
Riders of the Sage (1939)

Жанр : вестерн

Время выполнения : 57М

Директор : Harry S. Webb
Писатель : Carl Krusada

Краткое содержание

In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.


Bob Steele
Bob Steele
Bob Burke
Claire Rochelle
Claire Rochelle
Mona Halsey
Ralph Hoopes
Ralph Hoopes
Buddy Martin
Jimmy Aubrey
Jimmy Aubrey
Steve Reynolds
Carleton Young
Carleton Young
Luke Halsey
Earl Douglas
Earl Douglas
Hank Halsey
Ted Adams
Ted Adams
Poe Powers
Dave O'Brien
Dave O'Brien
Tom Martin
Frank LaRue
Frank LaRue
Jim Martin
Bud Osborne
Bud Osborne
Reed Howes
Reed Howes
Sam Halsey
Jerry Sheldon
Jerry Sheldon
Bruce Dane
Bruce Dane
Oscar Gahan
Oscar Gahan
Powers Rider
Chick Hannan
Chick Hannan
Powers Rider
Archie Ricks
Archie Ricks
Powers Rider
Sherry Tansey
Sherry Tansey
Halsey Rider
Fox O'Callahan
Fox O'Callahan
Halsey Rider


Harry S. Webb
Harry S. Webb
Forrest Sheldon
Forrest Sheldon
Carl Krusada
Carl Krusada
Harry S. Webb
Harry S. Webb
Fred Bain
Fred Bain
Edward A. Kull
Edward A. Kull
Director of Photography


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Follow the Leader
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Devil Monster
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Riders of the Sage
In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.
Monster Invaders from Space
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Plane Crazy
S.O.S Tidal Wave
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By Whose Hand?
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The White Gorilla
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