Clancy Cooper

Clancy Cooper

Nascimento : 1906-07-23, Boise - Idaho - USA

Morte : 1975-06-14


Clancy Cooper


Incident in an Alley
A policeman is accused of manslaughtering a 14-year-old boy but is acquitted of all charges. Still, he feels a lot of guilt and begins to doubt if he really is innocent after all.
Saintly Sinners
Idaho Murphy
Directed by Jean Yarbrough Ex-con Joseph Braden (Ron Hagerthy) has his car temporarily stolen by a pair of bank robbers who hide their loot in the vehicle's spare tire. After the car is repossessed, it's sold to the kindly Rev. Daniel Sheridan (Don Beddoe), who immediately sets out on a fishing trip. Not knowing that his new automobile was recently used in a heist, Father Dan gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly stopped by a police officer.
Wild Youth
A teenage escapee from a correctional facility falls in with a drug dealer operating near the Mexican border.
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
A writer reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection after a safari in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, after Earnest Hemingway's short story.
O Xerife do Queixo Quebrado
A Barber
Jonathan Tibbs decide vender as armas fabricadas por sua família. Para conseguir vende-las ele vai ao oeste, onde se apaixona por uma loira dona de um saloon. Uma série de equívocos o fazem ser confundido com um perito atirador, e ele acaba sendo nomeado xerife da cidade caótica de Queixo Quebrado. Inexperiente ele só pode contar com a ajuda de sua loira para saber como agir.
Amar e Morrer
Em 1944, uma companhia de soldados alemães na frente russa está entorpecida pelos horrores e dificuldades da guerra quando chega o período de licença esperado pelo soldado Ernst Graeber (John Gavin). Na volta para a Alemanha, ele encontra sua casa bombardeada. Enquanto busca desesperadamente por seus pais, ele conhece a adorável Elizabeth Kruse (Lilo Pulver), filha de um prisioneiro político; Juntos, eles tentam resgatar alguma sanidade e chance de sobrevivência desse mundo cheio de ódio.
Marcado Pela Sarjeta
Captain Lancheck (uncredited)
The story of boxer Rocky Graziano's rise from juvenile delinquent to world champ.
Artistas e Modelos
Police Officer (uncredited)
Um cartunista desempregado sente-se incomodado quando toda noite seu companheiro de quarto sonha histórias das revistas em quadrinhos que lê avidamente, até descobrir que o seu amigo sonha aventuras que nunca foram publicadas e que tem enorme aceitação perante o público.
Anjo do Mal
Detective Eddie
O batedor de carteiras Skip McCoy (Richard Widmark) rouba Candy (Jean Peters) no metrô. Ele ainda não sabe, mas dentro da bolsa que acabou de pegar está um pedaço de microfilme com importantes segredos do governo. Candy tenta seduzir Skip para recuperar o material, mas acaba se apaixonando pelo bandido, que agora está na mira da polícia e dos comunistas – verdadeiros donos do filme.
De Arma em Punho
'Kansas' Collins
Disfarçado como professor, o agente secreto do governo Major Ransome Callucut (Randolph Scott), chega na Califórnia para reunir informações sobre uma trama onde parte do sul do estado planeja de separar para se tornar escravocrata. Quando Callicut descobre um esconderijo de armas, ele revela sua verdadeira identidade e assume o posto de comando do exército local. Ajudados pelos seus companheiros Monk (Dick Wesson) e Olaf (Alan Hale Jr.) ele luta contra assassinatos políticos e outras intrigas.
Terras do Norte
In the Canadian mountains, a trapper goes on the run accused of a crime and is pursued by a rugged and determined lawman of the Royal North-West Mounted Police.
Brakeman (uncredited)
Detetive embarca em trem que leva centenas de pessoas para o primeiro discurso de Abraham Lincoln como presidente dos Estados Unidos por suspeitar de conspiração para assassiná-lo. Durante a viagem, evidências parecem confirmar a suspeita.
Por Amor Também Se Mata
Stan, newspaper office watchman
A crook on the run hides out in an innocent girl's apartment.
O Sentenciado
Prison Guard (uncredited)
A prison warden fights to prove one of his inmates was wrongly convicted.
Passos na Noite
Police Desk Sergeant Murphy (uncredited)
O Sargento Detetive Mark Dixon quer ser algo que seu velho pai não era: um cara do lado certo da lei. Será que a natureza cruel de Dixon vai extrair dele a melhor?
The Great Rupert
Police Lt. Saunders
Shortly before Christmas, a family moves into an apartment where Rupert the squirrel lives in the attic rafters. Just as it seems that the holiday will come and go without so much as a Christmas tree, Rupert acts as the family's guardian angel - not only saving Christmas, but changing their lives forever.
Dakota Lil
Female outlaw helps lawmen trap railroad bandits.
A Ladra
First Policeman (uncredited)
Uma mulher secretamente sofrendo de cleptomania é hipnotizada em um esforço para curar sua condição. Logo depois, ela é encontrada no local de um assassinato sem memória de como ela chegou lá e aparentemente não há como provar sua inocência.
A Confissão de Thelma
Chase (Uncredited)
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
A Sombra da Guilhotina
Saint Just's Sentry (uncredited)
França, 1794. Robespierre, uma poderosa figura da Revolução Francesa, espalha o terror contra seus opositores. Paralelamente, uma conspiração é formada para que ele não alcance o poder.
The Sainted Sisters
Cal Frisbee
Two female con artists from New York City, fleeing the law with loot from their latest scam, hide out in a small Maine town, near the Canadian border. However - the residents of this small town aren't quite as unsophisticated as the girls think they are.
O Beco das Almas Perdidas
Stage Manager (uncredited)
Stanton Carlisle (Tyrone Power) é um rapaz que trabalha como apresentador em um parque de diversões. Charmoso e bonitão, Stanton passa seu tempo com Zeena (Joan Blondell), uma vidente que trabalha com seu marido, um alcoólatra. Precisando encontrar um novo número Stanton convence Zeena a voltar a fazer leituras de mente e os dois alcançam enorme sucesso. Mas sua afeição está voltada para Molly (Coleen Gray) cujo namorado é muito ciumento e essa afeição faz com que os dois sejam afastados do parque. Assim eles partem e decidindo fazer, um novo número de leitura de mentes, conseguindo grande sucesso junto a alta sociedade. Porém uma previsão não estava em seus planos...
A Face do Perigo
Detective Jim Chubb
A beautician and her crooked boyfriend attempt to rob the bookie operation located in the back room, but when the plan goes wrong, they frame an innocent man.
Prisioneiro do Passado
Man on Street Seeking Match (uncredited)
A man convicted of murdering his wife escapes from prison and works with a woman to try and prove his innocence.
Deep Valley
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
A Really Important Person
Police Officer Timothy Reilly
A policeman's son searches for a suitable subject for an essay about an important person.
A Coragem de Lassie
O cão Bill (Pal) perde a memória depois que é atropelado por um carro. Encontrado pelo exército, ele é treinado para a guerra. Retornando para sua casa, ele está traumatizado e atacando a todos os que chegam perto dele. Kathie Merrick (Elizabeth Taylor) lhe dá o carinho que ele necessita e aos poucos Bill se recupera.
The Strange Woman
Isaiah, a 19th-century businessman, has his eye on the beautiful and very young Jenny. Finally of age, she accepts his marriage proposal, but their love affair quickly turns sour. Ephraim, Isaiah's college-age son, comes for a visit, immediately striking up a chemistry with Jenny. She promises marriage -- if he murders his father first. But Jenny also swoons for John, the fiancé of her best friend, Meg.
Below the Deadline
A veteran, Joe Hilton, returns from the war to find that his brother Jeffrey Hilton, a gangster, has been killed. His quest for revenge leads him to take over his brother's illegal operations but his sweetheart, Lynn Turner, persuades him to change his ways and return to the straight and narrow.
The Wife of Monte Cristo
In this sequel to the original story, Monte Cristo count Edmund Dantes (Martin Kosleck) returns to Paris to get revenge but soon finds himself pursued by a cruel policeman (John Loder). The count's brave wife Haydée (Lenore Aubert) throws the cop off her husband's scent by dressing up as the masked avenger herself and proving that she too is most competent with a sword.
O Solar de Dragonwyck
Farmer (uncredited)
For Miranda Wells, moving to New York to live in Dragonwyck Manor with her rich cousin, Nicholas, seems like a dream. However, the situation gradually becomes nightmarish. She observes Nicholas' troubled relationship with his tenant farmers, as well as with his daughter, to whom Miranda serves as governess. Her relationship with Nicholas intensifies after his wife dies, but his mental imbalance threatens any hope of happiness.
The Enchanted Forest
Pastoral fantasy about a hermit who prefers the serene company of the woods and its denizens to the world outside.
Sinal de Perigo
Police Captain with Suicide Note
After robbing and murdering his married lover and then making her death look like suicide, conniving philanderer Ronnie Mason relocates to Los Angeles. Under a new identity and claiming to be a writer, Ronnie finds lodging at the home of Hilda Fenchurch and her mother. He woos Hilda, knowing she has money, but when he discovers that Hilda's sister, Anne, has just inherited $25,000, he switches his attentions to her.
Alma em Suplício
Policeman (uncredited)
Principal suspeita do assassinato de seu marido, Mildred Pierce tem sua vida repassada em flashback. Vemos como era seu relacionamento com as filhas, o quanto dava duro para lhes dar tudo do bom e do melhor, e como uma delas a tratava mal, chegando a ter um relacionamento com seu padrasto. Oscar de Melhor Atriz para Joan Crawford.
Cop (uncredited)
A girl enlists a psychic to get rid of her murderous alternate personality.
Haunted Harbor
A sea captain about to be hanged for a murder he didn't commit is rescued from the gallows by two of his crewmen. They head for the island of Pulinan, where they believe the real murderer--the captain's former partner--is hiding so the captain can clear his name. As it turns out, their troubles are only beginning
Riding West
Charles Starrett stars in the lightning-paced Columbia western Riding West. Somebody is planning to sabotage the new Pony Express mail service, and hard-ridin' Steve Jordan (Charles Starrett) aims to find out who.
Esta Noite Morrerás
Telephone Repairman (Uncredited)
A guilt-ridden man blames himself for his wife's death and secretly pays an assassin to kill him. But then he finds out that his wife isn't dead at all. And now the assassin is on his trail, with no way to call off the hit.
Sundown Valley
Hodge Miller (uncredited)
In this wartime western, an evil Nazi and his partner endeavor to sabotage a western gunsight plant.
Girls in Chains
A fired teacher finds work at a girls reform school and helps a detective on a case.
Redhead from Manhattan
Lupe Vélez plays a dual role, twin sisters Rita and Elaine. After escaping a torpedoed ship, Rita shows up in Manhattan, where she takes the place of her Broadway-star twin sister Elaine, who's having problems with her marriage and needs to make a getaway. Neither Elaine's husband or Rita's saxophone-player boyfriend are aware of the switch.
Dead Man's Gulch
Walt Bledsoe
When the Pony Express disbands, riders Tennessee and Johnny head for Adobe Wells. Tennessee becomes the Deputy Marshal while Johnny joins an outlaw gang. It's not long before Tennessee catches Johny attempting murder. As Johhnny is his best friend, he gives him another chance. But to no avail as Johnny murders a man and this time Tennessee must do his duty.
Riding Through Nevada
Ed Kendall
Riding Through Nevada is a western starring Charles Starrett
Vida Contra Vida
In this Cornell Woolrich thriller, a man's memory is recovered after being injured by falling construction material. Discovering a year-long lapse, he returns to his old life and discovers a lot of mysterious happenings.
A Man's World
John Black
Somewhere beyond the shores of the United States on a small island, where men ask no questions, women reveal no past and spies neither receive nor expect any mercy, a giant Chromite plant is working full blast to supply the United Nations with the precious war-metal. This is the story of that mine and the people working it in a land the law forget, but the evil and devious Nazis remembered.
The Secret Code
Det. Sgt. Pat Flanagan
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Unseen Enemy
Police Inspector Alan Davies
The Unseen Enemy in this wartime meller is Nick (Leo Carrillo), the outwardly effusive manager of a San Francisco waterfront café. To make enough money to ensure his daughter Gen's (Irene Hervey) entree into society, Nick sells his services to a gang of foreign spies, who then use Nick's establishment as a rendezvous point. The plan is to covertly send out a Japanese vessel for the purpose of raiding and destroying American merchant ships. The spies' secret code is hidden in the lyrics of a song called "Lydia", which the unwitting Gen performs on request day after day.
The Man Who Returned to Life
An accused killer is granted a reprieve when his victim returns to town in the flesh after an eight-year absence.
West of Tombstone
Dave Shurlock
In this western, a community revives the legend of Billy the Kid after robbers attack a stage coach. The deputy marshal believes the Kid is dead and even goes to the cemetery to exhume his body. Unfortunately, the grave is empty and as the marshal ponders the mystery, a masked rider shoots at him. The eagle-eyed lawman recognizes the man's horse and realizes that he is a prominent businessman in town.
O Intrépido General Custer
Train Conductor (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.