Charles Hyatt

Nascimento : 1931-02-14, Kingston, Jamaica

Morte : 2007-01-01


Jamaica Abaixo de Zero
Whitby Bevil, Sr.
Nas Olimpíadas Irwin Flitzer (John Candy) desgraçou a si mesmo quando colocou pesos extras no seu time de trenó, fazendo com que ele tivesse de devolver sua medalha de ouro. Alguns anos depois, Derice Bannock (Leon), um jamaicano filho de um antigo amigo de Irwin, fracassa para se classificar como velocista para a prova de 100 metros nas Olimpíadas, por causa de um estúpido acidente. Mas quando Derice descobre que Flitzer também vive na Jamaica, ele decide ir para as Olimpíadas de qualquer jeito, não como um corredor mas liderando uma equipe de trenó.
O Poderoso Quinn
Security Guard
O policial Xavier Quinn (Denzel Washington) descobre que um amigo de infância, Maubee, tem seu nome associado a um assassinato e ao desaparecimento de uma bala contendo dez mil dólares. Agora Xavier, conhecido como ”Poderoso Quinn”, precisa tentar limpar o nome do amigo ou tentar capturá-lo, o que poderá ser ainda mais complicado.
The Marijuana Affair
An American detective investigates the drug trade's influence on violence in Jamaica and corruption among government officials and high-ranking members of the police force.
Love Thy Neighbour
Joe Reynolds
Two men who are nextdoor neighbors constantly battle it out over seemingly trivial offenses. Their wives, on the other hand, are best of friends. The two couples attempt to win a 'love-thy-neighbor' competition by lying...
President Maudula
A successful London ad-exec hires a beautiful Hungarian girl to pose for some modeling shots, little realising that she has overheard an assassination plot and is now being hunted by some dangerous killers.
A High Wind in Jamaica
In 1870, a Jamaican colonial family sends its children to Britain for proper schooling, but their ship is taken over by pirates, who become fond of the kids.
In Great Britain a reversal of African apartheid comes into place, and the country is governed by black people with whites as the subservients.
You in Your Small Corner
Barry Reckord adapted his stage play for TV and his brother Lloyd plays the central character – a Jamaican new to London. When he begins a relationship with a white woman, he finds himself in conflict with his mother, who has great expectations for him. The very early intimate portrayal of this interracial relationship broke new ground, and is believed to feature one of the world's first examples of an interracial kiss on TV.