Chick Hannan

Рождение : 1901-05-24, Iron River, Michigan, USA

Смерть : 1980-08-14


Ride Out for Revenge
Townsman (uncredited)
When an Indian chief is murdered in a hateful town, a sympathizing ex marshal tries to stop the Indians from attacking for revenge.
Last Stagecoach West
The coming of the railroad to Cedar City spells the end of the stagecoach as the government gives the mail contract to the fastest means of delivery. McCord loses the stagecoach line gambling with the new buyer, but has enough hidden money to buy a ranch and some cattle. To make more money, he starts a gang to rob the railroad, express offices and steal cattle. But the railroads send out special agent Cameron to end his reign of violence.
Gun Duel In Durango
Townsman (uncredited)
A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.
Вокруг Света за 80 дней
Extra (uncredited)
Обогнуть земной шар всего за 80 дней? Смешно! Даже лучшие паровые корабли Ее Величества Виктории не смогут сделать это. Но точный и пунктуальный Филеас Фогг заявил, что сможет. А когда члены лондонского престижного Реформ-Клуба попросят Фогга подкрепить его похвальбу солидной денежной ставкой, мы отправимся в путешествие Вокруг света в 80 дней!
Последний фургон
Воспитанный у индейцев, после того как он хладнокровно убил трех человек, виновных в смерти его жены, герой Видмарка был арестован и отправлен на суд с караваном фургонов. Но путешествие по дикому Западу таило в себе множество опасностей. И иной раз руки и опыт арестованного могут оказаться не лишними.
A Man Alone
Townsman (uncredited)
A gunfighter, stranded in the desert, comes across the aftermath of a stage robbery, in which all the passengers were killed. He takes one of the horses to ride to town to report the massacre, but finds himself accused of it. He also finds himself accused of the murder of the local banker, and winds up hiding in the basement of a house where the local sheriff, who is very sick, lives with his daughter.
Далекий край
Townsman (uncredited)
В городок на границе США и Канады приезжает крепкий парень Джефф Уэбстер, для которого перегон скота является профессией и средством к существованию. Он берётся доставить крупное стадо из Сиэтла на Аляску. Однако ему не удаётся договориться о перевозке скота морем, и он решает перегонять стадо своим ходом. Проблема в том, что стадом решил завладеть нечистый на руку судья Гэннон, у которого на службе целая банда…
Ryker Man (uncredited)
Джо и Мэрион Старретт вместе со своим сыном, обожающим приключения, борются за выживание на своем ранчо в суровом приграничном городке. В один прекрасный день подъезжает одинокий всадник Шэйн и просит воды для себя и своей лошади. Джо выполняет просьбу. Через некоторое время Шэйн уже помогает семье защищать ранчо от злодея Райкера, захватывающего земли под пастбища для своего скота. Шэйн остается работать на ранчо и постепенно становится другом и героем для маленького Джои. С присутствием Шэйна никак не может смириться алчный Райкер. Решительное столкновение неизбежно…
Toughest Man in Arizona
Marshal Landry captures outlaw Girard and bringing him in finds a woman and two children, the only survivors of an Indian attack. Later, transferring the prisoner his brothers free him. Then a stage is robbed of a silver shipment by Girard and his brothers. Examining telegrams gets Landry a confession from Girard's girlfriend. The telegraph line has been tapped and the telegrapher is the supposedly dead husband of the woman he brough in. Now knowing Girard's location he sets out after him.
Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territory
Townsman (uncredited)
Story concerns the efforts of Buffalo Bill to protect the Indian's land from a gang who want to get the gold buried there. The outlaws disguise themselves as Indians and raid and plunder the settlers in order to blame the tribe.
Flaming Feather
A mysterious outlaw known as the Sidewinder, phantom leader of renegade Ute Indians, terrorizes the people of the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. When rancher Tex McCloud has his place burned out, he vows to find and kill the Sidewinder.
Slaughter Trail
Trooper (uncredited)
Three outlaws rob the stage and then flee. When their horses give out they murder some Indians to get fresh ones. But this puts the Indians on the war path and they have to take refuge in an Army fort to avoid them. The Indians then arrive offering peace if the three men are turned over to them. The fort's commanding Officer wants peace but the rules say the men must be tried in a white man's court leaving the Indians no choice but to attack.
California Passage
Townsman (uncredited)
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
Townsman (uncredited)
Смутьянка-наследница конфликтует со своим вдовствующим отцом-тираном, воображающим себя Наполеоном на своём ранчо. Их отношения принимают уродливый характер, когда отец приводит в дом новую жену.
Винчестер 73
Spectator (uncredited)
Отчаянный Лин МакЭдам, преследуя убийцу своего отца, приезжает в Додж-сити со своим другом Джонни по прозвищу «Высокий клинок». Героям предстоит соревноваться в меткости на празднике города за лучший винчестер страны. МакЭдаму удается победить противника и получить дорогую винтовку, но раздосадованный враг нападает на победителя и забирает винчестер. Обозленный Лин начнет преследовать похитителя винтовки...
Яркий лист
Tobacco Worker (uncredited)
В 1894 году Брант Роял возвращается в южный город, который он вынужден был оставить с отцом из-за Синглтона, крупнейшего и богатейшего предпринимателя табачной отрасли. Роял, среди прочих планов, собирается жениться на дочери Синглтона, Маргарет, и принять в качестве приданного шикарный особняк «Яркий лист». Брант получает финансовую поддержку и возможность конкурировать с продукцией Синглтона. Наводнят ли рынок сигареты Рояла? Выберет он любовь или холодный расчет?
Comanche Territory
Silver has been found on comanche territory and the government accomplished a peaceful agreement with the indians. When James 'Jim' Bowie comes into the scene he finds the white settlers living near by planning to attack the indians although they know about that agreement and the beautiful Katie seems to play a leading role in this intrigue.
Gun Runner
Henchman (uncredited)
Kate Diamond owns the Roaring Falls Trading Post from where she directs her gang's gun-smuggling to the Indians. After she short-changes smuggler Stacey, his men attempt to steal the hidden guns, and attack her foreman Nebraska, but he is saved by Jimmy and "Cannonball" on their way to file a homestead claim at Canyon City. Jimmy renews a long acquaintance with Sheriff Harris and his daughter Jessica. The sheriff is wounded by half-breed Danny when he finds a rifle hidden in the latter's wagon, but Jimmy captures the outlaw, a go-between for Kate and the Indians.Wounded and in bed, Sheriff Harris ask Jimmy not to tell Jessica that she is only adopted and that Nebraska is really her father, although he believes her to be dead.
Crossed Trails
Townsman (uncredited)
A cowboy frees a rancher framed for murder by outlaws after his ranch.
Cole Armin comes to Albuquerque to work for his uncle, John Armin, a despotic and hard-hearted czar who operates an ore-hauling freight line, and whose goal is to eliminate a competing line run by Ted Wallace and his sister Celia. Cole tires of his uncle's heavy-handed tactics and switches over to the Wallace side. Lety Tyler, an agent hired by the uncle, also switches over by warning Cole and Ted of a trap set for them by the uncle and his henchman.
Black Hills
When Hadley finds gold on his land, Kirby kills him and then goes after Hadley's ranch. After Eddie Dean foils Kirby's robbery attempt, Kirby forces the assistant land agent Tuttle to sell the ranch to him. But Eddie learns of the forgery thru Tuttle's boss and goes after Kirby.
Six-Gun Serenade
Stage Driver (uncredited)
In this western, two cowboys are framed as cattle rustlers and tossed in the pokey. Later, honest ranchers spring them and together they ride out against the rustlers.
Bordertown Trail
The election to determine if Texas will become a state is near and men opposed are running contraband across the border. Sunset and Frog are Border Patrolmen and have an agent that tips them off by carrier pigeon. The Army arrives and the commander is Sunset's brother. When the agent is found out and murdered, his fake replacement then leads the soldiers astray.
Devil Riders
A crooked lawyer and his gang are trying to steal some government land meant for a stagecoach company. The company hires a cowboy to stop them.
Blazing Frontier
A feud develops between the settlers and the railroad detectives in Red Rock Valley. Clem Barstow sends for Billy the Kid and Fuzzy Jones to help.
The Law Rides Again
When a band of American Indians breaks a treaty with the federal government, U.S. Marshals Ken Maynard and Hoot Gibson hit the trail with captured outlaw Duke Dillon (Jack La Rue) to find out what sparked the uprising. They discover clues that point to corrupt Indian agent John Hampton (Kenneth Harlan), but meanwhile, the bandit Dillon pulls a fast one on the marshals, and soon everybody's getting ready for a showdown.
Wolves of the Range
Dorn is after the rancher's land and is trying to stop Banker Brady from helping them. When his man Hammond kills Brady, there is a run on the bank. When Rocky volunteers to ride to the next town for money, he is ambushed by Dorn's men, loses his memory, and is jailed for supposedly stealing the money.
Leather Burners
As rustled cattle have mysteriously disappeared, Johnny sends for his friend Hoppy, Hoppy arrives and immediately suspects Dan Slack. Realizing his telegram about Slack was intercepted, he locks up the operator Lafe knowing he can escape. Tailing Lafe he finds a secret entrance to a mine and inside finds the missing cattle. But Slack's men also find him just as the cattle are stampeded through the mine shaft.
Wild Horse Stampede
Two cowboys try to protect railroad workers from rampaging Indians.
Heart of the Golden West
Lambert owns the trucking line that ships cattle to market. When he raises his rates Roy decides to ship the cattle on the River Boat. When Lambert and his men are unable to stop the boat, they rustle the cattle.
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Hoping to increase its box-office allure by adopting the title of a popular song, Deep in the Heart of Texas (clap!clap!clap!clap!) was the first Johnny Mack Brown western of the 1942-43 season. The plot concerns a group of insurrectionists who intend to keep Texas separate from the rest of the USA.
Overland Mail
Posseman at Cave
Two investigators for a stagecoach company are assigned to find out why the company's stages keep being ambushed. They discover that the culprits are white men disguised as Indians, and they set out to discover who is behind the plot.
In Old California
Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.
Down Texas Way
"The Rough Riders", has U. S. Marshals Buck Roberts (Buck Jones) and Tim McCall (Tim McCoy) coming to a Texas town to visit their friend, U. S. Marshal Sandy Hopkins (Raymond Hatton), only to learn that he has disappeared, and is suspected of the murder of John Dodge (Jack Daley), owner of practically the whole town, except the hotel Sandy owns and runs when he isn't on an assignment as a Marshal. The murder has been committed by the henchmen of Bart Logan (Harry Woods), who intends to take over the dead man's property and whose men are holding Sandy prisoner to make it appear that he fled after arguing with and killing Dodge. Just before the murder, Logan sent a letter to Dodge with the news that the latter's long-missing wife is returning, and in a short while, Stella (Lois Austin), a Logan accomplice, arrives posing as the missing Ann Dodge, thus establishing her right to the Dodge property. Sandy, allowed to escape, returns ... Written by Les Adams
Romance on the Range
Fur theives are looting the traps on the ranch where Roy is foreman and they have murdered one of Roy's friends.
Billy the Kid Trapped
Stanton breaks Billy and his two friends Fuzzy and Jeff out of jail. He wants them free so three of his men can impersonate them for the robberies and murders he has planned.
South of Santa Fe
To get the three needed business men to visit the Stevens mine, Roy stages a ride with the Vacaros and has them as honored guests. Seeing a chance to make a lot of money, gangster Harmon joins the ride and then has his men kidnap the three. Having filmed a fake holdup earlier, he uses the film to convince the Sheriff that Roy and the boys were the Kidnapers.
Below the Border
Shotgun Rider
Scully has forced Joe Collins who works on the Garcia ranch to give him information so his men can steal the family jewels. But the Rough Riders are on the job. Buck poses as a wanted outlaw to get into the gang, Tim as a cattle buyer, and Sandy is collecting information as the saloon janitor. As usual they pretend not to know each other. Written by Maurice Van Auken
Man from Cheyenne
Roy is a government man assigned to a case of cattle rustling in the part of the country where he grew up, unaware that the leader of the gang is a woman, in fact an old flame.
Billy The Kid's Round-Up
When Sheriff Hanley sends for Billy and his pals, they arrive to find him murdered and Ed Slade temporary Sheriff.
They Died with Their Boots On
Trooper (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Billy the Kid Wanted
Billy the Kid (Buster Crabbe) and his pal Jeff (Dave O'Brien) help their friend Fuzzy Jones (Al St. John) escape from jail, and the trio heads for Paradise Valley, where they find the Paradise Land Development Company, ran by Matt Brawley (Glenn Strange) and Jack Saunders (Charles King), is somewhat less than honest in their dealings with the homesteaders. They devise a plan to cause a split between Brawley and Saunders.
King of the Texas Rangers
Shootout Thug
Tom King Jr. seeks to discover who murdered his father, a Texas Ranger; the trail leads to a network of Axis spies.
The Gunman From Bodie
Townsman Sleeping Outside Sheriff's Office
The Rough Riders are after a gang of rustlers. Marshal Roberts is posing as a wanted outlaw, McCall is the Marshal supposedly after him, and Sandy is on hand as a cook. Roberts hopes his joining the gang will help bring them in.
Under Fiesta Stars
Rodeo champ Gene Autry inherits half interest in both a ranch and a mine that provides steady employment for the surrounding rancheros. Unfortunately, the other half goes to Easterner Barbara Erwin (Carol Hughes), who is only interested in monetary remuneration. To convince Gene to buy her share, Barbara enters into an unholy alliance with unscrupulous attorneys Arnold (Ivan Miller) and Fry (Sam Flint), who, without their client's consent, hire a gang of thugs headed by Tommick (John Merton). When a ranchero (Elias Gamboa) is mortally wounded in the ensuing gun battle, Barbara sees the error of her way and switches sides.
Billy the Kid in Santa Fe
First Bushwhacker
Falsely accused of murder, Billy is able to escape thanks to his pals. Once in Santa Fe, he meets once again the man who lied during the trial.
Riders of Death Valley
The Saturday matinee crowd got two cowboy stars for the price of one in this lavishly budgeted western serial starring former singing cowboy Dick Foran and Buck Jones. The latter contributed deadpan humor to the proceedings, making Jones perhaps the highest paid B-western comedy relief in history. The two heroes defend the Death Valley borax miners from an outlaw gang headed by Wolf Reade. An extraordinarily strong cast -- for a serial, at least -- supported the stars, headed by Charles Bickford as Reade, Leo Carillo, Lon Chaney, Jr., and silent screen star Monte Blue. Leading lady Jeanne Kelly later changed her name to Jean Brooks and starred in the atmospheric RKO thriller The Seventh Victim (1943). Universal claimed to have spent $1 million on this serial and made sure to get their money's worth by endlessly recycling the action footage in serials and B-westerns for years to come.
Wrangler's Roost
The notorious outlaw Black Bart has reappeared and the Range Busters are sent to investigate. When they find that Black Bart is now a respectable citizen and that someone is impersonating him, they set a trap for the robber.
The Lone Rider in Ghost Town
Tom and Fuzzy investigate a ghost town which, in this case, is supposedly haunted by real ghosts. The town is an outlaw gang's hideout, and they scare folks away to protect their mine.
Sheriff of Tombstone
The mayor has sent for a gunslinger who, though appearing to clean up the town, is really to be the mayor's means of taking the town over. When Roy and Gabby arrive in Tombstone, Roy is mistaken for the gunslinger. Just as Roy is ready to expose the mayor, the real gunslinger shows up.
Ridin' the Cherokee Trail
Henchman Blackie
Singing cowboy Tex Ritter and his sidekick, Slim Andrews, star in this musical Western about a couple of Texas Rangers who defend the citizens of a small territory from power-hungry outlaws. Villain Bradley Craven (Forrest Taylor) is determined to stop the election process that would allow the region to join the Union. Tex and Slim join a rancher and his daughter to stop Craven, with fearless Tex going undercover to ensure that justice is served.
Robin Hood of the Pecos
Henchman (uncredited)
Robin Hood of the Pecos is a 1941 American film starring Roy Rogers and directed by Joseph Kane. Following the Civil War, the South still faced many dangers not the least of which were the armies of carpetbaggers that descended on impoverished towns, intent on making a fast greenback at the expense of the local populace.
The Lone Rider Rides On
Tom Cameron (George Houston) is searching for the outlaws who ambushed a wagon train, murdered his parents and stole the deed to their land. Though he was only a child at the time, he vividly remembers the scar on the ringleader's face -- and Tom will stop at nothing until he brings him to justice … and exacts vengeance. Al St. John, Hillary Brooke and Karl Hackett costar in this 1941 oater from director Sam Newfield. - George Houston, Hillary Brooke, Al St. John
The Border Legion
Wanted by the law in New York, Dr. Steve Kells heads west and arrives in an area controlled by an outlaw gang known as the Border Legion. When the gang's boss is wounded, they kidnap Kells and force him to remove the bullet. Not allowed to leave and being a wanted man, he joins the gang. Now wanted as a gang member also, he nevertheless plans a raid that will lead the entire gang into a trap.
Beyond the Sacramento
Poker Player
Bill learns that two con artists whom he has dealt with before are at it again. Crowley runs the saloon and Adams the newspaper and both are highly respected by the citizens. Bill has foiled their schemes before and this time he breaks into Adams' office and resets the front page saying Adams confesses to be a fugitive criminal. When the citizens gather the next day the end is near for Adams and Crowley.
Take Me Back to Oklahoma
Storm is out to wreck Ace's stage line. When Tex arrives to help Ace, Storm brings in hired killer Mule Bates. But Tex and Bates know each other and the two devise a plan to fool Storm.
Young Bill Hickok
Posse Rider
Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory just as the Civil War is coming to a close.
Billy the Kid in Texas
In the second of the "Billy the Kid" series from PRC that starred Bob Steele, Billy the Kid is being held on a trumped-up murder charge in a Mexico jail. He escapes and meets his pal, Fuzzy Jones, in Corral City, Texas, which is taking a holiday to allow the cowpunchers of the Lazy A Ranch their periodic spree. In the saloon, Billy is recognized by Dave Hendricks and Flash, two the Lazy A's bed men, as the rider who had held them up after they had robbed the express wagon a few hours earlier. Outside, Billy is ambushed and slightly wounded, and is taken to the express office by Jim Morgan where Mary Barton, the local agent, agrees to tend him until the doctor arrives. Billy turns over the loot he took from the outlaws and he is appointed sheriff, with Fuzzy as his deputy. The Lazy A gang brings in a noted gunfighter, Gil Cooper, who turns out to be Billy's brother. Billy, Gil and Fuzzy eventually rout the outlaw gang, and Gil remains behind with Mary as Billy and Fuzzy ride off.
Under Texas Skies
The story opens as Stony returns to his home town, only to discover that his sheriff father has been murdered by person or persons unknown. The new sheriff (Henry Brandon) resents the arrival of the Mesquiteers, going so far as to frame Tucson on a murder charge.
Melody Ranch
Wildhack Cohort
His Arizona hometown of Torpedo invites Gene back to be the honorary sheriff of the Frontier Days Celebration.
The Cowboy from Sundown
Henchman Pete
The drought-plagued ranchers of Sundown have to market their cattle at a loss in order to meet mortgage payments held by banker Cylus Cuttler. Then, Sheriff Tex Rockett is forced to quarantine all the cattle on the local ranches because of a hoof-and-mouth disease outbreak. Steve Davis herds his cattle to the railhead anyway, and Tex is forced to arrest him. Urged on by the banker's son, Nick Cuttler, the angry ranchers storm the jail, but Steve's sister Bee persuades them to await the trial. Steve, with Nick's help, breaks jail and is told he must kill Tex to aid the ranchers. Meanwhile, government man Bret Stockton and Tex see Nick and his men treating cattle in an unusual way. Tex finally proves that the Cuttlers have been treating the cattle with acid to give a false impression of the hoof-and-mouth disease.
Arizona Frontier
A government agent uncovers the truth behind a series of raids on a freight company.
Roll Wagons Roll
Pioneer Rider
The Army sends Tex Masters to find out who is supplying Indians with military guns.
The Ranger and the Lady
While Sam Houston in in the nation's capital trying to get Texas into the Union, his aide is trying to impose a self-serving tax on the use of the Santa Fe trail. The lady owner of a wagon train is using the trail, and a Texas Ranger comes to her assistance.
Adventures of Red Ryder
Water Hole Poisoner
Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.
Lightning Strikes West
Posse Rider
When Butch Taggart escapes prison, the Marshal sends Lightning Morgan to find him and his hidden gold. He finds the map to the gold on Taggart's boot. Joe Laikon and his men are also after the gold and they overpower Morgan, get the map, and head for the treasure. But Morgan and Tod Grant are soon on their trail
Pals of the Silver Sage
Six-year-old Sugar Grey has inherited a ranch, which she will lose to her cousin Jeff Grey if a certain number of cattle aren't delivered on time.
Barfly (uncredited)
1864 год, Гражданская война в США подходит к концу. Сторонники южных штатов решают использовать последний шанс. В помощь своей истекающей кровью армии, они решают доставить $5 миллионов в золотых слитках из Вирджиния-Сити. Везти золото через вражеские штаты поручено капитану Ирби, у которого есть хитроумный план. Помешать этому пытается Керри Брэдфорд, капитан военной разведки союзной армии. Но о золоте узнал и главарь местной банды Маррелл. Три стороны сцепились в смертельной схватке…
Rhythm of the Rio Grande
Henchman Pete
Filmed at Palmdale, California, this Tex Ritter Western continued a recent trend of limiting Ritter's trademark music numbers in favor of rather ill staged fisticuffs and other action scenes. Ritter, who was never very lucky with his ever changing comic sidekicks, was here saddled with one Frank Mitchell, a New Yorker visibly ill at ease on the celluloid range. Tex and Shorty (Mitchell) ride into Cinco Valley, a gold rich area terrorized by marauders ostensibly lead by one Pablo (Martin Garralaga). Tex, however, recognizes Blackie (Earl Douglas), whose boss is Bannister (Warner Richmond), an American. Suspecting that Bannister and his henchmen are trying to drive the settlers off their potentially valuable land by posing as Mexican banditos, Tex convinces Pablo to help him set a trap for the marauders.
The Cheyenne Kid
A ranch owner gives the Cheyenne Kid $1000 and sends him off to buy cattle. At the same time he fires a ranch hand and that hand rides ahead and alerts Jeff Baker about the $1000. Bakers' henchman are too late to get the Kid but they kill the rancher paid by the Kid. The Sheriff then arrests the Kid claiming he murdered the rancher to get the money back and that Baker said he then lost it at his gambling table.
Westbound Stage
Henchman Clip
A wagon train crossing the plains comes across the remains of other wagon trains that have been attacked by looters. Soon they too are attacked.
Death Rides the Range
The otherwise standard Ken Maynard western Death Rides the Range is distinguished somewhat by a topical slant. The plot concerns a group of spies from an unnamed foreign country (gee, they sure sound German) who head westward to undermine American morale. Into this malaise wanders Maynard, supposedly a rootless cowpoke but in reality an FBI agent. Things begin to heat up when the villains lay claim to a helium well on the property owned by heroine Fay McKenzie. The film's silliest moment occurs in mid-stream, when chief villain Charlie King begins beating up everyone within arm's length, with nary a scratch on his own person.
Trigger Fingers
Posse Rider
Marshal and his men disguise themselves as gypsies to catch a gang of cattle thieves.
The Fighting Renegade
El Puma, a Mexican desert guide, escorts an archaeological expedition headed by Professor Lucious Lloyd (Forrest Taylor through the Indian badlands of Mexico. Marian (Joyce Bryant (I)'), the professor;s niece accompanies the party as only she can translate the Aztec writings in the diary of her father, murdered on a similar expedition six years previous. THe professor is murdered by a knife, and the weapon is recognized as the property of El Puma. Magpie (Ben Corbett), a Federal Investigtor, knows that El Puma is really "Lightnin' Bill' Carson (Tim McCoy), a former federal agent who has been missing since Marian's father was slain. The reluctant Magpie believes that his old pal is guilty. Carson sets out to prove otherwise.
Oklahoma Terror
Cartwright's racket is to sell a ranch and then have Mason and his men drive the ranchers away so he can resell it. If they want their money back he gives it to them and then has them killed. Jack arrives and learns that Mason and his men are the culprits but that they have a boss. He suspects Cartwright and sets trap to expose him.
Riders of the Frontier
Murdered Deputy
The Rancho Grande, a Texas border ranch, cut off from the law by a gang of outlaws led by ranch foreman Bart Lane, who is holding the elderly owner of the ranch, Sarah Burton, a prisoner. Tex Lowery (Tex Ritter), an undercover Texas Ranger, rescues Martha Williams, a nurse sent for by the ailing Sarah, from a stagecoach holdup by Lane's henchmen. He later convinces Laner that he is a wanted outlaw named Ed Carter, and gains entry to Rancho Grande. But the real Ed Carter shows up.
Riders of the Sage
Powers Rider
In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.
The Oregon Trail
Jeff Scott is sent to investigate problems with wagon trains attempting to make the journey to Oregon. Sam Morgan has sent his henchmen, under lead-henchman Bull Bragg, to stop the wagon trains in order to maintain control of the fur trade in the area.
Rough Riders' Round-up
Roy Rogers is a cowboy who joins the Border Patrol, only to have his buddy Tommy get killed at a local saloon. Determined to get revenge at any cost, Roy and Rusty cross the border in search of Arizona Jack, the man responsible for Tommy's death.
Rollin' Westward
A cowboy helps a pretty young woman and her father in their fight against land-grabbers who are trying to swindle them out of their cattle ranch.
The Lone Ranger Rides Again
Cave Heavy
Homesteaders are moving into the valley settled many years ago by rancher Craig Dolan. He wants to keep them out by legal means but his nephew Bart brings in outlaws to drive them out. The Lone Ranger is on hand to help the homesteaders battle Bart's men as he overcomes traps, ambushes, burning buildings and other obstacles in his attempt to bring peace to the valley.
Sundown on the Prairie
Tex and Ananias are sent by the government to capture some Santa Fe rustlers. Tex recognizes Hendricks as an outlaw, captures him and learns that Hendricks intends to meet a rustler named Dorgan. Tex goes instead and finds out that Dorgan plans to move rustled cattle through the ranch owned by Graham and his daughter Ruth. Dorgan has Graham Pass set to be dynamited to stop any pursuit.
The Mexicali Kid
Looking for the killer of his brother, Jack saves the outlaw known as the Mexicali Kid who had collapsed on the desert. Jack joins up with the Kid who leads him to Gorson. Gorson is after a ranch and gets Jack to pose as the heir to the ranch. After the papers are signed he plans to have jack killed. But the Kid recognizes Gorson's henchmen as the men Jack is after and decides to help him.
Starlight Over Texas
Tex has been sent to investigate the theft of government provisions along the border. Kildare is the leader of the outlaw gang and has his men posing as Indians. He has already killed the incoming Marshal and assumed his identity. When Tex asks too many questons, he plans to get rid of him also.
Songs and Bullets
Posse Rider
Melody arrives looking for the killer of his uncle and at the same time Dumont arrives looking for the murderer of her father. They both suspect Skelton and Dumont finds incriminating evidence in his office. But when Melody finds the murder weapon in Skelton's office he is arrested by Shelton's stooge Sheriff.
Frontier Town
Regan is passing off counterfeit money at rodeos betting on his man Denby. When Tex appears and wins all the events, Regan has him accused of murder. As Tex looks for the counterfeiters, his pals Stubby and Pee Wee keep the Sheriff off his trail.
Danger Valley
When Temple's miners strike gold they send Jake to file the claim. Dana is in the Recorder's office and overhears. He and his men kill Jake and forge new deeds. Now owning everything Dana tries to kick the Temple group off their land. But Jack and sidekick Lucky are on hand and plan to help them fight back.
Stars Over Arizona
Yucca Bill Thompson
When the Governor gets Dawson to go after Ace Carter and his gang, Dawson gets him to release four prisoners into his custody. Arriving in town, Carter frames Dawson for murder and his stooge Judge sentences him to be hung. The four ex-convicts arrive in time to save Dawson but one of the four is a double-crosser and this means more trouble for Dawson.
Border Cafe
Ranch Hand (uncredited)
The spoiled, hard-partying son of a senator runs away from home after being reprimanded by his father, finds himself down-on-his luck in a tiny western town, and is rehabilitated through the friendship and wisdom of a kind and patient rancher.
Sing Cowboy Sing
Henchman Joe
Kalmus is after the freight contract held by Summers. When his gang kill Summers, Tex and Duke step in to help Madge keep the freight line going. When they foil the gang's further attempts, Kalmus gets the Judge to jail the two.