Fulvia Mammi


Delirio a due
O Belo Antônio
Elena Ardizzone
Antonio Magnano apresenta problemas quando ele é incapaz de consumar seu casamento com a bela Barbara Puglisi e sua virilidade é posta em dúvida. Apesar de amar sua linda esposa e serem felizes por um ano, seu problema se torna uma fonte de discórdia para todos os envolvidos. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
L'importanza d'essere Franco
Cecilia Cardew
Italian version of the Oscar Wilde play The Importance of Being Earnest
Rosso e nero
A Rainha de Sabá
The True Mother
A rainha de Sabá se apaixona pelo rei de Israel. O rei Salomão de Israel, no entanto, está apaixonado por outra pessoa...
Toto the Third Man
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
I cadetti di Guascogna
Two fellow soldiers fight for the love of the same girl, are constantly picked on by the older soldiers about to be discharged and are involved in the staging of a show in the military barracks.
Against the Law
A young bourgeois who launders money for the mafia gets accused of murder.
The Flame that Never Dies
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
Based on José de Alencar's novel, directed by Riccardo Freda.