Ernie Lee Banks


13 Moons
Things aren't looking so good for television clown Banana's career, and the fact that his estranged wife, Suzi, has just been arrested for assaulting his girlfriend, Lily, just serves to compound Banana's despair.
Heróis Muito Loucos
Na fictícia Champion City, o nobre super-herói Capitão Incrível conta com uma equipe de aspirantes a heróis para resgatá-lo de Casanova Frankenstein. O problema é que seus poderes especiais, como boliche e flatulência, podem não ser o suficiente.
Politicamente Incorreto
Senador desiludido com a política tem uma crise nervosa e faz um seguro de vida de 10 milhões de dólares. Ele decide, em seguida, contratar assassino para matá-lo e, no pouco tempo que lhe resta, fala a verdade sobre o sistema sem nenhum pudor.
Um Jurado Muito Louco
O comediante Shore, do recente "Malucos Por Natureza", e Tommy, jovem desempregado e mimado pela avo, mas que recebe um ultimato do pai: ou arranja um emprego, ou acabaram-se as mordomias em casa. Desta forma, Tommy acaba como jurado em um caso de assassinato, porque esta e uma forma de conseguir comida e hotel gratuitamente. Mas para manter os privilegios ele decide prolongar o julgamento tanto quanto possí­vel. Destaque para a bela Carrere, como o interesse romantico de Tommy.
Steel Frontier
Set in a post-nuclear-holocaust future, this sci-fi western takes place in the frontier city of New Hope, the only place around with a working oil refinery. Ever since a megalomaniac general and his followers took over the place, life has been miserable. Then a stranger, a man-of-few-words, comes to town. A quick-drawing gunslinger, he first joins the conquerors. As time passes, however, it rapidly becomes apparent that he really sides with the townsfolk, and when the time is right, he leads them into a violent uprising.
The Glass Shield
Mr. Woods
J.J. is a rookie in the Sheriff's Department and the first black officer at that station. Racial tensions run high in the department as some of J.J.'s fellow officers resent his presence. His only real friend is the other new trooper, the first female officer to work there, who also suffers similar discrimination in the otherwise all-white male work environment. When J.J. becomes increasingly aware of police corruption during the murder trial of Teddy Woods, whom he helped to arrest, he faces difficult decisions and puts himself into grave personal danger in the service of justice.
Wee Willie
As soon as they meet Ari and Sam get into a pretty passionate - and combustible - relationship. Indeed, the scenes of their rendezvous often seem reminiscent of the Chicago Fire. But the course of true flaming lust never runs true, and as they try to handle their all-consuming passion their two best friends endlessly meet to compare notes on developments.
Steamer Fan
A veteran minor league pitcher in 1957 tutors a young phenomenon.
Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes
DuDirty (as Ernie Banks)
In 1950s Harlem a vicious Italian gangster (Frank deKova) tries to muscle in on a black racketeer's (Paul Harris) numbers game.