
Shark'd (2022)


Жанр : мультфильм, комедия

Время выполнения : 4М

Директор : Beast

Краткое содержание

The origin story of Hololive virtual idol Gawr Gura and how she found her iconic hoodie.


Gawr Gura
Gawr Gura
Oozora Subaru
Oozora Subaru
Watson Amelia
Watson Amelia
Ninomae Ina'nis
Ninomae Ina'nis
Houshou Marine
Houshou Marine
Takanashi Kiara
Takanashi Kiara


Gawr Gura
Gawr Gura
Jarrett Martin
Jarrett Martin
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Roberto Furuta
Roberto Furuta
Tommy Duch
Tommy Duch
Art Direction
Calvin Zhong
Calvin Zhong
Art Designer
Yoshi Kirishima
Yoshi Kirishima
Character Designer
Storyboard Assistant
Calvin Zhong
Calvin Zhong
Prop Designer
Farhan Sarasin
Farhan Sarasin


Открытое море
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Верхом на великанах
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Действие картины протекает в течение пяти дней — на острове Э́мити, где расположен небольшой курортный городок. В этом тихом и солнечном месте произошли ужасные трагические события, начало которым было положено ранним утром, когда шеф местной полиции Мартин Броуди и его помощник находят на берегу остатки тела девушки. Она стала первой жертвой огромной большой белой акулы, которая появилась у берегов Эмити… С каждым днём число жертв кровожадной акулы продолжает увеличиваться. Сможет ли отважный охотник на акул, ветеран Второй мировой войны, рыбак Квинт на своём судне выловить и убить акулу-людоеда? В опасную морскую экспедицию вместе с ним отправляются Мартин Броуди и прибывший на остров эксперт из национального института океанографии Мэтт Хупер.
Челюсти 4: Месть
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The Seed of Man
During a Post-Apocalyptic period in the near future the majority of the European population has been wiped out by some sort of undefined plague. Cino and Dora, a young couple, are rounded up by what constitutes the authorities on an isolated temporary base. They are examined and given antibiotics which will protect them for six months, told to pick out a deserted house to live in the area, and use that time to conceive a child.
Американский кикбоксер
Kickboxing champion B.J. is jailed for an accidental murder thanks to the testimony of his arch-nemesis Denard. A year later, B.J. is released and then challenged by Denard for $100,000. Will B.J. accept and get even with Denard?
A 12-year-old boy who is yet to feel the first trembles of love. He is shy when a girl calls him for a bike ride and then at the beach it becomes clear that he is a bit embarrassed of his body, as he struggles behind a towel to change into his swimming suit.
Two male graffiti artists are partners in their work, but they are also having a sexual relationship with each other which they haven't disclosed to others.
Jersey Shore Shark Attack
Many years ago, hundreds of locals and tourists were massacred by giant man-eating sharks in the infamous 1916 Jersey Shore attacks. But that's just a legend... or is it? It's a holiday weekend on the Jersey Shore and, unbeknownst to anyone, underwater drills have attracted dozens of albino bull sharks to the pier. When a man goes missing, TC (The Complication), Nookie and friends fear the worst and plead with the police chief to close down the beach. It isn't until a famous singer is eaten alive during a performance on the pier that the shark hunt begins. Now, the Preppies must work together with the Guidos in order to save the Jersey Shore and its inhabitants from another vicious slaughter.
Los obsexos
Two friendly guys, tired of a monotonous and boring life, decide to live fully. They want to meet new sensations and to be surrounded by beautiful women. For these reasons, they start working in a travel agency as guides.
Crimen para recién casados
Antonio and Elisa, a newlywed couple, go to an hotel on the beach to spend their honeymoon. Antonio, a crime reporter, is obsessed with discovering a major crime. He gets his big opportunity when a murder is committed on a road near the hotel.
Pinball Summer
It's a summer of fun for two teenaged boys who spend their time chasing two sisters, annoying a biker gang, and basically getting into typical sophomoric hijinks whenever they can.
Тайное влечение
Главные героини фильма — Лил и Роз — две давние подруги, которые влюбляются в сыновей друг друга. Из-за страха быть осуждёнными обществом, женщины скрывают свои отношения в тайне на протяжении нескольких лет до тех пор, пока их секреты не становятся достоянием общественности. Это открытие не только грозит разрушить жизни обеих подруг, но и ставит перед сложным выбором их сыновей, которые должны решить: жить ли им по проторенной дороге или же следовать своим истинным желаниям.
Невероятная жизнь Уолтера Митти
Кто сказал, что в сердце маленького человека не могут жить великие мечты? Даже скромному и незаметному служащему хочется иногда совершить пусть безумные, но геройские поступки, поверить в свою силу и мужество. Почему всех спасать должны исключительно супермены?
The Reject
A man whose life is on the verge of collapse looks for new inspiration in this drama from Serbian filmmaker Milos Radivojevic. On was once a reporter, but now makes his living working as a public relations man for a banking firm. On is in his forties and has started to sink into a mid-life depression. On's wife has left him and while he tries to keep in touch with her and his daughter, he feels they're drifting away from him. On often finds himself retreating into a world of daydreams, which becomes all the more common after he loses his job. On struggles to drown in ennui with alcohol, gambling and meaningless sex, but matters only get worse as he learns that his elderly mother's health is failing, and he can no longer keep up with the bills for her medical care. When On discovers some forgotten savings, he sets out on a vacation in hopes of recapturing his muse, with his beautiful and loyal secretary in tow. Film received its American premiere at the 2008 Palm Springs Film Festival.
Дикая Южная Африка: Сафари
Очень популярным в мире видом туризма является поездка в Африку на сафари. Он позволяет сохранить обитателей дикой природы и заповедников в их родной среде обитания. В этом фильме мы увидим не только львов, леопардов, носорогов, слонов и буйволов, но также бегемотов, антилоп и редких диких собак. А также по общаемся с работником заповедника.
The Casuarina Cove
A former military officer makes a film about a man he encountered in Tanjong Rhu, a secluded cruising ground.
Honokaa Boy
Leo, a young Japanese college student, travels to Hawaii and eventually falls in love with Maray, an older Japanese-Caucasion woman.
Picking up where Shark Tale ends, all the characters of the film dance at the whale wash in a spoof of Saturday Night Fever.
A young girl is sent to a South American hacienda, where she learns about the life of her reclusive aunt, Oriana.