Johan Libéreau

Johan Libéreau

Nascimento : 1984-09-27, Paris, France


Johan Libéreau


Super Z
The adventures of a family of genetically modified super-zombies.
Our Wonderful Lives
Margot, Jeremy, Salome, Caesar, Sonia - They are between 18 and 50 years old. Everything separates them except the urgency to rebuild and restore the relationship to the other that the addiction has destroyed. Solidary, they have as rules, sharing, honesty, authenticity, sincerity, humanity. An incredible band of living people who are screaming loudly that we are doing better than others alone.
Camille has disappeared into his own life. Days follow on one after the other, steady as a metronome, between his work at the factory and regular visits to his grandparents. One evening, when he is dining with them, he is projected a few hours later into his own future, without recalling anything. Hours that he has nevertheless lived through, according to what the people around him say.
A Revolução em Paris
Em 1789, sob o reinado de Luís XVI, o povo francês rebela-se contra a monarquia e exige uma transformação na sociedade baseada nos princípios de liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade. A Revolução em Paris, cruza os destinos de homens e de mulheres comuns com figuras históricas. No coração da história, há o destino do rei e o surgimento da República.
Piano Panier
The Bike Seller
Rémi, a young and open man, in his third year of law studies, tries to find his place in the student jungle of Saturday night. At the end of the evening, drunk, he encounters Lisa and they spend the night together.
The Faithful Son
After 3 years in prison, Ben wants to reconnect with his son and find his place in society. From reintegration work to small recidivism, sincere friendship and the tentation of fundamentalism, Ben will fight to resist hate and find his dignity as a free man.
Olga, exhausted, abused by her boyfriend, comes to take refuges in her son's apartment. Her son is involved in a passionate relationship with his girlfriend in a burning hot city. Olga finds herself a prisoner of her desire, inflamed by the young couple's intimacy.
Two young men seek the solitude of the country; their peace is disturbed when a set of random occurrences suggest to their susceptible minds a pattern with sinister meanings.
The Call
Benoît, 50, is a police lieutenant wounded by the disappearance of his wife, Lise. Unable to perform his grief, he sees his physical and mental health decline when she mysteriously surface again years later.
Que justice soit nôtre
Jennah, a young teenager, is growing up. While the relation with her mother is difficult, she discovers her femininity.
Il venait de Roumanie
It is the life in a village, this cloistered world that produces stories, boredom, some necessary friendships, the author says. During a day, he paints a portrait of the past Clement with his band of mates, his parents, his sister, the stories told, the pictures in his house, his room intact and videos that remain of him.
Your Violence
Un policier
Um pai e uma filha foram vítimas do ataque brutal. Advogado de profissão, a presunção de inocência no fundo do corpo, o pai encontra-se pela primeira vez em sua vida no coração do processo judicial como uma vítima. Um suspeito foi rapidamente preso, para ser identificado. Mas o pai não viu nada e se recusa a jogar o jogo da polícia. No entanto, como ele precisava saber.
Grand Central
Gary é um jovem que aprende rápido, sempre mudando de um trabalho para outro. Após ser contratado em uma usina nuclear, ele encontra tudo o que sempre procurou: dinheiro, uma equipe e uma família. No meio dos reatores, ele se apaixona pela mulher de um colega, e logo é ameaçado por esse amor proibido e pela constante contaminação radioativa.
Entre lui et moi
Guillaume acaba de ser pai. Mas sua alegria é encurtada pelo telefonema do seu próprio pai, que quer conhecer a neta. Há anos Guillaume não o vê o pai, um pai violento e alcoólatra. Agora, ele se vê obrigado a enfrentar o problema.
O Grande Assalto 11.6
Toni Musulin (François Cluzet) trabalha como motorista de caminhão blindado de carga há 10 anos. Vivendo em um casamento sem amor e infeliz no campo profissional, o ódio o consome. Humilhado no trabalho, ele vai buscar vingança contra seu chefe e decide planejar o assalto do século: roubar 11.6 milhões de euros.
Paris : Fin du monde
A 20-year-old father (Johan Libéreau) obsessed with muscle cars must address his own guilt when he recklessly hits a young man on the freeway and flees the scene.
I Hold You, You Hold Me...
8yo Antoine’s life turned upside down when the police arrested his father. After two months, he finally can go talk to him...
Q Sexual Desire
Em um contexto social deteriorado por uma crise econômica que envolve todo o país, a vida de várias pessoas virará de cabeça para baixo depois de conhecer Cecile, uma personagem que simboliza o desejo.
Sarah seems to have the world at her feet. She's young, bright, pretty, free spirited yet hard working, with a real passion for life. Then, in just one day, she loses her job, is told she will have to move out of her apartment, and discovers she is seven months pregnant.
Leila is Moroccan, Mathieu is French. They made the decision to get married. The marriage approaches and they only miss one more document: the certificate of Leila's celibacy which will be delivered to them only if the young woman marries a Muslim. No choice, Mathieu has to be converted to Islam.
The Shady Sailor
Le marin masqué
Laetitia and Sophie go to Quimper, town where Laetitia used to live, to pass the weekend. Sophie is having problems with her husband, while Laetitia tells her about one of her youth's boyfriends, the "masked sailor" she used to love while she lived in Quimper.
Belle épine
After the death of her mother, 17-year-old Prudence finds herself living alone in her Paris apartment. Then she meets Maryline, a rebel of her own age, who introduces her to the thrills of motorcycle racing on the biker circuit at Rungis. Prudence’s newfound lease of freedom becomes complicated when she falls for a boy Franck who wastes no time in taking advantage of her naivety...
Um animado grupo de amigos em férias decide invadir uma trilha fechada para manutenção. As montanhas revelam-se bem mais complicadas que o esperado e, para piorar, eles logo percebem que não estão sozinhos. O passeio vira pesadelo.
You Will Be Mine
Sami Decker
Marie leaves home to study the piano at the conservatory in Lyons. Through lack of money, she is obliged to share an apartment with Emma, a friend of the family who has lived alone since the death of her father. The two young women develop a strange fascination for one another, which soon develops into an intense mutual need...
La vie des bêtes
A very interesting thriller about the coming of age of a troubled young man searching his place in this world. Teenage boy Jonathan (Fabien de Marchi) is having a hard time living with his father and stepmother. On a whim, he steals some money and embarks on a journey of forbidden pleasures. He spends the night in abandoned building and wakes up bound and is held prisoner by Antoine (Johan Libéreau), a young drug dealer wanted by the police. The two boys forge an ambiguous relationship between violence, compassion and fascination. Victim, Jonathan ends up taking a liking to his tormentor.
As Testemunhas
Manu arrives in Paris, in the early days of AIDS, at the beginning of the 1980s. He strikes up a friendship with Adrien, a wealthy doctor in his early fifties, who introduces him to Sarah and Mehdi, a young couple.
À Flor da Pele
Perturbador e muito ousado, “À Flor da Pele” narra o encontro de Vanessa, uma bela garota e dois rapazes, o rico Mickael e o pobre Clement, adolescentes estudantes de um mesmo colégio. Juntos eles formam um triângulo amoroso sem regras nem tabus. Os sentimentos estão à flor da pele. Gozar a vida é tudo que eles querem.
Dupla Confusão
Teenager Bryana Fletcher
Ruby é um ladrão que, após esconder seu roubo mais recente, é capturado e preso em uma cadeia. Lá ele conhece Quentin, um homem tagarela e tapado que se torna seu amigo. Ruby consegue fugir, sendo obrigado a levar Quentin consigo. Já fora da prisão, Ruby passa a perseguir seus antigos parceiros de crime, para se vingar da morte da mulher que amava e também para recuperar o dinheiro roubado antes que eles o encontrem.