
Bad (2007)

See the world through dyslexic eyes...

Жанр : драма, семейный

Время выполнения : 30М

Директор : Vincenzo Giammanco

Краткое содержание

This film puts you inside the head of a dyslexic child trying to get through the 5th grade in the 1970's.


Remy Thorne
Remy Thorne
John Read
Jennifer Davis
Jennifer Davis
Linda Read
Nancy Cronig
Nancy Cronig
Ms. Freeman
Kyle Dietz
Kyle Dietz
Dustin the Bully
Kenlyn Kanouse
Kenlyn Kanouse
Ms. Johnson
Ed Zajac
Ed Zajac
Dan Read
Carol Kraft
Carol Kraft
Ms. Branch
Luciana Lagana
Luciana Lagana
Italian Special Ed Teacher
Carla Valentine
Carla Valentine
Nurse Whitfield
Tristan Price
Tristan Price
Little John Read


Vincenzo Giammanco
Vincenzo Giammanco
Vincenzo Giammanco
Vincenzo Giammanco


Перл Харбор
Эта история двух друзей — летчиков. Их судьбы переплавились в топке Второй мировой войны. Их чувства были опалены языками великой страсти. Огонь стал для них вторым домом.Мир рушился, прошлое скрылось в сумерках пожарищ, и теперь за будущее должен был бороться каждый, на земле и на небе, в дружбе и вражде.
Звездочки на земле
Маленький мальчик 8 лет Ишан Авасти с рождения немного отличается от других детей. Ему дается с трудом то, что у других получается очень легко. Мир не понимает этого ребенка, как и его собственные родители. Когда Ишан в третий раз проваливает экзамены в школе, его отец в наказание отправляет мальчика в школу-интернат. Одиночество губит ребенка, он осуждает себя за расставание с родителями, но и их не может простить. Однажды в жизни Ишана появляется временный учитель рисования Рам Никум — единственный, кто понимает этого ребенка. Рам ставит перед собой цель изменить жизнь мальчика и отношение к нему.
Перси Джексон и похититель молний
Главный персонаж — мальчик, узнавший, что его род берет начало от греческого бога. В сопровождении сатира и дочери Афины он отправляется в опасное путешествие, чтобы примирить богов. На протяжении всего фильма храбреца пытается остановить целый сонм мифологических врагов. Его также ждет встреча с отцом и оракулом, предсказывающим предательство друга.
Вечерняя школа
Группа неудачников должна пройти курс вечерней школы, чтобы подготовиться к важному экзамену и доказать наличие хоть каких-то умственных способностей.
Подальше от тебя
Безответственная и легкомысленная Мэгги Феллер поселяется у своей старшей сестры Роуз, которая работает адвокатом и придерживается во всем строгих правил. Неприятности начинаются с того, что Мэгги затаскивает к себе в постель бойфренда Роуз.
Злоумышленник 2
Похищенный психопатом, 6-летний Мартин Бристол вынужден испытывать адские муки и издевательства от своего надзирателя. Между тем, 17-летняя Элисон, переехавшая жить в пустынную местность вместе с дядей, обнаруживает эти ужасные вещи, происходящие на соседней ферме…
Shooting Fish
Two con artists hire an unwitting medical-school student (Kate Beckinsale) as a secretary for their latest scam.
Thunder Road
Jimmy Arnaud eulogizes his mother.
Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia
13-year-old boy has problems reading, which his teachers attribute to laziness. It is later discovered that he has Dyslexia.
Anya's Bell
Inspirational tale set in the late 1940s involving an elderly blind woman with a unique collection of bells in her home and a dyslexic 12-year-old boy who form an offbeat friendship to help each other overcome a disability.
Love, Mary
A teen, who is always in trouble in school and has been sent to reform school, turns her life around when a counselor discovers she is dyslexic.
The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia
Though up to 20% of students are dyslexic, many pass through school unidentified, misunderstood and performing below their potential. Paradoxically, these disorders are often found in highly intelligent, creative minds, and can also be seen as a gift, because many people with dyslexia naturally think outside the box and see the big picture, finding alternative solutions to problems that others might not see.
This film puts you inside the head of a dyslexic child trying to get through the 5th grade in the 1970's.
Dislecksia: The Movie
Dislecksia: The Movie, dyslexic director Harvey Hubbell V and crew explore Hubbell's own experiences about growing up as a dyslexic while also looking into the latest scientific research and educational developments regarding the condition. They examine how the education system in the US handles students with learning disabilities, and explore ways in which this treatment can be changed to improve the social status of dyslexics. And along the way, they meet a variety of dyslexics from very different backgrounds who share their experiences and demonstrate that dyslexics are not disabled - just different.
A Mind Of Her Own
Inspired by a true story, A Mind of Her Own tells the poignant and moving story of Sophie, a determined young girl whose ambition to become a doctor is obstructed by the fact that she is severely dyslexic. But Sophie, encouraged by her closest friend, Becky, has never been one to give up and, despite being advised by parents and school teachers to be realistic and pursue something less academic, she puts herself through college and university, in the process achieving a first class degree in biomedical science and a PhD conducting research into post trauma regeneration of the spinal column which ultimately leads to her achieving worldwide recognition for her work and helping to develop a cure for paralysis. Written by Owen Carey Jones
I Can't Do This But I CAN Do That: A Film for Families about Learning Differences
Does having a learning disability mean that you can’t learn? Eight children prove that the answer is a definitive 'No' in this documentary. Interviews with kids are intercut with scenes of the children engaged in activities that reflect their talents to form a compelling portrait of the ways in which these young people use their strengths to overcome their challenges.
The Secret
Mostly on account of a pride struggle, Mike Dunmore has lived his whole life keeping a secret which he believed would only cause shame if it came to light. Personal relationships with his son Patrick have been strained as a result. The only ones who ever knew anything about it were his deceased wife and his best friend, Thurgood who he works with, who both agreed to help keep it covered up for him as long as they could. However, when his treasured grandson begins experiencing the same problems, Mike realizes that he can't hide his secret any longer, or if he tried to, it would be most difficult. Even more so when he is endorsed and volunteers to run as a candidate for local election.
How far would a mother go to reverse her child’s fate? Based on writer/director Ann Hu’s story, that’s the question facing Lan (Zhu Zhu), who travels with her 9-year-old daughter Meimei (Harmonie He) from their small town in China to New York City.
Journey Into Dyslexia
Addresses misunderstandings of learning differences and demonstrates potential in dyslexic persons.
The Princess and the Cabbie
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.