
Золотая карета (1952)

Жанр : история, комедия, драма, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 43М

Директор : Jean Renoir
Писатель : Jean Renoir, Jack Kirkland, Renzo Avanzo, Giulio Macchi, Ginette Doynel

Краткое содержание

Камилла, исполнительница Commedia dell arte, прибывает вместе со своей разношерстной труппой в Перу, чтобы открыть новый театр. За ней уже увивается Фелипе, но Камилла завоевывает сердца тщеславного тореадора Рамона и наместника короля. Сраженный чарами Камиллы и увлеченный ее вульгарными манерами, столь чуждыми для аристократа, наместник дарит ей свою бесценную золотую карету, великолепно выполненную и используемую только для королевских поездок. По мере того как развивается драма и Камилла пытается разобраться, где реальность, а где театр, все три ее поклонника жаждут ее любви — наместник учится переживать «обычные» эмоции; Рамон впечатляет ее своим мужеством; а Фелипе зовет ее жить с ним в глуши среди «благородных дикарей»...


Anna Magnani
Anna Magnani
Odoardo Spadaro
Odoardo Spadaro
Don Antonio
Nada Fiorelli
Nada Fiorelli
Duncan Lamont
Duncan Lamont
Ferdinand, Le Viceroy
George Higgins
George Higgins
Ralph Truman
Ralph Truman
Duc de Castro
Gisella Mathews
Gisella Mathews
Marquise Irene Altamirano
Raf De La Torre
Raf De La Torre
Le Procureur
Elena Altieri
Elena Altieri
Duchesse de Castro
Paul Campbell
Paul Campbell
Riccardo Rioli
Riccardo Rioli
Ramon, le Toreador
William Tubbs
William Tubbs
Jean Debucourt
Jean Debucourt
Eveque de Carmol
Renato Chiantoni
Renato Chiantoni
Fedo Keeling
Fedo Keeling
Alfredo Kolner
Alfredo Kolner
Lina Marengo
Lina Marengo
Cecil Mathews
Cecil Mathews
Alfredo Medini
Alfredo Medini
Maja Niles
Maja Niles
John Pasetti
John Pasetti
Juan Pérez
Juan Pérez
Robert Rietti
Robert Rietti
Giulio Tedeschi
Giulio Tedeschi


Jean Renoir
Jean Renoir
Jean Renoir
Jean Renoir
Jack Kirkland
Jack Kirkland
Renzo Avanzo
Renzo Avanzo
Giulio Macchi
Giulio Macchi
Ginette Doynel
Ginette Doynel
Francesco Alliata
Francesco Alliata
David Hawkins
David Hawkins
Gino Brosio
Gino Brosio
Set Decoration
Maria De Matteis
Maria De Matteis
Costume Design
Claude Renoir
Claude Renoir
Director of Photography


La Virgen Loca, Lado B
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Meyerhold's Flight
A dreamlike cinematic collage exploring the life, times and choices of the Russian avant-garde theatermaker Vsevolod Meyerhold. An innovative artist becomes a tool in the hands of the socialist revolution.
A man and a woman who run into each other on a film set were actually lovers in the past. As they play the roles of a couple in the movie, they think about the relationship they once had.
Les ludions
Dom Juan
Escorted by his valet Sganarelle, Dom Juan, a libertine gentleman, brave and hypocritical, seduces women, fights duels, denies his father's authority, and mocks Heaven. Carried away by his passion for women and gambling, he goes so far as to commit perjury. A classic revisited by Mesguich with a lot of visual effects: special effects, magic tricks, imposing sets. A playful staging for this tragi-comic play.
Поэма о любви
Семейная пара с ребенком едет навестить умирающего родственника. Разгорающаяся ссора воскрешает призраков неизжитых взаимных обид, непрощенной лжи, обоюдных комплексов и изощренных манипуляций. То, что начиналось как обычный уик-энд, превращается в сеанс семейного садомазохизма, терапевтический потенциал которого неочевиден.
Lunas de Nueva York
First film of Juan José Ponce’s trilogy about Federico García Lorca. Lunas de Nueva York looks back on Federico’s trip to New York in 1929, an essential journey for his life and career.
State of Exception
Estado de Excepção is a documentary about CITAC (Coimbra Theater Initiation Circle), a university theater group, revealing history since it was constituted in 1956 until the aftermath of the 1974 revolution. It is the history of the theater group university and, through it, the history of theater in Portugal, revealing two remarkable decades of the History of Portugal. Through the Academy of Coimbra, the documentary reproduces student life, the position of women in society, and the change in mentalities of being and being in the world. It reproduces the existing censorship and the fight against the dictatorship, the resistance to an exhausted regime, as well as the emerging contradictions of the democratic revolution. CITAC has a heritage of 50 years of experience in Coimbra. It carries with it the possibility of the theatrical and civic formation of thinking bodies, constituting a proper ball of a possible model, generation by generation, between studies, theater, and social drama.
Wilhelm Tell
Un amour de jeunesse
Dernier tour de piste
After insulting a contract worker, young Joshua is sent to do his Community Service in a retirement home, run by a couple whose name is Thenardier, and whose residents are all former forgotten comedians. Among them, two strong heads, who have lost none of their youthful enthusiasm: Julien Dorval, big mouth with tall verb and flowery language, and his best friend, the nice Daniel ... Joshua will quickly realize that something is wrong with the "Bleuets", and will try to make the lives of his residents smoother, by offering them one last lap ...
A running feud between Star Trek actors Brent Spiner and Levar Burton is the basis for this TV comedy pilot.
L'ordre des choses
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Someone Somewhere
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Jeff Wall: Retrospective
Jeff Wall is one of the most important and influential photographers working today. His work played a key role in establishing photography as a contemporary art form.
Miam-miam ou le Dîner d'affaires
Prodaná nevěsta aneb Pojď domů, ona Brečí
A coming-of-age story of a girl wanting her mother's approval and validation in Burbank, CA.
The Leading Lady
Maria is an actress, someone who is used to playing with and acting on feelings, her own as well as others’. However, behind the role there is a disappointed person who does not feel she has achieved what she wanted in life. All this changes when she is cast for the leading role in a play.