
Within These Walls (1945)


Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 11М

Директор : H. Bruce Humberstone
Писатель : Eugene Ling, Wanda Tuchock

Краткое содержание

Michael Howland, a stern hanging judge, is assigned to take over a chaotic prison. There Michael imposes a strict regime of discipline on the inmates. He is similarly rigid and harsh with his own two children Tommie and Anne. However, his son Tommie Howland eventually ends up incarcerated in his father's prison.


Thomas Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell
Warden Michael Howland
Mary Anderson
Mary Anderson
Anne Howland
Edward Ryan
Edward Ryan
Tommie Howland
Mark Stevens
Mark Stevens
Steve Purcell
B.S. Pully
B.S. Pully
Harry Bowser
Roy Roberts
Roy Roberts
Martin 'Marty' Deutsch
John Russell
John Russell
Norman Lloyd
Norman Lloyd
Peter Moran


H. Bruce Humberstone
H. Bruce Humberstone
Eugene Ling
Eugene Ling
Wanda Tuchock
Wanda Tuchock
James B. Fisher
James B. Fisher
Coles Trapnell
Coles Trapnell
Ben Silvey
Ben Silvey
Harry Reynolds
Harry Reynolds
Kay Nelson
Kay Nelson
Costume Design
Richard Irvine
Richard Irvine
Art Direction
Lyle R. Wheeler
Lyle R. Wheeler
Art Direction
Ernest Lansing
Ernest Lansing
Set Decoration Buyer
Thomas Little
Thomas Little
Set Decoration
Glen MacWilliams
Glen MacWilliams
Director of Photography
Clyde De Vinna
Clyde De Vinna
Director of Photography
David Buttolph
David Buttolph
Original Music Composer


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