The Mark of Cain (2007)
The scars of war run deep.
Жанр : драма, военный
Время выполнения : 1Ч 27М
Директор : Marc Munden
Краткое содержание
After a bomb kills their company commander in Iraq, British soldiers Treacle and Shane are ordered to round up suspects and use torture on the detainees. Back home, the press gets the story and the pair achieves instant infamy.
For thousand of years, legends of beautiful mermaids have enchanted people from all over the globe. Their fascinating and mysterious world has always captured the imagination of humans. In film history, there hasn't been a single movie that has uncovered and explored this mystical world. What secrets lurk beneath the depths? And why do beautiful mermaids seduce human men? "Mermaid Island" is the first underwater fantasy film to unveil and answer these questions.
Kiplingesque tale of British forces in 19th-century India.
Two Union soldiers maintaining a position on a riverbank negotiate a one-hour truce with the Confederate soldier manning the opposite bank. During the hour, they gain respect for one another as they trade tobacco, enjoy some fishing and make an unsettling discovery.
John Copley’s colorful production, with designs by Beni Montresor, was created around the beloved superstar Luciano Pavarotti. As the simple, good-hearted Nemorino, he enchanted audiences with his larger-than-life personality as well as his golden voice. Enzo Dara as the quack Dr. Dulcamara provides the elixir of the title that helps Nemorino win the heart of Adina, the girl of his dreams, sung with youthful energy by Kathleen Battle.
Патрульная группа британских солдат ведет зачистку афганского городка. И постепенно большинство из них начинает осознавать бессмысленность своего присутствия в чужой стране.
In the year 1870 Rome, then governed by the Pope, was captured by the Italian General La Marmora's troops. After the armistice, the Italian soldier Alfonso killed a Pope's soldier, the son of Don Prospero. Then he sought refuge in the house of Don Prospero himself. There Costanza and Olimpia, respectively the wife and the daughter of Don Prospero, fall for him. Then Gustavo, who knew that Alfonso had killed Don Prospero's son arrived in the house... Some things are going to happen
Medal of Honor Recipient George Sakato said with tear, ' I am not a hero. I just killed a lot of people. It's not good. This medal is for the people who couldn't return their homes, not for me.' Even many soldiers who received the decoration still have deep scars in their hearts now. He is the veteran of 442nd Regimental Combat Team in WW2 composed of Japanese Americans, who were at first seen as the problem because of their race, but later seen as problem solvers because of their splendid achievements on the battle field. They had to fight not only the enemy but also prejudice. This is the story of the 442nd and their veterans now and then.
Джонатан, учитель танцев из Бостона 1820-х годов, едет навестить родственников, но его похищают пираты. Он становится рабом, однако ему удаётся совершить побег, когда они пришвартовываются в Лас-Пальмас, где губернатор Дон Эмилио и его прекрасная дочь Серафина принимают его за предводителя пиратов. Джонатан арестован и приговорён к смертной казни. Когда на город нападают мародёры, которыми командует коварный дон Бальтазар, жених Серафины, Джонатан снова убегает и организует сопротивление.
Four Swedish volunteer soldiers are trapped in Russia. In front of them lies the front with enemy outposts and patrols, behind them the enemy minefields. Hope to return to their own lines decreases each day. Corpses of fallen, "dead of cold and hard as iron", forms the macabre landmarks in the winter landscape. Nearby is a burnt Russian village.
В семью, потерявшую на войне своего сына и брата, приезжает незнакомец. Он представляется сослуживцем погибшего и напрашивается погостить у них несколько дней, чтобы познакомиться поближе, а заодно рассказать о своей службе. Незнакомец очень приветлив и добр к каждому из членов семьи и при каждом удобном случае старается чем-то помочь. Однако вскоре эта помощь становится все более и более радикальной…
After their mission is overrun by North Vietnamese forces, a missionary couple, their Australian guide, a South Vietnamese major, a brothel owner and her daughter all get in the mission's battered school bus and try to make their way to safety. Soon after leaving, however, their bus is commandeered by three US Marines trying to get back to their base at De Nang. To reach their destination, they must fight through most of the North Vietnamese army.
A military mission is interrupted when a soldier claims that God had appeared to him in a transcendental vision.
The film dramatizes November 11, 1919- a crucial date in the battle for Latvian independence. A year after the end of the official hostilities of WWI, a renegade German general and troops remain outside the Latvian capital. Latvian riflemen, most of them inexperienced volunteers, somehow managed to defeat a larger, better-armed force of German and Russian mercenaries.
Анхела приходит в себя на корабле посреди океана. После вспышки эпидемии неизвестного вируса, превращающего людей в зомби, ученые решили изолировать инфицированных, но не заболевших людей, чтобы исследовать природу заразы. На специально оборудованном бывшем нефтяном танкере есть все необходимое оборудование для проведения лабораторных экспериментов. Но, ни ученые, ни команда даже не догадываются, что их ждет. Ведь инфицированные несут в себе гибель для всего человечества.
This short film tells the story of a disgraced U.S. army officer who is charged with treason. At his court martial he is sentenced to lifetime exile aboard American ships at sea, no crew member can mention anything about the United States within his hearing, and in the books he is allowed to read all references to the United States are removed.
A young G.I. falls in love with a kept woman on a train to New York.
VIETNAM: AMERICAN HOLOCAUST exposes one of the worst cases of sustained mass slaughter in history, carefully planned and executed by presidents of both parties. Our dedicated generals and foot soldiers, knowingly or unknowingly, killed nearly 5 million people, on an almost unimaginable scale, mostly using incendiary bombs. Vietnam has never left our national consciousness, and now, in this time, it has more relevance than ever. Claiborne documents the Whitehouse fabrication of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and further, raises the question of whether JFK was assassinated to promote the Vietnam War. Martin Sheen, who played the leading role in Apocalypse Now almost 30 years ago, has generously lent his powerful voice to this actual history of the War in Vietnam.
A young bride tries to rebuild her life after she learns her husband has been killed in the war.
Doris lives with her rough Coast Guardsman father. He has plans for her to marry an up and coming officer, but there is competition when a new, brash, Guardsman enters the picture. Dad hates the new guy, mostly because he is like himself.
Coward is a 28 minute film set during World War 1 that brings to light some of the brutal treatment soldiers received for suffering what would now be known as shell-shock. It follows two cousins, Andrew and James, from their home in Northern Ireland who join the British Army to fight for their Country and make their families proud. Through their eyes we see the reality of life on the front lines.