The Honor of His Family (1910)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 15М

Директор : D.W. Griffith

Краткое содержание

An old colonel is proud as a peacock: his son leads a group of volunteers in the American Civil War. Untill one day his son returns home as a deserter.


Henry B. Walthall
Henry B. Walthall
George Pickett Jr.
Verner Clarges
Verner Clarges
Colonel Pickett
Linda Arvidson
Linda Arvidson
Woman at Farewell
Kate Bruce
Kate Bruce
Woman at Farewell
William J. Butler
William J. Butler
Charles Craig
Charles Craig
Man at Farewell
Francis J. Grandon
Francis J. Grandon
Officer Among Soldiers
Ruth Hart
Ruth Hart
Woman at Farewell
James Kirkwood
James Kirkwood
Adolph Lestina
Adolph Lestina
W. Chrystie Miller
W. Chrystie Miller
Man Among Friends
George Nichols
George Nichols
Anthony O'Sullivan
Anthony O'Sullivan
Alfred Paget
Alfred Paget
Man Among Soldiers
Gus Pixley
Gus Pixley
Dorothy West
Dorothy West
Woman at Farewell


D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
Frank E. Woods
Frank E. Woods
Billy Bitzer
Billy Bitzer
Director of Photography
Arthur Marvin
Arthur Marvin
Director of Photography


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Дочурка Груффало
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