
To Dance with the White Dog (1993)

Жанр : драма, телевизионный фильм

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Glenn Jordan

Краткое содержание

When Sam Peek's beloved wife, Cora, dies, a white dog suddenly materializes as his new companion and confidant.


Hume Cronyn
Hume Cronyn
Robert Samuel Peek
Jessica Tandy
Jessica Tandy
Cora Peek
Christine Baranski
Christine Baranski
Terry Beaver
Terry Beaver
Harley Cross
Harley Cross
Esther Rolle
Esther Rolle
Frank Whaley
Frank Whaley
Amy Wright
Amy Wright
Dan Albright
Dan Albright
Dan Biggers
Dan Biggers
Dr. Bennett
Lane Bradbury
Lane Bradbury
Mildred Cook
Warde Q. Butler
Warde Q. Butler
Neal Lewis
David Dwyer
David Dwyer
Ed Grady
Ed Grady
Herman Morris
Bob Hannah
Bob Hannah
Clete Walton
Frank Roberts
Frank Roberts
Howard Cook
Jack Swanson
Jack Swanson
Alex Van
Alex Van
Pete Morris


Glenn Jordan
Glenn Jordan
Susan Cooper
Susan Cooper
Terry Kay
Terry Kay
Terry Kay
Terry Kay
Patricia Clifford
Patricia Clifford
Patricia Clifford
Patricia Clifford
Executive Producer
Glenn Jordan
Glenn Jordan
Bruce Savin
Bruce Savin
Co-Executive Producer
Brent Shields
Brent Shields
Richard Welsh
Richard Welsh
Executive Producer
Gerald Gouriet
Gerald Gouriet
Original Music Composer
Neil Roach
Neil Roach
Director of Photography
Bill Blunden
Bill Blunden
Judith Holstra
Judith Holstra
Nikki Valko
Nikki Valko
Fred Harpman
Fred Harpman
Production Design
Joseph Litsch
Joseph Litsch
Set Decoration
Helen P. Butler
Helen P. Butler
Costume Design


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