Moon Shadow (1995)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 28М

Директор : Alberto Simone

Краткое содержание


Tchéky Karyo
Tchéky Karyo
Nino Manfredi
Nino Manfredi
Isabelle Pasco
Isabelle Pasco
Jim van der Woude
Jim van der Woude
Johan Leysen
Johan Leysen
Mimmo Mancini
Mimmo Mancini
Paolo Sassanelli
Paolo Sassanelli


Alberto Simone
Alberto Simone
Beatrice Bordone
Beatrice Bordone
Costume Design


Yellow River Fighter
In this martial arts action-drama, a swordsman named Toh Hong travels home after a long battle to discover his wife and children have been brutally murdered.
Louis Koo plays an assassin who wants to go straight after getting out of prison, so he turns down a job from his former employer Simon Yam to kill a politician. Yam carries out the hit himself and manages to frame Koo for the crime, who then must run from both the cops and criminals as he tries to clear his name.
Шаолинь против ламы
Синг Йо-Тинг уже пять лет бродит по Китаю, пытаясь найти себе учителя. Нет, он не настолько плох, что его никто не берет — наоборот, испытывая своих потенциальных учителей, он постоянно разочаровывается в их умении, постоянно их побеждая. Но в один прекрасный день он забредает в храм Шаолинь, где находит-таки себе потенциального учителя, который с легкостью победил его. Проблема только в том, что он не хочет брать себе в ученики чужака — когда-то один из таких чужаков, Чи Чунг оказался ламой, укравшим из храма древний манускрипт с секретным стилем. Синг решает вступить в монахи и поклясться, что вернет эту книгу, если его возьмут в ученики.
Tiger on the Beat 2
Lam, a cop approaching 40 but without much accomplishment, always wants to achieve something memorable before his retirement. He is obliged by his sister to find a decent Chinese girl for his nephew, Baffalo, who is an "American Born Chinese". But Baffalo has an eye for a sweetie, Ellen, who has accidentally witnessed a murder. The incident gets Lam, Baffalo and Ellen being involved in a ruthless underground arms smuggling ring, wich sends the killer to eliminate them.
Be Sure to Share
Shiro's struggle with his father's cancer and impending death leads to a realization that he must communicate his love and admiration for him before it's too late. A series of flashbacks reveals their relationship over time, and the trouble Shiro faced connecting to his strict father who was also his teacher and soccer coach. With a consuming secret of his own, Shiro, now in his late twenties and about to get engaged, must eventually learn how to share the pain of it with his loved ones.
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland (1966) is a BBC television play based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It was directed by Jonathan Miller, then most widely known for his appearance in the long-running satirical revue Beyond the Fringe.
Daughter of Darkness 2
Another gruesome case involving a woman who's a sole survivor of a brutal massacre. A local constable questions the woman about her whereabouts and what might have happened the night before. As he gets the young woman to talk, she spins a tale of debauchery, madness and people so vile that you wished that they'll never see daylight again. Why is this woman so reluctant to talk? Who else might be involved in this ghastly murder? How will this bumbling cop get any solid leads or useful clues from this shell shocked woman?
College Girl on Vacation
Massimo Castaldi is a social climber married to Violante who comes from a rich family. His relationship with his mistress Laura is jeopardised when the family moves to their summer house on the Pugliese coast. Nevertheless, Massimo seems to find a solution. His raunchy daughter Sonia failed in Italian and he plans to present Laura as a nun who will give Sonia private lessons for her compensation exam. On the other hand, there are two dim-witted criminals, Terenzio and Fulgenzio, who are planning to abduct a Castaldi family member for good ransom money.
Шаолинь и Удан
Как известно, школа боевого стиля Удан откололась в свое время от Шаолиня, и с тех пор представители этих двух школ ненавидят друг друга. Однако, пока учителя воюют, Фунг Ву из школы Удана и Джун Кит из школы Шаолиня — закадычные друзья, готовые друг ради друга в огонь и воду. Однако их дружбу пытается пошатнуть городской наместник, мечтающий выучить знаменитые стили обеих школ. И так как скрытные монахи отказываются учить его этим стилям, начинает всячески стравливать и так находящиеся в хрупком перемирии школы, чтобы во время их поединков выучить технику боя.
The Savage Five
A pacifist village is beset by bandits in this martial arts thriller. "Savage Five" hands-down rivals the ornateness of "Kid With The Golden Arm" and the twist-heavy "Five Deadly Venoms". The always great David Chiang plays a lesser version of his Rover character from "Duel Of The Iron Fist", and Ti Lung, looking incredible here, is at his physical best. Accolades to Chen Kuan Tai and Wang Chung in great sympathetic roles, too. A kung fu classic where the actual martial arts display takes a back seat to the mesmerizing story.
What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Revolution?
In the beginning of the 20th. century Italian actor Guido Guidi, more enthusiastic than talented, and his ensemble tour Texas. The mysterious and obviously rich Peppino Garibaldi gives them an offer, they can’t deny: For a large amount of dough they should play “Richard III.” in the Mexican town Vera Cruz. But Peppino is not really interested in cultural affairs: He supports “La Revolución” and “General” Carasco, who utilizes the feastful premiere of “Richard III.” to raid Vera Cruz for Comandante Zapata. But shortly after the Mexican Army shows up with some canons in tow to sort things out. Guidi and Padre Albino, Italian like him, succeed to flee and save Carasco accidentially from the firing squad. Whereas the latter coninues his revolutionary fight, Guidi and Albino start an odyssey through the struggling Mexico, which lets them fall one time in the hands of Carasco the other time in those of Herrera or even in the clutches of “hand-taking” bandidos.
The Black Pirate
A nobleman vows to avenge the death of his father by the hands of pirates. To this end, he infiltrates the pirate band; Acting in character, he single-handedly captures a merchant vessel, but things are complicated when he finds that there is a beautiful young woman of royal blood aboard.
Cry, Onion!
Onion Jack (Franco Nero) has bought a piece of land on which to settle, but the property is still in possession of the orphans of the original owner and is coveted by the local oil baron.
Lovers and Other Relatives
Sandro dreams about a woman older than himself. He works as a lifeguard at the beach and at the same time he's caring for a large number of sexually unsatisfied women who are coming for the weekend without their husbands.
Источники Акицу
Трагическая история любви, продолжающаяся 17 лет, начинается в последние годы войны. Безнадежно больной Сюсаку Кавамото ищет пристанища в глухой деревушке. Его страдания трогают сердце юной Синко, она спасает его жизнь, но все больше привязывается к нему душой. Ей непонятно, почему избежавший смерти её возлюбленный мечтает о самоубийстве. Она готова бороться до конца, но жизнь готовит ей новые испытания.
Лицеистка, дьявол и святая вода
Фильм-антология в котором ангел-хранитель влюбляется в красивую танцовщицу, полицейский должен следить за арестованным трансгендером, а зубной техник продает свою душу дьяволу, но не удовлетворен результатом.
Blues Harp
Ambitious yakuza Kenji befriends harmonica-playing bartender Chuji, who moonlights as a part-time drug-dealer for the opposing gang. Their friendship is threatened by Kenji's plans for advancement, as well as by his bodyguards growing jealousy of Chuji.
Земля надежды
Пожилая пара, их единственный сын, жена сына, молодой человек и его любовница мирно живут в небольшом районе. Но вскоре удары землетрясения становятся причиной взрыва на атомной станции неподалеку. Жители узнают, что они должны эвакуироваться, но пожилая пара владеет фермой и не желает уходить. Сын уговаривает их покинуть эти места. Между тем, жена сына Изуми узнает, что она беременна.
Woodwork artist Takumi moves to the small village Asuka in Nara Prefecture. He remodels old homes and lives a peaceful existence with nature. Takumi then meets Kayoko, a woman who went to the same school as Takumi. Kayoko is fascinated with the color crimson. She dyes scarves with the color of hanezu. Kayoko lives with boyfriend Tetsuya, who works as an editor of a PR magazine. They live together. Soon, Kayoko falls in love with Takumi.
Opium and the Kung Fu Master
A small town is protected by one of the famous Ten Tigers of Kwangtung. The town is very safe as Ti Lung and his Kung Fu students patrol for criminals. Enter the rival Kung Fu school whom Ti Lung's students have beaten in a lion dance competition and then humiliated in a brawl. The rival school is joined by an opium dealing Kung Fu master who plans to turn the town into a community of addicts!