Graham Dow


100 Years of Australian Football
Based on the book published the same year, 100 Years of Australian Football explores the 100 year past of Australia's national game. Covering the history of the Victorian/Australian Football League covering the period 1897 to 1996, the documentary is an exhilarating chronicle, including lively reporting and analysis of the big issues and stirring accounts of the legendary players, teams and coaches.
Corrosão : Ameaça em Seu Corpo
Uma comunidade é contaminada por um terrível componente químico, utilizado em uma nova vitamina que é distribuída gratuitamente. A droga causa alucinações e distúrbios glandulares capazes de provocar derretimentos e deformações no corpo.
Brigada Heróica / A Batalha do Deserto
Palestine, 1917. The British advance has been stopped by the Turkish line running from Gaza to Beersheba. The latest attack on Gaza has failed. The attacking forces included a regiment of Australian mounted infantry, the Light Horse... Lighthorseman Frank is wounded in a skirmish with Bedouin. He is replaced by a young soldier, Dave, who proves to be a crack shot, but reluctant to fire at the enemy. Dave proves himself during a German biplane attack. Recuperating in hospital, he meets a sympathetic nurse, Anne... The regiment is called upon for a bold flanking attack on Beersheba. But how do you convince the Turks the main attack will come at Gaza? And how do you attack across a desert without water?
The Last Warhorse
Pop McKenzie, his grandchildren, and their beloved horse, Sam, live in a humble home in Sydney, Australia. When a Japanese developer decides to build a hotel, the McKenzie's find themselves threatened to become uprooted from their home.
I Live With Me Dad
Peter Hehir plays full-time loser Sid McCall, professional vagrant and alcoholic on the skids. Haydon Samuels is his young son Christopher who lives with him. At the insistence of those who seek to help, child welfare workers are called-in to retrieve the lad from what authorities classify as "inappropriate living conditions." Someone seems to have overlooked the fact that Christopher does not consider his plight as distressing however and with each visit to the home, all the social workers can get in the way of co-operation, is Christopher's stock-standard reply to their questions..."I live with me dad!"
General Gardner
Mel Gibson apresenta uma eletrizante performance, nesta empolgante história do diretor Peter Weir, sobre a amizade e a aventura de dois soldados australianos em 1915. Eles cruzam continentes e oceanos, sobre pirâmides e caminham pelas antigas areias do Egito para juntar-se a seu regimento na batalha de Gallipoli. Os ecos da história misturam-se com o destino desses amigos, à medida que eles se tornam parte de um lendário confronto na 1ª Guerra Mundial, entre Austrália e os turcos, aliados da Alemanha – uma batalha que significou para os australianos o que Álamo significou para os americanos. Estrelando Mel Gibson e Mark Lee..
Money Movers
A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.
Storm Boy
Mike is a lonely Australian boy living in a coastal wilderness with his reclusive father. In search of friendship he encounters an Aboriginal native loner and the two form a bond in the care of orphaned pelicans.