
That Guy... Who Was in That Thing (2012)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 19М

Директор : Ian Roumain, Michael Schwartz

Краткое содержание

Documentary about sixteen actors who detail their ups and downs as they struggle to forge careers in Hollywood. They've played cops, lawyers, bosses, best friends, psychopaths, politicians and everything in between. Now you'll know who they are.


Zeljko Ivanek
Zeljko Ivanek
Craig Fairbrass
Craig Fairbrass
Xander Berkeley
Xander Berkeley
Bruce Davison
Bruce Davison
Timothy Omundson
Timothy Omundson
Mark Rolston
Mark Rolston
Wade Williams
Wade Williams
Robert Joy
Robert Joy
Rick Worthy
Rick Worthy
Paul Guilfoyle
Paul Guilfoyle
J. C. MacKenzie
J. C. MacKenzie
Gregory Itzin
Gregory Itzin


Ian Roumain
Ian Roumain
Michael Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Ian Roumain
Ian Roumain
Michael Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Jim Sharon
Jim Sharon
Supervisor of Production Resources
Brian Volk-Weiss
Brian Volk-Weiss
Executive Producer
Ron Brookler
Ron Brookler
Art Direction
Daniel Brothers
Daniel Brothers
Brenda Carlson
Brenda Carlson
Ikpemoghena Ikharo
Ikpemoghena Ikharo
Jay Chapman
Jay Chapman


Влюбленный Шекспир
1594 год. Молодой драматург Уильям Шекспир находится в творческом кризисе: муза покинула его, денег нет, хозяин театра требует от автора новую пьесу в кратчайший срок. И когда, казалось бы, у писателя не остается никакой надежды на обретение нового вдохновения, в его жизнь вторгается сама Любовь в лице обворожительной аристократки Виолы. Под видом молодого актера девушка нанимается в труппу театра, чтобы сыграть главную мужскую роль в пьесе «Ромео и Джульетта». Виола не только преданная поклонница маэстро Шекспира, но и прекрасная актриса. Существует лишь одна загвоздка: Виола обручена с важным дворянином, который планирует отвезти будущую супругу в далекую английскую колонию…
Коты не танцуют
Это история о бедном коте Денни, который всю свою жизнь мечтал стать звездой сцены. Но оказалось, что роли в Голливуде дают только людям. Животные на сцене могут мяукать, лаять и мычать. Но не больше. Вместе с друзьями Денни разрушает привычные стереотипы и доказывает, что мечты превращаются в реальность.
The Argument
A couple get into an argument at their cocktail party that escalates until it brings an abrupt end to the festivities. They and their guests decide to re-create the entire night again and again to determine who was right.
Четверо амбициозных актёров решают сами написать сценарий для фильма, который сделает их знаменитыми, но вскоре незамысловатый сюжет о маньяке-убийце с бумажным пакетом на голове неожиданным образом начинает обретать своё воплощение в реальном мире.
Мисс Стивенс
Застрявшей на перепутье в личной жизни мисс Стивенс доверили сопровождать троих учеников - Билли, Маргот и Сэма - в поездке на театральный конкурс в течение выходных. Исследуя тонкую грань между взрослыми и детьми, фильм рассказывает об учениках, ставших учителями, и об учителях, осознавших, что проблемы молодости никуда от них не денутся.
The life and legacy of Marlon Brando and how he changed acting.
Мой лучший год
Бенджи Стоун молодой писатель комедийного шоу. Беднягу назначают сопровождать гостя недели - Алана Суонна, угасшего актёра, знаменитого любителя женщин и пьяницу. Обязанностью Бенджи является не давать Суонну напиваться и делать всякие глупости.
That Guy Dick Miller
Documentary about veteran character actor Dick Miller, whose career in and outside of Hollywood has spanned almost 200 films across six decades, featuring a diverse range of interviews with directors, co-stars, and contemporaries.
The Actor
A mentally-disturbed aspiring actor returning to New York City discovers the world of social media and faces the horrifying power of the Internet.
I Am Your Father
David Prowse is an eighty years old actor, who has lived behind Darth Vader's mask during three decades. A group of Star Wars fans find out why he has been apparently forgotten by Lucasfilm during thirty years, and decide to give him back the glory he never had. This is their last opportunity.
Performance Anxiety
Two straight actors must rehearse for an impending gay love scene. How will they make out?
Золотая карета
Камилла, исполнительница Commedia dell arte, прибывает вместе со своей разношерстной труппой в Перу, чтобы открыть новый театр. За ней уже увивается Фелипе, но Камилла завоевывает сердца тщеславного тореадора Рамона и наместника короля. Сраженный чарами Камиллы и увлеченный ее вульгарными манерами, столь чуждыми для аристократа, наместник дарит ей свою бесценную золотую карету, великолепно выполненную и используемую только для королевских поездок. По мере того как развивается драма и Камилла пытается разобраться, где реальность, а где театр, все три ее поклонника жаждут ее любви — наместник учится переживать «обычные» эмоции; Рамон впечатляет ее своим мужеством; а Фелипе зовет ее жить с ним в глуши среди «благородных дикарей»...
Страдающий манией величия кинорежиссёр решает снять фильм о собственноручно совершённом убийстве молодой девушки, причём с участием ни о чём не подозревающего мужа покойной в качестве одного из актёров.
El Método Stanislavski
The Stanislavski Method is a documentary that narrates the life of a young aspiring actor, Miguel Torres, who tells his story in this tough career by pieces which will reach the dichotomy between vigil and dream.
22. Anna Matthews
An actress struggles to control her emotions during an audition for a TV commercial. Watch here: vimeo.com/429096682
Applause is a musical with a book by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, lyrics by Lee Adams, and music by Charles Strouse. The musical is based on the 1950 film All About Eve and the short story on which the movie is based, Mary Orr's "The Wisdom of Eve". The story centers on aging star Margo Channing, who innocently takes a fledgling actress under her wing, unaware that the ruthless Eve is plotting to steal her career and her man. The musical opened on Broadway on March 30, 1970 and ran for 896 performances. It won the Tony Award for Best Musical, and Lauren Bacall won the Tony for Best Actress in a Musical. The musical was later adapted for television, starring Bacall, with Larry Hagman replacing Len Cariou in the role of Bill Sampson. It aired in the United States on CBS on March 19, 1973.
Нина У
Мечтая стать известной актрисой, Нина У уходит из небольшой театральной компании в провинции и уезжает в большой город. Воплощение мечты затягивается, девушка живёт одинокой жизнью, страдая от депрессии. Когда она наконец получает роль в шпионском фильме, вместо ожидаемой славы её ждут одни несчастья.
Theatre 1
Theatre 1 (Observational Film Series #3) is a feature length documentary, which closely depicts the world of Oriza Hirata, Japan's leading playwright and director, and his theatrical company, Seinendan. By depicting them, the film leads the audience to revisit fundamental but timely questions: What is theatre? Why do human beings act?
Theatre 2
Oriza Hirata is Japan's leading playwright and director, who runs his own theatrical company, Seinendan. Theatre 2 (Observational Film Series #4) examines the dynamic relationship between theatre and the society through depicting Hirata's activities. In order for his art and his not-so-commercial company to survive this highly capitalistic modern society, what kind of strategy does Hirata have and practice?
Fernando is an actor and theater teacher who, at the age of 74, is impelled to be the protagonist of himself in an experience that blurs the boundaries between the documentary and the fictional. Faced with a delicate problem in his heart, he follows a life full of love for art, where education emerges as a powerful transforming element of reality.


Busting out
BUSTING OUT will challenge how you think about breasts. Filmmaker Francine Strickwerda lost her mother to breast cancer as a child, and then was the first in her class to 'develop.' She's been haunted by 'the boobs of doom' ever since. Francine takes us on a journey to explore how attitudes about breasts affect Americans -- diving into the history and politics surrounding this American icon.
Please Subscribe
YouTube is not just an amateur video site. The third most trafficked site on the Internet is among of a handful of mediums building the careers of independent artists who are making over six figures a year by just uploading videos to the internet. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE is a feature-length documentary that gives an exclusive look and explores the phenomenon behind of some of the most influential and unique content creators currently taking the world of online entertainment by storm.
12 to the Moon
A group of twelve international scientists are the first to land on the moon. In their exploration of the surface, they run into all kinds of trouble, including threatening messages from alien life forms residing on the moon. Just a short nine years before the historic moon landing, this film's understanding of the science of space exploration is fantastically simplistic, but this well-made science fiction film holds interest with a strong cast and intriguingly strange events, photographed with great style by John Alton. Ken Clark, Michi Kobi, Tom Conway, John Wengraf, and Robert Montgomery Jr. portray the intrepid scientists.
Джесси Джеймс встречает дочь Франкенштейна
Легендарный преступник Джесси Джеймс успешно бежит из тюрьмы, но во время побега его друг Хэнк получает серьёзное ранение. Джеймс обращается за медицинской помощью к Марии Франкенштейн, внучке печально известного барона. Мария обещает помочь Хэнку, но на самом деле ставит на нём особый эксперимент, который в итоге превращает его в зомби.
Last Party 2000
Filmed over the last six months of the 2000 Presidential election, Phillip Seymour Hoffman starts documenting the campaign at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, but spends more time outside, in the street protests and police actions than in the orchestrated conventions. Hoffman shows an obvious distaste for money politics and the conservative right. He looks seedier and more disillusioned the campaign progresses. Eventually Hoffman seems most energized by the Ralph Nader campaign as an alternative to the nearly indistinguishable major parties. The high point of the film are the comments by Barney Frank who says that marches and demonstrations are largely a waste of time, and that the really effective political players such as the NRA and the AARP never bother with walk ins, sit-ins, shoot-ins or shuffles. In the interview with Jesse Jackson, Hoffman is too flustered to ask all of his questions.
Stuart Saves His Family
A self-help advocate struggles to put his dysfunctional family in its place.
An archaeologist is haunted by a nightmare in which his family is murdered.
Perfect Drug
An attempted robbery goes awry. In vain gangsters try to calm their Albanese boss. Meanwhile one of them can't resist taking a mysterious drug. The consequences are disastrous.
In a self-assembly cabinet, bereaved parents find a monstrous substitute for their dead son.
The Comedians of Comedy: Live at the El Rey
For the final show of their successful "Comedians of Comedy" tour, "alternative" stand-up comics Maria Bamford, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt pull out all the stops in a grand finale-worthy performance that finds humor in unexpected places. Taped live at Los Angeles's El Rey Theater and featuring fellow funnyman Bob Odenkirk, this farewell gig is sure to please fans who like their laughs with bite.
Nightmare Factory
The story of how one Pittsburgh boy’s fascination with monsters drove him to the very top of the Hollywood food chain. In 1989, Greg Nicotero, much to his parents’ chagrin, quit medical school and headed for Hollywood to pursue a dream of making monsters. Together with gore masters Howard Berger and Robert Kurtzman, Nicotero went on to create KNB EFX Group, one of the most prolific makeup effects studios in the world. After twenty years as the “go to guy” for the world’s most successful horror/sci-fi films, Greg Nicotero is the first one directors like Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez call.
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.
Рождение живых мертвецов
Документальный фильм о создании «Живых мертвецов».
That Gal...Who Was in That Thing: That Guy 2
Actresses talk about their personal lives and dealing with a balance between family responsibilities and being a professional actor.
Бывший офицер полиции, потерявший рассудок, сбегает из психиатрической клиники в целях поиска жертв, могущих дать ему необходимую для перевоплощения в животное кровь.
The Captain
A hungover plane captain wakes up to discover he's done a very bad thing.
Hand of Death
A scientist spills a new serum in his lab, accidentally inhales its fumes, and turns into a murderous monster who kills anyone he touches.
The Projected Man
Matter-transmitter sabotage leaves a British scientist (Bryant Halliday) disfigured and full of amps.
The Last Chase
Twenty years after the American people have been told the oil has run out and disease has scared them into complacency, the United States has become a fascist state. One man, former race car driver Franklyn Hart, now a puppet spokesman for public transportation, rebuilds his race car and sets off to California from Boston where people have returned to living life like they were twenty years prior.
Конец света
Отец Пергадо становится свидетелем смерти человека в результате несчастного случая, после чего сталкивается со своим инопланетным двойником, намеревающимся завоевать мир.