Isabelle Pasco

Isabelle Pasco

Рождение : 1966-04-25, Perpignan, France


Isabelle Pasco


12 мелодий любви
La femme du flic
В маленьком бургундском городке Бон царит джазовое настроение. Здесь проходит ежегодный фестиваль музыки, а 12 мужчин и 12 женщин, не замечая ничего вокруг, продолжают жить своей жизнью. Они влюбляются, флиртуют, назначают свидания, изменяют, разводятся и делают предложения руки и сердца. Судьи, аристократы, знаменитости и шарлатаны, проститутки, врачи, медсестры, артисты и полицейские — однажды этим малознакомым людям предстоит встретиться, чтобы решить судьбу одного из них.
Seven and Five Minutes
In Paris, the story of three women on the verge of mental collapse and suicide.
A child, secret war refugee, deceived by his father, is taken in by a man living in the solitude of a garden between sea and mountain. Left to his own devices, he must find his own way as he is shunted around between untrustworthy adults. A modern tale.
Drôle de genre
Axelle Bazin
Dominique Bazin is a 40-year-old woman, business manager, married to Camille, English teacher. They have three children, including an infant. Dominique, a modern day superwoman, divides her time between her lover Maxime, her work meetings and her family life. Camille is a perfect housekeeper and a caring father, who unknowingly suffers from his routine lifestyle.
A Long Long Long Night of Love
Elena Rosa Guidotti
Reporter Marcello has a brief encounter with Irene while waiting for a train. A young woman who has lost her sight finds herself falling for the voice of a ship's captain she hears over a radio broadcast. Egle, a massage therapist who is soon to be married, finds herself pursuing one last fling with Gabriele -- though the odds are not in her favor, since he happens to be gay. Elena is a young woman with a child who wants to abandon her husband. And Carla wonders if she has any future at all with her lover -- who is married to someone else.
The Invisible Circus
After learning that her sister, Faith (Cameron Diaz), has committed suicide in Portugal, Phoebe (Jordana Brewster), an 18-year-old hippie, decides to uproot from her San Francisco home to travel to Europe. Phoebe hopes to discover and experience the life that led to her sister's death by retracing her footsteps, which eventually leads to Wolf (Christopher Eccleston) -- Faith's boyfriend. However, as Phoebe's journey continues, a series of visions of Faith pushes her mind to the brink.
La course de l'escargot
He, a young and resourceful city dweller, inherits a snail farm in the country. She, a university student in zoology, is passionate about a very rare species of these gastropod mollusks and returns to the country. At first sight, they already recognize each other. But it will take a few misunderstandings and a marathon of grosgris for the two young people to get their antennae in tune.
The Colors of the Devil
A young talented painter dreams of glory. A man promises it in exchange for his talent and his soul.
The annual film festival in Venice is, of course, an ideal place to make a film (how come no-one has thought of it before). Everything is there in Pupi Avati's Festival: the famous hotels Des Bain and Excelsior on the Lido, the shimmering sandy beach which captivated Visconti. The film was made last spring and exploits the presence of passing film stars such as Jack Nicholson. We see the hysterical press conferences, where journalists and experts ask intelligent questions-without listening to the answers.
Not Me!
In this Canadian psychological drama a repressed young man struggles with his phobia of sex. It began when he was a sensitive 11-year old awakened in the night by the sound of his parents making love. Not understanding the nature of the groans, he peeks in and is horrified by the sight. Things get worse the next day when he and his mother discover that daddy died in his sleep that night. The boy, confused by it all deduces that it was the sex-act that killed his father and so refuses to mature so he will never have to die. This goes on several years and for some reason his mother doesn't seem to mind. Things seem okay until his mom's new boy friend moves in. The teen and the lover constantly fight. Late at night, the boy begins spying on his mother and the man and in so doing comes to realize that sex is not as deadly as it seemed. Once this light dawns, the boy is able to grow up and become normal.
Moon Shadow
Deep Trouble
Alice Villion
Charles Madigan visits Alice, to tell her that her father died in an accident while the two professional treasure hunters were diving at the coast of Gibraltar. Whilst practicing, Madigan finds a car wreck underwater with recently stolen diamonds in it, which he keeps. This gets him the attention of the gangster Arman Campana and finally lets him find out the truth about his friend's death. He tries to win police officer Paul Valence - who's competing with him for Alice's love - to help him use the diamonds in his revenge.
Once before, the ravishing lake mermaid Undine has warned her lover Raoul. Their humid-romantic fairy-tale love is in danger because Raoul's brother wants to destroy the pristine mountain lake idyll with an ambitious hotel project. Undine defends her paradise. She is alluring, but also perverse and unpredictable. She can give a lot of love, but she can also kill.
After the death of her father, 22-year-old Céline inherits most of his estate, but gives it to her stepmother, causing her greedy fiancé to leave her. Following several failed suicide attempts, Céline is hospitalized and comes to the attention of a nurse, Genevieve, who has struggled with depression. Under her personal care, Céline gradually recovers, and the two women grow close.
À quoi tu penses-tu?
Because he only thinks about Karine, the wife of his best friend André, Pierre, a writer, can no longer write. The situation is all the more complex as Pierre lives with André's first wife, Mireille, whom he took from her five years ago. He confuses his computer and Karine, and talks to her. Karine's spirit is with him. André and Mireille go to a congress of surgeons in Florida, Pierre and Karine, alone, spend delicious moments together.
Urgence d'aimer
Joëlle, a simple and energetic young woman, works as a hairdresser for Mrs. Delbarre. When Professor Thibaud, a great bone specialist, asks her to donate her bone marrow for a transplant, on the condition that she does not seek to know the recipient, she accepts without hesitation. But the temptation is too strong and she investigates in order to discover the person who benefited from her generous gesture. It is a handsome young man with whom she immediately falls in love.
When Professor Thibaud, a great bone specialist, asks Joëlle, a simple young girl, to donate her bone marrow in view of a transplant, she agrees without hesitation. Despite the pain and the risks, she only thinks of saving a human life. Just one condition is imposed : the giver is not allowed to meet the transplanted in any case. However it is more than she can take, so Joëlle sifts through the medical network until she meets Arnaud. The more she advances, the more she becomes attached to her transplanted, to the point where she believes that her marrow influences his dreams and desires. Ambiguity will reign throughout this love comedy.
A Walk Through Prospero's Library
A short made for TV with director Peter Greenaway discussing the dazzling 3.5 minute opening sequence from his film, 'Prospero's Books'. As Prospero (John Gielgud) walks through his library, Greenaway comments on the historical, mythological, biblical & fictional characters occupying the library.
Книги Просперо
Книги Просперо Питера Гринуэя - оригинальная интерпретация первоисточника. Почти все диалоги в фильме принадлежат Гилгуду, играющему Просперо. Кроме того, почти все действие сопровождается неким миметическим балетом из обнаженных мужчин и женщин. Вечает все блестящая работа худощников-постановщиков Бен Ван Оса и Яна Рулфса и оператора Саши Вьерни. Книги Просперо, снятые по шекспировской Буре (весьма странная пьеса в наследии английского гения), представляют собой, мягко говоря, неожиданную версию классики - истории о миланском герцоге Просперо , отправленном своим братом-противником в открытое море и оказавшемся на острове вместе со своими полуволшебными книгами и маленькой дочерью.
Roselyne and the Lions
Thierry drops out of school to apprentice as a lion tamer at the zoo where he meets Roselyne, who shares his passion. They fall in love and when he loses his job, the young lovers journey across France finding odd jobs at several circuses. In Germany, they fall under the tutelage of ageing big cat trainer, Klint, and while they are closer to realising their dreams, they find that their success drivers them part.
High Frequency
Anna Sweder
A boy who operates a ham radio and a man who works at a satellite relay station witness the same murder thousands of miles apart and have to figure out how to warn the next potential victim.
Три дня из жизни пятерых людей, в которые укладывается вся человеческая жизнь - с её любовью и ревностью, изменами и непониманием, ненавистью и презрением. Лео Мерумеци, богатый любовник Мариаграции, женщины уже увядшей, матери двоих взрослых детей, стремится соблазнить ее дочь Карлу. Девушка не любит Лео, но быстро уступает ему; надеясь изменить этим свою жизнь: ей опротивела царящая в доме фальшь, однообразие, вечные сцены ревности. Брат Карлы Микеле, вялый и инертный юноша, понимает подлость Лео, разбившего их семью, разорившего их материально. Но сильнее ненависти и презрения — его равнодушие, безразличие к моральным нормам. Микеле заставляет себя ссориться с Лео, неоднократно пытается оскорбить его, а узнав, что Лео сошелся с сестрой, стреляет в него. Но все эти попытки неудачны, ибо они обессиливаются в самый момент действия душевным холодом Микеле, отсутствием подлинного искреннего порыва.
The Malady of Love
Physician Robert Briand (Robin Renucci) runs a leper colony in the 15th century that takes in new residents who suffer from the ravages of syphilis. When the beautiful Marie-Blanche (Isabelle Pasco) is brought to the grim, prison-like facility, Robert finds she displays no apparent signs of disease. He risks everything when he falls in love with the woman and makes plans to run away with her. Erland Josephson plays Robert's father, with Piera Degli Esposti as Robert's faithful assistant Terese.
Sauve-toi, Lola
Lola, a young lawyer, is raising her little boy Bolivar, and sustains his family. Diagnosed with cancer, she decides to fight against this disease as it has always done in life with strength, determination, and above all with humor. In his fight, it is supported by Ferdinand, his fiery lover and naive who is a journalist. In the hospital, treated by Prof. Tobman, deeply human doctor, she met a group of women, all living with the same bad but each following a different social environment. This group will become his new "family".
A handful of teenagers, boys and girls, escape from a reform school and go round town. They go to a ball, the owner asks them to pay the bill.This man is very unpleasant, he hates the youth of today and he is a racist.The incident turns into free -for-all, then into a massacre.The runaways become chased criminals. One of the boys want to take his mates to a deserted village where they would find a refuge. Policemen and farmers are hot on their heels .
Ave Maria
Naive villagers find themselves duped by a pair of con artists who sweep into town proclaiming themselves "Holy Father" and "Holy Mother." Soon the pair of cons are making out like the bandits that they are, as the villagers hand over their money and their lands.