Peter Spellos

Peter Spellos


Peter Spellos


Busty Coeds vs. Lusty Cheerleaders
Daddy (as G. Gordon Baer)
Sexy cheerleaders come together for a competition to win the "Hottie of the Year" contest.
Sim Senhor
Security Guard (Hollywood Bowl)
A vida de Carl Allen tem sido um tropeço só – um divórcio melancólico e um trabalho sem grandes perspectivas. Só que agora ele resolveu viver a vida e dizer "Sim" para tudo. Pular de bung-jump? Sim. Aceitar todas as promoções que aparecem na TV? Sim. Aprender coreano? Sim. Pegar um avião sem destino programado? Sim. Rir em alto e bom tom, sem razão aparente? Sim!
The Bikini Escort Company
Having been set the task of setting up a successful business as part of their college course, a group of students take a surprising route by setting up their own escort agency!
Armadilha de Vidro
Howard Brunel
Curtis Blake, é um ex-ladrão de carros sob condicional. Ao tornar-se faxineiro acredita que seu primeiro dia de trabalho será fácil. O Waldman Building é um prédio um tanto vazio em finais de semana no centro de Los Angeles, exceto por alguns poucos executivos correndo atrás do trabalho atrasado. Porém Curtis encontra o corpo dilacerado do segurança do edifício – ele sabia que este não seria um sábado qualquer.
Bikini Chain Gang
Detective (as G. Gordon Baer)
A waitress who won't put out for her boss has the misfortune of quitting her job just as the bar is being robbed by a notorious thief...
MIB - Homens de Preto II
Quando um alienigena renegado de Kylothian, disfarçado como modelo de lingerie, ameaça e sobrevivência da raça humana, os agentes começam a caçada. Com suas identidades sob sigilo e pouquíssimo tempo para evitar o desastre, os agentes K e J contam com a ajuda do cachorro Frank e outros alienígenas para ajudar-lhes na caçada do mais sexy invasor do planeta.
Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
When a Reality-Based TV crew arrives at the creepy old "Waufle House School for Wayward Girls" to prove once and for all if the place is really haunted by the restless Ghosts of Young Lovelies, they get quite an eye-full. Armed with special GHOST-GOGGLES that allow them to see the spirits up close and personal, the crew slowly succumbs to the charms of the Lusting Dead. You will too as you don y
Brother - A Máfia Japonesa Yakuza em Los Angeles
Taxi Driver
Yamamoto, um yakuza cuja família foi dizimada numa guerra de gangues, é obrigado a sair do país. Depois de ser exilado para os Estados Unidos, ele procura o irmão adotado em Los Angeles e é acolhido pelo clã dele: juntos, eles vão enfurecer um dos sindicatos criminosos mais poderosos da cidade.
Agente Vermelho
KGB Col. Korsky
Matt Hendricks is the US Navy's top Marine Special Operations Commander and is facing his toughest challenge yet - escorting the deadliest viral weapon on the planet back to a secure storage facility.
Conjoin-O / Lester
While visiting a traveling carnival full of human freaks, high school students nearly join as permanent members.
Poder de Fogo
Captain Haymer
A policial de homicídios Stacy Palermo (Stacie Randall), é uma mulher que leva jeito com caras maus. Mas seu talento em fazer o certo te se desperdiçado em pequenas missões... como em seu mais recente caso, uma prisão sob disfarce em um clube de strip. A agressiva Stacy tem como parceiro o perspicaz Zigowski (Leo Rossi), que não disfarça sua queda por ela. É quando o capitão a designa para "dar uma de babá" para a abalada Lisa Wilks (Leslie Ryan), que teve o namorado assassinado pelo cruel traficante de cocaína, Blade (Rick Dean). Depois de perceber que ela pode confiar em Stacy, Lisa admite que testemunhou o assassinato de seu namorado e pode identificar os assassinos. Stacy percebe que está embarcando no maior caso de sua carreira.. Com o criminoso Blade na trilha de Lisa, ela sabe que seu dever a tornou o alvo de tiro de uma gangue pela cidade inteira.
Phoenix: A Última Cartada
Gambling fever -- along with a brutal bookie -- leads three crooked cops into a double-dealing scheme that lands them in hot water way over their heads.
A Wing and a Prayer
An air-traffic controller (Claudia Christian) faces the challenge of her career when she is forced to guide a disabled airplane to safety, unaware that her husband is aboard.
Invisible Dad
Thug #1 (as G. Gordon Baer)
Doug Baily's father is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too. It's a roller coaster ride of fun and hijinks as Doug tries to turn his invisible dad back to normal again.
Bikini Traffic School
Vinnie Sr. (as T. Stewart Hall)
Las Vegas strippers inherit a traffic school while a local slumlord dreams of building a corrupt community.
Billy Frankenstein
Billy Frank é um garoto comum, mas tudo muda quando sua família herda um castelo e descobre que ele é um parente distante do famoso Dr. Frankenstein...
Vivendo em Perigo
Jack Robinson
Arquiteto pensa ter a chance de sua vida quando é contratado para ir a Los Angeles planejar mansão de milionário, mas acaba enredado numa trama tensa, envolvendo um personagem misterioso, as pressões da esposa para que ele volte e as atitudes crescentemente irracionais de seu cliente.
Sexual Roulette
Stan (as G. Gordon Baer)
When a young couple loses all of their money at a casino, the husband performs certain "favours" in order to work the debt off, while his wife is unaware of this kinky arrangement.
Sergeant Frank Blaine
A group of space renegades hook up with a drifter named McQueen. Together they hole up in an abandoned research facility for the night and are relentlessly pursued by a human/monster hybrid.
Little Miss Magic
Quadrilha de Biquíni
Bob Bob
Uma pick-up chega a pequena cidade de Pig Hollow trazendo April, May e June, três lindas modelos que pretendem tirar algumas fotos para o seu novo calendário. No entanto, o veículo quebra e elas ficam presas em uma fazenda sem telefone.
Maximum Security
Terrorists infiltrate Innsmouth, a new maximum security prison, and inmate Mace Richter, a former police officer, is the only one who can foil their plans.
Fugitive Rage
Hillbilly Thug
Tara McCormick is sent to prison for the attempted murder of a local drug lord named Tommy Stompanato. Inside, she befriends Josie and is approached by a government agent to finish the job she started in exchange for her freedom.
Robot (voice) (uncredited)
Dark, mysterious and sensual, Vampirella (Talisa Soto) is a princess from the Planet Drakulon. Like all vampires, she needs blood to live, but she will not kill to get it - a synthetic substitute keeps her alive. After journeying across space and time seeking vengeance for her father's brutal murder, she now finds herself on Earth, in Las Vegas, where her enemy Vlad (Roger Daltry) has disguised himself as a rock star. In order to stop Vlad's doomsday plan for world domination, Vampirella must make a dangerous alliance with a group of hi-tech vampire hunters. It's a race to stop the apocalypse of humanity and our fate is in the hands of the fiery, dangerous and beautiful Vampirella.
Ligadas pelo Desejo
Corky é uma ex-presidiária lésbica que arranja um emprego como encanadora em um prédio. Lá ela conhece Caesar, que trabalha fazendo lavagem de dinheiro para a Máfia, e sua namorada, Violet. As duas mulheres começam, então, um romance, e planejam roubar dois milhões de dólares que estão sob os cuidados de Caesar, antes que ele os devolva para seu chefe. Mas o plano começa a dar errado quando ele tem uma reação inesperada.
Vice Girls
Wolfgang (as G. Gordon Baer)
Three sexy cops will have to go undercover to catch a ruthless pornographer who is murdering young runaway girls.
Night Shade
A disillusioned widower begins getting weird e-mail messages and duly heads to a strip club. Unfortunately, once there, he sees his supposedly dead wife lap-dancing; even more unfortunately, she also happens to be a vampire.
Tensão Máxima
Loner Cody (Randolph Scott) é contratado por um rico fazendeiro para recuperar a esposa raptada, Mrs. Lowe (Nancy Gates), e ao conseguí-lo, terá um longo caminho de volta até a fazenda. No trajeto de volta para levar a garota a seu marido, um fora-da-lei e seus capangas se unem a ele somente por interesse à grande quantia em dinheiro oferecida como prêmio pela recuperação da garota. Com os índios em pé-de-guerra e os bandidos como antigos inimigos, tudo se encaminha para uma série de explosivos tiroteios. Agora, ele terá que lutar para salvar suas vidas…
Pimp (as G. Gordon Baer)
Jack is a real scum-bag who is going to marry Kristy. He has a bad habit of sleeping with other women and stealing all of her money. Two weeks before their marriage, Kristy sees Jack having sex with their maid, Rosa. It turns out that he was threatening Rosa into having sex as well as his secretary Diane. When he goes away on business, Kristy, Rosa, and Diane devise a way to get him back for all of the things he has put them through. They also decide to turn his house into a special massage parlor for a few nights so Kristy can try to make some of the money back that Jack stole from her.
In the future, the threat of global takeover by cyborg units has forced Earth to outlaw their use. But when four female androids are smuggled to Earth, Jack Ford is assigned to track them down. An adventurous chase takes him from the mean streets of Phoenix to the depths of New Angeles, an underwater city, and into the diabolical clutches of a maniacal kingpin and his criminal army.
Victim of Desire
An SEC agent investigating $70M in missing funds and a murdered businessman gets involved with the man's wife.
Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold
Vic Stryker
Among the finalists for "Centerfold Of The Year" are Angel and her spiteful rival Betty. However, no one is aware of Angel's involvement in a secret medical beauty enhancement program headed by Dr. Lindstrom. Desperate to win, Angel overdoses on Lindstrom's formula, with disastrous results. Soon she has grown to monstrous but shapely proportions, causing all sorts of complications, the most dangerous being Betty's jealousy of Angel's new-found attention. Betty discovers Angel's secret and takes the formula herself, causing her to grow into an equally gorgeous giant. As the girls battle it out on Hollywood Blvd., Dr. Lindstrom races to find an antidote.
Bikini Drive-In
Kim Taylor inherits her grandfather's drive-in theatre. She must raise $25,000 over one weekend or the bank will take the property from her.
Inner Sanctum II
Detective Stanton
After a traumatized woman kills her rich husband in self defense, his family and friends show up to secure a piece of the inheritance for themselves even if it means driving the poor woman insane - or worse.
Um Maluco no Exército
Mr. Quinn
Bones Conway depois de perder o emprego de vendedor por suas trapalhadas, tem uma ideia brilhante: ganhar dinheiro no serviço militar. Mas o que ele não podia imaginar é que seria chamado para a guerra. Agora, esta verdadeira desgraça uniformizada tem que destruir uma base de mísseis do inimigo, sendo que a única arma que ele efetivamente sabe usar é a sua língua ferina!
Munchie Strikes Back
The magical Munchie is back, and if he gets in any more trouble it's off to the dullest constellation in the galaxy. Staying out of trouble has never been easy for Munchie, but this time he gives it his best shot. He is sent to earth and finds himself in the company of the McClelland family. As he proves himself, he becomes mixed up in the family's many problems. Munchie does his best to fulfill his duty on Earth, but not without getting involved in a little mischief. Written by Concorde - New Horizons.
Possessed by the Night
Big Ed
A horror writer buys an odd looking mutant embryo creature, pickled in a jar, from a shop in Chinatown, hoping it will be a creative inspiration for his work. Instead, the odd mutation provokes a rage of violence and lust to envelop the suburban villa where the writer lives with his wife and sexy secretary.
Dinosaur Island
Welcome to lush Dinosaur Island, where a tribe of gorgeous cavedwelling warrior women satisfy the exotic fantasies of five downed military airmen. Fearsome battles with the island's ferocious maneating dinosaurs are the only disruption of their seductive pleasures on this island paradise. Narrowly surviving with their lives, the rugged men fall under the seductive spell of their lovely captors and soon find their every dream fulfilled.
Fotos da Morte
Robert Patrick interpreta o fotógrafo que flagra uma cantora de rock em sua intimidade. Ela aparece morta e ele se torna o principal suspeito. Assim que volta ao estúdio e amplia as fotos, no entanto, ele descobre detalhes surpreendentes que podem salvá-lo
Red Shoe Diaries 3: Another Woman's Lipstick
Just Like That: A receptionist in a large firm cheats on her voyeuristic lover with a delivery boy who has a crush on her. Another Woman's Lipstick: A young wife discovers lipstick on her husband's collar. She follows him, meets his mistress, and has a lesbian fling with her. Talk To Me, Baby: A man caught cheating in a bar by his wife admits his past dalliances on the drive home, which gets his wife aroused.
Little Miss Millions
Bus Driver
Private detective Nick is hired to bring back Heather, who ran away from her stepmother to find her real mother.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Telltale Talk Show Host
Dr Sheila Carlin is good friends with Della who calls Perry in when she is being pestered by someone. On the theory that it could be somebody that she works with at a radio stations she arranges Perry to be interviewed by Winslow Keene who is also the station's owner. Winslow enrages the rest of the talk show hosts on the station by informing them of changes that he is making to their time slots. That night, Winslow is shot by a hit man hired by someone at the station and Sheila is set up for the murder. She calls in Perry and as usual Perry, Della and Ken swing into action to find out who really did it.
Hoffa: Um Homem, Uma Lenda
Man in Crowd
História da vida de Jimmy Hoffa (Jack Nicholson), um poderoso líder sindical, que desapareceu misteriosamente, sem nunca ter sido encontrado. Mostra sua luta para construir um sindicato trabalhista, seu envolvimento com a máfia e o tempo que passou na prisão. Personagens reais se misturam com fictícios.
A Child Lost Forever: The Jerry Sherwood Story
A teenage mother is forced to give up her baby for adoption and, 19 years later, when she tries to contact her son, she learns that he died, under questionable circumstances when he was three years old.
Inside Out 3
Peebles (segment "Dogs Playing Poker")
Softcore anthology film containing stories: "Dogs Playing Poker"; "The Branding"; "The Portal"; "The Perfect Woman"; "Within Ten Minutes"; "Tango"; "The Houseguest"; "Cafe L'Amour"; and "The Wet Dream".
Love Is Like That
A loving couple struggle to fend for themselves in modern day Los Angeles, One a loner and down and out, the other a lonely but hardworking secretary. Eventually, as cracks form in their passionate relationship, they resort to robbing an aging actress for money.
No friends. The new school sucks. And Mom is in love with a sleazy research doctor. Pretty bleak. That’s how life looks to ten-year-old Gage when suddenly, into his world pops the magical Munchie. Munchie is the ever-hungry and hilarious mysterious creature from another world who delivers flying pizzas and brings on the parties! With the help of Munchie and loony Professor Cruikshank, Gage evens the score on his school’s bullies as well as his mom’s boyfriend and has the greatest summer ever!
A Hora do Pesadelo 6: Pesadelo Final - A Morte de Freddy
Tracy's Father
Justamente quando você achava que estaria a salvo indo dormir, Freddy Krueger retorna para assombrar seus sonhos e congelar seu sangue! Maggie Burroughs é uma garota psicologicamente atormentada por pesadelos recorrentes. Até que ela encontra um outro paciente com os mesmos sonhos horripilantes. Lisa, então, decide procurar por respostas, e acaba chegando à casa da rua Elm – onde um Mal que desafia o além-túmulo está prestes a derramar-se sobre o mundo.
The Guyver
FBI agent Max Reed witnesses Dr. Tetsu Segawa - a researcher for the mysterious Chronos Corporation - being murdered. Dr. Segawa had stolen an alien device known as "The Guyver" from Chronos. College student Sean Barker, whose girlfriend's father was Dr. Segawa, finds the Guyver's hiding spot while watching the forensic team investigating the crime scene.
Reporter #2
A cop tracks down a serial killer who goes after women who work for a phone-sex company.
Irmandade Macabra 2
Orville Ketchum
Cinco universitárias compram o antigo local de Hokstedter para sua nova irmandade. Eles ficaram baratos por causa dos incidentes sangrentos de cinco anos antes. Eles decidem ficar nele para a noite para que possam encontrar os motores pela manhã, mas começam a se arrepiar quando o estranho vizinho Orville Ketchum começa a bisbilhotar. Logo depois que as mulheres tomam banho e consultam um tabuleiro Ouija, elas começam a experimentar um problema de atrito.
Difícil de morrer
Orville Ketchum
Ao fazer o inventário de uma loja de lingerie em um edifício de escritórios, cinco mulheres atraentes são aterrorizadas por uma série de assassinatos bizarros. Eles suspeitam que o estranho zelador, que testemunhou outra série de assassinatos anos atrás, está no fundo da coisa toda. Mal sabem eles o verdadeiro horror que enfrentam no final.