Sheila Bennet and her spouse, Matt Krane, are trying to unload a trove of rare jewels they smuggled into America from Cuba, but the police are hot on the couple's trail. Meanwhile, government officials begin a desperate search for an unknown individual who is infecting the city with smallpox.
Miss Zim, the Nurse
Professor Brookfield along with daughters Peggy and Susan move to small town Pasadena, California. Their new neighbor Mrs. Fielding helps them move in, and urges the girls to participate in the annual Rose Bowl beauty pageant. Meanwhile Mrs. Fielding's son Tom makes eyes at Peggy but she's smitten with a famous football star so she tries to redirect his interest to Susan.
Architect Hal Norton and wife Meg invite his widowed mother Louisa to move in with them, only to discover the sweet elderly lady is romantically involved with what seems to be every old coot in town.
O Que Pode um Beijo
Madame Adelaide
A cowboy is hired by a stagecoach boss to stop the railroad reaching his territory and putting him out of business. He uses everything from Indians to dancehall girls to try to thwart the plan. But the railroad workers, led by a female sharpshooter and an ambitious salesman, prove tough customers.
Stars in My Crown
Sarah Isbell
The story of a young pastor coming to a small town in the United States to set up his ministry. The movie tells of the various relationships and struggles he goes through as he goes about raising his family and preaching to the community.
Buccaneer's Girl
Vegetable Seller
A New Orleans performer loves a pirate who robs only from the shipowner who ruined his father.
The Story of Molly X
Molly's husband Rick was a gang leader somewhere in the middle west. When he's shot, the tough woman moves to S.F. with a couple of the gang to start anew. Disguised as a noble woman, she and her gang rob security transports. But when one day Rob confesses to her that he killed Rick out of jealousy, she shoots him down immediately. In lack of proof she can't be convicted for the murder, but she goes to jail for the robberies. It's a new and very open female prison, where she learns a profession for the first time in her life.
Quatro Destinos
Mrs. Kirke
Durante a Guerra Civil Americana, quatro irmãs e a mãe sobrevivem com dificuldades enquanto o pai delas serve com o exército confederado. A história narra como as irmãs cresceram, superaram tragédias, se apaixonaram e descobriram seu lugar no mundo.
Quem é o Infiel?
Mrs. Ruby Finney
Lora May Hollingsway, who grew up next to the wrong side of the tracks, married her boss who thinks she is just a gold digger. Rita Phipps makes as much money writing radio scripts at night as her school teacher husband does. Deborah Bishop looked great in a Navy uniform in WWII but fears she'll never be dressed just right for the Country Club set. These three wives are boarding a boat filled with children going on a picnic when a messenger on a bicycle hands them a letter addressed to all three from Addie who has just left town with one of their husbands. They won't know which one until that night.
Um Marido Impossível
Millie Moon
A woman takes in boarders to support her husband's harebrained financial schemes.
Act of Violence
A former prisoner of war, Frank Enley is hailed as a hero in his California town. However, Frank has a shameful secret that comes back to haunt him when fellow survivor Joe Parkson emerges, intent on making Frank pay for his past deeds.
Luxury Liner
Capt. Jeremy Bradford has a particularly exciting luxury liner cruise in store when he's charged with transporting a troupe of opera singers to Rio de Janeiro. Anxious to become a singer herself, Bradford's young daughter, Polly, decides to skip out on school and sneak onto the ship before it departs. Angry that his daughter disobeyed him, Bradford puts her to work on the ship for punishment, but Polly has her own ideas about how to spend the trip.
Big City
A young orphan in New York's Lower East Side is collectively adopted by three neighborhood men--a minister, a cantor, and a cop.
The Bride Goes Wild
Nurse Tooker (uncredited)
McGrath publishes books for children and Uncle Bump is one of the best sellers. Unfortunately, Greg, who is Uncle Bump, tends to drink too much and has not started his next book. Martha won a contest to illustrate the book and the first thing that happens is that Greg gets her soused. To keep her there to illustrate, John gets a juvenile delinquent named Danny to play his son and show how much pressure he is under. The ploy works at first, but Greg's heart was broken by Tillie, and Martha may be the girl who makes him forget all about her.
Tenth Avenue Angel
Mrs. Murphy
Flavia's been told that her Aunt Susan's fiancé, Steve, has been on a trip around the world, but in truth he's finished his prison term. Steve wonders how he can make some money and is approached by his old associates. When Flavia discovers the truth about Steve, she loses all faith in her family and in God, and it will take a miracle to restore Flavia's belief and Steve out of trouble.
Good News
At fictitious Tait University in the Roaring '20s, co-ed and school librarian Connie Lane falls for football hero Tommy Marlowe. Unfortunately, he has his eye on gold-digging vamp Pat McClellan. Tommy's grades start to slip, which keeps him from playing in the big game. Connie eventually finds out Tommy really loves her and devises a plan to win him back and to get him back on the field.
A Canção dos Acusados
Nick, Nora e Nick Jr investigam o assassinato de um líder de banda em Nova York.
Mercador de Ilusões
Betty - Switchboard Operator
A World War II veteran wants to return to advertising on his own terms, but finds it difficult to be successful and maintain his integrity.
A Really Important Person
Mrs. Reilly
A policeman's son searches for a suitable subject for an essay about an important person.
Faithful in My Fashion
Mrs. Murphy
A U.S. Army sergeant is home on leave to reconnect with his girlfriend he hopes to marry. However, in the years he's been away, she's gotten a huge promotion where they used to work together - and has become engaged to another man.
Bad Bascomb
Annie Freemont
A western bandit is reformed by his love for a little girl.
Young Widow
Aunt Cissie
A young bride tries to rebuild her life after she learns her husband has been killed in the war.
Up Goes Maisie
Cleaning Lady (Uncredited)
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
A Menina Precoce
A Manhattan family's Christmas season turns topsy-turvy when 13-year-old Judy Graves mistakenly thinks her newly-arrived visiting uncle has just been released from prison.
Music for Millions
Travelers Aid Woman
Six-year-old "Mike" goes to live with her pregnant older sister, Babs, who plays string bass in José Iturbi's orchestra. And the orchestra is rapidly turning completely female, what with the draft. As the orchestra travels around the country, Babs' fellow orchestra members intercept and hide her War Office telegram to protect the baby.
Nothing But Trouble
Mrs. Flannigan
Two bumbling servants are hired by a dizzy society matron to cook and serve a meal to visiting royalty.
Patrolling the Ether
Phillip's Mother
1940. Sixteen year old Phillip is one of a number of amateur radio operators across the US, doing it purely as a fun hobby. He is informed by Bill Beck of the Radio and Intelligence Division (RID) of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that amateur international radio communication is now banned due to spying a result of the war in Europe. Beck, on behalf of the RID, asks Phillip, however, to continue to monitor the airwaves for suspicious activity.
Mrs. Porter
A small-town butcher has problems coping with meat rationing.
Aurora Sangrenta
The Army nurses on Bataan need help badly, but when it arrives, it sure isn't what they expected. A motley crew, including a Southern belle, a waitress, and a stripper, show up. Many conflicts arise among these women who are thrown together in what is a desperate and ultimately hopeless situation.
Swing Shift Maisie
Maw Lustvogel
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Presenting Lily Mars
Starstruck Indiana small-town girl Lily is pestering theatrical producer John Thornway for a role but he is reluctant.
Apache Trail
Señora Martinez
The brother of a notorious outlaw is put in a charge of a stagecoach line way station in dangerous Apache territory. A stagecoach arrives at the station with a valuable box of cargo, and the outlaw brother soon shows up, though denying that he's planning to take the cargo box. Soon, however, rampaging Apaches attack the station, and the station manager, his brother and a disparate group of passengers and employees must fight them off.
Aço da Mesma Têmpera
Wealthy American society matron, Stella Hadley refuses to sacrifice her material comforts to aid the war effort until she realizes that her selfishness is cheating the boys overseas who are fighting for her freedom.
Tortilla Flat
Mrs. Torrelli
Danny, a poor northern Californian Mexican-American, inherits two houses from his grandfather and is quickly taken advantage of by his vagabond friends.
Belezas Entre Feras
Ma Galestrum
Ma Galestrum (Connie Gilchrist) is a boardinghouse owner whose tenants are a group of aspiring boxers. When her young niece, Judy (Jean Rogers), comes to stay for a visit, college dropout Ken Burke (William Lundigan) and Swedish janitor Ole (Dan Dailey Jr.) immediately fall for her charms. Ken considers going back to college for Judy, but his fight promoter is less than thrilled with this idea. Meanwhile, Ole is determined to meet Ken in the ring to vie for Judy's heart.
Grand Central Murder
Pearl Delroy
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
Tu És a Única
Olive Ransome
A penniless former princess weds an equally cash-strapped baron, so they support themselves by becoming houseguests at the homes of wealthy American socialites.
Felizes Para Sempre
Miss Nichols
A young newlywed (Robert Sterling) finds working for his nasty father-in-law difficult.
Johnny Eager
Peg Fowler
A charming racketeer seduces the DA's stepdaughter for revenge, then falls in love.
Sol de Outono
Tillie, Elevator Operator (uncredited)
A man who lived his life as he was told he should, not as he would have chosen to, is brought out of his shell by a beautiful young woman.
Married Bachelor
Mother on Train (uncredited)
A man's marriage suffers when he pretends to be a bachelor while promoting "his" best-selling book about married life (actually written by an eccentric professor) in order to pay off a debt to a gangster.
Sonhos Dissipados
Jennie the Maid
A variety of predicaments arise to distract Dr. Kildare from his wedding to Nurse Mary Lamont.
Gentil Tirano
Mildred (uncredited)
Baseado no livro "The Saga of Billy the Kid", de Walter Noble Burns, sobre o pistoleiro William Bonney, ou apenas Billy the Kid, que passa a ser perseguido pelo xerife quando decide se vingar daqueles que assassinaram seu protetor. Filmado antes por por King Vidor em 1930.
Um Rosto de Mulher
Christina Dalvik
A female blackmailer with a disfiguring facial scar meets a plastic surgeon who offers her the possibility of looking like a normal woman.
Barnacle Bill
A fishing boat captain searches for romance in hopes of improving his financial picture.
The Wild Man of Borneo
Mrs. Evelyn Diamond
A medicine show man tries to con people into believing he's a legitimate stage actor.
Arline Merriweather
A radio actor faces trouble when a science-fiction story causes the audience to panic.