
Klart till drabbning (1937)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 20М

Директор : Edvin Adolphson

Краткое содержание

Two marines go AWOL and save a girl from drowning, they then sneak her aboard the ship.


Thor Modéen
Thor Modéen
Tosse Karlsson
Åke Söderblom
Åke Söderblom
Putte Pettersson
Weyler Hildebrand
Weyler Hildebrand
Göran Göransson
Sickan Carlsson
Sickan Carlsson
Britta Birke
Arnold Sjöstrand
Arnold Sjöstrand
Lieutenant Tore Kinell
Sven Bergvall
Sven Bergvall
Anna-Greta Adolphson
Anna-Greta Adolphson
Ruth Weijden
Ruth Weijden
John Precht
John Precht
Ship's commander
Carl Ström
Carl Ström
Åke Jensen
Åke Jensen
Lieutenant Wister
Allan Bohlin
Allan Bohlin
Åke Grönberg
Åke Grönberg
Ka Nerell
Ka Nerell
Astrid Kinell
Stina Sorbon
Stina Sorbon
Marie-Louise Sorbon
Marie-Louise Sorbon
Rolf Botvid
Rolf Botvid
George Fant
George Fant
Ulla Sorbon
Ulla Sorbon
A girl
Siri Olson
Siri Olson
Girl at the cafe
Eivor Landström
Eivor Landström
Young woman
Folke Helleberg
Folke Helleberg
Knut Frankman
Knut Frankman
Nils Nordståhl
Nils Nordståhl
Jullan Jonsson
Jullan Jonsson
Åke Uppström
Åke Uppström
Helge Mauritz
Helge Mauritz
Gerd Mårtensson
Gerd Mårtensson
Bror Bügler
Bror Bügler
Axel Lagerberg
Axel Lagerberg
Judit Berglund
Judit Berglund
Judith Linder
Judith Linder
Tor Borong
Tor Borong
Wictor Hagman
Wictor Hagman
Harry Björklund
Harry Björklund
Göthe Andersson
Göthe Andersson
Olle Janson
Olle Janson
John Sandling
John Sandling
Harry Essing
Harry Essing
Sigrid Eriksson
Sigrid Eriksson
Gudrun Bentzen
Gudrun Bentzen
Sven Arvor
Sven Arvor


Edvin Adolphson
Edvin Adolphson
Weyler Hildebrand
Weyler Hildebrand
Torsten Lundqvist
Torsten Lundqvist
Julius Jaenzon
Julius Jaenzon
Director of Photography
Martin Bodin
Martin Bodin
Director of Photography
Gunnar Johansson
Gunnar Johansson
Original Music Composer
Arne Åkermark
Arne Åkermark
Production Design
Rolf Husberg
Rolf Husberg
Edvin Hammarberg
Edvin Hammarberg
Alva Lundin
Alva Lundin
Title Designer
Gaston Cornelius
Gaston Cornelius
Per-Olof Pettersson
Per-Olof Pettersson
Stellan Claësson
Stellan Claësson


Тонкая красная линия
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Цель жизни
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Солдата морской пехоты, владеющего секретной информацией, преследует русский спецназ, полиция Лос-Анджелеса и опасный убийца…
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This Above All
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Elvira Madigan
Hedvig Jensen is a famous ropewalker and is known to her public as Elvira Madigan. She meets Lieutenant Sixten Sparre, a Swedish officer who is married and has two children. They both decide to run away, but since Sixten deserted the army, he cannot find any job and the couple encounters many hardships. Moreover, while on the run, Sixten meets a friend who tries to convince him to come back to his country and family.
Man on the Run
An Army deserter, still a fugitive in Post-War Britain, wanders into a pawn-shop robbery and finds himself wanted for murder. He meets a war widow who helps him elude the police while he looks for the real criminals.
Убийцы-профессионалы - идеальные машины для истребления всего живого. «Бойцы» спецподразделения, которое выполняет самые «грязные» задания военного начальства, живут в особой тюрьме ужесточенного режима. Командир отряда убийц Вейл совершает побег, чтобы выполнить «свое последнее задание», и его лучший ученик, Колин Нил, отправляется в погоню, чтобы ликвидировать Вейла.
Call Me Mister
A G.I. in occupied Japan tries to re-woo his old love, who's putting on a show for the troops.
Flottans överman
Fabian Bom has been sent by the Export Association to promote Swedish export to Spain. He travels with the navy's cruiser to Barcelona, but his jealous fiancée Gullan has followed him in secret to keep an eye on him. In Barcelona the usually strict and virtuous Bom is surrounded by the local women and has a ball. He meets the young and zestful Linnea from Sweden. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
This drama is set in World War II Australia, where an American Marine, Rebel is recuperating from wounds suffered in battle. He is weary of war and is intent on going AWOL and escaping from Australia. He becomes infatuated with a local singer, Kathy and pursues her. Kathy is married and initially is not interested in him, but later begins to love Rebel. Kathy receives a letter advising her that her husband was killed in battle. The local police and the U.S. Military are searching for Rebel as an AWOL soldier. Rebel arranges to escape Austalia by a cargo ship, but eventually allows himself to be arrested in order to keep the local police from arresting Kathy for harboring him
Jungfrun på Jungfrusund
Spoiled upper class girl must change places with a housemaid.
Ride in a Pink Car
A man, thought to be dead, returns to his hometown in Florida. He finds his wife re-married and the town now ruled by corrupt forces.
Laugh It Off
As WWII begins, vaudeville entertainer Tommy Towers is called up to serve. He arranges a job for his girlfriend at the local pub. To keep moral up, his commanding officer orders him to perform for the troops.
Absent Without Leave
In 1942 Wellington, Daisy Edwards, 16 and pregnant, relies totally on her just-wed husband, Ed, who is little older than she. Ed is suddenly drafted into the army and is to be sent overseas to battle while Daisy is sent to her father in Auckland. When Ed's leave is cancelled at the last minute he takes the dangerous decision to go absent without leave to be with Daisy on her journey home. As a deserter, Ed is hunted, captured and imprisoned. Life inside is bad enought without the worry of what is going on outside. The film is based upon a true story.