Julie Wieth

Julie Wieth

Nascimento : 1960-11-13,


Julie Wieth


Nanna Nielsen (grieving widow)
A fantasy/drama, "Vincent" tells the story of young troubled teenager who meets a stranger who has the power to change his life forever...
Copenhagen to Oslo
On a ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo, Anna (18) meets a group of Norwegian men on a stag party. The groom's brother Christopher (32) offers her a drink and the two end up spending a wild evening together on deck. The next morning, however, she wakes to a surprise.
Anja og Viktor - I medgang og modgang
I 'Anja og Viktor – I medgang og modgang', den femte Anja og Viktor-film, er parret kommet i pengemangel. De bor sammen med deres lille datter i vennernes ramponerede øvelokale i Sydhavnen, men da kommunens ivrige mand afslører dem i at bruge øvelokalet som bolig, og de nu regulært står på gaden, hvis de ikke skaffer penge til lejligheden, er familien i en presset situation.
White Night
A psychological drama about Ulrich, a workaholic whose life takes a drastic turn when he is involved in a fatal accident. As his guilt grows, his life slowly crumbles around him. Next, an unpleasant event from his past rears its unforgiving head.
Panda Syndrome
A young boy, Bjørn, discovers on his 17th birthday that his problems with the girls might not be self-inflicted.
Minor Mishaps
Minor Mishaps is the story of a family's reaction to the untimely death of their matriarch, examining the effect of the tragedy on John, her husband, who is himself ill, his daughters, Marianne and Eva, and their friends and family. When a man's wife dies in an accident, his children return home to deal with the tragedy together. The film throws a spotlight on each of their lives as they confront the changed dynamic in the family and their own lives, with some surprises, revelations and false accusations occurring along the way.
Pastor Juul
Din for altid
Os Idiotas
Um grupo de pessoas finge sempre ter problemas mentais, argumentando ser contra a hipocrisia da classe média. Nos momentos em que estão em contato com outras pessoas e até mesmo aqueles em que estão sozinhos, deixam o seu "idiota interior" aflorar. Em um restaurante o grupo encontra Karen, uma mulher que parece não ter preconceitos contra a quebra dos rituais burgueses feita por eles e a levam para a casa onde moram todos juntos.
O Reino 2
Sygeplejerske ved Mona
A série acontece na enfermaria de neurocirurgia do hospital "Rigshospitalet" de Copenhagen, o principal hospital da cidade e do país, apelidado de "Riget". "Riget" significa "o reino" ou "o reino" e leva alguém a pensar em "dødsriget", o reino dos mortos.
O Reino
Sygeplejeske ved Mona
Pouco tempo após o Dr. Helmer chegar ao hospital dinamarquês Reino, acontecimentos estranhos surgem repentinamente - uma ambulância fantasma surge durante a noite, vozes são ouvidas no elevador, fetos desenvolvem-se de forma sobrenatural, uma loja maçônica realiza seus cultos ali, entre outros casos - abalando qualquer fé na ciência. E pacientes, médicos e funcionários terão de conviver e trabalhar nesse ambiente sinistro e totalmente incompreensível.
The Miracle in Valby
14 year old Sven is a technical genius, who has rebuilt an old caravan into a radio communication center. Via radio he is in contact with his father, who works at a big ship at the other side of the globe. One day the radio communication is suddenly interrupted by something which sounds like a Latin mass. In school Sven attends a lesson about radio-astronomy. The teacher explains that astronomers can receive radio waves that are thousand years old. Sven understands that the Latin mass he heard was transmitted to him from another age. He gets curious and starts making experiments by connecting his radio kit to bigger aerials. When he sits in the caravan together with his friends Bo and Petra, they not only hear the Latin mass on his radio, but the whole caravan is turned into a time-machine that brings them to the Middle Ages. They get in trouble with some warriors, who capture Petra, while Sven and Bo escape with the help of their time-machine...
In a sexual and romantic drama of intrigue, lies, and gossip, a young woman over a long period of time, has children by both men, her husband and lover before her deception begins to fall apart. Elise (Ann-Mari Max Hansen) is an outgoing, happy woman married to Henry (Ole Ernst), the town doctor. Because of a mix-up one day, she finds herself first compromised and then romantically involved with William (Henning Jensen), a captain of the Dragoons. Her story is told from the viewpoint of the town vicar, who may not be such an innocent bystander as he first seems. Eventually, gossip begins to run rampant, and Elise's life heads for a radical change.
John and René are in their twenties, close friends but different enough for René to be nicknamed Thunderbird, while John remains just plain John. John feels irresistibly drawn into Thunderbird's orbit, but René isn't all flash. He actually longs to share John's plainness and quiet calm.
Charly & Steffen
A sequel to "Me and Charley", it starts with Steffen's graduation from a secondary school in Århus (Denmark), where he later that day bumps into Charly and their friendship continues while portraying life in Århus 1979.
A drama about a group of women preparing to give birth who meet and bond at the hospital. Based on the best-selling Danish novel by Dea Trie Moerch and directed by acclaimed Danish filmmaker Astrid Henning-Jensen, "Winterborn" was considered one of the best movies of the decade in Denmark.
Life with Daddy
Lise 'Trille' Nielsen