
Man from Cheyenne (1942)

LOADED...for your entertainment! You'll find a NEW Roy Rogers...more likeable in a role that fits his personality like a glove...greater action...songs...and all the exciting background of the Golden West

Жанр : вестерн

Время выполнения : 1Ч 0М

Директор : Joseph Kane
Писатель : Winston Miller

Краткое содержание

Roy is a government man assigned to a case of cattle rustling in the part of the country where he grew up, unaware that the leader of the gang is a woman, in fact an old flame.


Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers
Gale Storm
Gale Storm
Judy Evans
George 'Gabby' Hayes
George 'Gabby' Hayes
Gabby Whittaker
Lynne Carver
Lynne Carver
Marian Hardy
William Haade
William Haade
Bob Nolan
Bob Nolan
Ranch Hand Bob Nolan
Sally Payne
Sally Payne
Sally Evans
Pat Brady
Pat Brady
Lloyd Perryman
Lloyd Perryman
Bass Player Lloyd
Hugh Farr
Hugh Farr
Ranch Hand Hugh Farr
Karl Farr
Karl Farr
Ranch Hand Karl Farr
Tim Spencer
Tim Spencer
Ranch Hand Tim Spencer
Ivan Miller
Ivan Miller
Mr. Edwards, Dept. of Commerce agent
James Seay
James Seay
Rancher Jim
Jack Ingram
Jack Ingram
Henchman Chuck
Guy Usher
Guy Usher
Head of the Cattlemen's Association
Jack Kirk
Jack Kirk
Rancher Bill
Fred Burns
Fred Burns
Rancher Harry
Roy's Horse
Lynton Brent
Lynton Brent
Tommy Coats
Tommy Coats
Art Dillard
Art Dillard
Chick Hannan
Chick Hannan
Fox O'Callahan
Fox O'Callahan
Joe Yrigoyen
Joe Yrigoyen
Monte Montague
Monte Montague
Cattleman Official, seated
Jack Rockwell
Jack Rockwell
Cattlemen's Association Man, standing
Frank Brownlee
Frank Brownlee
Man in Street with Packages
Eddie Lee
Eddie Lee
Bob Burns
Bob Burns
Edward Peil Sr.
Edward Peil Sr.
Spade Cooley
Spade Cooley
Ted Mapes
Ted Mapes
Tall Cowhand at Dance
Al Taylor
Al Taylor


Joseph Kane
Joseph Kane
Winston Miller
Winston Miller
Joseph Kane
Joseph Kane
William P. Thompson
William P. Thompson
Reggie Lanning
Reggie Lanning
Director of Photography


The Range Feud
Clint Turner is arrested for the murder of his girlfriend Judy's father, a rival rancher who was an enemy of his own father, and his best friend, Sheriff Buck Gordon sets out to find the real killer in the face of pressure for a quick lynching of Clint.
Sunset of Power
Sunset of Power is regarded as one of Buck Jones' more meritorious Universal westerns. The heavy of the piece, grim-visaged cattle baron Neil Brannum, drives everyone around him mercilessly, including his own granddaughter Ruth. In retaliation, a caped-and-masked Spanish bandido stages nightly raids on Brannum's spread.
Ride a Crooked Mile
The son of a cattle-rustling Cossack immigrant must choose between following the straight path and helping his father escape from prison.
Bandit Ranger
Rancher Clay Travers finds and brings in the body of ranger Frank Mattison, murdered on the road to Trail City, where he had been sent to deal with an outbreak of cattle rustling. Businessman Art Kenyon, who has hired gunman Ed Martin to impersonate Mattison to further his rustling schemes, quickly changes Martin's story and has Travers framed for the ranger's murder. Managing to escape, Travers must come up with proof to clear his name and bring the true killers to justice.
The Dude Ranger
An Easterner Inherits a cattle ranch, only to discover that thousands of cattle have been stolen. He secretly signs on as a hired hand at his own ranch to discover who's stealing them.
Stars Over Texas
Eddie Dean is a Cattlemen's Association agent investigating a serious rash of rustlings along with sidekicks Soapy (Roscoe Ates) and Waco (Lee Bennett. The latter bears a striking resemblance to Lawrence ranch foreman Bert Ford (also Bennett), who has been the target of several assassination attempts. Rancher Lawrence (Lee Roberts) and Eddie decide that Waco shall impersonate Ford, who is hiding out in a hotel room.
The Fighting Buckaroo
In this western, a lonesome cowpoke trots into a town and helps clear his pardner's name. The trouble began when the friend was framed by the leader of the Cattlemen's association who made it seem like he was a rustler. Because the friend was an ex-con, the evidence against him seems airtight. The wandering hero must work extra hard to prove his friend's innocence.
Tough Assignment
A meddlesome reporter sporting a young bride takes on a gang of modern day cattle rustlers. Donald "Red" Barry plays Dan Reilly, a newspaper reporter just returned to LA with his wife, photographer Margie (Marjorie Steele). Margie insists on taking pictures of everywhere they go, and so as she's walking into a butcher shop she poses for Dan - while at the same time three thugs make their way quickly out after beating up the proprietors. Soon Margie and Dan are involved in investigating an illegal meat operation that rustles cattle and forces butchers to buy it - or else. Dan gets beaten up a couple of times, but is undaunted in pursuing the great story - and hey, he's only got 64 minutes to do so, he'd best get cracking!
Once Upon a Horse...
Having gained a measure of TV fame by 1958, the nightclub comedy duo of Dan Rowan and Dick Martin decided to give movies a try with Once Upon a Horse. Dan and Dick play Dan Casey and Doc Logan, a pair of nitwitted cowboys who turn to outlawry because they can't make a go at any honest profession. Stealing a valuable herd of cattle, the boys' dreams of financial security are dashed when they're forced to raise money to feed their stolen bovines. Martha Hyer costars as Miss Amity Babb, a resourceful saloon hall owner who applies 20th century business methods to her 19th century operation.
Man from Cheyenne
Roy is a government man assigned to a case of cattle rustling in the part of the country where he grew up, unaware that the leader of the gang is a woman, in fact an old flame.
Brand of the Outlaws
Gary Gray arrives only to be caught up in the rustling activities of Ben Holt and his gang. First Holt brands him for rustling and then frames him for murder. Proven innocent, Gary foils the gang's stage holdup and then heads after Holt whom he now knows to be the real killer. But Holt knows he is coming and waits unseen in ambush. Written by Maurice VanAuken
Ghost Of Hidden Valley
Dawson is running rustled cattle across the abandoned Trenton ranch and has given it the reputation of a ghost ranch to keep people away. When Henty Tenton arrives from England to take over the ranch, Dawson tries to get rid of him. But Billy and Fuzzy are on hand to help Henry and it's not long before they have to go into action.
Range Law
Range Law stars Johnny Mack Brown as "Nevada" and Raymond Hatton as "Sandy", the same characters they played in most of their mid-1940s Monogram westerns. This time, Nevada and Sandy, US marshals both, set out to collar some renegades who've been driving out the local ranchers. It's just possible that one of said ranchers is behind this land-grabbing scheme.
Открытый простор
Лишь на бескрайних просторах Америки Чарли Уэйт и Босс Спирмэн чувствуют воздух свободы. Смутное прошлое заставляет их оставаться в седле, сторонясь городов и людей. Но что-то меняется в душе одиночки Уэйта, когда он встречает Сью Барлоу там, где кое-кто взялся вершить свой закон. И когда напарники оказались связаны местью, то были уверены только в одном: что не станут бежать от опасности никогда!
Мексика, 1888 год. Две очаровательные налетчицы — образованная европейка и грубоватая мексиканка — наводят ужас на банки Дикого Запада. Никто не может противостоять их изобретательности и неустрашимости. И, тем более, никто не может устоять перед их красотой.
Идальго: Погоня в пустыне
В 1890 году богатый шейх впервые пригласил участвовать в соревнованиях иностранца. Им стал американец Фрэнк Хопкинс, лучший ковбой и наездник на всем Диком Западе. Влиятельный шейх поставил сумасшедшие деньги на победу иноземца.Теперь его судьба зависит от противостояния американского выскочки на мустанге по кличке Идальго и лучших арабских жеребцов, управляемых самыми искусными наездниками-бедуинами. И далеко не всех устраивает победа дерзкого янки в традиционном арабском дерби, ведь она может принести одним — славу, а другим — смерть. И для Фрэнка победа становится не только делом чести, но и единственной возможностью выжить в жарких песках бескрайней пустыни…
Ранго - хамелеон, который живет в террариуме и считает себя героем, которому, к сожалению, никак не удается проявить свое бесстрашие. Но когда он внезапно оказывается в городке Грязь, у него появляется такая возможность. Ранго провозглашает себя борцом за справедливость и начинает вести себя как шериф на Диком Западе. Он еще не знает, что быть «хорошим парнем» в этих краях не самая завидная участь...
Железная хватка
Сюжет рассказывает историю 14-летней девочки, стареющего судебного пристава Рустера Когберна и ещё одного законника. Вместе они идут по следам убийцы отца девочки, которые ведут во враждебную индейскую территорию.
Вестерн-триллер о бандите, чьи жертвы возвращаются с того света в обличье зомби, и главный герой прибегает к помощи молодого человека, чтобы справиться с ними.
Одинокий рейнджер
История блюстителя закона Джона Рейда, который с помощью индейца Тонто стал легендарным мстителем в маске, стоящим на защите справедливости. Тонто с юмором и небылицами повествует о тех приключениях, которые пришлось пережить двум непохожим друг на друга героям, сведенным судьбой для того чтобы вместе сражаться против общего врага. Им приходится противостоять жадности и коррупции во времена, когда появление первых железных дорог изменило представление о власти и могуществе в мире.