Nicola Piovani

Nicola Piovani

Nascimento : 1946-05-26, Rome, Italy


Nicola Piovani


I limoni d’inverno
Pietro and Eleonora, both avid gardeners, are strangers who only meet because their two terraces are close to each other. The relationship that grows between them helps them to alleviate the pain each feels over something secret and very serious, a pain both try to hide from themselves and those around them. In this limbo they inhabit, the two make a stab at finding happiness together, until their paths diverge once more.
Lord of the Ants
Original Music Composer
O poeta, dramaturgo e diretor italiano Aldo Braibanti é preso em 1968 sob uma lei que criminaliza o aliciamento. O informante é o pai de seu companheiro.
Luigi Proietti detto Gigi
Documentary about the film and theater career of the roman actor, Gigi Proietti, who passed away on 2 November 2020
Ennio, o Maestro
A portrait of Ennio Morricone, the most popular and prolific film composer of the 20th century, the one most loved by the international public, a two-time Oscar winner and the author of over five hundred unforgettable scores.
Leonora, Adeus
Três funerais surreais entrelaçados pelo assassinato cometido por um jovem imigrante siciliano no Brooklyn para o que é descrito como uma narrativa surreal, grotesca e complexa.
I fratelli De Filippo
Original Music Composer
The story of the De Filippo brothers, children of Eduardo Scarpetta.
Os amores dela
Original Music Composer
Anaïs is thirty and broke. She has a lover, but she’s not sure she loves him anymore. She meets Daniel, who immediately falls for her. But Daniel lives with Émilie – whom Anaïs also falls for.
DeAndré#DeAndré - Storia di un impiegato
Self - Composer
Ferruccio Castronuovo was the only authorized eye, between 1976 and 1986, to film the brilliant Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini (1920-1993) in his personal and creative intimacy, to capture the gears of his great circus, his fantastic lies and his crazy inventions.
Il nostro Eduardo
Eduardo de Filippo narrated for the first time by his family. Through unreleased photos, videos, letters and stories of his grandchildren we discover the real Eduardo.
The Best Years
Original Music Composer
Italy, from the '80s to the present day, told through the dreams, loves, successes and failures of four friends.
Original Music Composer
O último ano da vida de Bettino Craxi, um dos líderes italianos mais importantes e controversos dos anos 80.
Aspromonte: Land of The Forgotten
At the end of the 1950s in Africo, a small village in the southern valley of Aspromonte, a woman dies in childbirth because a doctor fails to arrive on time. No road connects Africo with the other villages. In the wake of this tragedy, all of Africo’s citizens -including children - abandon their usual occupations and unite to build their own road. Giulia, the new schoolteacher, comes from the North with a mission to teach standard Italian to help bring cultural cohesion with Africo and the rest of Italy. But she will have to contend with the local mafioso Don Totó, who is determined to ensure this the town remains cut off, and thus, under his power.
O Traidor
Original Music Composer
Palermo, Sicília, 1980. Tommaso Buscetta, membro da Máfia, decide mudar-se para o Brasil com sua família fugindo da guerra constante entre os diferentes clãs da organização criminosa. Mas quando, após viver várias desgraças, ele é forçado a voltar para a Itália, toma uma decisão ousada que mudará sua vida e o destino da Cosa Nostra para sempre.
Now and Forever Time to Reclaim Life
“A future historian, if he or she is honest, will feel a legitimate need to place the decade 1968 to 1978 alongside the great events that changed the world, such as the French and Russian Revolutions”. This was the guiding idea to which we entrusted, with considerable emotion, our personal memory and the archive footage that we took and collected during those years and which represent the physical body of the battles fought and victories gained everywhere during those ten years. Their value, in a country like Italy which has lost its memory, is a rare witness to the power of human dignity in a constant struggle for its redemption.
Non è una bufala
Renzo, 40, lives alone in an apartment that has turned into a kind of bunker. It's been a long time since he leaves home and the only source of livelihood are pizzas and supplì that come home. Convinced that jihadist terrorism is on the verge of attacking Italy, he decides to take justice on his own by sending a bombshell to the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, a nation guilty, in his opinion, of financing terrorists. Not everything will run smoothly as he had expected.
Una festa esagerata
Original Music Composer
Mirea is about to be 18 years old, and her family is prepearing a big party for her. Teresa, Mirea's mother, wants to gain notoriety, so begins to spend recklessy for the celebration. When the day finally comes, an unexpected death puts it at risk.
Aqui em Casa Tudo Bem
Original Music Composer
Uma grande família se reúne em uma ilha em Nápoles para comemorar as bodas de ouro dos avós, Alba e Pietro. Porém, quando em meio as festividades uma tempestade faz com que o numeroso grupo fique preso na ilha, eles são obrigados a encarar os rancores e hipocrisias escondidos por muitos anos na família.
In arte Nino
Original Music Composer
Biopic on one of the most prominent Italian actors: Nino Manfredi. The movie recall the period between 1939 and 1959, depicting the difficult beginnings, his passion for acting and the encounter with the love of his life, Erminia.
Una gita a Roma
A poetic adventure of two children who arrive from a small village in outing to Rome and, in front of an unexpected, decide to escape from their mother
Axèle is a photographer, Camille is a writer. They have been awarded an arts residency at the Villa Medicis in Rome. Camille is accompanied by her husband, the famous writer Marc Landré. When a strange rivalry takes shape between them, Camille bonds with Axèle. But who is Axèle really ? A total artist, who never compromises and confuses herself with her oeuvre ? Or a ghost ? This year at the Villa Medici, where bodies and souls free themselves, no one will come out unscathed.
As Confissões
Original Music Composer
Roberto Salus (Toni Servillo) é um carismático monge que foi convidado para participar de uma reunião com ministros de finanças em um luxuoso hotel na costa do Báltica. Mas quem convidou o frade para a reunião? E quem matou um dos financiadores que tinham planos radicais de mudar a ordem econômica mundial?
L'amore non perdona
Original Music Composer
A woman, a man, two cultures and years separating them: will Adriana and Mohamed overcome the prejudices of the world around them? A sincere love story in the heart of Southern Italy.
Corações Famintos
Original Music Composer
Jude (Adam Driver) é americano. Mina (Alba Rohrwacher) é italiana. Os dois se conhecem, por um acaso, na porta do banheiro de um restaurante e se apaixonaram. Rapidamente, eles se casam e vão ter um bebê. Desde o ínicio da gestação, Mina tem certeza que seu filho será uma criança especial. Quando ele nasce, uma luta interna será travada pelo casal por conta das excentricidades de Mina, que pode estar afetando a saúde daquela criança. Uma batalha que afetará, para sempre, essa história de amor.
Original Music Composer
Cherry on the Cake
Original Music Composer
Amanda believes men are too complicated and has lost faith finding the perfect one. Her friend and a psychoanalyst have a plan how to make her fall in love. She insists that Amanda not stay home alone on New Year's Eve, and only gets her way after swearing that all the other guests will be couples, except for Maxime, a gay colleague. But Maxime leaves at the last minute to join his lover in Amsterdam, and Antoine, recently separated from his wife, arrives alone at the party.
Shooting VS Shooting
The film – documentary “Shooting vs Shooting” presents a group of astonishing stories about journalists who were afflicted in the Iraq war, by following a journalist’s journey in Baghdad in 2009 and the story of a mother who seeks for an answer to the question why her son got killed while his only weapon was his camera. “Shooting vs Shooting” narrates incredible moments and adventures, reveals unknown sides to the facts and shows the dramatic stories of media workers who lost their lives, trying to freely broadcast the truth to the public opinion. Through the documentary, we witness the absurdity of war, the responsibilities of governments and armies and the atrociousness of blinded fanatics.
Boris - Il film
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
All at Sea
Every morning, pushing the wheelchair of his mother, Maurizio along the walkway through the bush and tie him entrance to his kiosk on the beach. After being assured that his attendants, and Khaled Omar, they did a good job, going to hoist the Italian flag, which stands on top of building.
Vittorio racconta Gassman: Una vita da mattatore
L'uomo nero
Original Music Composer
Gabriele returns home in southern Italy to bid farewell to his father Ernesto, a former stationmaster in a small town not far from Bari. The old man reawakens in Gabriele memories of his childhood, of his loving mother, his uncle, his friends... but also of his father's rage and bitterness over his failure in achieving his artistic ambitions: Ernesto was convinced he was destined to be a famous painter, and was willing to sacrifice everything for this belief, even his own dignity – and this made his son swear that he wouldn't turn out like him. Only now, many years later, through chance and circumstances, Gabriele begins to understand Ernesto and to see what sort of person his father really was.
The Big Dream
Italy, 1968. Aspiring actor Nicola enrolls in the police to pay for his rent, ending up undercover among university students protesting the government, the Vietnam war and the strict mores of the time. He befriends Laura, a bourgeois girl dreaming of a better world, and Libero, a working-class radical leader, complicating his mission...
Welcome - Bem-Vindo
Original Music Composer
Bilal tem 17 anos e vem do Iraque. Deixou a sua terra, pouco depois de a namorada ter emigrado para Inglaterra, com o objetivo de a voltar a ver. Mas ao chegar a França, no porto de Calais, depara-se com muitos emigrantes ilegais que também tentam chegar a Londres. É então que Bilal decide aprender a nadar para atravessar o canal da Mancha. Na piscina municipal, o rapaz conhece Simon, um instrutor de natação e o seu cúmplice nesta perigosa viagem.
Amore che vieni, amore che vai
Original Music Composer
Odette Toulemonde
Original Music Composer
Objectively, Odette Toulemonde has nothing to be happy about, but is. Balthazar Balsan has everything to be happy about, but isn’t. Odette, awkwardly forty, with a delightful hairdresser son and a daughter bogged down in adolescence, spends her days behind the cosmetic’s counter in a department store and her nights sewing feathers on costumes for Parisian variety shows. She dreams of thanking Balthazar Balsan, her favorite author, to whom – she believes – she owes her optimism. The rich and charming Parisian writer then turns up in her life in an unexpected way.
Não se Preocupe, Estou Bem!
Original Music Composer
A 19-year-old searches for her twin brother after he runs away from home, following a fight with their father.
Um Lugar na Platéia
Original Music Composer
Jessica (Cécile de France) é uma jovem que nasceu e foi criada no interior da França. Ela se muda para Paris determinada a conseguir um emprego no famoso hotel Ritz. No entanto, a garota não consegue o almejado sonho. Por isso, contenta-se com um emprego como garçonete num café na Avenue Montaigne. O fato do estabelecimento estar situado próximo a um teatro faz com que Jessica frequentemente sirva artistas que agitam o local de trabalho da protagonista.
The Mafia is white
The Mafia is white is a documentary by Stefano Maria Bianchi and Nerazzini distribuited in 2005. Through video clips, interviews and procedural documents, the documentary focuses on the management of the healthcare system in Sicily.
O Tigre e a Neve
Original Music Composer
O poeta e professor universitário Attilo De Giovanni (Roberto Benigni) vive num mundo distante da realidade, em meio aos sonhos de conquistar a mulher que ama. Em 2003, logo depois de lançar o livro de poesia "O Tigre e a Neve", a realidade do mundo finalmente o atinge quando descobre que a mulher de seus sonhos foi ferida num dos primeiros bombardeios americanos sobre o Iraque. Ele consegue achá-la em Bagdá e se envolve então em inúmeras dificuldades para conseguir encontrar, em uma cidade destruída, os medicamentos de que ela precisa.
The Light
Original Music Composer
Camille arrives in Ouessant, the island of her birth off the Brittany coast, to sell the family home. She spends a last night in the house during which she discovers a secret. In 1963 a man came to work with her father, who was the Jument lighthouse operator. He only stayed two months, but his presence proved to be a disturbing catalyst.
Original Music Composer
Gepeto (Carlo Giuffrè), um solitário carpinteiro, decide fazer um boneco de madeira para lhe fazer companhia. Com pena da solidão de Gepeto, a Fada Azul (Nicoletta Braschi) decide satisfazer seu desejo e dá vida a Pinóquio (Roberto Benigni), o boneco de madeira. Porém logo Pinóquio busca se tornar um garoto de verdade, o que faz com que ele se envolva em diversas confusões.
The Magic of Fellini
Self (archive footage)
Documentary with interviews and clips of Fellini's movies.
The Slurb
Original Music Composer
O Quarto do Filho
Original Music Composer
Giovanni (Nanni Moretti) é um psicanalista que reside e trabalha na cidade de Ancona, na Itália. Ele é casado com Paola (Laura Morante) e tem dois filhos: a menina Irene (Jasmine Trinca) e o jovem Andrea (Giuseppe Sanfelice). Sua vida transcorre tranqüila, dividida entre a família e o consultório, até que uma tragédia a transtorna completamente. Para atender ao chamado urgente de um paciente, Giovanni deixa de acompanhar o filho à praia e nesse passeio o rapaz morre afogado. A família, é claro, ressente-se profundamente com a morte e Giovanni sofre uma forte sensação de remorso, apesar do apoio da esposa.
Set in 1940’s and 50’s Sicily (Paternò), we follow the fortunes of Rosetta from the time she’s twelve (Larissa Volpentesta) and living with her drunken father Leone (Harvey Keitel) – he’d turned to alcohol to forget Rosetta’s mother, Vipera (Elide Melli), after she ran away with a fascist some time ago. Little Rosetta’s fortunes turn for the worse when she’s raped and made pregnant by another former fascist (Giancarlo Giannini), and Leone also dies after falling from his bicycle. She’s sent to live in a convent until the age of twenty one, and her newborn child will cruelly be adopted out by her visiting mother.
La seconda ombra
La carbonara
Original Music Composer
Cecilia is a commoner who runs an inn, where the specialty is the "spaghetti alla carbonara". Moreover, the woman is tied to the movement of young patriots, named "Carbonari", who want a united Italy, and are struggling against the power of the pope. Cecilia believes she lost her husband in a fatal accident, and has made a new lover: Fabrizio, who is also a patriot. One day the guy's saved by a monk, when he is about to be imprisoned by the soldiers of Cardinal Rivarola. The monk is the husband of Cecilia, not dead in the accident, and now he helps her to fight against the power of Rome with the Carbonari.
Pura Liberdade
A épica história de Lucky, um potro nascido em um navio alemão em 1914 que é afastado de sua mãe e adotado por Richard, um menino órfão com quem formará uma amizade para a vida inteira.
A Vida é Bela
Original Music Composer
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial na Itália, o judeu Guido e seu filho Giosué são levados para um campo de concentração nazista. Afastado da mulher, ele tem que usar sua imaginação para fazer o menino acreditar que estão participando de uma grande brincadeira, com o intuito de protegê-lo do terror e da violência que os cercam.
The Man in Grey
Leonidas, a family man retires from the public sector. He goes on vacation alone, as usually. There he meets the wife of a friend of his, who lives in Switzerland. They become emotionally involved, but Christina goes back to her husband. He follows her, but soon decides to come back to Athens. Christina after a while comes to Athens, seeking their reunion. While Leonidas initially clashes with his family for her, in the end he compromises and decides that the dream is not for him.
Santo Stefano
The Impostor
Original Music Composer
This drama is based on a novel and incomplete screenplay by the late Maria Luis Bemberg. In 1930s Argentina, wealthy Sebastian (Antonio Birabent) leaves his Buenos Aires home for the family estate on the pampas. His family, concerned for his physical and mental health, arranges for Sebastian's childhood friend Juan (Walter Quiroz) to check on Sebastian's situation. Juan finds the highly erratic Sebastian caught in a doomed relationship with the Danish daughter of religious sect members. Unfortunately, Juan also becomes obsessed with the young woman, and Sebastian's suspicions increase.
Uomo d'acqua dolce
Original Music Composer
Antonio takes a hit on his head when he's out to buy a jar of mushrooms for his wife, and loses his memory. He reappears five years later unaware that time has passed.
Camere da letto
Original Music Composer
La mia generazione
Original Music Composer
Italy, early 80's. A political terrorist is being transferred northward from Sicily for a conjugal visit; during the journey, a police captain tries to make him cooperate.
Nemici d'infanzia
Um Encontro Para Sempre
Em férias no Lago de Como na 2ª Guerra, uma inglesa de meia-idade se interessa um oficial do exército britânico. Mas uma jovem babá complica seus planos.
The Flying Dutchman
Late 16th century, persecuted protestantism and general dissatisfaction with the Catholic Habsburg rule in the Netherlands lead to large-scale plundering and vandalizing of churches, only harshening the Spanish Inquisition, sparkling the Eighty Years War.
A che punto è la notte
Original Music Composer
In Turin, a fanatic priest dies falling from the pulpit, killed by the explosion of a candle. A second assassination, that of a Carabinieri Marshal, complicates the investigation - but before he died, the Marshal managed to wrote down the word "Topos". Commissioner Santamaria now has to unravel the problem.
The Tit and the Moon
Original Music Composer
Uma história de amor onde dois homens e um garoto estão apaixonados por Estrellita, uma mulher espectacular: Maurice, o marido; Miguel, um adolescente que sente electricidade cada vez que a toca e Tete, um garoto que está louco pela sua teta, pois a teta da sua mãe foi roubada por seu irmão.
Kim Novak Is on the Phone
Original Music Composer
A heavily indebted film producer tries to get back on his feet by producing a film starring Kim Novak. He also hopes to start a new relationship with his estranged son.
Per amore, solo per amore
In 1st century BC Palestine, Joseph is a carpenter who wants to travel and see the world, but destiny makes him meet young Mary. The two fall in love and marry. One day, Mary becomes pregnant and tells Joseph an unbelievable truth... He decides to stay on her side, but things won't be easy.
Caro Diário
O filme retrata as aventuras e emoções de Nanni Moretti. Ele percorre as ruas de Roma, descobrindo fachadas, indo ao cinema, visitando o lugar onde Pasolini foi assassinado. Descobre um cenário de ilhas paradisíacas que transfigura-se em espaço de “infernal” humor. Este misto de aventura e documentário autobiográfico registra tudo o que acontece de interessante em sua viagem, o que inclui sua peregrinação de médico em médico para se curar de sua doença.
Original Music Composer
Whenever people are released from their society's constraints, there is the possibility that they will behave badly, at least according to the rules of the society they have left behind. This seems to have been particularly the case for Europeans living in colonial establishments in Africa and Asia. In this drama, based on a story by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Steiner (Andrzej Seweryn) was caught with his fingers in the till at a German hospital. Rather than prosecute him, they gave him the option of emigrating elsewhere. He chose to serve at a clinic in a remote part of Portuguese Goa. He has been on his best behavior for years, but when the beautiful wife (Fanny Ardant) of a diplomat comes to him asking for an abortion, he is tempted to ask for sexual favors in return, and his life swiftly goes out of control.
Ovos de Ouro
Benito González is a flamboyant engineer in Melilla, with a brash and pushy personality. His dream is to build the tallest building ever in the region. After his girlfriend leaves him, he devotes himself entirely to his ambitions, deciding to let nothing get in his way. He marries the daughter of a billionaire, intending to use her father's money to realise his project. Benito waltzes his way through a career of excess, fetishes and deceptions, but the personal conflicts he unleashes ultimately send his life spiraling down to disaster.
I Don't Want to Talk About It
Leonor, a widow in a small South American town, gives birth to Charlotte, a dwarf. The mother not only provides a rich childhood for her daughter, she erases any clues her daughter might see that would lead her to think she is different (mother burns books such as "Snow White" and destroys lawn statues of gnomes). In short, she doesn't want to talk about it. The mother succeeds in creating a modern-day Rapunzel: Charlotte becomes an accomplished young woman who captures the heart of Ludovico. But then, the circus comes to town.
I Don't Want to Talk About It
Leonor, a widow in a small South American town, gives birth to Charlotte, a dwarf. The mother not only provides a rich childhood for her daughter, she erases any clues her daughter might see that would lead her to think she is different (mother burns books such as "Snow White" and destroys lawn statues of gnomes). In short, she doesn't want to talk about it. The mother succeeds in creating a modern-day Rapunzel: Charlotte becomes an accomplished young woman who captures the heart of Ludovico. But then, the circus comes to town.
Jamon Jamon
Original Music Composer
Jose Luis trabalha na fábrica de roupas íntimas comandada por seus pais. Sua namorada, Sylvia vem de uma família em dificuldades financeiras, e por isso é rejeitada pela rica família de Jose Luis. Quando ela engravida, o casamento parece ser a única saída possível, mas os pais do jovem, preocupados em vê-lo casado a uma moça pobre, contratam o sedutor Raul, um modelo de cuecas e toureiro, para seduzi-la.
Original Music Composer
Hugh Whitemore adapted Bruce Chatwin's novel for this tale of a New York antique dealer who travels to Prague to buy the porcelain collection of the late Baron Utz, only to become embroiled in the wreckage of the dead man's unusual life history after he discovers that the collection is missing.
Out of Life
Original Music Composer
Patrick Perrault, a photo-journalist covering the war in Beirut in the late 1980s, is himself caught up in the hostilities when one day he is picked up and bundled into a car at gun-point. Blind-folded, he is taken to an unknown location where he discovers that he is being taken hostage by Lebanese guerrillas.
In nome del popolo sovrano
1849 - Ciceruacchio declares the Independent Republic of Rome, but the French and the Austrians try to bring back the Pope to Rome.
The Mountain
Original Music Composer
It's 1922. A weather observer and his wife live in a remote cabin high in the Swiss Alps. As this drama begins, they are being joined by a third person, an Austrian who coveted the job the Swiss man had won in this bleak location. Not only that, but he also has his eyes on the Swiss man's lovely wife. The Austrian has charm, so he wins some hospitality from the couple. The three live together for a little while, but the rivalry between the two men soon erupts with tragic consequences.
Traces of an Amorous Life
Original Music Composer
What is love? In how many forms can it manifest itself? 14 short episodes about love, spanning generations of answer.
Lenin: The Train
March/April 1917. The first world war is already a couple year to pace. A sealed train with Russian emigrants keeps on driving from Zürich Germany and Sweden to Sint-Petersburg. The outlaws stand under the guidance of Vladimir J. Lenin. Two senior officers support the revolutionary bomb "to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Yet there are some unpleasant clashes between Socialists and enthusiastic workers who are worried about the war. During train travel there comes an end to Lenin's affair with the gracious Inessa, and his wife Nadja is prepared take back him. The triumphant entrance in St. Petersburg will exceed all expectations....
A Voz da Lua
Original Music Composer
O lunático Salvini observa o mundo de maneira diferente, procurando sempre achar o seu lado poético, como se a Lua o guiasse
Dark Illness
After his father's death, a middle-aged screenwriter struggles with his obsessions and neuroses.
Dark Illness
Original Music Composer
After his father's death, a middle-aged screenwriter struggles with his obsessions and neuroses.
Palombella Rossa
Michele Apicella, dirigente do PCI, perde temporariamente a memória por causa de um acidente de carro e vai tentar reconstituir a sua vida e a sua identidade durante um jogo de pólo aquático. No último minuto do jogo, Michele tem que marcar um penalti que será decisivo…
12 Directors for 12 Cities
Original Music Composer
O retrato de doze cidades italianas feito para a Copa do Mundo de futebol, que aconteceu em 1990, na Itália.
La moglie ingenua e il marito malato
Original Music Composer
A thief caught red-handed tells the landlord a very strange fact that happened to him looking through the keyhole of another apartment where he was stealing.
'o Re
Original Music Composer
One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.
Music Arranger
Children play hide in seek in the city of Bologna
I 7 Re di Roma
Music Director
I cammelli
Original Music Composer
Ferruccio, who knows everything about camels, and Camillo, who acts as his manager, go to Milan to take part in a telequiz.
Um Lugar Estranho Para um Encontro
France is a haughty, bourgeoise wife who is abandoned at the side of the road by her husband after a vicious quarrel. She meets Charles, a doctor. The meeting of the two strangers is the focus of the film, along with their encounters with characters at a truck stop.
It's Happening Tomorrow
Original Music Composer
1848, Tuscan countryside. Edo and Lupo are two peasants running away after having robbed their boss. Chased by mercenaries, they'll meet bandits, damsels in distress, eccentric nobles, and revolutionaries along the way.
Manifesto Por uma Noite de Amor
Original Music Composer
In a small European country, the king is scheduled to visit a small, quiet and "safe" village. It turns out that while the village may indeed be small, it's neither as quiet nor as safe as it's expected to be.
Federico Fellini welcomes us into his world of film making with a mockumentary about his life in film, as a Japanese film crew follows him around.
Music Arranger
Federico Fellini welcomes us into his world of film making with a mockumentary about his life in film, as a Japanese film crew follows him around.
Original Music Composer
Federico Fellini welcomes us into his world of film making with a mockumentary about his life in film, as a Japanese film crew follows him around.
The Bride Was Beautiful
Original Music Composer
The teenage boy, Giuseppe, lives with his mother in Cammarata, a Sicilian mountain village. His father left the family years ago, and has since then settled down as a guest worker in West-Germany and established a family. Under local moral rules, Maria is a so-called "white widow", who must stay faithful to her husband even if he never returns to her again. Maria and the newly arrived young doctor fall in love with each other. Their happiness is frowned upon not only by Giuseppe, but the entire village as well as the distant husband.
The Professor
Vaguely inspired to the real story of boss of the Camorra's bosses Raffaele Cutolo, this is the story of the criminal career of "Il professore" (the professor). He is in prison, and by there he is able to build, step by step, an empire founded on murders and drugs. He starts a war to destroy all the old Camorra bosses and becoming the new "boss of the bosses". With his sister's help he manages to evade from prison and escape in New York. Here he starts immediately a new relationship with "Cosa Nostra" (Italian American Mafia). He is going to seat on the peak of the most powerful criminal organization, and the Italian authorities are almost impotent.
The Professor
Original Music Composer
Vaguely inspired to the real story of boss of the Camorra's bosses Raffaele Cutolo, this is the story of the criminal career of "Il professore" (the professor). He is in prison, and by there he is able to build, step by step, an empire founded on murders and drugs. He starts a war to destroy all the old Camorra bosses and becoming the new "boss of the bosses". With his sister's help he manages to evade from prison and escape in New York. Here he starts immediately a new relationship with "Cosa Nostra" (Italian American Mafia). He is going to seat on the peak of the most powerful criminal organization, and the Italian authorities are almost impotent.
Let's Hope It's a Girl
Let's Hope It's a Girl is a multifaceted exploration of the pointlessness of sexual stereotypes. Liv Ullmann is a countess who, after her divorce, takes over the family farm. Realizing that she can't rely on the patriarchal society structure for assistance, Ullmann runs the farm herself with the help of her female servants and relatives. When the Count (Philipe Noiret) comes back into her life, he and his male buddies find themselves outclassed by the expertise of the ladies.
Let's Hope It's a Girl
Original Music Composer
Let's Hope It's a Girl is a multifaceted exploration of the pointlessness of sexual stereotypes. Liv Ullmann is a countess who, after her divorce, takes over the family farm. Realizing that she can't rely on the patriarchal society structure for assistance, Ullmann runs the farm herself with the help of her female servants and relatives. When the Count (Philipe Noiret) comes back into her life, he and his male buddies find themselves outclassed by the expertise of the ladies.
Ginger e Fred
Amelia and Pippo are reunited after several decades to perform their old music-hall act, imitating Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, on a TV variety show.
Ginger e Fred
Original Music Composer
Amelia and Pippo are reunited after several decades to perform their old music-hall act, imitating Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, on a TV variety show.
A Missa Acabou
Original Music Composer
The young priest Father Giulio returns to Rome, his hometown, after a long pilgrimage. Don Giulio hopes to live peacefully with his family and his friends, but discovers that many of them are depressed or frustrated, and some suicidal.
As Duas Vidas de Mattia Pascal
Original Music Composer
Marcello Mastroianni é um homem comum oprimido, tratado como lixo por sua noiva , desprezado por seus associados e enganado por seus parentes desdenhosos. O desanimado Mastroianni vai para Monte Carlo, onde acumula uma fortuna. Ele também assume a identidade de um jogador menos afortunado que cometeu suicídio. O "novo" Mastroianni é tratado com uma dignidade e respeito que o dominam - e quase o matam. Baseado em Le Deux Vite di Mattia Pascal, uma das muitas histórias de Luigi Pirandello sobre a natureza transitória dos intangíveis "Verdade" e "Identidade". (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Segreti segreti
Bertoldo, Bertoldino, and Cacasenno
Original Music Composer
During the reign of King Alboin, the peasant Bertoldo, sly and smart, manages to always get away with pranks and pleasantires with great mastery, and, even if his clumsy wife Marcolfa and their foolish son Bertoldino always put him in trouble, his shrewdness and acumen save him from any unfortunate situation...
Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.
Original Music Composer
Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.
A Noite de São Lourenço
Original Music Composer
A Noite de São Lourenço é a obra-prima dos talentosos Paolo e Vittorio Taviani (Bom Dia, Babiolônia). Esta edição apresenta o filme no formato widescreen, que preserva o aspecto de cinema. Na Itália, a noite de 10 de agosto é conhecida como "a noite de São Lourenço", quando se vê o maior número de estrelas cadentes no céu. Em 1944, esse evento assume uma dimensão trágica no vilarejo de San Miniato, na Toscana, quando os ocupadores nazistas pretendem massacrar a população local. A única esperança de todos é lutar pela liberdade.
The Eyes, the Mouth
Original Music Composer
A rich Italian's shocking suicide means different things to his twin brother, mother and pregnant lover.
The Marquis of Grillo
Original Music Composer
The marquess of Grillo is a good-natured, clever and women-loving man who is always inventing stories and cracking all types of jokes. The film tells the story of his life.
The Soup
Original Music Composer
Rome, 1960. Four different people meet each other at the Olympics. They follow the games and become friends, talking about their sad lifes.
Leap Into the Void
Original Music Composer
Mauro, a judge, is worried about his older sister Marta, who took care of him since he was a boy, and now suffers from mental illness and suicidal thoughts. She seems to recover from her depression when Mauro acquaints her with Giovanni, a brilliant actor at the edge of legality. However, Mauro becomes unconsciously jealous of their relationship and tries to get Giovanni arrested.
In the Highest of Skies
A group of pilgrims in the Vatican is trapped in an enclosed elevator. Then chaos erupts, and repressed urges come to the surface.
The Seagull
A young writer is trapped between his awful actress mother and the knowledge that he has only a mediocre talent as a playwright and almost no force of character.
The Seagull
A young writer is trapped between his awful actress mother and the knowledge that he has only a mediocre talent as a playwright and almost no force of character.
Victory March
Original Music Composer
The drawbacks and difficulties of military life are explored in this film. Paolo Passeri is a college graduate, somewhat spoiled, somewhat effete, who finds himself in an officer training program under the stern martinet, Captain Asciutto. He gradually becomes acclimated to the military mind-set, and when the Captain's wife decides to take a romantic interest in him, he does not report her dangerous peculiarities to anyone.
La vita in gioco
A filmmaker of committed films, together with his lover, plans to commit suicide within a few days.
Fit to Be Untied
Via the New York Times: "This documentary was distilled from a 3 1/2-hour television film Nessuno o Tutti, to make the point that many inmates now in mental hospitals could be released without harm to society, and to their advantage. Both patients -- chosen for their ability to talk before a camera -- and sponsors in the community at large are interviewed to promote the concept of the patients' re-integration into the outside world. Three men (Paolo, Angelo, and Marco -- a mentally handicapped youth) talk to the interviewers about their own perspectives, and while the success of the mentally handicapped working at one plant is illustrated, the implied excesses of hospitals run by the Catholic Church are also discussed. Filming was not allowed inside those institutions."
Os Passos
Original Music Composer
Alice, a young translator, finds the real world slowly merging with her recurring nightmares as she tries to solve the puzzle of her recent memory loss. A postcard leads her to the island of Garma where the locals seems to know her. Is she who she thinks she is? And what significance does her dream of an astronaut abandoned on the moon have?
Original Music Composer
Flávia, a Freira Muçulmana
Original Music Composer
Puglia, sul da Itália, por volta de 1400. Um convento é invadido pelo culto da Tarântula, cujos membros fanáticos e loucos profanam o lugar sagrado cometendo atos obscenos e sangrentos.
O Perfume da Senhora de Negro
Sylvia, an industrial scientist, is troubled by strange hallucinations related to the tragic suicide of her mother.
O Perfume da Senhora de Negro
Original Music Composer
Sylvia, an industrial scientist, is troubled by strange hallucinations related to the tragic suicide of her mother.
Morel's Invention
A castaway arrives on an island. He thinks it's uninhabited, but he sees a palace with also a hidden room. Soon he sees some people walking, dressed with old-fashioned clothes. He is afraid because people don't see him, like a ghost.
Daniele and Maria
Directed by the Oscar-winning screenwriter Ennio De Concini, Daniele e Maria (1973) is the tale of a forbidden romance between a rich and reclusive boy and the poor girl whose kindness opens up his formerly sheltered life. As the familiar setup from Romeo and Juliet suggests, the romance can only have a tragic ending as Maria is whisked away from her love and is forced into a loveless marriage organized by the rich family sheltering Daniele…
Slap the Monster on Page One
Original Music Composer
1972, Milan. Just a few days before the general elections, a young girl from an esteemed family is raped and murdered. Bizanti, editor-in-chief of a conservative newspaper, tries to derail the official police investigation in order to help the right-wing candidates supported by his boss to win the elections.
In the Name of the Father
Original Music Composer
In 1958 Angelo, a rich and spoiled boy, enters a religious school, where students are tired of its vice-rector, and the strict rules and old-fashioned teaching methods of priests. Soon, Angelo exerts strong leadership among his peers and incites turmoil among them, helped by intellectual Franco and shy Camma. They expel the prefect from the school, organize a Grand Guignol show, and disappear the corpse of an old professor.