Owen Moore

Owen Moore

Nascimento : 1886-12-12, Fordstown Crossroads, County Meath, Ireland

Morte : 1939-06-09


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Owen Moore (December 12, 1886 - June 9, 1939) was an actor in American films, appearing in more than 279 movies spanning from 1908 to 1937.


Owen Moore


Why Be Good?: Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema
Self (archive footage)
Before the G, PG and R ratings system there was the Production Code, and before that there was, well, nothing. This eye-opening documentary examines the rampant sexuality of early Hollywood through movie clips and reminiscences by stars of the era. Gloria Swanson, Mary Pickford, Marlene Dietrich and others relate tales of the artistic freedom that led to the draconian Production Code, which governed content from 1934 to 1968. Diane Lane narrates.
The Big Parade of Comedy
(archive footage)
Film clips highlight the funniest scenes and brightest comic stars in MGM's history.
Film Fun
(archive footage)
A nostalgic look at film clips from the Silent era.
Nasce Uma Estrela
Casey Burke
Hollywood, anos 30. Esther Blodgett é mais uma das inúmeras garotas que sonham em virar estrela de cinema. O sonho torna-se realidade quando, trabalhando como garçonete numa festa, atrai a atenção do astro Norman Maine. Apaixonado, ele a transforma numa grande estrela. Porém, enquanto a amada conquista o sucesso, Norman se afunda no alcoolismo.
A Man of Sentiment
Stanley Colton
A man and woman fall in love at first sight, but everyone in their universe tries to keep them apart except one old fool with a sentimental heart.
Uma Loura Para Três
Chick Clark
Nova Iorque, anos 1890. Lady Lou trabalha como cantora no clube noturno de Gus Jordan, que a cobre de diamantes para que ela permaneça a seu lado. O que Lou não sabe é que Gus está envolvido com prostituição e dinheiro falso, no que é ajudado por Rita Russa e seu namorado Serge. Gus até fornece mulheres para uma rede de batedoras de carteiras. Dan Flynn, desafeto de Gus, vive tentando inutilmente abrir os olhos de Lou. Perto dali fica fica o escritório central de uma espécie de Exército da Salvação. Quem trabalha lá é o Capitão Cummings, na verdade um agente federal disfarçado à procura de provas contra as atividades ilegais de Gus. Cummings quer reformar Lou, que se apaixona por ele. Enquanto isso, foge da prisão Chick Clark, ex-amante de Lou, denunciado por Dan Flynn por roubo de joias. Chick ainda ama Lou e vai procurá-la no clube. Acontece um tiroteio, com mortes. O Capitão Cummings intervém, revela sua verdadeira identidade e coloca as coisas nos devidos lugares.
Como Me Queres
Tony Boffie
Bar entertainer Zara is a discontented alcoholic who is pursued by many men but lives with novelist Carl Salter. One day, Tony shows up on Salter's estate claiming that Zara is actually Maria, the wife of his close friend Bruno, claiming that her memory was destroyed during World War I. Zara doesn't remember but leaves with Tony to Salter's dismay. Bruno, now an officer in the Italian Army, tries to coax Maria's memory back on his large estate. No one is really sure if Zara is Maria, and when Salter shows up with a mental case from Trieste that he claims is the real Maria, everyone on Bruno's estate is desperately searching for the truth.
Hush Money
Steve Pelton
Story of a girl who tries to live down the past and marries a wealthy man. Blackmail attempt by old associate foiled by friendly detective.
Stout Hearts and Willing Hands
Stout Hearts and Willing Hands is a 1931 short comedy film directed by Bryan Foy. It was nominated for an Academy Award in 1932 for Best Short Subject (Comedy), but was disqualified.
Jim Hamilton
Alice Kendall is the darling of her social set, the sons and daughters of millionaires, although Alice's mother has impoverished herself to provide Alice with the luxuries she expects as her right. Mom blows what's left of her fortune to provide the best trousseau that money can buy when Alice marries Fred Garlan, and then wishes Fred lots of luck. Now, Alice is trying to coax Fred into buying her a new sable coat while Fred is busily trying to borrow enough money to keep his business afloat.
Outside the Law
Harry 'Fingers' O'Dell
Fingers is planning a half-million-dollar bank robbery in gang boss Cobra Collins' territory. Fingers' moll Connie tries to bluff Cobra into thinking the hit won't be for another week when the call comes through saying it's now.
What a Widow!
Gerry Morgan
A young woman's elderly husband dies and leaves her $5 million. She travels to Paris and becomes part of the "Continental" set and is pursued by a rich playboy and a lawyer who works for her.
Side Street
Dennis O'Farrell
Three New York Irish brothers cross paths as policeman, doctor and bootlegger.
High Voltage
Detective Dan Egan
A busload of passengers gets stranded in a snowstorm and take refuge in an abandoned church, where they run into a mysterious man who may be on the run from the law.
Stolen Love
Curtis Barstow
The story of a girl whose past casts a shadow over her future happiness with the man who loves her. How much of her past must a girl tell the man she wants to marry?
The Actress
Tom Wrench
A theatrical troupe from the west end of London loses its leading lady (Rose Trelawny) when she goes off to marry a rich young man from the other side of town (Arthur Gower). The rest of the play deals with the budding romance and trials and tribulations of their love, as well as the changing face of late-19th-century theatre.
Dan Scarlett
Becky (1927) film
Beware of Widows
The handsome Dr. John Waller specializes in the ailments of women, or more specifically, wealthy widows.
Women Love Diamonds
Patrick Michael Regan
A young woman can't marry a millionaire because she was born illegitimately.
Dançarina Por Aluguel
Lee Rogers
A southern girl tries her luck as a dancer in New York City.
The Red Mill
A servant girl plays matchmaker for the local burgomaster's daughter while setting her own sights on a visiting Irishman.
Tirano e Mártir
The Admiral
Joe, a former sea captain whose wife died during the birth of their child at sea, is now a pockmarked, disreputable divekeeper in Singapore where he indulges in shady operations with Herrick, known as The Admiral. They ship for Mandalay, where Joe's daughter lives with a priest, Father James, and tends a curio shop, unaware that her father regularly sends money to Father James for her support. Although his daughter clearly finds him abhorrent, Joe determines to take her away until he learns that The Admiral has fallen in love with her and plans to marry her. He persuades Father James (actually his brother) not to perform the ceremony, and The Admiral is shanghaied by Joe's men. The girl, suspecting Joe, goes to his brothel in Singapore and is about to be assaulted by Charlie, a lecherous Chinaman, when Joe intervenes and is stabbed. The Admiral comes to her rescue and escapes with her on a boat.
Money Talks
Sam Starling
Sam Starling (Owen Moore) is deep in debt, his wife Phoebe (Claire Windsor) is leaving him and still he is confident. When Phoebe boards a luxury yacht and is wooed by the captain, Sam comes aboard as a woman and tries to seduce the captain (in fact, a liquor smuggler), away from his wife.
Dennis Shawn
A couple endure 365 days of marriage in order to inherit money.
O Falcão Negro
West End Bertie
Dois ladrões, Blackbird e West End Bertie, se apaixonam pela mesma garota, uma dançarina de boate francesa chamada Fifi. Para ganhar seu coração, cada um deles tenta superar o outro.
Go Straight!
John Rhodes
Gilda is a crook who wants to go straight, but her pals keep holding her back. She moves to Hollywood to begin anew but the old gang follows behind. Can she stop them from ruining her new life?
Code of the West
Cal Thurman
Code of the West (1925)
The Parasite
Arthur Randall
Arthur Randall becomes prosperous after divorcing his wife, Laura, and she now attempts unsuccessfully to win him back. Randall's son becomes ill, and he engages Joan Laird and her mother to care for the boy. Society misunderstands, and Joan is branded as a parasite. Laura kidnaps the boy, Bertie, and Joan gives chase. Laura's car goes over a cliff, and she is killed. Bertie survives the crash, however, and he and Joan attempt to find their way to a refuge. They become lost in the hills, and Joan manages to keep Bertie from dying until rescue comes.
Torment is a 1924 American silent film crime drama produced and directed by Maurice Tourneur and distributed by Associated First National. This film stars Bessie Love, Owen Moore, and Jean Hersholt.
Robert Wells / Kong Sur
Robert Wells is an American born in China who, unbeknownst to him, has an Oriental half-brother. Wells' uncle sends him to help Ray Williams build bridges in China. Williams is in league with Chinese reactionaries and he discredits Wells by turning him into a drug addict. Wells eventually becomes an outcast and is in a stupor when he is found by his half-brother, Kong Sue, the son of the Lord of Thundergate, a powerful Mandarin reactionary.
Oh, Mabel Behave
Randolph Roanoke
Squire Peachem (Ford Sterling) wants to marry the innkeeper's daughter (Normand). Since Peachem has a hefty mortgage on the inn, he thinks he can use it to effect a union, but the girl is not interested in him. She already has a sweetheart, handsome Randolph Roanoke (Owen Moore). Peachem and his dumb-as-dirt assistant, Blaa Blaa (Sennett), try to keep Roanoke and Mabel apart. Their feeble attempts are in vain, and Mabel easily manages to outwit them and win the man she loves. - Janiss Garza
The Desperate Hero
Henry Baird
Henry Baird, a young newspaperman with a second-hand car but little money, decides to raffle off the car at a county picnic, so that he can take out his sweetheart, Mabel Darrow, the daughter of a wealthy businessman. However, as soon as Henry gets the money, his tailor demands that he pay off his debt. Also, youngsters set the car on fire before he can give to the winner, Joseph Plant, whose wife Evelyn was formerly Henry's sweetheart.
Sooner or Later
Patrick Murphy
When newlywed Robert Ellis suspects that his missing wife is having a clandestine affair, he appeals to his friend, Pat Murphy, to find her. Pat's search leads him to the Waldorf-Astoria where he finds a woman named Edna Ellis and, assuming that she is Ellis' errant wife, kidnaps her and returns her to Ellis. Complications arise when the real Mrs. Ellis arrives home and discovers another woman. After several comic incidents, Pat falls in love with Edna and Ellis learns that his wife's secret rendezvous was with her sister.
Piccadilly Jim
James Braithwaite Crocker / Piccadilly Jim
American newspaper reporter Jim Crocker's madcap escapades in London earn him notoriety and the nickname "Piccadilly Jim." When he overhears his American cousin by marriage, Ann Chester, giving her candid opinion of him, he decides to return to America to try to reform. He meets Ann on the boat, using another name. Unable to find work in New York, he goes to his step aunt Mrs. Peter Pett's home to be near Ann. Jim then helps Ann kidnap pampered cousin Ogden Pett whose overindulgence has created disruption in the household.
The Crimson Gardenia
Roland Van Dam
Wastrel New York millionaire Roland Van Dam travels to New Orleans during Mardi Gras, looking for adventure and romance. Because the costume he is wearing includes a red gardenia, he is mistaken for escaped prisoner Emile Le Duc by a woman (who turns out to be a long-lost cousin) who was to meet Le Duc, who was to be wearing a red gardenia. It turns out that Le Duc is the head of a vicious gang of counterfeiters, and Roland winds up getting in more adventures than he had hoped for.
A Girl Like That
Jim Brooks
Nell Gordon's father was once a burglar, but he has turned over a new leaf. When he falls ill, however, the burglar's old cronies persuade Nell to help them in a bank robbery, supposedly to raise funds for their sick friend. Nell gets a job in the bank, and learns how to open the safe, but then she falls in love with Jim Brooks, another bank employee, and decides not to help with the robbery after all. The crooks try to force her father to insist, and when he refuses, they shoot him. Seeing their true colors, Nell forms a plan. She agrees to help with the robbery, but in the middle of the heist she calls the sheriff. Of course the story ends with the crooks in jail, and Nell and Jim in love.
A Coney Island Princess
Pete Milholland
When Pete Milholland (Owen Moore) goes on a drunken spree, his fiancee, Alice Gardner (Eva Francis), gives him back his ring. Still woozy, he stumbles out of his home to leave for Europe and winds up at Coney Island. There he meets a pretty dancer, Tessie (Irene Fenwick), and decides she can heal his broken heart. Tessie and her father view him dubiously, and her sweetheart, Jan the boatman (William Bailey), is furious. But Pete insists on bringing Tessie and her father into his social circle.
Extra (uncredited)
A intolerância vista e analisada em quatro diferentes estágios da História: na Babilônia, onde uma garota vê-se entre o ódio religioso, levando uma cidade à ruína; na Judeia, onde os hipócritas condenam Jesus Cristo; na Paris de 1572, no Massacre da Noite de São Bartolomeu; e, finalmente, na América, onde reformadores acabam com a vida de um jovem casal.
Under Cover
Steven Denby
A woman returning from a trip to Paris must help U.S. customs inspectors find a valuable necklace suspected to be in the possession of a fellow traveler. The film is presumed lost.
Little Meena's Romance
The Count
Meena Bauer is the heroine of this romance of a Pennsylvania Dutch girl, who is loved by the son of a Mennonite family. Meena treats Jacob as a joke in spite of the arrangement their parents have made that they should wed. The Mennonite simplicity has no charms for Meena, who proceeds to fall in love with Count Fredrick von Ritz
Betty of Greystone
David Chandler
After the death of her father, Betty Lockwood goes to Graystone Gables, the estate where he had been the caretaker, to spend some time alone there. She meets David Chandler, Graystone's owner, who is attracted to her and tells her to come back whenever she wants to. Betty's mother soon remarries, but her new stepfather is not the same kind of man that her father was
Jordan Is a Hard Road
Mark Sheldon
A bandit reforms himself and gives up his baby into better hands. Years later, he attempts to reunite with his daughter without revealing who he is.
Nearly a Lady
The Little Teacher
Teacher's Fiancé
The new school teacher fresh from the city struggles with her unruly bumpkin students, while she awaits the arrival of her fiancé.
Mabel Lost and Won
Mabel's Sweetheart
Mabel has just gotten engaged during a housewarming party of which her mother is the hostess. When an annoying party guest persuades Mabel to dance with him, Mabel hurries through the dance and then goes to look for her fiancé, only to discover him caressing another woman. Her fiancé finds not only Mabel, but also her mother, very displeased, and not inclined to believe his explanation.
Betty in Search of a Thrill
Mistress Nell
King Charles II
Nell Gwyn and King Charles II fall in love after meeting at a fox hunt. Nell soon learns the jealous Duchess of Portsmouth is a spy and conspiring with the Duke of Buckingham to place Charles at the mercy of the King of France. Nell boldly disguises herself as a fashionable young blade and wins the confidence of the Duchess. Now entrusted with the delivery of important documents, she makes sure they go to the King of England rather than the King of France.
Prince Charming
Based on Charles Perrault's fairy tale: Cinderella is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, but she is able to go to the Royal Ball with the help of the Fairy Godmother.
Home, Sweet Home
The Tempter
John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
The Battle of the Sexes
Cleo's lover
Frank Andrews is a successful businessman. He has always found pride and joy in the company of his wife, son and daughter. He suddenly finds himself enthralled by the advances of a gay young woman siren, who lives in the same apartment house as he does. So marked an influence does she have over him as time progresses that at last he quite forgets his home ties, neglects his family, and goes the way of many other men who have forgotten the meaning of paternity and blood ties. The story is advanced through many scenes enacted with the accompanying notes of New York's night life, and the denouement comes when the faithful wife discovers her husband's infidelity. At this time the mother's mind nearly loses balance, while Jane, the beautiful daughter, crazed by the grief of her mother, determines to take part in the tragedy. With revolver in hand she steals up to the apartment of the woman, but her frail nature is overcome by the temperamental anger of the woman and her mission fails.
Jack Henderson
A lost film. A wealthy young man's marriage to a mountain girl he meets while hunting is disastrous until she abandons him and later reappears incognito as a tutored and sophisticated woman.
So Runs the Way
The young wife only reflected her aspiring mother's teaching. Her one ambition seemed to be for display and to keep her reputation as a woman of fashion. The husband's first weakness in fearing to tell her that the source of her power had gone, resulted in a second, a near-theft, nevertheless incriminating. Through it came the lesson.
The Closed Door
George Neill
The daughter of an aristocratic Southern family, proud, but impoverished, enters into a marriage of convenience with a wealthy stockbroker.
The Lady Leone
Jack Wilde - a Poor Knight
An heiress, under the protection of the Queen, falls in love with a poor knight.
Annie's Husband - the Fireman
When a fireman rescues his long-lost sister-in-law he mistakes her for his wife when she dies, and contemplates suicide until he learns the truth.
The Redemption of Riverton
Rev. John Gibson - a Minister
When a minister tries to clean up Riverton, he finds an unexpected ally in the barkeeper's daughter.
The Angel of the Studio
The Artist
An unattractive girl endeavors to make herself attractive to an artist, but he sees only the artificial beauty of a model.
Betty’s Nightmare
John - the Hired Hand
Betty, a farm cook, yearns to be an actress, but her dreams turn into nightmares, and she seeks comfort in the arms of a hired hand.
Tangled Relations
Tom the Gardener
Two old sweethearts, Henry Jones and Mrs. Mary Owen, he a widower and she a widow, meet at a summer resort and, renewing their old love, get married. On their way back to the city they send telegrams home, he to his only daughter, Florence, and she to her only son, Tom. The children receive the telegrams and are filled with disappointment.
The Advent of Jane
Joe Buford
Dr. Jane Bixby, a new doctor in a rural town, solves the mystery of the moonshiner's still.
Flo's Discipline
Jack Doyle - Assistant Principal
Flo is the headmistress at Dow's School for Boys (enrollment: 12). The boys get too rowdy at the dinner table, so she dismisses the popular, but permissive, assistant principal. But the boys sneak out and he teaches them outdoors, until Flo turns the garden hose on them and chases the boys into the ice-house, which she locks. After an hour, she sends a bucket of hot coffee in with the assistant principal, but she removes the ladder he uses, stranding him. After another hour, he agrees to surrender, and she releases the boys. He leaves, but love has bloomed in the interim.
All for Love
Little Flo is the daughter of a blind musician and the pair live by means of the few pennies tossed to them on the street, the father playing the violin and Flo dancing and singing to his accompaniment. Death overtakes the old man in front of the country residence of an eccentric novelist named Roland. Roland and his sister take Flo into their home and, becoming much attached to her, they virtually adopt her.
After All
A spurned suitor threatens to kill Margie's sweetheart if she does not give him up.
The Winning Punch
Tom Owen
A country suitor's jealousy of his rival for his sweetheart's hand culminates in fisticuffs.
Her Cousin Fred
George Moore
Fred acts as a matchmaker for his cousin Flo and his friend George.
The Chance Shot
A stray bullet accidentally kills a blackmailer.
The Mill Buyers
Owen Poor - Flo's Suitor
Flo's suitor wins her mother's favor when he returns a lost pocketbook.
The Players
Two actors, trying to soak up local color for an upcoming play, fall in love with the same girl.
In Swift Waters
Jack Moore
A foolish suitor gains favor in a girl's eyes when he pretends to have saved her life. When the truth is known, she rejects him for the real hero.
Not Like Other Girls
Owen Strong
Flo is not like the other girls at the Ferncliffe Seminary, in that she does not like the attention of the young men at the nearby college, and their efforts to win her affection prove disastrous to their ruffled spirits. Flo has a guardian, John Strong, who has made some unfortunate speculations and to recover his losses uses his ward's fortune, and in the end loses all. He writes to his son and tells him the truth and the only way to keep himself out of jail is a marriage between his son, Owen, and Flo, his ward. Owen arrives home and after persuasion on his father's part, agrees to help him. Flo is invited down for a visit.
Honor Thy Father
John Hollister
A lost film. Left motherless at seventeen, Mary Fuller stepped into her mother's place as not only the head, but support of the family. Her father married beneath him and had been disowned by his aristocratic family. The woman brought up her daughter with but one idea: that father's happiness was to be always the first consideration. Unfortunately, he repaid this devotion by sinking to ever increasing depths of ignominy until at the time of his wife's death his entire existence was spent in a drinking place.
The Caddy's Dream
Mr. Browntop
A lost film. Mr. Browntop and Miss Kelsomine go out to play golf. They engage Andrew McTavish, a lean Scotchman, as caddy. After teeing the ball, Browntop hoists it with a tremendous drive into the sky. They search and search, but still no ball. At length, wearied with the quest, they lie down in a haystack to sleep. They wake 20 years later, aged and forlorn, but still continuing the search for the ball.
The Portrait
Reginald Spencer - the Artist
While painting the demure little model, Vera, who sat for him day after day, Reginald Spencer was unconscious of the fact that she was falling very deeply in love with him. Success comes Reginald's way and he has a commission to paint the portrait of a handsome society girl. Between the artist and this lady something like affection springs up and poor little Vera finds herself out in the cold and so plots her revenge.
Little Red Riding Hood
A little girl walks through the woods to deliver food to her sickly grandmother, only to discover a wolf in her stead.
Love Heeds Not Showers
A lost film. Mary has been invited by friends to officiate at a charity bazaar as the fortune teller. Her brother invites his artist friend Jack to pay them a visit. On the way home the auto breaks down and Mary in her gypsy costume decides to walk on. Jack arriving by train also decides to walk. On the way he spies a gypsy camp. Further on he encounters Mary, who has hurt her ankle. He is smitten by her beauty and asks her if she belongs to the gypsy camp he has just seen. She says no and escapes, dropping a side comb. He picks it up and decides to find her again. He comes to the house and meets the family, including Mary, but does not recognize her in her ordinary clothes.
Love Heeds Not Showers
A lost film. Mary has been invited by friends to officiate at a charity bazaar as the fortune teller. Her brother invites his artist friend Jack to pay them a visit. On the way home the auto breaks down and Mary in her gypsy costume decides to walk on. Jack arriving by train also decides to walk. On the way he spies a gypsy camp. Further on he encounters Mary, who has hurt her ankle. He is smitten by her beauty and asks her if she belongs to the gypsy camp he has just seen. She says no and escapes, dropping a side comb. He picks it up and decides to find her again. He comes to the house and meets the family, including Mary, but does not recognize her in her ordinary clothes.
The Courting of Mary
A lost film. Mary the tomboy, and Owen, the sportsman, have an equal aversion to the opposite sex. . Meeting at the trout stream one day, Owen orders Mary off his side of the stream, where she has comfortably ensconced herself. But alas! Cupid has not lost his opportunity and the die is cast. Mary's uncle, although seemingly severe, has a tenderness for an interesting spinster of uncertain age and plans to get Mary married off at the behest of the spinster lady.
The Better Way
A lost film. Louis Perry is discharged from the penitentiary, having served his sentence. He immediately resumes relations with his evil companions. One day he happens to meet Lillian Garvey, a Salvation Army worker. One of his companions insults her and Louis resents it and incurs his enmity. Lillian is the only good woman he has known for years and he learns to love her. Her influence tempts him to abandon the life he is leading, and he attends the services and becomes converted. Just at this juncture Madeline Raymond, a woman of the underworld, who was his sweetheart before he was arrested, again comes into his life.
A Gasoline Engagement
Arthur Lennox
A lost film. Flora Powell and Arthur Lennox are lovers, but the girl's stern father has other plans for his daughter, preferring the Rev. John Maxwell for a son-in-law. Arthur receives a note from Flora informing him her father is to take her on an automobile tour in company with the minister. Arthur proves to be a resourceful young man and he visits the automobile garage, and makes an arrangement to drive the car in which the tour is made.
For the Queen's Honor
Prince Albert
A lost film. The king is good-natured and doesn't suspect that the queen is plainly beginning to think too much of one of the courtiers. The queen's sister is aware of the situation and saves the queen by taking her place. This deceives the king, but he requires that the villain and the queen's sister be married which complicates the situation as the sister is in love with another courtier entirely.
In the Sultan's Garden
Lieutenant Robbins, a young naval officer, sees Haydee the favored inmate of the sultan's harem and is smitten by her charms. She is also interested in the handsome young American. She manages to write him a note that is delivered to him on the deck of his warship lying at anchor in a harbor and implores him to effect her rescue,
Back to the Soil
George Dupont
A lost film. George Dupont, a young farmer, is living with his parents on the farm, while his sweetheart, Sadie Allen, resides on an adjoining farm. George finds rural life irksome and is satisfied that he has talent as an artist. He enters a school of art. Unfortunately, a year passes and his money is exhausted, so the instructor tells him he has no talent, and dismissed him from the school. George tries to write home of his failure, but his nerve fails him. Meanwhile those at home have been waiting in vain for a letter, so Sadie resolves to go to the city and look him up.
For Her Brother's Sake
Owen Spotwood
A lost film. Hiram Flint, a young gambler and horseman, loves Madge, the daughter of James Spotwood but she repulses him. He buys a mortgage on the farm of Spotwood. The interest on the mortgage is due to be paid but Owen, Spotwood's son gambles and loses the money at roulette. James Spotwood has given to Owen a thoroughbred and they enter it in a race at the county fair in an effort to get back the money lost. Flint also has a horse entered and drugs the Spotwood rider on the eve of the race.
The Fair Dentist
Dental Patient
A lost film. Claude Marlow, Eugene Wilson and Fred Strong pose as a trio of mashers whom women cannot resist. However, They soon find have have met their match with the arrival of Edith Morton, the new dentist.
Second Sight
Owen Jackson
A lost film. Gertrude Edgar is loved by Tom Moreland and Owen Jackson, and Gertrude, being a woman, is inclined to a mild flirtation with Jackson, while loving Moreland devotedly. Very soon Moreland is invited to join a party to discover the headwaters of the Amazon River. After reading reports of Tom's supposed death Gertrude promises Owen that she will marry him he if he can find and bring back Tom safely to her.
The Stampede
The Rancher's Son
A lost film. Jose Almedo is a cattle thief. Marie, his wife, endeavors to assist him. Jose and his band plan to run off some cattle belonging to a rancher. Marie goes to warn them, carrying her little girl, Nello. In her desperation, she struggles across the range but is in the path of the cattle which are being pursued by the thieves. Marie is trampled to death but the child is unharmed. Years elapse and Nello has grown to be a woman.
Sweet Memories
Ashton Orcutt - Duelist
An elderly woman looks back on the special times in her life, thinking especially about her now-departed husband and the things they did together. Though it is sad that these times are now gone, she is comforted by her memories and by the hope of sharing in the lives of her child and grandchildren.
In Old Madrid
A young Spanish couple want to be together, but are hindered by the girl's parents. They try a ruse to get a chance to be alone, but it is discovered. The young man then decides to resort to more daring methods.
The Fisher-Maid
Ambrose Fenton
A lost film. Paula, the fisher-maid is asked by Ambrose Fenton to be his wife; she consents, and tells her father. The honest old fisherman is doubtful of the sincerity of Ambrose and his suspicions are confirmed when he sees his daughter's lover in the company of a woman of his own social set. He and his daughter spying through a gate see Ambrose kiss the girl. Paula resolves to end her life and staggers to the beach, throws the oars out of a fishing dory and, seating herself in the boat, is washed out to sea. Her father organises a search but they only discover the missing boat and the oars on the sand.
The Message in the Bottle
Lieutenant Shannon
A lost film. Lieutenant Shannon ( Owen Moore ) finds himself shipwrecked on an island and throws a bottle with a message into the sea, hoping it will reach civilization. His brave spirit impresses the islands savages and the King offers him the hand of his daughter in marriage. A rescue party suddenly disrupts the wedding already in progress, and the lieutenant is reunited with his sweetheart Louise Spencer ( Mary Pickford ). The heart-broken maiden stands alone, like a statue on a rock as she watches the boat carry away the man she loved.
The Message in the Bottle
A lost film. Lieutenant Shannon ( Owen Moore ) finds himself shipwrecked on an island and throws a bottle with a message into the sea, hoping it will reach civilization. His brave spirit impresses the islands savages and the King offers him the hand of his daughter in marriage. A rescue party suddenly disrupts the wedding already in progress, and the lieutenant is reunited with his sweetheart Louise Spencer ( Mary Pickford ). The heart-broken maiden stands alone, like a statue on a rock as she watches the boat carry away the man she loved.
The Message in the Bottle
A lost film. Lieutenant Shannon ( Owen Moore ) finds himself shipwrecked on an island and throws a bottle with a message into the sea, hoping it will reach civilization. His brave spirit impresses the islands savages and the King offers him the hand of his daughter in marriage. A rescue party suddenly disrupts the wedding already in progress, and the lieutenant is reunited with his sweetheart Louise Spencer ( Mary Pickford ). The heart-broken maiden stands alone, like a statue on a rock as she watches the boat carry away the man she loved.
A Manly Man
Norman Duncan
Of the over 30 one-reelers Mary Pickford made in Cuba for Carl Laemmle’s Independent Motion Pictures Company, A Manly Man is one of few that survives today. Pickford plays Lola, a young Filipino woman who falls in love with Duncan (William E. Shay), a Caucasian man sent to her village on business. After Lola risks her life nursing his fever and saving him from a knife attack, Duncan marries her and resists the temptation to return to his American fiancée. Directed by Thomas Ince and co-starring Pickford’s first husband Owen Moore, A Manly Man was later reissued under the title His Gratitude (1914).
Artful Kate
Lt. Hamilton
The story opens with a pretty love scene between the Lieutenant and his betrothed, Kate Stanley. Hammond is ordered to join his regiment in Cuba and Kate is heartbroken. He tells her they must part, and the girl decides to be brave. She exacts from him a promise that he will be true to her, and not indulge in any flirtations with the dark-eyed senoritas she has been told lure men from their vows of constancy in the land of flowers. Hammond is only too willing to swear eternal constancy. Kate places in his watch case a photograph of herself, kisses her manly soldier, and the leave-taking is very affectionate. The scene reverts to Cuba, Lieutenant Hammond arrives, and is impressed with the country. Kate, having relatives in Havana, receives an invitation to pay them a visit and eagerly accepts, thinking she will meet her lover. She is apprised of his arrival at Havana, and, knowing the predilection of soldiers to flirt, resolves to investigate.
Maid or Man
Jimmy Keene
Jimmie Keene is an ardent devotee of the art of self-defense and never misses a boxing match when he can help it. Jimmie's father, however, being a deacon in the church naturally frowns upon such affairs, regarding them as brutal and demoralizing. Jimmie buys a ticket for an exhibition of this nature, but in rushing out of the house to attend it, he drops his ticket and leaves without it. The ticket is picked up by the maid, who hands it to Deacon Keene.
The Dream
Will Herbert
A loutish husband neglects his patient, loving wife to enjoy a night on the town. When he comes home drunk and irritable, he mistreats her. Then he falls asleep, and has a dream that causes him to reconsider the way that he treats his wife.
Their First Misunderstanding
Tom Owen
A long-lost film starring actress Mary Pickford. She received her first on-screen credit in this film. In it she plays a wife fighting with her husband (Owen Moore). A solitary copy was discovered in a barn by carpenter Peter Massie in 2006.
The Count of Montebello
Gerald and Percy inherit a fortune and spend all of it in pursuit of a young heiress.
All the World’s a Stage
A jealous husband misinteprets the performance his actress wife is putting on with his best friend.
The Right Girl
There is always a right girl for all of us; sometime, somewhere, somehow we find her. But often the discovery leads through strange channels and peculiar by-ways. A young heiress, discouraged by fruitless efforts to secure a suitable husband at the seashore and fashionable summer resorts, decides to go to visit her old nurse, to recuperate. She does not want the town people to know she is an heiress, so she changes places with the nurse's daughter. A youth who is pretty much "down and out" receives a letter from a city friend saying that the heiress is in town. The friend advises him to board at the house at which she is staying with the intention of courting the her.
The Irony of Fate
A rejected suitor rebuffs the woman he loves after the death of her husband.
What the Daisy Said
Two sisters want to know whether there is romance in their future. One sister pulls the petals off of a flower, while the other has her fortune told by a gypsy. When the gypsy tells the fortune so as to serve his own purposes, complications soon develop.
A Game for Two
Mr. Henderson
A wife tries to drive away her husband's best friend by flirting with him, but trouble arises when the friend flirts back.
In the Border States
During the Civil War, a father living in a border state leaves to join the Union Army. After he leaves, Confederate troops forage on his property, where a soldier encounters one of his daughters. The father himself is wounded on a hazardous mission and must run for his life, pursued by Confederate soldiers.
The Duke’s Plan
The Duke, in an effort to 'save' his daughter from marriage to a poor lad of noble birth, hatches a plot which nearly costs the life of that very daughter.
The Last Deal
The Husband
Owen Moore is addicted to gambling and about to lose his family and job because of it. James Kirkwood, his brother-in-law, shows up and cures him of his gambling fever.
Her Terrible Ordeal
A young secretary is locked in an airtight vault by a robber. Only her boss knows the combination, and he is off on a journey. Can the boss's son locate his absent-minded father before it is too late for the girl?
The Rocky Road
The evils of drink cause a man to separate from his family. In time he becomes sober and prosperous. Then he meets and falls in love with a young woman, and they become engaged. Unbeknownst to him this young woman is his own daughter.
A Corner in Wheat
Por capricho, um magnata ganancioso decide dominar o mercado mundial de trigo. Isso dobra o preço do pão, forçando os produtores de grãos a entrar em filas de caridade e outros ainda mais na pobreza. O filme contrasta as diferenças entre a vida de quem trabalha para cultivar o trigo e a vida do homem que se envolve em sua venda com fins lucrativos.
The Redman's View
Silver Eagle
An Indian village is forced to leave its land by white settlers, and must make a long and weary journey to find a new home. The settlers make one young Indian woman stay behind. This woman is thus separated from her sweetheart, whose elderly father needs his help on the journey ahead
Through the Breakers
At the Club
A society couple, neglect their young daughter in favor of their social life. When the girl becomes seriously ill, the father realizes the errors of his ways and stays home with her, demanding his wife do likewise. She sneaks out to a dance and the child takes a turn for the worse. By the time she returns home the child is dead. After her husband leaves her, the mother realizes her selfishness and begs forgiveness at her daughter's grave.
The Mountaineer's Honor
The Mountain Girl's Suitor
A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him. In retaliation, the sheriff captures the brother and prepares to lynch him. Mother intervenes and, to save her son the disgrace of hanging, shoots him.
The Light That Came
Carl Wagner
A disfigured young woman with two beautiful sisters is courted by a blind man. Will he still love her when his sight is restored?
The Restoration
A husband suspects his wife of an affair. The wife's cousin borrows a shawl to meet her lover in the garden. The husband spies the couple embracing, and, thinking it's his wife, he strikes the lover. The thought that he has killed a man temporarily unhinges the husband's mind until he can be convinced that the lover is still alive.
Nursing a Viper
Fleeing Aristocrat
During the French Revolution, a wealthy couple lives safely by professing republican beliefs. When a mob attacks a nearby chateau an aristocrat bursts into the couple's home. They save his life by disguising him as a servant, but he soon forces his attentions on the wife. Hearing their struggle, the husband intervenes and, stripping the aristocrat of his disguise, thrusts him outdoors to be killed by the mob.
Lines of White on a Sullen Sea
Fisherman in Second Port
Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her, Bill marries another woman from a different port. Emily waits faithfully for six years, finally becoming dangerously ill. When Bill suddenly appears in town with his family, Joe, who has loved Emily all along, forces Bill to make Emily's final moments happy by pretending he has returned to marry her.
The Expiation
John Waterbury
William is drawn to Edward's wife, Helen. Sensing his feelings might lead him into an affair, he decides to go away. As he says goodbye to Helen, Edward spies from behind a curtain. Soon afterwards Edward shoots himself, believing Helen can be happier with William. When William returns to convince Helen to become his wife, she refuses, blaming herself for Edward's suicide.
His Lost Love
Mary marries James, after jilting his brother Luke. Mary's sister arrives and soon James is professing his love to her. The shock of this kills Mary and leaves her newborn daughter motherless. Luke offers to raise the daughter. Years later James returns and tries to convince his daughter to leave Luke, the only father she's ever known, and come with him.
Pippa Passes
Pippa awakes and faces the world outside with a song. Unbeknown to her, the music has a healing effect on all who hear her as she passes by.
The Awakening
The Major's Friend
A confirmed bachelor learns that he will inherit his late uncle's fortune only if he marries, which he does reluctantly. Shortly afterward he returns to his bachelor lifestyle but realizes he can't get his wife's face out of his thoughts.
Leather Stocking
Leather Stocking
A short version of James Fenimore Cooper's famous tale about Natty Bumppo, or "Hawkeye," and his exploits during the French and Indian war.
In Old Kentucky
The Union son
Brothers George and Robert enlist on opposite sides in the Civil War. Robert is captured as a spy for the South, but escapes and hides in his parents' house. George leads the search party, but doesn't reveal his brother's hiding place, and Robert escapes. After the war, George is a hero and Robert is down on his luck. George cautiously welcomes him back into the family home.
The Broken Locket
At Bar Table / Outside Company Office
George Peabody is a young man who has been giving free rein to his inclinations, the principal one being drink. One might have concluded he was lost, but there was the chance which the hand of Providence always bestows in the person of pretty little Ruth King, who had secretly loved George since their childhood days. She succeeds in persuading him from his reckless life, and he determines to cut off from his old loose companions by going out West and making a man of himself. Bidding Ruth and her mother good-bye, he realizes that he loves his little preserver and promises to return worthy of her love and confidence. They plight their troth with their first kiss and a heart shaped locket, which Ruth wears, she breaking it in two, giving George one side while she retains the other, which symbolized the reunion of their hearts with his return.
1776, or The Hessian Renegades
Colonial Army Messenger
During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers. He takes refuge with a civilian family, but is soon detected. The family and their neighbors must then make plans to see that the important message gets through after all.
The Sealed Room
Nobleman at Court
The Count sets out to make a private room for him and his Countess, built in such a way no one can see, hear, and most importantly, disturb them. But unbeknownst to the Count, his wife has set her eyes on the court minstrel. Based on Edgar Allan Poe's “The Cask of Amontillado” and Honoré de Balzac's “La Grande Breteche”.
The Little Darling
In Boarding House
This might be termed a comedy of errors, for the overzealousness of a lot of good-hearted simple folks places them in a rather embarrassing position. Lillie Green, who keeps a boarding house, receives a letter from her old school chum, Polly Brown, whom sin hasn't seen in years, to the effect that as Lillie has never seen her little darling daughter, she will send her for a few days' visit, asking that someone meet the child at the 3:40 train. Lillie's boarders are a bunch of kind-hearted bachelors, who at once prepare to give the "Little Darling" the time of her life, buying a load of toys, etc., for her amusement, also procuring a baby carriage with which to meet her at the train. You may imagine their embarrassment when they find that Tootsie, instead of being a baby, proves to be a handsome young lady of seventeen, whose tastes run rather to garden gates, shady lanes and quiet nooks, than toys. (Moving Picture World)
The Indian Runner's Romance
Blue Cloud
An Indian comforts a dying prospector in his last moments. In exchange, the prospector tells him the location of his gold claim. A group of cowboys tries to get the information and go as far as kidnapping the Indian's wife.
His Wife's Visitor
At Club
Harry leaves his new wife at home while he goes out to play poker. Angry, his wife fakes evidence that she has had a male caller while he was gone.
They Would Elope
Two lovers elope and expect to be pursued by her father. But the clever father has tricked them into running off, and celebrates their wedding when they return home.
The Mended Lute
Little Bear
In an Indian tribe, a girl escapes from her father and suitor to be with the man she loves.
A Strange Meeting
At Party
Mary Rollins is torn between selfish depravity and righteous living. After she's coerced into helping with the burglary of her minister's apartment, she comes face to face with her misdeeds.
The Cardinal's Conspiracy
A Member of the Court
A royal woman rejects her arranged marriage. The cardinal hatches a plan: the suitor will shave and change clothes. He arranges with 4 clowns to stage an attack on the princess which he easily repels. It works; the princess falls for him, especially when the cardinal arranges his arrest.
The Necklace
In Jewelry Store / Party Guest
Mrs. Kendrick borrows a jeweled necklace from a friend for an important social event. The necklace is stolen, and Mr. Kendrick goes into debt to replace it. The thief discovers it's costume jewelry, but the Kendricks never learns the truth; Husband and wife struggle for years to pay off the huge debt.
The Way of Man
Wedding Guest
A woman is scarred in an accident and refuses to stand in the way of her lover's marriage to another.
The Peachbasket Hat
On Street/In Store
Mrs. Jones leaves her baby with the maid and goes shopping for a new hat. Meanwhile, the maid invites a band of gypsies into the house for a palm reading. After the gypsies leave, no one can find the baby, and everyone assumes it's been kidnapped, until the baby is found under a hatbox.
The Faded Lilies
At Party
A disfigured violinist mistakes a token of appreciation for a love bouquet. When he realizes his mistake, he loses his mind.
The Son's Return
On Stairs / In Bank
A son leaves to seek his fortune in the city. Many years later he returns and checks into his parents' inn. They don't recognize him, but noticing his fat wallet, plan to rob him.
A Vila Solitária
Uma gangue de ladrões atrai um homem para fora de sua casa para que eles possam roubá-la e ameaçar sua esposa e filhos. A família se entrincheira em uma sala interna, mas os criminosos estão bem preparados para arrombar. Quando o pai descobre o que está acontecendo, ele precisa correr contra o tempo para voltar para casa.
The Violin Maker of Cremona
A contest is being held in Cremona for the best violin, with Giannina's hand in marriage as the prize. Filippo is secretly in love with her, but is also ashamed of being a cripple, so he switches his superior violin with that of another apprentice, Sandro, whom Giannina loves.
What Drink Did
A man leaves his wife and two daughters for work in a carpentry shop. At work, he initially refuses a beer with lunch, then gives in. After work, two friends take a little while to convince him to go for a refreshing malt beverage, then to have another and another....
Eradicating Aunty
Tom Norton
A young couple must endure a tedious visit from their aunt until their friend offers to find a way to make her leave.
His Duty
Bob Allen
It's Bob Allen's twenty-first birthday. His mother and his brother Jack, a policeman present him with a cap, personalized with his initals in the lining. Jack then goes to work and Bob goes out also. Later in the evening, Jack is called to the scene of a robbery, where he finds the cap with his brother's initials. Dismayed by the idea that his brother is a thief, he goes home and confronts Bob with the evidence. Though it breaks their mother's heart, Jack does his duty and leads his brother out in handcuffs.
The Cricket on the Hearth
Edward Plummer
After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man.
Two Memories
Party Guest
Henry and Marion have a lover's quarrel and part in anger. They do not reconcile, and ten years pass without contact. Marion becomes a society girl and spends her time at parties with her friends. Henry has become very ill and wishes to see Marion one more time. He writes asking her to visit. When she recieves the note, she laughs and tosses it on the floor, but, later, on a whim, decides to take all her drunken friends with her to visit him. When they arrive, Marion finds Henry dead, clutching her portrait in his hand. She sends her friends away and falls to her knees in remorse. Mary Pickford's debut!
At Court / At Prison
Nekhludoff, a Russian nobleman serving on a jury, discovers that the young girl on trial, Katusha, is someone he once seduced and abandoned and that he himself bears responsibility for reducing her to crime. He sets out to redeem her and himself in the process.
The Jilt
Frank Allison
John is seduced and abandoned by a cruel flirt. Later he learns that his friend Frank is engaged to the same woman. He relates his story to Frank and convinces him to jilt her at the altar.
A Baby's Shoe
The Son
The story tells of the young widowed mother of two children who is forced by extreme poverty to part with one of her children, a baby girl, by placing it in a basket on the door steps of a wealthy banker. Before leaving the baby the poor mother takes one of its little shoes to keep as a memento.
The Suicide Club
Member of Suicide Club
One of the members of a suicide club learns he has inherited some money, but only after he drew the fatal lot and is expected to kill himself. Presumed to be a lost film.
Twin Brothers
Two boys, twins, leave the old homestead to seek their fortune in the world. They go divergent roads, and are soon widely separated one from the other, but they grow lonesome and try to find each other's whereabouts, without success. We lose sight of Bill and Dick is seen up against it good and hard. For him the future looks like a chalk ring on a blackboard, until he happens to saunter along the Bowery, where the manager of a dime museum offers him a job to play the gorilla. It looks good so he accepts. It is pretty sort until the astute impresario decides to pull off an innovation: that is, a gorilla and lion in the same cage. Of course Dick objects most strenuously to this arrangement, but his objections are quailed with a treacherous looking run, so he is forced to share the same menagerie hallroom with the lion.
Dinner Guest / In Bar / In Hospital
Nellie flees her old life and goes east to become a nurse, where she marries a doctor. One of her old colleagues finds her and tries to blackmail her. When the blackmail plot is exposed, Nellie's husband expresses his complete faith in her.
The Winning Coat
A young courtier gambles in a tavern and wins a coat from the leader of a gang. In the pocket he finds details of a plan to kidnap the Queen. He returns to the castle and hides until the kidnappers show up, then he exposes the kidnapping plot.
Schneider’s Anti-Noise Crusade
First Thief
Schneider is trying to write a speech but he can't concentrate with all the noise around him. During the night, Schneider catches burglars in his house, but when he sees they are stealing all the noisy distractions, he helps them get away.
Trying to Get Arrested
The Passerby / In Fight
A tramp tries to get himself arrested so he can sleep in the nice, warm jail, but the police keep ignoring him or arresting the wrong person.
A Drunkard's Reformation
In the Play
A man arrives home late and drunk as usual. His wife reminds him that he's supposed to take their daughter out to a play. While watching the play, he's faced with his own drinking evils and how his life would be without them.
The Deception
The Rich Patron
A wife offers to support her artist husband by teaching piano. She can't find work at the conservatory, and ends up working in a laundry, without telling him the truth. When he discovers her lie, he is determined to leave her, until she is injured and he understands the sacrifice she made for him.
The Lure of the Gown
Rich Man
"Fine feathers make fine birds", and handsome gowns make handsome women. Hence it is when Isabelle appears on the scene clad in a gown that is a masterpiece of the dressmaker's art she easily fascinates the male contingent, among whom is Enrico, the sweetheart of Veronica, a street singer. Enrico is so enraptured at the sight of Isabelle in her resplendent attire that he becomes her abject slave, casting aside the poor, peasant-clad little Italian street singer, who has loved him devotedly. Crushed almost beyond endurance the poor girl stands sobbing at the entrance of the park where the inconsistent lever left her. Her tears attract the attention of a wealthy young couple who happen to pass. In answer to their queries she tells them how contemptibly her sweetheart acted, and all because of the fascinating influence of a gown.
Fool's Revenge
The Duke
A court fool believes the Duke is after his beautiful daughter, and arranges to have the Duke murdered. The daughter overhears the plot and, disguised in the Duke's cloak, sacrifices her life to save him.
The Prussian Spy
The Spy
Lady Florence hides her lover, a Prussian spy, from the French troops who are hunting for him. One of her other suitors, a French officer, discovers the hiding place and threatens to kill the spy.
The Golden Louis
The Good Samaritan
An anonymous donor drops a gold coin in the shoe of a homeless girl as she sleeps. A gambler with a 'sure thing' borrows the coin and wins a fortune, but he can't find her again to repay her.
The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals
Theatre Man
This is a very short and rare attempt at comedy by D. W. Griffith.
His Ward's Love
General Winthrop
Reverend Howson loves his young ward, but urges her to marry someone else. She accepts the proposal, but then sees the Reverend kissing an object she has dropped, and realizes he loves her.
The Welcome Burglar
In Office / In Bar
Mack Sennett appears as a butler and a man in an office in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Criminal Hypnotist
The Man
Mack Sennett appears as a party guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Sacrifice
Mack Sennett appears as an extra in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
A Rural Elopement
In Crowd
Mack Sennett appears as a man in the crowd in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Honor of Thieves
Ned Grattan
Mack Sennett appears as a man at the dance and a cop in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Skyrocket
Mickey Reid
In the prologue Sharon Kimm and Mickey Reid are childhood friends in a tenement neighborhood but are separated when Sharon is placed in an orphanage. In the story we see Sharon as a young Hollywood star whose quick rise to fame leaves her self-centered, superficial, and a spendthrift. Ironically, the film that skyrocketed her to fame was written by Mickey. But her success is brief; and when it comes crashing to earth, Mickey is there to pick up the pieces.