
Area Q. (2012)

Close encounter sightings

Жанр : триллер, фантастика

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Gerson Sanginitto
Писатель : Gerson Sanginitto, Julia Camara

Краткое содержание

A year after the disappearance of his son, Thomas Mathews, an investigative journalist, still has no information and begins his own obsessive search. However, the obsession has him losing his house and job so his boss sends him on special assignment in Brazil. In Brazil, Mathews investigates close encounter sightings that have taken place in the small cities of Quixada and Quixeramobim-also known as Area Q. While there, he realizes he will face the biggest discovery of his life.


Murilo Rosa
Murilo Rosa
João Batista
Isaiah Washington
Isaiah Washington
Thomas Mathews
Tania Khalill
Tania Khalill
Ronnie Gene Blevins
Ronnie Gene Blevins
Husband with a video camera
John Deignan
John Deignan
Srgt. Williams
Steve Filice
Steve Filice


Gerson Sanginitto
Gerson Sanginitto
Gerson Sanginitto
Gerson Sanginitto
Julia Camara
Julia Camara
Halder Gomes
Halder Gomes
Carina Sanginitto
Carina Sanginitto
Gerson Sanginitto
Gerson Sanginitto
Gerson Sanginitto
Gerson Sanginitto
Halder Gomes
Halder Gomes
Carina Sanginitto
Carina Sanginitto
Isaiah Washington
Isaiah Washington
Perry La Marca
Perry La Marca
Carina Sanginitto
Carina Sanginitto
Director of Photography
David A. Davidson
David A. Davidson
Helgi Thor
Helgi Thor
David Glanzer
David Glanzer
Fábio Vasconcelos
Fábio Vasconcelos
Art Direction
Márcio Ramos
Márcio Ramos
Special Effects Supervisor
Robert D. Starling
Robert D. Starling
Steadicam Operator
Ana M. Amortegui
Ana M. Amortegui
Rhona Rubio
Rhona Rubio
Script Supervisor
Myrna Powell
Myrna Powell
Makeup Artist


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Жена доктора Джо Дэрроу Эмилия трагически погибла в Венесуэле. Чтобы забыться, Джо пытается полностью погрузиться в работу. Но его друзья крайне обеспокоены, замечая, что доктор постепенно сходит с ума. Джо начинает чувствовать присутствие Эмили в доме и считает, что его жена связывается с ним через стрекоз, ведь стрекозы были своеобразным талисманом в ее жизни. В конце концов, Джо отправляется в Венесуэлу, чтобы отыскать там душу своей погибшей жены…
Шестое чувство
Детский психиатр Малкольм Кроу сталкивается со странным случаем: девятилетнего Коула посещают страшные видения — призраки умерших. Все эти люди когда-то были убиты, и теперь они обрушивают на малыша свой гнетущий страх и отчаянный гнев. Как врач, Малкольм бессилен помочь. Но как человек, он пытается найти ключ к ужасному миру Коула, в котором веет дыхание смерти и распускаются страшные цветы боли.
Куда приводят мечты
После гибели Криса Нилсена в автокатастрофе он, обретя бессмертие, пытается остаться рядом со своей прекрасной, но смертной женой Энни. С помощью дружественного духа, приставленного к нему в качестве проводника, он начинает привыкать к своему новому существованию в окружении, которое иначе как райским не назовешь. Но когда его обезумевшая от горя жена кончает жизнь самоубийством, ее проклинают и навечно изгоняют в ад. Крис изо всех сил пытается отыскать любимую, чтобы всегда быть с ней, но еще никому и никогда не удавалось спасти грешную душу от ужасного, но заслуженного возмездия. Благодаря помощи своих небесных друзей Крис отправляется в самое опасное и мучительное путешествие в своей жизни, точнее, в жизни после смерти.
Париж 30-х годов XX века, город декаданса и роскоши. Красавицы американки, сестры Лора и Кэти Барлоу, приезжают туда, чтобы провести спиритические сеансы. Знаменитый кинопродюсер Андрэ Корбен решает, что с их помощью ему удастся поправить пошатнувшиеся дела. Показ «оживших» духов на большом экране принесет ему новую славу и богатство. Лора будет главной звездой его будущего блокбастера. Но что если сестры — вовсе не медиумы, не посредники между миром живых и миром мертвых, а обычные шарлатанки. Похоже, месье Корбена это совсем не волнует, он зачарован божественной красотой Лоры и необъяснимыми талантами Кэти…
Наш дом
Жизнь не прекращается, а смерть — темная игра иллюзий. Последний вздох не завершает наши судьбы. У каждого своя драма или комедия. Пока не пройдешь по всем тропинкам духовного развития, ты не войдешь в Божественный Океан. Существование — это действие. Тело — это одежда. Один век — всего лишь день и смерть. Смерть лишь обновляющее дуновение… Всегда есть возможность начать все сначала.
Yesterday's Children
Jenny Cole lives with her husband and son in middle America. She is pregnant and starts to have very vivid dreams about a small city that has a big church. She then starts talking to her mother about it and her mother shows her some drawings she made when she was a child. To her amazement they are identical to the drawings from her dreams that she is now having. Jenny and her mother do research and find that the dreams are about a small town in Ireland in the 1930s. The mother gives Jenny, her son and her husband tickets to go to Ireland, so that she can find out about her dreams. Had Jenny lived in the past after all as Mary Sutton?
Area Q.
A year after the disappearance of his son, Thomas Mathews, an investigative journalist, still has no information and begins his own obsessive search. However, the obsession has him losing his house and job so his boss sends him on special assignment in Brazil. In Brazil, Mathews investigates close encounter sightings that have taken place in the small cities of Quixada and Quixeramobim-also known as Area Q. While there, he realizes he will face the biggest discovery of his life.
Data Limite segundo Chico Xavier
UFO experts claim that after the explosion of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was an increase in the number of sightings of UFO'S (Unidentified Flying Objects) worldwide. Just over two decades later, the Brazilian medium Chico Xavier confided to close friends that when man reached the moon on July 20, 1969, happened a meeting with the celestial beings of our solar system to check the progress of humanity. They decided to grant a period of 50 years for humanity to evolve morally and live in peace, without provoking a third world war. If we live in peace until the Deadline, humanity would be ready to enter a new era of its existence, and magnificent feats would be checked everywhere, including our brothers from other planets would be expressly authorized to present themselves publicly and officially to Earth's residents.
E a Vida Continua...
As Mães de Chico Xavier
Three mothers see their reality become completely, they are: Ruth, whose teenage son, Raul, faces problems with drugs; Elisa, trying to make up for the absence of her husband giving full attention to the child, the little Theo, and Lara, teacher who faces the dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy. These three women, living in different times of their lives, seeking comfort next to Chico Xavier. And Karl reporter remains insisting on interviewing the medium, even without being prepared for it.
The Laws of Eternity
When a group of students manage to complete Thomas Edison's unfinished "spirit phone" that allows communication with the dead, they are brought to the spirit world by an ancient Incan priest. There they meet historic figures such as Albert Einstein, Buddha, and Friedrich Nietzsche and learn the hidden truths of the cosmos, heaven, hell, and God.
Manika, the Girl Who Lived Twice
In this unusual feature, Manika is a girl born in a Catholic family in a south Indian fishing village is convinced that she has recently had a former life as a Brahman wife in Nepal. Her parish priest, Father Daniel is under orders to convince her otherwise, as reincarnation does not accord with official Catholic doctrine. Instead, he agrees to journey with her to the site of her dreams of a previous life. Once there, they discover that all is just as she had dreamed it, and her former husband has remarried despite promising not to. Her arrival on the scene does not disturb the man, but it really upsets his new wife, who departs with her baby. Manika decides that it helps no one for her to remain there in Nepal, and returns to her home in the south. However, all this has caused a genuine crisis of faith for the priest who, witnessing all this, has had to grapple with some irreconcilable issues.
Behind Natacha Rambova's Shadow
The adventurous life of Natacha Rambova (1897-1966), an American artist, born Winifred Kimball Shaughnessy, who reincarnated herself countless times: false Russian dancer, silent film actress, scenographer and costume designer, writer, spiritist, Egyptologist, indefatigable traveler, mysterious and curious; an amazing 20th century woman who created the myth of Rudolph Valentino.
O Filme dos Espíritos
Após perder a esposa e a caminho do suicídio, um homem se depara com O Livro dos Espíritos e começa uma jornada de transformação interior rumo aos mistérios da vida espiritual e suas influências no mundo material.
Summoning the Spirits
A bearded man hangs up a wreath and, like any good magician, waves his hands inside of it and under it to show us it's only a wreath…
O Espiritismo de Kardec aos Dias de Hoje
A documentary on the importance of the Spiritism doctrine around the world, from its inception with Allan Kardec's works and experiences, first reported on "The Book of Spirits" and then other works, up to its current influence, wisdom and legacy with teachings about faith, human and spiritual evolution, the physical plan and the spiritual plan.
Bezerra de Menezes: O Diário de um Espírito
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Mrs. Walken is in deep grief after her husbands sudden death. In the paper she reads about a medium Dr. Kinley. Widow Walken decides to have a seance, hoping she will make contact with her dead husband.