
Mirage Squadron (1975)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 33М

Директор : Bertrand Retief

Краткое содержание

Lt. Gerhard Muller is the son of a pilot who was killed while flying with the South African Air Force in Korea. At the time his best friend and fellow pilot, Chris Fourie, was the only one to return from their mission and since then there have been various rumours about what happened. Now Gerhard is joining a Mirage squadron at Waterkloof Air Force Base, where Fourie will be his immediate superior. In addition his grandfather, Colonel Greeff, is the base commander. Also joining the squadron is Gerhard's best friend, Martin Bekker, who is the only one who knows about Gerhard's recent dizzy spells. It also emerges that there was a relationship between Gerhard's mother and Commander Fourie before she and his father got married.


Barry Trengove
Barry Trengove
Commandant Chris Fourie
Petru Wessels
Petru Wessels
Santie Muller
James White
James White
Lieut. Gerhard Muller
Lieb Bester
Lieb Bester
Lieut. Martin Bekker
Danie Smuts
Danie Smuts
Colonel Greeff
Sybel Coetzee
Sybel Coetzee
Ingrid de Villiers
Moira Downie
Moira Downie
Sussara 1
Frances O'Linn
Frances O'Linn
Sussara 2
Colin Sutcliffe
Colin Sutcliffe
Colonel Donaldson
Fred Wheeler
Fred Wheeler
Flight sergeant
Pierre Venter
Pierre Venter
Traffic officer


Ben Vlok
Ben Vlok
Bertrand Retief
Bertrand Retief
Bertrand Retief
Bertrand Retief
Ivo Pellegrini
Ivo Pellegrini
Oscar Burn
Oscar Burn
Theo Theron
Theo Theron
Production Manager
Tessa Schultze
Tessa Schultze
Assistant Editor
Lillias Tait
Lillias Tait
John Hookham
John Hookham
Production Assistant
Peter Fokazi
Peter Fokazi
Cas Odendaal
Cas Odendaal
Mixing Engineer
Louwtjie Burger
Louwtjie Burger
Still Photographer
James Gardner
James Gardner
Camera Trainee


Громила в Африке
Инспектор Риццо по прозвищу «Громила» получает письмо с просьбой о встрече от своего коллеги из Южной Африки. Однако южноафриканского полисмена убивают практически на глазах у Риццо. Он едет в Йоханнесбург, чтобы разыскать сына убитого…
Клич свободы
Основанная на реальных событиях драматическая история о дружбе двух мужчин, африканского активиста и журналиста, которые, несмотря на различия, были объединены борьбой против апартеида.
Ночной драйв
«Ночным драйвом» зовутся устраиваемые для туристов обзорные поездки по южноафриканской саванне. В ходе очередной экскурсии разношёрстная группа отдыхающих вместо природных красот натыкается на истерзанный женский труп. Один из проводников приписывает нападение легендарному демону, другой же знает, что в регионе орудует банда фанатичных отморозков, помимо браконьерства устраивающая охоты на людей.
Orkney Snork Nie 2
The second movie based on a South African sitcom by the same name.They celebrate their new found richness in style but soon lose more than they had won. Scam artists rob and deceive them.The mine fires them and their wives won't allow them to come home. They numerous trials and tribulations to get everything back to the way it was.
His Big White Self
A follow-up to "The Leader, His Driver, and the Driver's Wife", about the history of the far-right group AWB and its leader Eugene Terre'Blanche.
A Million Colours
A story of love and friendship set against the violence of Apartheid in South Africa. It is a story of the ups and downs of the lives of the three main characters, and how their lives intersect over the years.
Спецагент ФБР, бывший морской пехтинец Паркер вместе с агентшей ЦРУ Джиной отправляются на Кубу, чтобы выменять американца на кубинского торговца наркотиками, арестованного в Штатах. На острове свободы их ждала ловушка — предатель американского народа Прайс и генерал, замышляющие свергнуть Фиделя, готового пойти на мировую с Америкой, схватили обоих и вживили Паркеру микросхему, превратив его в убийцу. Такие человеческие бомбы замедленного действия они собираются использовать для грязных целей. Но Паркеру удается освободиться из-под контроля подлого микрочипа.
Mapantsula tells the story of Panic, a petty gangster who inevitably becomes caught up in the growing anti-apartheid struggle and has to choose between individual gain and a united stand against the system.
Difficult Love
The film is a portrayal of Zanele Muholi, a lesbian photographer working in the South African GLBT community. This thin, combative woman is already a world-wide famous artist. She defines herself as a "visual activist" in order to highlight her commitment to politics, to communicating ideas and to art. Her work includes: provocative nudes (like a female Mapplethorpe); young Zulu couples, dressed in traditional costumes, embracing each other; a homeless socially excluded lesbian couple; a dignified portrait of Victor Mukasa, the gay human rights leader from Uganda; wonderful shots of Zanele with her white partner. Beautiful and poetic pictures which are "militant" in nature since they condemn homophobia, poverty, and the public and private conflicts of a country divided between tradition and modernity.
Code Name: Vengeance
Soldier of fortune, Monroe Bieler, is sent to dole out some American-style justice when the wife and child of an African president are kidnapped by terrorists.
Meanwhile in Mamelodi
Set against the raucous backdrop of the 2010 World Cup, MEANWHILE IN MAMELODI is a beautifully crafted portrait of a place and one family’s daily life inside it. The Mtsweni family lives in the Pretoria Township of the title, in the district known as Extension 11. Their world is a ramshackle collection of corrugated tin dwellings and makeshift shops, open sewers littered with debris and red-earth rectangles filled with soccer-playing children and teens. Seventeen-year-old Mosquito is one of those kids. As she studies for math tests, flirts with boys and shops with her best friend, her father Steven prepares his "tuck shop" for the promise of cash-flush tourists. Meanwhile, his wife struggles with mental illness. The Mtswenis' lives unfold as the Cup brings new hope to the ravaged town. Despite the poverty around her, Mosquito insists this is not her parents' country. She is the face of South Africa's future - part of "a new generation free to do all things."
South African crime/comedy movie. Forced to spend the night at a creepy old holiday resort, two wannabe gangsters run into trouble when, unpacking the car, their box of cash splits open, spilling a million bucks in eye-catching bundles all over the driveway
Eyes of the Navy
Produced by MGM in cooperation with the U.S. Navy, this short film follows U.S. naval aviators through their basic training in Florida and advanced training in California.
The greatest feature to emerge thus far from South Africa (since 1994) is Katinka Heyns's Paljas. The narrative occurs in the 1960s, when poverty amongst Afrikaners was a serious problem and the South African Railway a key mechanism in Afrikaner affirmative action. This excellent Afrikaans language drama follows the deterioration of an Afrikaner family isolated and shunned in the small community of Toorwater. Nothing seems to happen. Then a circus train loses its way and comes to rest in Toorwater, and a mysterious clown brings fresh magic to the stagnating family, but he also poses a threat to the rest of the community. Heyns brilliantly succeeds in creating a metaphor for the Afrikaner family's turbulent emotional, cultural and ideological journey from the darkness of apartheid back into the light of post-apartheid reconciliation (famililial, cultural and political).
Обвиненные в преступлении, которого не совершали, Карли и ее подруга Мелани оказываются в тюрьме, получившей название «Чистилище», где девушек заставляют работать проститутками.
Cry, the Beloved Country
In the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo journeys to the city to search for his missing son, only to find his people living in squalor and his son a criminal. Reverend Misimangu is a young South African clergyman who helps find his missing son-turned-thief and sister-turned-prostitute in the slums of Johannesburg.
Survival Zone
In a post-nuclear world, a happy family of ranchers is beseiged by a roving band of ne'er do well marauders who want to eat the men and mate with the women. Having already killed and eaten an entire mission full of nuns, the family has no choice but to grab their rifles and defend their homestead. Meanwhile, the lonely, nubile daughter begins to have feelings for the buff blond stranger with no family who has wandered onto the property. It's romance, intrigue, action, and violence on the dark continent!
Curse of the Voodoo
In Africa, a professional hunter kills a male lion which is sacred to a local tribe which also practices voodoo; and when he returns to England, he finds himself deteriorating under the influence of a curse which they have placed on him for his sacrilege.
In a country where police sirens are an everyday melody and survival is an ongoing struggle, we see superhero "wannabe" Albert and Peet step in and give us hope that there is people among us who will stand up and fight for the man on the street.
Лондонский книгоиздатель Тоби Худ, средних лет, приятной наружности и с хорошими манерами приезжает по делам в Кейптаун. Нет, нет, он - истый британец, и ему чужды расовые предрассудки. Он охотно знакомится с неграми, посещает собрание подпольной организации, борющейся за равноправие, он сочувствует своим новым темнокожим друзьям, он даже готов помочь им. Но, право же, он не понимает, почему нельзя сочетать все это с посещением плантаторских вилл, легкой и беззаботной любовной интрижкой с местной аристократкой, светскими «файф-о-клоками», словом, с той комфортабельной, сытой и покойной жизнью, к которой он так привык. Этот вопрос задает ему не кто иной, как он сам, внутренний голос его совести. Это мучительная, но требующая четкого решения дилемма. Дилемма, встающая перед любым, будь он жителем страны или приезжим. Или - или. Необходим выбор: с кем ты - с угнетенными или угнетателями.