
Iraq International Awards (2023)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Fadi Haddad

Краткое содержание


Jabaar Joudy
Jabaar Joudy
Ashraf Zaki
Ashraf Zaki
Naseer Shamma
Naseer Shamma
Inas El Degheidy
Inas El Degheidy
Shaza Salem
Shaza Salem
Alaa Hussein
Alaa Hussein
Alexander Uloom
Alexander Uloom
Rahma Riyad
Rahma Riyad
Bakr Khalid
Bakr Khalid
Ashty Hadid
Ashty Hadid
Baraa Al Zubaidi
Baraa Al Zubaidi
Zahra Habib
Zahra Habib
Muhannad Abu Khumra
Muhannad Abu Khumra
Asawer Ezzat
Asawer Ezzat
Sara aws
Sara aws
Monzer Rayahneh
Monzer Rayahneh
Hala Sedki
Hala Sedki
Mai Kassab
Mai Kassab
Haifa Hassony
Haifa Hassony
Fadi Haddad
Fadi Haddad
Hind Nizar
Hind Nizar
Ahmed Waheed
Ahmed Waheed
Ali Jassim
Ali Jassim


Fadi Haddad
Fadi Haddad


Hands of God
Thirteen years of war. Dozens of car bombings every month. One goal: to become an Olympic champion. The true story of grit and determination, of young men literally fighting for their lives one day on the battlefields of Iraq and competing to fight for their Nation the next one. Despite living under the persistent threat of ISIS, these athletes will strive to accomplish their task. The amazing journey of the Iraq National Team from obscurity and desperation to the edge of an historical qualification to Rio 2016. Will private Waheed be able to manage his army duty with his desire to go to the Games? Is young Jafaar ready to aspire to the Olympic stage he has been dreaming of, despite living in the most dangerous suburb in the world? Will promising heavyweight Saadi come back from his mission to liberate Falluja? Will Iraq finally be a peaceful Country?
Фаренгейт 9/11
Документальное исследование причастности Джорджа Буша к трагедии 11 сентября… Главные темы фильма — истоки терроризма и события 11 сентября 2001 года. В фильме Мур расследует тесные связи, существовавшие между двумя «кланами», двумя поколениями Бушей и двумя поколениями бен Ладенов. Автор картины утверждает, что между Джорджем Бушем-старшим и отцом Усамы бен Ладена существовали прочные деловые связи. Они сложились, когда Буш-старший еще находился на посту президента США, долгое время поддерживались и были разорваны лишь через два месяца после чудовищных терактов, осуществленных против США в 2001 году.
В долине Эла
Фильм повествует об офицере, чей сын-солдат немотивированно отправляется в самоволку вскоре после возвращения в Штаты из Ирака, и исчезает без следа. Местный полицейский детектив берется помочь офицеру в расследовании...
И черепахи умеют летать
Место действия — лагерь беженцев, а герои — курдские дети, брошенные на произвол судьбы, их родители погибли во время иракской оккупации. Но среди разрушения, страха и насилия дети остаются детьми.
Jerry (Jamie Draven) was an idealist when he served in the first Gulf War. But when he was later deployed to Iraq, Jerry was an older man, a father of three and embittered by broken promises and unfulfilled desires. When Jerry returns from Iraq he has been transformed by horrors that cannot be forgiven. He lives a life of poverty, his children afraid of him and his wife, Nora (Vinessa Shaw), unsympathetic and unhappy. When Jerry discovers that Nora has betrayed him, his anger and despair drive him to commit an act so heinous and irreversible that nothing he had experienced in combat could have prepared him for.
Три короля
Ирак, март 1991-го года. Американцы празднуют победу — изгнание войск Саддама Хусейна из Кувейта. Капитан спецподразделения Арчи Гейтс и трое его подчиненных совершенно случайно становятся обладателями секретной карты, найденной в… заднем проходе одного из иракских воинов. Ценность ее заключается в том, что на карте указано место, где спрятано золото Саддама, награбленное в Кувейте.
Imminent Threat
A look at the War on Terror and the threat it's causing to our civil liberties and political discourse. Academy Award nominee James Cromwell presents Janek Ambros' directorial debut. The feature doc tackles the War on Terror's impact on civil liberties and the strange coalition it's creating between the progressive left and libertarian right. The doc examines the NSA, drones, the war on journalism and other encroachments on civil liberties started by the Bush era and expanded by the Democratic establishment.
Zaman - The Man from the Reeds
Zaman is a sweet and sad story about love and devotion, hope and fear. Zaman (Sami Kaftan), and his wife, Najma (Shatha Salim), have built their happy life together in their house of reeds and, though childless, adopted a boy, Yacine (Hussein Imad), orphaned by the 1991 Gulf War. They have lived a quiet, contented existence until Najma falls ill. The local doctor tells them she needs surgery or some special medicine he does not have. And so Zaman sets off in his small boat and journeys up the Tigris to Baghdad in search of the precious cure. Thus begins the journey of salvation and discovery for "Zaman, the Man of the Reeds."
JERABEK is an intimate portrait of one family that confronts the tragedy of war. Ryan Jerabek wanted to get out of Green Bay, Wisconsin, see the world and do something different. Moved by what happened on September 11th, the honor student and varsity athlete joined the Marines and left for boot camp weeks after his high school graduation. Nine months later, he was killed in Iraq. The film chronicles, over two years, the changes in the lives of his family. Beyond politics, headlines and statistics, JERABEK offers a candid, personal look at the toll one death takes.
Тигр и снег
Аттилло Де Джиованни — талантливый поэт, влюбленный в свое искусство. Он боготворит свою музу, прекрасную Витторию, которая каждую ночь приходит к нему в сновидениях. И вот однажды он встречает Витторию в реальной жизни. Аттилло счастлив! Он делает буквально все, чтобы покорить сердце красавицы, но безуспешно. Муза во плоти горда и неприступна. Вскоре Виттория улетает в Багдад вместе с иракским поэтом Фуадом, о котором она пишет книгу. Там она получает серьёзное ранение, и Аттильо не задумываясь, отправляется к своей возлюбленной в надежде спасти её жизнь, невзирая на многочисленные тяготы страшного военного времени…
Без цензуры
В центре картины — небольшой отряд американских солдат на контрольно-пропускном пункте в Ираке. Причём восприятие их истории постоянно меняется. Мы видим события глазами самих солдат, представителей СМИ, иракцев и понимаем, как на каждого из них влияет происходящее, их встречи и столкновения друг с другом.
No End in Sight
Chronological look at the fiasco in Iraq, especially decisions made in the spring of 2003 - and the backgrounds of those making decisions - immediately following the overthrow of Saddam: no occupation plan, an inadequate team to run the country, insufficient troops to keep order, and three edicts from the White House announced by Bremmer when he took over.
Повелитель бури
Члены элитного отряда по разминированию направлены в один из иракских городов, где практически каждый предмет представляет смертельную опасность. Джеймс — сапер-подрывник, который, несмотря на опасность, относится к обезвреживанию бомб как к игре. Война — его настоящая страсть. Именно из-за этого в его отряде начинаются разногласия.
Under Poisoned Skies
Gas flaring has long been known to be both a major polluter and a serious health hazard. In Iraq, it's ruining ordinary people's lives, leaving communities ravaged by abnormally high levels of cancer. With oil giants like BP using a loophole to avoid reporting emissions, and governmental promises to end the practice ringing hollow, what will it take to eradicate toxic pollution from Iraq's skies?
The Four Horsemen
Four high school football stars enlist in the Marines and head off to fight in the war in Iraq. When one of them is killed and another wounded, they return home only to find is extremely difficult to pick up the threads of their old lives. The memories of events in Iraq combined with the lack of public support pushes many of these men to the breaking point.
Standard Operating Procedure
Errol Morris examines the incidents of abuse and torture of suspected terrorists at the hands of U.S. forces at the Abu Ghraib prison.
In the months before the war in Iraq , Abdel and Umayr , two brothers who are very close, will be forced to separate from each other. Months later , with the war in full swing, they will meet again , but neither of them is the same.
The Mark of Cain
After a bomb kills their company commander in Iraq, British soldiers Treacle and Shane are ordered to round up suspects and use torture on the detainees. Back home, the press gets the story and the pair achieves instant infamy.
Vietnam: American Holocaust
VIETNAM: AMERICAN HOLOCAUST exposes one of the worst cases of sustained mass slaughter in history, carefully planned and executed by presidents of both parties. Our dedicated generals and foot soldiers, knowingly or unknowingly, killed nearly 5 million people, on an almost unimaginable scale, mostly using incendiary bombs. Vietnam has never left our national consciousness, and now, in this time, it has more relevance than ever. Claiborne documents the Whitehouse fabrication of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and further, raises the question of whether JFK was assassinated to promote the Vietnam War. Martin Sheen, who played the leading role in Apocalypse Now almost 30 years ago, has generously lent his powerful voice to this actual history of the War in Vietnam.
The story of two Italian men who are posted to Iraq on a mysterious mission to guard the cell of a prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison. What's strange is that neither man knows who is inside; they must simply follow orders not to let anyone enter or leave the cell. As time passes their nerves are tested and they begin to wonder whether their charge could be Saddam Hussein...