
Withstanding and Existing (2022)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Gwon Churl

Краткое содержание


Kim Sawol
Kim Sawol


Gwon Churl
Gwon Churl
Gwon Churl
Gwon Churl


В результате военного переворота в декабре 1979 года, южнокорейским президентом становится Чон Ду-хван. После расстрела студенческой демонстрации в городе Кванджу местные жители решают массово выступить против режима. Диктатор бросает на подавление восстания военные части. В это время оказавшийся в Токио репортёр германской газеты решает проникнуть в Кванджу, чтобы донести до внешнего мира правду о том, что творится в Корее. Доставить немца в зону боевых действий и обратно должен простой сеульский таксист Ман-соп, который с утра даже не представлял, что скоро ему придется скрываться от военных патрулей.
26 лет
Секретный проект, которым руководили спортсмены, бандиты, полицейские, руководители компаний, начальники департаментов охраны для осуждения «этого человека», который является виновником массовых убийств, произошедших 26 лет назад в 1980 году в Кванджу.
Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle
"Le Grand Chef 2" begins with the Korean president visiting the Japanese Prime Minister and becoming involved in a heated debate over the origins of kimchi. The Japanese Prime Minister makes the bold claim that kimchi is an original Japanese dish which sets off the Korean president. Upon the Korean's president return home he sets upon a globalization plan for kimchi, which includes a nationwide "Kimchi Contest". Then, a lady named Jang-eun (Kim Jung-Eun) and her step-brother Sung-Chan (Jin Goo) compete in the Kimchi dish contest, with both siblings using their mother's kimchi recipe.
1980, Kwang-ju is fired up about a genius pitcher, a senior in high school. Ho-chang takes confident strides across the field making his way by cutting through the sand dust. He’s a university scouter on a mission. His task is to scout the genius pitcher, SUN Dong-yeul, a master of baseball who may be scouted to a rival university. But he is no where to be seen. But Ho-chang is determined to not let down his reputation as a successful scouter, and his scouting mission of 10 days begin! An original story of a scouter on a 10 day mission full of undisclosed history will now unfold!
A Petal
A young girl is caught up in the 1980 Gwangju massacre, where Korean soldiers killed hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters who opposed the country's takeover by the military the year before. Flashbacks show the girl seeing her mother shot to death in the massacre. The film spurred the Korean public to demand the truth behind the incident, and their government eventually opened previously classified files on the massacre.
May 18
The citizens of Gwangju lead a relatively peaceful life, until one day the military takes over the city, accusing the residents of conspiracy and claiming that they are communist sympathisers preparing a revolution against the current government. Seeing as the soldiers beat defenceless people, mainly students, to death, the citizens are in for retaliation and form a militia.
Le Grand Chef
A disgraced chef tries to restore his name by competing in a culinary contest to win the knife of Korea's last royal chef.
The March for the Lost
This is the story of a father who died mysteriously in May of 1980, a mother who lives in the shadows with a bullet in her head and not being able to forget May 18th and their daughter, and the nation's greatest comedian, Hee-soo.
Good Light, Good Air
The title Good Light, Good Air is oddly paradoxical. Keenly working at the point where his artistic identity and persistent attention on modern Korean history meet, director Im in this film focused on where the history of oppression and struggle intersect between Gwangju and Buenos Aires. In both cities, a great number of people who fought against the dictatorship were slaughtered and disappeared. The people of both societies still live with that trauma. When the testimonies of the victims of the two cities cross over, the film gives us chills as the eerie history of the two is very similar. Through Good Light, Good Air, director Im asks us how we will remember the past from where we stand right now.
Nameless Stars
The son of a freedom fighter, Sang-hun is a member of an anti-Japanese resistance group called "Seongjinhoe," composed of students who share a dedication to the cause of liberation. Their spiritual guide is a teacher named Song Un-in. One day, Yeong-ae, whose brother is a detective in the Japanese police force charged with monitoring independence movements, joins their group. Following a series of sporadic incidents, the students gather one night to resolve on an uprising, but are discovered by the police. Young-ae is wrongfully accused of betraying their plans, but she risks her life in order to allow the group members to escape. The morning after, the students of Gwangju rise up against the Japanese government.
No Name Stars
This year is the 30th anniversary of the Gwangju Democratization Movement. Though the country commemorates the event as the official historical records, it does not include any 'real' accounts of the people who experienced it firsthand. The students who were part of the movement; the female vendors who made rice balls for the students; the female high school students cooked at the government building; now, past their middle age, they live as ordinary citizens in Gwangju city. How is the event remembered by these people?
Withstanding and Existing
Наши герои начисто лишены стыда и инстинкта самосохранения, совсем не обращают внимания на боль и с удовольствием будут мучить себя и других!
Inside Deep Throat
In 1972, a seemingly typical shoestring budget pornographic film was made in a Florida hotel, "Deep Throat," starring Linda Lovelace. This film would surpass the wildest expectation of everyone involved to become one of the most successful independent films of all time. It caught the public imagination which met the spirit of the times, even as the self appointed guardians of public morality struggled to suppress it, and created, for a brief moment, a possible future where sexuality in film had a bold artistic potential. This film covers the story of the making of this controversial film, its stunning success, its hysterical opposition along with its dark side of mob influence and allegations of the on set mistreatment of the film's star.
Придурки 2.5
Компания великовозрастных отморозков возвращается, чтобы поднять ставки выше, чем когда-либо. Они совершают перед камерой настолько изощренное членовредительство, такие сумасшедшие трюки, которые точно никому не стоит пытаться повторять. Вы готовы спрыгнуть с моста, будучи привязанным за причинное место к другому человеку?
9to5: Days in Porn
9to5 - Days in Porn focuses on the people behind a controversial and multi-billion dollar industry "The Adult Entertainment industry". It depicts their stories, each one different, unadorned and authentic, without glorification or prejudice. It delivers deep insight into their personal lives - from glamorous to grotesque - strange, fascinating, offensive, absurd and sometimes funny moments all at once.
Чудаки 3D
Скандальная, саркастическая, грубая и абсолютно сумасбродная команда Джонни Ноксвила опять готова шокировать, смешить и срывать крышу, и в этот раз они удивят еще больше. Теперь каждый может стать почти соучастником событий, поскольку наблюдать за выходками чудаков можно будет в формате 3D. Фильм состоит из ряда экстремальных трюков, нерядовых шуток и безумных экспериментов, — все это испытает на собственной шкуре эта безумная компания. Никогда не знаешь — плакать или смеяться от их выходок, ведь они демонстрируют то, что каждый тайком хотел сделать, но боялся попробовать.
Thinking XXX
For a book project, photographer Timothy Greenfield-Sanders took photographs of 30 stars of adult movies, each pair of photographs in the same pose, clothed and nude. This film records the photo shoots and includes interviews with the performers and commentary from eight writers (and John Waters). The actors and writers discuss economics, nudity and exhibitionism, careers, and private lives.
Брюс Ли: Путь воина
Брюс Ли, которого вы еще не знали. В фильм включены неизвестные ранее кадры его неоконченной работы «Игра смерти». Его знаменитый одно-дюймовый удар мог свалить с ног. Он мог отжиматься на одном пальце. Все это вы сможете увидеть в фильме «Брюс Ли: Путь воина».
Джеки Чан: Моя жизнь
Актер и неповторимый специалист по восточным единоборствам вновь поражает своим мастерством. Невероятные трюки, приключения и, конечно, драки.