
Соль Сванетии (1930)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 55М

Директор : Mikhail Kalatozov
Писатель : Mikhail Kalatozov

Краткое содержание

Фильм рассказывает о жизни одной из общин Верхней Сванетии, веками отрезанной от окружающего мира непроходимыми горными хребтами и ледниками. Картина соткана из этнографических деталей, передающих драматизм противостояния человека и природы на фоне неповторимой красоты горного края.



Mikhail Kalatozov
Mikhail Kalatozov
Mikhail Kalatozov
Mikhail Kalatozov
Davit Kakabadze  
Davit Kakabadze  
Production Design
Sergei Tretyakov
Sergei Tretyakov
Masha Khotimsky
Masha Khotimsky
Original Music Composer
Shalva Gegelashvili
Shalva Gegelashvili
Director of Photography
Mikhail Kalatozov
Mikhail Kalatozov
Director of Photography
Mikhail Kalatozov
Mikhail Kalatozov
Camera Operator
Siko Palavandishvili
Siko Palavandishvili
Second Unit Director
Masha Khotimsky
Masha Khotimsky
Sound Designer
Stefan Drößler
Stefan Drößler
Visual Effects Supervisor
Christian Ketels
Christian Ketels
Digital Compositor
Tyler Gooden
Tyler Gooden
Digital Intermediate Assistant
Oliver Hanley
Oliver Hanley
Adelheid Heftberger
Adelheid Heftberger
Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II
Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II
Davit Kintsurashvili
Davit Kintsurashvili
Music Director

Плакаты и фоны



Land Without Bread
An exploration —manipulated and staged— of life in Las Hurdes, in the province of Cáceres, in Extremadura, Spain, as it was in 1932. Insalubrity, misery and lack of opportunities provoke the emigration of young people and the solitude of those who remain in the desolation of one of the poorest and least developed Spanish regions at that time. (Silent short, voiced in 1937 and 1996.)
Railway Station
Kieslowski’s later film Dworzec (Station, 1980) portrays the atmosphere at Central Station in Warsaw after the rush hour.
В лучах солнца
Это фильм об идеальной жизни в идеальной стране - Северной Корее. И о том как в этот эталонный мир вливаются новые идеальные люди. По сюжету, ученица идеальной школы и дочь идеальных родителей работающих на идеальных предприятиях, живущих в идеальной квартире, в центре идеального города, готовится к вступлению в детский союз с тем, чтобы стать частью идеального общества, озаряемого сияющим Солнцем символизирующим Великого Вождя народа Ким Ир Сена. Получив разрешение севрокорейских властей на съемки этой истории, режиссёр Виталий Манский снял не только созданное специально для него пропагандистское шоу, но и, незаметно для своих кураторов, сам процесс создания мифа об идеальном обществе. По большому счёту, получился фильм о фильме, но именно благодаря этому зрителям удаётся заглянуть за «железный занавес», ведь на сегодняшний день Северная Корея остаётся самой закрытой страной, жёстко отстаивающей свой "особый путь".
A Hero's Death
It was the biggest escape in the history of the Berlin Wall: in one historic night of October 1964, 57 East-Berliners try their luck through a tunnel into West Berlin. Just before the last few reach the other side, the East German border guards notice the escape and open fire. Remarkably, all the refugees and their escape agents make it out of the tunnel unscathed, but one border guard is dead: 21-year-old officer Egon Schultz.
Musical Poster #1
A British WWII propaganda short warning citizens that Nazi sympathizers could be listening to their everyday conversations to discover important information about the war effort.
In Battle Against the Enemy of the World: German Volunteers in Spain
Nazi propaganda film about the Condor Legion, a unit of German "volunteers" who fought in the Spanish Civil War on the side of eventual dictator Francisco Franco against the elected government of Spain.
Taiwan: The Face of Free China
A documentary produced by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that covers the history, land reform, industry, religion, educational system, and urban activities of Taiwan.
Bwana Kitoko
Bwana Kitoko (swa. 'handsome young man') is a 1955 Belgian documentary directed by André Cauvin. It shows the official visit of king Baudouin of Belgium to the Congo and Ruanda-Urundi.
Battle Front in Britain
From growing potatoes in Green Park, London, to transforming rabbit crates into seed boxes – just a couple of the many ingenious ways of supporting the war effort which are covered in this film from the Ministry of Information.
The Brainwashing of My Dad
A filmmaker examines the rise of right-wing media through the lens of her father, whose immersion in it radicalized him and rocked the foundation of their family. She discovers this political phenomenon recurring in living rooms everywhere, and reveals the consequences conservative media has had on families and a nation.
The Wall
Like the best USIA films, The Wall distills political events into an emotionally clear and compelling ideological "story". In 1962 Walter de Hoog gathered footage from U.S. and German newsreel sources and crafted this taut short film about the first year of the Berlin Wall. Straightforward, keenly balanced narration portrays Berliners as "accepting the wall but never resigned to it". The extraordinary footage of the first escapes was propaganda enough-- His challenge was to make the politics human.
Годовщина революции
Хроника русской революции 1917 года, от Февральской революции до Октябрьской революции и окончательного триумфа.
Серия кинохроники в традиционном стиле (1923-1925)
Documentary about WWII propaganda cartoons.
The Silent Village
The true story of the massacre of a small Czech village by the Nazis is retold as if it happened in Wales.
Америка Хиллари: Тайная история Демократической партии
В фильме «Америка Хиллари» популярный писатель и влиятельный кинопродюсер Д’Соуза открывает грязную правду о Хиллари Клинтон и тайной истории Демократической партии. Этот важный и неоднозначный фильм выходит под самый занавес президентской кампании 2016 года и подвергает критической оценке политику США.
Hitler Lives
This short film, produced at the end of WWII, warns that although Adolf Hitler is dead, his ideas live on.
Seeds of Destiny
Oscar winning postwar propaganda film in support of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Strident but poignant, focusing on children. The film surveys the Nazi/Japanese atrocities, post-war devastation and the early relief efforts. This film was responsible for raising over $200,000,000, making it a top moneymaking film.
Animated Soviet Propaganda
A landmark four disc Box Set - Unearthed from Moscow's legendary Soyuzmultfilm Studios, the 41 films in ANIMATED SOVIET PROPAGANDA span sixty years of Soviet history (1924 - 1984), and have never been available before in the U.S.