Jimmy Aubrey

Jimmy Aubrey

Рождение : 1887-10-23, Bolton, Lancashire, England, UK

Смерть : 1983-09-02


Born in Bolton, Lancashire, Aubrey was the son of US born gymnast Robert Aubrey. Later a member of the Fred Karno variety troupe, he first traveled to New York in 1900, then settled permanently after emigrating from London, on August 29, 1908. An early understudy of Charlie Chaplin, he later achieved leading status during the silents era (Oliver Hardy once providing support). Following his career decline as a starring performer, he was initially given work by Laurel & Hardy, before embarking on a career as a bit-part player in over 300 features.


Jimmy Aubrey


The King's Thief
Little Man (uncredited)
An ex-soldier turned highwayman uncovers a plot to take control of England from King Charles II.
The Lady and the Bandit
First Drunk on Steps
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
The Secret Of St. Ives
Guard (uncredited)
A French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars plots his escape after he's captured and imprisoned in a castle fortress in Edinburgh, Scotland. Director Philip Rosen's 1949 film, adapted from a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, stars Richard Ney, Vanessa Brown, Henry Daniell, John Dehner, Douglas Walton, Aubrey Mather, Jean Del Val, Luis Van Rooten, Maurice Marsac and Billy Bevan.
As a publicity gimmick, Harry has to announce his radio show from a real haunted house.
Jiggs and Maggie in Court
Maggie is resentful of being pointed out and laughed at in public because she resembles the cartoon character in the George McManus comic strip "Bringing Up Father." She visits McManus in his studio office and tries to persuade him to stop drawing the syndicated comic-strip. He tells her he will...in 1959. Maggie, not getting any younger, retains counsel and takes McManus to court.
I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes
Around Christmas time, a woman tries to prove the innocence of her dancer husband jailed for a crime she just knows he didn't commit.
Jiggs and Maggie in Society
Maggi continues her forever-ever efforts to crash Manhattan's top society, while Jiggs still mingles with his old construction cronies at the bar of Dinty Moore on 10th Avenue.
Sandra Carpenter is a London-based dancer who is distraught to learn that her friend has disappeared. Soon after the disappearance, she's approached by Harley Temple, a police investigator who believes her friend has been murdered by a serial killer who uses personal ads to find his victims. Temple hatches a plan to catch the killer using Sandra as bait, and Sandra agrees to help.
Mac - Mechanic (uncredited)
Neale and Pedro fly cargo between Chungking and Calcutta. When their buddy Bill is murdered they investigate. Neale meets Bill's fiancée Virginia and becomes suspicious of a deeper plot while also falling for her charms.
The Verdict
After an innocent man is executed in a case he was responsible for, a Scotland Yard superintendent finds himself investigating the murder of his key witness.
The Last Crooked Mile
Nightclub Drunk
A mystery grows after a bank robbery car leads investigators to a carnival sideshow.
Ghost Of Hidden Valley
Dawson is running rustled cattle across the abandoned Trenton ranch and has given it the reputation of a ghost ranch to keep people away. When Henty Tenton arrives from England to take over the ranch, Dawson tries to get rid of him. But Billy and Fuzzy are on hand to help Henry and it's not long before they have to go into action.
Thunder Town
Gunsmith Collins
An ex-convict (Bob Steele) returns to his ranch; he and his sidekick (Sid Saylor) prove he was framed.
Six Gun Man
Barber Customer (uncredited)
Cattle thieves attack every cattle drive that comes near Hagerstown. If they do not sell their cattle for 50 cents on the dollar, they are all stolen. U.S. Marshal Stormy has been sent to end this reign of terror and to find the stolen cattle. He starts with a patrol of cattleman that blast every attempt of the outlaws to steal the herd.
Cockney Cart Driver (uncredited)
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
Jungle Raiders
Greedy traders have kidnapped a researcher, hoping he will reveal the location of a treasure in a hidden village. Family and friends of the researcher come looking for him. Adventure ensues.
The Vampire's Ghost
The Bum
In a small African port, a tawdry bar is run by a old man named Webb Fallon. Fallon is actually a vampire, but he is becoming weary of his "life" of the past few hundred years.
The Drifter
Sheriff Perkins
A Robin Hood-type outlaw rides the range and helps others. Another outlaw who looks just like him tries to cash in on the other outlaw's reputation.
Месть человека-невидимки
The Pub Barman
Роберт Гриффин, считавшийся пропашим во время экспедиции в Африку за бриллиантами, пять лет спустя появляется у дверей дома своего бывшего компаньона Джаспера Херрика и начинает требовать свою долю прибыли. Однако Херрик выставляет старого товарища вон. Загоревшись идеей мести, Гриффин принимает участие в научном эксперименте профессора Друри и становится невидимым, а стало быть, почти неуязвимым.
Шерлок Холмс: Паучиха
News Vendor (uncredited)
Лондон взбудоражен серией таинственных самоубийств состоятельных и влиятельных мужчин. Шерлок Холмс приходит к выводу, что поскольку все мужчины покончили жизнь одним способом-выбросились из окна, то это были убийства. Он отправляется вместе с доктором Ватсоном на рыбалку в Шотландию, надеясь немного расслабиться. Там Шерлок Холмс неожиданно говорит доктору Ватсону, что устал от всех этих преступлений и также собирается покончить жизнь самоубийством. Он бросается со скалы. Его тело не находят, но обнаруживают шляпу, плывущую по реке...
Boss of Rawhide
Pawn Shop Owner
Texas Rangers Tex Wyatt, Jim Steele and Panhandle Perkins are sent to the district of Rawhide to investigate the killings of several ranchers. Tex enters the town posing as a tramp while the other two Rangers join a troupe of itinerant minstrels.
Devil Riders
A crooked lawyer and his gang are trying to steal some government land meant for a stagecoach company. The company hires a cowboy to stop them.
Crazy House
Cameo Appearance
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Raiders of Red Gap
Ranch Hand
One man wants to control all the land in the state to graze all his cattle. His band of outlaws are raiding ranchers and homesteaders, trying to drive them out. Rocky and Fuzzy are brought in to help stop the raiders and keep the land for the small ranchers and homesteaders.
Blazing Frontier
A feud develops between the settlers and the railroad detectives in Red Rock Valley. Clem Barstow sends for Billy the Kid and Fuzzy Jones to help.
Wolves of the Range
Man Fuzzy Bumps Into in Street
Dorn is after the rancher's land and is trying to stop Banker Brady from helping them. When his man Hammond kills Brady, there is a run on the bank. When Rocky volunteers to ride to the next town for money, he is ambushed by Dorn's men, loses his memory, and is jailed for supposedly stealing the money.
The Black Raven
Road Watchman
One dark and stormy night, an escaped convict, an embezzler, a runaway daughter, her intended and her father, and a gangster take refuge in a remote inn called "The Black Raven" after the nickname of a second gangster who owns it; and murder ensues.
Western Cyclone
Billy the Kid is framed for murder.
Dead Men Walk
Crowd and Mob Man in Black Vest
When a small town doctor buries his twin brother, a practitioner of the black arts, he believes him dead; but subsequent events force him to realize that his brother has, in fact, returned from the dead as a vampire and is seeking revenge on the doctor, who had killed him in self-defense.
Fugitive of the Plains
Billy joins an outlaw band led by woman to clear his name of their crimes, which are being blamed on him.
Bad Men of Thunder Gap
Frank Rand
Tex Wyatt is blamed for a murder actually committed by Ransom and Holman, a couple of thieves. Tex manages to escape and is reunited with his two ranger pals Jim Steele and Panhandle Perkins, both of whom are working undercover as performers in a medicine show.
Haunted Ranch
Bartender Jim
Both the Range Buster and Rance and his outlaw gang are looking for stolen gold bullion. To scare people away from the ranch where the gold is hidden, Rance has his man imitating ghosts. The gold is in a steel cased organ but a certain combination of organ stops need to be pulled to obtain the gold.
Wild Horse Rustlers
Jail Guard
Tom Cameron learns that his twin brother is with a group of German spies. They intend to thwart the government's efforts to round up horses for military service.
The Kid Rides Again
Billy the Kid has been wrongfully arrested for robbing a train. In order to prove his innocence, the Kid breaks out of jail and hits the trail to search for the real robbers. Along the way, he discovers that an outlaw band has been impersonating upstanding ranchers.
The Rangers Take Over
New Recruit
Jim Steele spots Pete Dawson taking horses over the Mexico-Texas border, but Dawson has an alibi. A new group of recruits arrives at the Ranger station, among them Tex Wyatt, the son of Ranger Captain John Wyatt, whom he hasn't seen for many years. Captain Wyatt tells Tex that he is in the Rangers strictly on his own merit and there will be no favors played. He assigns Tex to pick up Dawson's trail, but orders that no arrest be made without proof.
Outlaws of Boulder Pass
Short Deputy
Harkness controls Boulder Pass and his men are overcharging the ranches for its usage. When Tom Cameron steps in to rob the tollgate keepers and return the money to the ranchers, he gets caught.
The Mysterious Rider
Billy the Kid and his pal Fuzzy escape from the Marshal and find themselves in the ghost town of Laramy. The city was abandoned because of Sykes and his gang, who are in search of a gold mine.
Border Roundup
In this " Lone Rider" B-Western series entry, Tom Cameron (George Houston) and his pal Fuzzy Jones (Al St. John are deputy sheriffs helping their friend Sheriff Smoky Moore (Dennis Moore) rid the territory of a nasty claim jumper, Blackie (played, as always, to the hilt by favorite B-Western villain Charles King).
Arizona Stage Coach
In the midst of some friendly horseplay on their "Flying R" ranch, the Range Busters, Crash Corrigan, Dusty King and Alibi Terhune, are sobered by the arrival of a buckboard bearing their old friend Larry Meadows and his niece Dorrie Willard. Meadows seeks their aid against a gang of outlaws terrorizing his town. Ernie Willard, Dorrie's brother, has been taken in by Tex Laughlin who is using the Willard ranch as an undercover for his real occupation as a member of a gang of outlaws led by Tim Douglas, a supposed friend of the Willards.
Sheriff Of Sage Valley
Casino Bartender
Billy and his pals, on the run from the law again, travel to Sage Valley where Billy is made Sheriff. The local outlaw gang is run by Kansas Ed who closely resembles Billy. Ed captures Billy and changing clothes with him, now plans to run the town as Sheriff.
Riders of the West
Ma Turner of Red Bluff sends for U.S.Marshal Buck Roberts to investigate a series of wide-spread rustling in the area. Town banker Miller, saloon-owner Duke Mason and the crooked sheriff are in cahoots with rancher John Holt, but they double-cross and kill him. His son Steve witnesses the murder and kills the sheriff. Buck arrives and arrests Steve. Marshal Tim McCall, posing as an outlaw, gains the confidence of the gang and engineers the escape, with Buck's knowledge, of Steve from the jail. Sandy Hopkins, the third Marshal of the trio, poses as a peddler and learns that the gang intends to do away with Buck and rides to the Turner ranch to warn him. Red, a Turner ranch hand but also a member of the gang, overhears Buck telling Ma that Tim is really a U.S. Marshal, and he has Miller and Mason informed. Written by Les Adams
Boot Hill Bandits
The Drunk (as James Aubrey)
Bolton's men blow up the wagon carrying the mine payroll and Marshal Crash Corrigan is supposedly killed in the explosion. A man finds his badge and gives it to Bolton. Thinking Crash dead, Bolton gives the badge away and it ends up with the Sheriff. Crash is OK and the Range Busters know Bolton is the head of the gang but that he gets his orders from someone else and that is the man they want.
Billy the Kid Trapped
Stanton breaks Billy and his two friends Fuzzy and Jeff out of jail. He wants them free so three of his men can impersonate them for the robberies and murders he has planned.
Broadway Big Shot
This drama chronicles the extreme measures taken by a determined young crime reporter to get an interview with a notorious convict. The zealous journalist, also a star quarterback on the town college team, decides to become a convict himself. He gets into the prison, becomes president of the prisoners' union, does his interview, successfully woo's the warden's daughter, and gets out in time to publish his story before anyone else does. His career is off to a tremendous start.
Thunder River Feud
Attracted by a picture of Maybelle Pembroke, the Range Busters, bantering between themselves, head for the Pembroke ranch separetely. Crash arrives posing as a dude while Dusty arrives posing as Crash, a mixup having put his picture in the paper identified as Crash. Later Alibi arrives and the three go to work when outlaws trick the Pembroke ranch and it's neighbor into a gunfight with each other.
Riding the Sunset Trail
Jim Dawson (uncredited)
Before changing his name to Richard Powers, cowboy hero Tom Keene spent the waning days of his stardom at Monogram, churning out westerns like Riding the Sunset Trail. When ingenue Betty Dawson (Betty Miles) and her kid sister Sugar (Sugar Dawn) are cheated out of their cattle ranch, Tom Sterling (Keene) and his sidekick Mendoza (Frank Yaconelli) vow to get the ranch back for the girls. This requires Sterling to cross six-guns with Pecos Dean (Gene Alcase), a former friend who'd turned bad.
Dangerous Lady
Tiverton Apartment Manager
Private detective 'Duke' Martindale and his wife, Phyllis, an attorney, are working together to clear a girl falsely convicted of murdering a judge. Two people who know the truth are killed and 'Duke' Is shot at. Despite some interference by Police-Sergeant Brent, and a dangerous automobile chase and 'Duke' and Phyllis finding themselves prisoners of the real murderers, the case is solved.
Мёртвые рассказывают
Dart Game Sailor
Джимми, «сын № 2», убегает из дома чтобы пробраться на корабль, который должен отплыть на поиски пиратского клада. Чарли Чен отправляется в порт, изловить незадачливого кладоискателя. И приходит как раз вовремя, ибо на корабле начинаются события таинственные и зловещие...
Souls in Pawn
Motel Manager
Although she is secretly married to a student, a young girl is forced to give up her baby rather than be thought of as an "unwed mother".
Michael Shayne: Private Detective
Millionaire sportsman Hiram Brighton hires gumshoe Michael Shayne to keep his spoiled daughter Phyllis away from racetrack betting windows and roulette wheels. After Phyllis slips away and continues her compulsive gambling, Shayne fakes the murder of her gambler boyfriend, who is also romancing the daughter of casino owner Benny Gordon, in order to frighten her. When the tout really ends up murdered, Shayne and Phyllis' Aunt Olivia, an avid reader of murder mysteries, both try to find the identity of the killer.
Мост Ватерлоо
Cockney in Air-Raid Shelter (uncredited)
Во время бомбёжки Лондона, на мосту Ватерлоо знакомятся и влюбляются друг в друга молоденькая балерина Майра и красавец-офицер Рой Кронин. Он просит её руки, она даёт согласие, но внезапно его отсылают на фронт. За роман с военным строгая преподавательница исключает Майру из балетной труппы, а вскоре в одной из газет в списках погибших она видит фамилию Роя… Отчаяние, безденежье и безработица приводят несчастную на панель…
Pinto Canyon
Deputy George (as James Aubrey)
In his final Western for Poverty Row's Metropolitan Pictures, Bob Steele played Bob Hall, a lawman looking into a series of cattle rustlings. The leader of the rustlers, rancher Farley (Ted Adams), hires killer Pete Childers (George Cheseboro) to impersonate a deputy sheriff and gain Sheriff Hall's confidence.
Wild Horse Valley
Shag Williams
Bob Evans' Arabian stallion is stolen and Bob, with his friend Shag Williams starts on the trail that takes them to the horse ranch owned by Kimball and his daughter Ann, where the stallion is running wild. Baker, the ranch's crooked foreman, is utilizing the stallion as a decoy and, with his henchmen, Raymer and Winton, corrals the mares that follow the stallion in a hidden corral, intending to sell them across the state line.
Чарли Чен в Панаме
Drunk Fisherman with Cigar at Club
Сыщик Чарли Чен и неугомонный «сын № 2» снова с нами. Чарли выдаёт себя за служащего правительства США, чтобы помешать шпионскому заговору, который разрушит часть Панамского канала и заманит в ловушку военно-морской флот, направляющийся в Тихий океан после манёвров в Атлантике.
The Cheyenne Kid
Camp Cook
A ranch owner gives the Cheyenne Kid $1000 and sends him off to buy cattle. At the same time he fires a ranch hand and that hand rides ahead and alerts Jeff Baker about the $1000. Bakers' henchman are too late to get the Kid but they kill the rancher paid by the Kid. The Sheriff then arrests the Kid claiming he murdered the rancher to get the money back and that Baker said he then lost it at his gambling table.
East Side Kids
After living all his chilhood in the street, a young boy notices rapidly that crime doesn't pay and that´s why he decides to become a policeman. One day, one of his best friends go in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Immediately the policeman tries his best to release him and prove his innocence.
Pioneer Days
Stagecoach Guard
Jack Randall plays Dunham, a wandering cavalier who comes to the aid of frontier heiress Mary (June Wilkins). The girl's legacy is half-ownership of a prosperous saloon, the other half controlled by hissable villain Slater (Ted Adams). With the help of no less than two comic sidekicks (Frank Yaconelli and Nelson McDowell), Dunham cuts the villain down to size.
Человек-невидимка возвращается
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
Унаследовав от покойного брата формулу невидимости, доктор Фрэнк Гриффин решает применять её исключительно с пользой и первым делом вытаскивает из тюрьмы своего друга Джеффри, ложно обвинённого в убийстве. Оказавшись на свободе, Джеффри начинает поиск настоящего преступника, но одновременно экспериментальный препарат Гриффина начинает проявлять свой негативный побочный эффект.
The Earl of Chicago
Cockney (uncredited)
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Свет погас
Экранизация одноименного романа Редьярда Киплинга.
Port of Hate
A group of American adventurers discover a bed of black pearls off a South Pacific island. When one of them is shot dead, a young girl in the group is accused of the crime.
Riders of the Sage
Steve Reynolds
In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation
Bum (uncredited)
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
Чарли Чен в Рино
Me #3 Son Wiseguy
Мэри Уитмен уехала в Рино, чтобы добиться развода. Находясь там, её арестовывают по подозрению в убийстве постояльца в отеле (который специализируется на разводах). В отеле много других людей, которые хотели убрать жертву с дороги. Чарли приезжает из своего дома в Гонолулу, чтобы раскрыть убийство.
Law of the Wolf
Uncle Jim
When a man is wrongly accused of murder, a dog helps clear his name.
Mesquite Buckaroo
Mort (Ranch Hand) (as James Whitehead)
It's time for the big rodeo and it's Bob of the Allen ranch against Luke Williams of the Barns ranch. With Bob leading after the first day, Sands and Trigger kidnap him to keep him from winning.
Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police
Passage Workman
Captain Drummond and his girlfriend want to marry but a hidden treasure in the house in which they want to celebrate their marriage is complicating the situation involving a series of deaths and an elusive murderer.
Smoky Trails
Deputy Jeff (as Jim Aubrey)
Trailing the men that murdered his father, Bob Archer finds a man in a gunfight. He helps him to escape only to be knocked out by him and captured by the Sheriff.
Code of the Cactus
A story of cattle rustling and double identities.
Друзья и враги Америки
Rancher (uncredited)
Гражданская война в США позади. Пронырливый бизнесмен Джим Нокс использует любую возможность, чтобы как можно дешевле заполучить землю под свой проект новой железной дороги. Жители города надеются на то, что идеалист и воспитанник Гарварда Стив Логан покончит с проделками Нокса, но неожиданно для всех тот наоборот становится союзником предпринимателя. Никто не знает, что на самом деле Логан — тайный агент правительства. Когда об этом случайно узнает Нокс, он задумывает расправиться со шпионом. Но неожиданно, в дело оказывается впутана девушка...
Mr. Moto's Last Warning
A Japanese man claiming to be Mr. Moto, of the International Police, is abducted and murdered soon after disembarking from a ship at Port Said in Egypt. The real Mr. Moto is already in Port Said, investigating a conspiracy against the British and French governments.
Fangs of the Wild
Pete Ellis
Foxes are disappearing from fox farms.
Arrest Bulldog Drummond
The invention of a machine that can cause remote explosions brings the attention of Scotland Yard and Bulldog Drummond.
Six-Gun Trail
Chasing jewel thieves, Captain Carson and Magpie head for the border where Carson, posing as a Chinaman, opens a store that buys jewelry. To flush the thieves into the open, Carson wins all their money at poker. They agree to sell him the jewels but plan to kill him and keep both the jewels and the money.
Если бы я был королем
Король Франции Людовик XI находится в отчаянном положении. Он осажден в Париже бургундцами и подозревает, что при его дворе есть предатель. Переодевшись, он идет в кабак, чтобы увидеть, кто принимает сообщение от врага. Находясь там, он забавляется выходками поэта Франсуа Вийона, который украл еду из королевского склада. По ходу дела Вийон, угощая друзей, хвастается, чтобы он сделал, если бы он был королем. Во время затеянной драки от руки Вийона погибает главный констебль Д’Эссини, прежде чем он арестован как предатель. И хотя Людовик раздосадован потерей ниточки, ведущей к главному изменнику, он в шутку назначает Вийона новым констеблем, хотя планирует его казнить через неделю…
Mysterious Mr. Moto
The Japanese detective rounds up a league of assassins for Scotland Yard.
On the Great White Trail
Death stalked Garou's Landing, in the Canadian frozen north, but who was the killer who murdered two men and left them huddled in the snow. Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, accompanied by his dog, Silver King (Silver King the Dog), and Kay Larkin (Terry Walker) the daughter of the man, Andrew Larkin (Robert Frazer) accused of the crime, sets out to solve the crime and bring the real killer to justice.
Religious Racketeers
Tommy - a Soldier
A wealthy young woman, racked with guilt because she wasn't there when her mother died, is so desperate to contact her that she gets involved with a phony mystic who promises to put her in touch with her mother's spirit, but who is really after her money. A reporter who loves the young woman sets out to expose the phony "psychic" for the charlatan he is.
Phantom Ranger
Telegraph Operator
A Treasury Department engraver is being held captive by a counterfeiting gang that wants him to make counterfeit plates for them. A lawman is sent to rescue him.
Songs and Bullets
First Gunman
Melody arrives looking for the killer of his uncle and at the same time Dumont arrives looking for the murderer of her father. They both suspect Skelton and Dumont finds incriminating evidence in his office. But when Melody finds the murder weapon in Skelton's office he is arrested by Shelton's stooge Sheriff.
Knight of the Plains
Peterson has a plan to obtain all the ranches in the valley. He gives Carson a phony Spanish land grant and has him pose as the Mexican owner. When Fred and Fuzzy have their cattle stolen by Peterson's men, they quickly become involved in the scheme.
Bulldog Drummond's Peril
Drummond's wedding with Phyllis is interrupted when the inspector guarding their gifts is killed. He tries to trace the killers and uncovers the mystery of diamond counterfeiters.
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
Railroad Porter
Captain Drummond is travelling to Switzerland to marry his girlfriend. However, when a cargo containing dangerous explosives goes missing from its place, Drummond is forced to delay his plans.
Amateur Crook
Ben Armand, Junk Dealer
Jerry Cummings, a mining engineer, has pledged a large diamond on a short-term note to a pair of crooked loan sharks, Crone and Jan Jaffin, and heads for Mexico. His daughter Betsy, posing as a jewel thief called Mary Layton, is working to keep the crooks from absconding with the jewel, and her efforts are hindered greatly by an artist, Jimmy Baxter, who thinks she is a crook and Crone and Jaffin the good guys.
Danger Valley
When Temple's miners strike gold they send Jake to file the claim. Dana is in the Recorder's office and overhears. He and his men kill Jake and forge new deeds. Now owning everything Dana tries to kick the Temple group off their land. But Jack and sidekick Lucky are on hand and plan to help them fight back.
Million Dollar Racket
Millionaire Larry Duane is posing as his own chauffeur while touring the West and meets Molly Hennessey. They have a small romance until it is ended when her father strikes oil and moves his family east to satistify his wife's social aspirations. Larry also return east to close his estate for the summer, but stays on, still posing as the chauffeur, when he learns that Molly's family is renting the place.
The Legion of Missing Men
Bob Carter, a member of the Foreign Legion, is glad to see his brother, Don, for the first time in ten years but is sorry that Don has joined the Legion. Bob, Don and Bob's buddies, Muggsy and Bilgey, go to a café and there Don falls for Nina, a singer in love with Bob. Bob doesn't know this and thinks she is Garccia's girl, and warns Don to have nothing to do with her. Don disregards the warning and Garcia discovers Nina and Don together and provokes Don into hitting him. Don is arrested and thrown into the company brig. Nina, with the aid of an Arabian sheik, Ul Ahmed, helps Don escape. Bob, Muggsy and Bilgey follow but are captured and taken to Ul Hamid's headquarters. The sheik tortures Don to force Bob to work some captured machine guns for him. Ah Hamid and his tribe attack the fort, but Bob manages to turn the machine guns against his captors, and the fort is saved.
Moonlight on the Range
Tex - Foreman
Tom "Killer" Dane kills Jeff's friend, who then pursues him. Jeff and Dane are look-alike half brothers, which allows Dane to make a raid dressed like Jeff. Jeff is arrested, but before Dane's henchman can organize a lynch mob, Fuzzy breaks him out and Jeff heads after Dane again.
Personal Property
Third English Cabby (uncredited)
Raymond Dabney returns to his family after trouble with the law. He convinces the sheriff to give him a job watching the house and furniture of widow Crystal Wetherby without knowing she is engaged to his brother.
Blake of Scotland Yard
The Hag / Baron Polinka
Sir James Blake has retired from Scotland Yard so that he can assist his niece Hope and her friend Jerry in developing an apparatus they have invented. Sir James thinks that their invention has the potential to prevent wars, and plans to donate it to the League of Nations. But a gang of criminals led by the elusive "Scorpion" steals the device, and Blake and his associates must recover the invention and determine the identity of the "Scorpion".
Blake of Scotland Yard
The Hag / Baron Polinka
A 15 episode serial in which Blake battles the "Scorpion" over possession of a 'death ray' machine.
The Roaming Cowboy
First Sheriff / Henchman
Two cowboys come upon a boy whose father has just been murdered. They promise to help find his killers.
Stormy Trails
Henchman Shives
A rancher caught in the middle of a bank robbery shoots one of the robbers. However, the dead bandit turns out to be a former ranch hand who was suing him. The rancher is arrested for murder.
The Lion Man
A young British boy whose father was murdered by a treacherous Aran sheik finds himself in a position to exact revenge as an adult.
The White Angel
Sentry (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Go-Get-'Em, Haines
Reggie Parks
Reporter Steve Haines, on the trail of a business tycoon, follows his subject onto an ocean liner and gets wound up in a cruise full of intrigue, romance and murder.
Aces and Eights
A card sharp steps in when a Mexican family's ranch is threatened by swindlers and cheats.
Too Much Beef
Shorty Rawlins
Someone is adding beef to Rocky Brown's herds and changing the brands to make it look like he is rustling. Then he is framed for murder and jailed. Johnny Argyle who has been sent to investigate believes he is innocent and sets out to prove it and starts with hides that have been rebranded.
Gun Grit
The Janitor
Big city gangster muscle in on ranch territory with a cattle protection racket. Out to stop them is federal agent Jack Perrin.
Песня о любви
Молодая одаренная оперная певица Мария Северелли — воспитанница известного композитора Марчелло Бонелли. В деревенской церкви девушке случайно встречается местный рыбак Антонио Белицца. Он пришел в храм отнюдь не на службу — парень там прячется от полицейских. Герои мюзикла «Песня о любви» очарованы друг другом, и Мария решает составить дуэт с обладателем столь приятного голоса.
Ridin' On
Jimmy (uncredited)
Bolton has organized a feud between the Rork's and the O'Neil's. He has rustled cattle and killed a man putting the blame on Danny O'Neil. Tom Rork has found a bullet with markings on it that he hopes will clear Danny and bring in the real killer.
Night Cargo
While in Singapore, a man and a pretty young girl find themselves mixed up in blackmail and murder.
Fast Bullets
Two Texas Rangers (Tom Tyler, Rex Lease) nab smugglers and rescue a woman (Margaret Nearing) from a runaway wagon.
Kind Lady
Soapbox Orator (uncredited)
Mary, a woman with good intentions, takes pity on Henry, an artist with no home. What begins as a simple offer to come inside from the cold for tea gradually turns into more. Before the unsuspecting woman knows it, Henry, his family, and his friends con their way into her home. Eventually, Mary creates a ruse to rid herself of the parasites, but they have a different plan.
The Live Wire
Prof. Harris (as James Aubrey)
A sailor (Richard Talmadge) journeys to a remote island in search of a rare urn. The film also stars Alberta Vaughn, Charles K. French and Martin Turner.
A Feather in Her Hat
Cab Driver (uncredited)
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
Wild Mustang
Fence Builder
Prison escapee Utah Evans kills Sheriff McClay. Joe Norton was McClay's predecessor and sent Utah to prison. Ma McClay having taken over as Sheriff for her husband, now gets Joe to return. Joe sets out to get Utah and Utah, learning Joe is after him, hopes to get revenge for being sent to prison.
Make a Million
A college economics professor's "radical" ideas about capitalism get him fired. When he decides to put those ideas into practice, he finds that they actually do generate him huge amounts of money. Soon a local banker and others who scoffed at his ideas see the amount of money he's making and try to cheat him out of his system.
The Test
A fur trapper catches another trapper trying to steal his furs. He stops the thief, but later on the furs are stolen anyway. Rin Tin Tin Jr. tracks down the thief to try to get the furs back.
Tracy Rides
Sandy, the Cook
Sheriff Tom Tracy is summoned to the sheep camp where he finds Old Man Jenkins fatally wounded and, with his dying breath, accuses Ned Hampton, brother of the girl to whom Tom is engaged, of having shot him in the back.
Loser's End
Henchman Dick (as Jim Aubrey)
Jack rides into trouble when he meets up with Bill Meeker and his outlaw gang. Rescued from the gang's clutches by Don carlos, he joins forces with Carlos and with the help of Lolita who learns of the gang's next raid, they go after the culprits.
The Phantom Cowboy
Ptomaine Pete
Bill Collins has a look alike the Phantom who beats Houston robbery plan. However the Phantom is shot by Houston’s men. Bill finding him dying isn’t aware that Houston is just about the get him too…
Terror of the Plains
A ranch hand sets out to prove his father is innocent of murder in this B-movie Western starring cowboy hero Tom Tyler. Disguised as an outlaw, Tom Lansing (Tyler) takes up with a motley crew hiding out in a ghost town to catch the true killer. This 1934 classic co-stars Frank Rice as Lansing's sidekick, Banty, and Roberta Gale as Bess, a beautiful young captive of the outlaw gang who is in desperate need of a hero.
The Way of the West
Sheriff #1 / Bartender Jim
Government agent Gordon, working undercover, is investigating a cattleman sheepman war. The Culprit is Horton and when Horton kills Parker he frames Gordon. His identity revealed, the Sheriff lets Gordon escape to go after the real killer.
Веселый развод
Гай Холден популярный американский танцор степа, успешно закончив гастрольное ревю в Париже, прибывает в Лондон в сопровождении своего лучшего друга адвоката Эгберта. Здесь должен состояться финальный концерт европейских гастролей. В лондонском порту он, волей случая, знакомится с Мими Глоссоп и сразу же влюбляется в нее. Девушка же, тем временем, озабочена другой проблемой — она жаждет развестись со своим мужем геологом. Но для этого она должна, по совету юриста, отправиться на английский морской курорт, где все подстроено так чтобы профессиональный нанятый свидетель имел возможность получить доказательства ее неверности. Только в этом случае она сможет получить свободу от уз брака, таковы Английские законы. Конечно же, план юриста терпит крах и возникает путаница, Мими принимает Гая, за подставного свидетеля и соответственным образом начинает с ним обращаться…
Inside Information
Henry - Durand's Houseboy
Lloyd Wilson, trusted employee of an investment firm, is suspected of theft when $20,000 in security bonds is stolen from his office. Tarzan, the Famous Police Dog, has an intuitive dislike of an apparently respectable citizen, and this leads Wilson and the police to the gang headquarters. Tarzan wins a public citation for his leading part in breaking the case against a desperate gang of criminals.
A Demon for Trouble
Deputy Jimmy
Dyer is buying ranches and then retrieving his check by having his gang kill the owner. Bob Worth arrives just as Buck Morton is killed and gets blamed for the murder. Fleeing from the Sheriff, Bob teams up with the Mexican outlaw Golinda. Having seen Dyer pay off his men, he has a plan to trap him and Golinda is just the man he needs to make it work.
Rawhide Mail
Henchman Mike
Reed breaks up the first attempted gold robbery. When the outlaws next attempt is successful, Reed is jailed as the suspect. Escaping from jail, he knows who to look for.
The Border Menace
Polecat Pete
Ranger Bill Williams goes to prison to get information on Chuck Adams. Then a fake posse chase gets him invited into Adams' gang. But just as he learns who Adams' boss is and is about to make his move, his cell mate who escaped from prison returns to identify him.
Border Guns
Tulsa Pete Hensen
A cowboy drifting around the border gets mixed up with Mexican revolutionary gun smuggling when he becomes friends and rivals with the chief smuggler.
Flying Devils
A trio of veteran pilots joins an aerial circus.
At Twelve Midnight
A hero in a robbery comes up against a crime boss and the crooked guardian of the girl he loves
On Your Guard
Jim - Lynch Mob Leader
An ex-con makes for a backwoods town intending to rob the bank, and becomes involved in protecting three orphans from land swindlers instead.
Out of Singapore
Bloater, Drunken Sailor
While a ship's captain is being slowly poisoned, a gang of thugs try to take over the ship.
45 Calibre Echo
Jim - the Sidekick
A cowhand and his sidekick come to the Texas border country looking for the man who had lured the cowhand's sister in bondage in Mexico. But the man doesn't want to be found and has hired some gunmen to see that he isn't.
Lariats and Six-Shooters
A gang of jewel smugglers swears to take revenge on a deputy sheriff after his dogged pursuit of them forces them to flee without their goods.
Cantina Drunk
A popular jockey is disbarred from racing after he's accused of throwing a race.
A police captain investigating a ring of bank robbers falls in love with a nightclub entertainer suspected of being involved with the gang.
The Sunrise Trail
Working under cover, Tex goes south of the border and joins Rand's gang where he befriends gang member Kansas. He plans to lead the gang into the Sheriff's trap, but hopes to spare his new friend.
Midnight Special
A thrilling drama of young love and the great sacrifice made by railroad workers that we may travel in safety. (Print ad- Evening News, Tonawanda, N.Y. 4 February 1931)
A Royal Flush
A maid masquerades as a countess in order to help her lion-hunting mistress.
Code of Honor
Nosey (as Jimmie Aubrey)
Cardsharp Jack Cardigan decides to go straight when he meets Doris Bradfield, but is forced to use his talents on behalf of her dad, whose land-grant title has fallen into the hands of Jed Harden through the gambling weakness of Bradfield's son Tom.
Суп для придурков
Revolutionary (uncredited)
Mr. Schmidt's costume store is bankrupt because he spends his time on Rube Goldberg-style inventions; the creditors send a young manager who falls for Schmidt's niece Louise, but she'll have none of him. Schmidt's friends Ted, Queenie, and some goofy firemen try to help out; things come to a slapstick head when Louise needs rescuing from a fire.
Under Montana Skies
Scenario Writer
Clay gets a musical troop out af jail and helps raise money so they can put on their show. During the performance Blake and his men rob the box office. The townsmen give chase and Clay goes after Blake.
Under Montana Skies
Clay gets a musical troop out af jail and helps raise money so they can put on their show. During the performance Blake and his men rob the box office. The townsmen give chase and Clay goes after Blake.
Two Fresh Eggs
Slapstick comedy with St. John and Jimmy Aubrey dropping dishes in a restaurant with two patrons, one boss and a floor show of eight. There's singing and dancing too.
The Devil's Holiday
Beautiful manicurist Hallie Hobart sets her sights on handsome David Stone, the son of wealthy wheat farmer Ezra Stone. Professing to hate men, Hallie is only interested in luring David in for a lucrative business deal. David easily falls in love, but older brother Mark brands Hallie a gold-digger. To get even with the straight-laced Stone family, Hallie accepts David's marriage proposal.
The Grand Parade
The Drunk
No one suffered more magnificently in the early-talkie era than the inimitable Helen Twelvetrees. In Grand Parade, the actress is cast as Molly, the sweetheart of minstrel-show performer Jack Kelly. Rising to the top of his profession, Kelly plummets to the bottom thanks to his fondness for intoxicating beverages. Molly nurses and coddles Kelly back to health, giving nary a thought for her own comfort or happiness.
China Slaver
Willie Kegg
The Chinese Secret Service sends an undercover agent to investigate reports of an island ruled by a Chinese criminal named The Cobra who holds the residents in virtual slavery while running his illegal narcotics and white-slavery empire.
The Look Out Girl
The lookout girl for the notorious Mowbray gang tries to leave her gangster past by marrying a wealthy doctor, but her past catches up with her very quickly when the gang finds her.
The Little Wild Girl
Posty McKnuffle
Vacationing in the Canadian Northwest, a playwright and a songwriter both fall in love with Marie Cleste and take her back with them to New York when her father and her sweetheart apparently die in a forest fire. (The father did perish; the sweetheart escaped, crippled, with his blinded Indian guide into the forest to hide his infirmities.)
Keep Smiling
Oscar Hatch
A comedy short from Weiss Brothers starring Jimmy Aubrey & Al Thompson.
The Girl He Didn't Buy
Hans (as James Aubrey)
Produced by small-scale firm Peerless, this silent melodrama told the ancient story of the girl whose refusal to "put out" loses her a chance for stage prominence.
Rudolph's Revenge
Relentless Rudolph
Relentless Rudolph is back with another scheme to capture Belinda and humiliate Hairbreadth Harrry.
Alibi Alley
Elmer McGargle
Aubrey plays a man with a mother-in-law problem at home and a boss problem at work.
The Down Grade
The Runt
The Down Grade is a 1927 Action film.
Pirates of the Sky
Jeff Oldring
Daredevil pilot Bob Manning is pressed into service by the Government to track down a missing mail plane. He soon uncovers a gang of aerial hijackers, led by Bruce Mitchell. Exhibiting a repertoire of truly awe-inspiring flying stunts, Manning beats the villains at their own game.
A Ghostly Night
The Mechanic
"The Mechanic" finds Jimmy Aubrey working at an auto service station. He obviously has no idea what he's doing and again and again, he messes up. Sometimes he's an idiot--sometimes the problems just happen.
The Lobbygow
Jimmy Aubrey causes chaos in China.
The Chicken Parade
Jimmy Aubrey comedy THE CHICKEN PARADE produced by Vitagraph.
His Jonah Day
The Tourist
Jimmy Aubrey comedy produced by Vitagraph.
The Backyard
Jimmy Aubrey lets the kids in the alley shoot arrows at him. After he grows tired of this, he treats them like satchels to get them out of his way. A policeman shows up and he is terrified; later, disguised as a policeman, he encounters Oliver Hardy, who is in brutal mode here.
The Decorator
Jimmy Aubrey and Oliver Hardy comedy produced by Vitagraph.
Squeaks and Squawks
Bungs and Bunglers
Vitagraph comedy with Jimmy Aubrey and Oliver Hardy.
Беспокойства и волнения
Wandering Boy
В этой фарсовой комедии мужчина приходит домой в «стельку» пьяный.
The Meeting
Charming melodrama by the Vitagraph Company about the friendship between a boy (Bobby Connelly) and the grumpy Captain Barnacle(William Shea). This seems to be the first film in a short-lived Captain Barnacle series that Vitagraph started at the beginning of 1917. Young Bobby Connelly was one of the first star child actors and his character Sonny Boy links the two series he did for Vitagraph, the "Sonny Jim" series from 1914 to 1915 and the "Bobby" series in 1917.
Rips and Rushes
His Lordship
While Larry Semon does not star in Rips and Rushes, its confident gags and frenetic pace suggest his touch. In the knockabout one-reeler set in a dance studio, three suitors compete for the girl. James Aubrey, the actor playing the father’s preferred suitor, may look like a Chaplin imitator, but he came by those skills honorably, born like Chaplin in Britain and likewise coming to the U.S. with Fred Karno’s troupe. Nevertheless it’s Alice Mann, with her wacky headdress and knowing glance, who steals the show. Suffice it to say that many vases are broken and pants ripped before she escapes out the window with the handsomest of the beaus.
Bullies and Bullets
A Person
A slapstick comedy directed by Larry Semon and starring Hughie Mack & Patsy De Forest.
Flatheads and Flivvers
I.M.A. Crook
Hash and Havoc
A Musical Mixup
a short silent staring Jimmy Aubrey attempting to step out on his wife the night before she come back to town.