
How to Fix the World (2023)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 16М

Директор : Jouko Aaltonen
Писатель : Pontus Porokari, Jouko Aaltonen

Краткое содержание

How to Fix the World? is a comprehensive and informative documentary about direct action in the 1990s and 2000s, directed by Jouko Aaltonen. In the documentary, anarchists, climate activists, and squatters openly describe their experiences and link them to mainstream phenomena in society. A wide range of archive material sheds a light on the history of direct action and activism in the Finnish society.



Jouko Aaltonen
Jouko Aaltonen
Pontus Porokari
Pontus Porokari
Jouko Aaltonen
Jouko Aaltonen
Marita Hällfors
Marita Hällfors
Director of Photography
Lou Strömberg
Lou Strömberg
Sound Recordist
Martti Turunen
Martti Turunen
Sound Designer
Sami Kuukka
Sami Kuukka
Tiina Kinnunen
Tiina Kinnunen
Tuomas Korolainen
Tuomas Korolainen
Graphic Designer
Ella Ruohonen
Ella Ruohonen
Production Controller


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Простые люди
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