Aufstand in der Matrix (2019)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Hansjürgen Schmölzer

Краткое содержание


Max Schrems
Max Schrems
Katharina Nocun
Katharina Nocun


Hansjürgen Schmölzer
Hansjürgen Schmölzer
Hansjürgen Schmölzer
Hansjürgen Schmölzer
Hansjürgen Schmölzer
Hansjürgen Schmölzer
Nora Laufer
Nora Laufer
Manuel Preth
Manuel Preth
Camera Operator
Samira Ghahremani
Samira Ghahremani
Ken Rischard
Ken Rischard
Constantin Stimmer
Constantin Stimmer
Sebastian Vötterl
Sebastian Vötterl
Sound Designer
Sabine Arenkens
Sabine Arenkens
Production Manager


Глубокая паутина
Документальный фильм, который исследует возникновение нового Интернета — зашифрованного, опасного и незаконного.
Действие фильма разворачивается в 1984 году, во время правления Маргарет Тэтчер и в разгар забастовки шахтеров. Картина расскажет о группе геев и лесбиянок, участвующих в лондонском гей-параде и принимающих решение собрать деньги в поддержку семей бастующих горняков. Когда же профсоюз шахтеров стесняется принять собранные средства из рук представителей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации, те не сдаются и отправляются на микроавтобусе в шахтерский поселок, находящийся в Уэльсе, чтобы лично осуществить акт благотворительности.
The second "visual album" (a collection of short films) by Beyoncé, this time around she takes a piercing look at racial issues and feminist concepts through a sexualized, satirical, and solemn tone.
Имя нам - Легион: История хактивистов
История хактивистов на примере группировки Anonymous.
Jane Fonda in Five Acts
Girl next door, activist, so-called traitor, fitness tycoon, Oscar winner: Jane Fonda has lived a life of controversy, tragedy and transformation – and she’s done it all in the public eye. An intimate look at one woman’s singular journey.
The Ivory Game
Wildlife activists and investigators put their lives on the line to battle the illegal African ivory trade, in this suspenseful on-the-ground documentary.
Романтическая история о взаимоотношениях двух мужчин, начиная с их первой встречи еще подростками в 1973 году и до 1984 года. Время было горячее — как раз в 70-е годы радикальные политические и геевско-лесбийские круги вступили в противоборство с консервативно настроенным истеблишментом. На одной из вечеринок в Лос Анжелесе Томми — симпатичный блондин и один из гей-активистов — обращает внимание на Алана, мускулистого молодого журналиста — республиканца. Алан работает над своей первой книгой, посвященной теме гомосексуальности, и приглашает Томми на ужин, чтобы взять у него интервью для книги. Вскоре между ними возникает больше, чем просто дружба.
At the Edge of the World
At the Edge of the World chronicles the controversial Sea Shepherd Antarctic Campaign against a Japanese whaling fleet. The international volunteer crew, under-trained and under-equipped, develop a combination of bizarre and brilliant tactics with which to stop the whalers. But first they must find the Japanese ships, a far more difficult challenge than ever imagined - long-time activist Paul Watson and first-time captain Alex Cornelissen employ an array of strategies in the hopes of finding an elusive adversary in the vast expanse of the Ross Sea. With one ship (the Farley Mowat) too slow to chase down the whaling fleet, with their second ship (the Robert Hunter) unsuited for Antarctic ice conditions and with no country supporting their efforts to enforce international law, the situation becomes increasingly desperate. Against all odds, however, a real-life pirate tale unfolds - a modern-day "David vs. Goliath" adventure.
Anarchy TV
A group of anarchists use their public-access TV show to satirize the government until a right-wing preacher attempts to shut them down.
A chronicle of legendary Native American poet/activist John Trudell's travels, spoken word performances and politics.
John Denver: Country Boy
This BBC documentary chronicles the life of folk/soft-rock singer John Denver through his rise with The Chad Mitchell Trio and Peter, Paul and Mary, his subsequent stardom, his popularity decline, and his tragic death at age 53.
Why I'm Not on Facebook
One man's soul searching decision on whether or not he should join Facebook sets him off on an epic journey of self-discovery as he weighs the pros and cons of becoming a member of the world's largest social networking site. Along the way he talks with family, friends, total strangers and even celebrities whose lives have all been touched in one way or another by Facebook. From the long lost high school friend who uses it to stay in touch with classmates, to the pick-up artist who trolls the site to score with women, to the criminal who tracks your every movement to know when to rob your house, the best and the worst of Facebook is on display.
When Two Worlds Collide
In this tense and immersive tour de force, audiences are taken directly into the line of fire between powerful, opposing Peruvian leaders who will stop at nothing to keep their respective goals intact. On the one side is President Alan Garcia, who, eager to enter the world stage, begins aggressively extracting oil, minerals, and gas from untouched indigenous Amazonian land. He is quickly met with fierce opposition from indigenous leader Alberto Pizango, whose impassioned speeches against Garcia’s destructive actions prove a powerful rallying cry to throngs of his supporters. When Garcia continues to ignore their pleas, a tense war of words erupts into deadly violence.
Sea Sorrow
A very personal and dynamic meditation on the current global refugee crisis through the eyes and voices of campaigners, specially children, where past and present establish a dialogue. A reflection on the importance of human rights.
MAJOR! follows the life and campaigns of Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, a 73-year-old Black transgender woman who has been fighting for the rights of trans women of color for over 40 years.
Процветание: Готова ли к нему Земля?
Документальный фильм, который поднимает завесу того, что на самом деле происходит в нашем мире. Следуя вверх по течению денежного потока, раскрывается глобальная консолидация власти в практически каждом аспекте нашей жизни. Сплетая вместе прорывы в науке, сознательности и активности, фильм предлагает реальные решения, укрепляет нас практичной и смелой стратегией по рекультивации нашей жизни и нашего будущего.
Vegan: Everyday Stories
A feature-length documentary that explores the lives of four remarkably different people who share a common thread - they're all vegan. The movie traces the personal journeys of an ultramarathon runner who has overcome addiction to compete in one hundred mile races, a cattle rancher's wife who creates the first cattle ranch turned farmed animal sanctuary in Texas, a food truck owner cooking up knee-buckling plant-based foods, and an 8-year-old girl who convinces her family of six to go vegan.
Ветеран войны во Вьетнаме Гарри Бейли решает пойти в колледж. Несмотря на то, что Гарри значительно старше и опытнее большинства студентов, он — активный участник студенческих движений. Но у Гарри не все так хорошо, ведь он хочет стать учителем, а профессора убеждают его в том, что учитель — это просто одна из профессий, причем не самая лучшая.
Land of Hope and Glory
In 2005, a film called Earthlings became the most pivotal documentary of the animal rights movement. Here in the UK however, we found the phrase "that doesn't happen in our country" coming up far too much. We wanted to set the record straight. Through Land of Hope and Glory we aim to show the truth behind UK land animal farming by featuring the most up to date investigations as well as never before seen undercover footage, with a total of approximately 100 UK facilities featured throughout the film.
Bikes vs Cars
Bikes vs Cars depicts a global crisis that we all deep down know we need to talk about: Climate, earth's resources, cities where the entire surface is consumed by the car. An ever-growing, dirty, noisy traffic chaos. The bike is a great tool for change, but the powerful interests who gain from the private car invest billions each year on lobbying and advertising to protect their business. In the film we meet activists and thinkers who are fighting for better cities, who refuse to stop riding despite the increasing number killed in traffic.