Clyde De Vinna

Рождение : 1890-07-13, Sedalia, Missouri, USA

Смерть : 1953-07-26


From Wikipedia Clyde De Vinna (July 13, 1890 - July 26, 1953) was an American film and television cinematographer and director of photography. He won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography for White Shadows in the South Seas presented by American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1930 at their 2nd Academy Awards show.


The Jungle
Director of Photography
An Indian princess (Marie Windsor), her adviser (Cesar Romero) and a white hunter (Rod Cameron) fight woolly mammoths. Filmed in sepia.
Air Cadet
Aerial Director of Photography
A group of cadets have assorted problems at the U.S. Air Force Pilot Training Academy.
Sword of the Avenger
Director of Photography
Roberto Balagtas is falsely arrested for treason and sent to prison where he is tortured. He escapes with other prisoners, but only Batagtas survives the escape, carrying with him a treasure map left by one of the others. He crosses paths with Ming Tang (Strong) and a group of Chinese smugglers, with whom he finds the treasure. The booty makes him extremely wealthy, and he changes his name to Don Diego Sebastian. He then goes back to the Philippines to seek his revenge.
Within These Walls
Director of Photography
Michael Howland, a stern hanging judge, is assigned to take over a chaotic prison. There Michael imposes a strict regime of discipline on the inmates. He is similarly rigid and harsh with his own two children Tommie and Anne. However, his son Tommie Howland eventually ends up incarcerated in his father's prison.
The Caribbean Mystery
Director of Photography
The Caribbean Mystery is a remake of Mr. Moto on Danger Island (1939)-which in turn was a remake of Murder in Trinidad. James Dunn stars as Mr. Smith, a Columbo-like Brooklyn detective who pops up on a tropical island to track down some missing geologists.
Whistling in Dixie
Director of Photography
Radio sleuth Wally 'The Fox' Benton travels to Georgia with his fiancé Carol to be married; and to help Carol's college chum, Ellamae Downs, solve a mystery involving a murdered man, old Fort Dixon, and buried treasure.
Jackass Mail
Director of Photography
An unknowing orphan idolizes the horse thief/mail robber who has shot his father.
The Bugle Sounds
Director of Photography
An old-time cavalry sergeant's resistance to change could cost him his post.
A Yank on the Burma Road
Director of Photography
A celebrated New York cabbie is pressed into service for a perilous journey through World War II China.
Тайное сокровище Тарзана
Director of Photography
Научная экспедиция, работает в непроходимых джунглях. Алчные злодеи Медфорд и Вандермир случайно узнают, что Тарзана существует тайник с золотом. Коварные злоумышленники похищают подругу Тарзана — Джейн и их мальчика из родной хижины, чтобы затем шантажировать Тарзана, выведать тайну клада. Узнав о случившимся, Тарзан спешит на помощь любимым; в спасении Джейн ему помогают его верные друзья слоны и, конечно — же обезьяны, во главе с ловкой и смешной Читой.
Come Back, Miss Pipps
Director of Photography
On Mickey's birthday, Miss Pipps, the school teacher, serves cake and ice cream during school hours. Sour old Mr. Pratt, head of the school board, stumbles on the festivities and has Miss Pipps fired. The Our Gang conspire to save her job by inviting all the parents to a special meeting. There the gang stage a melodrama, with Mr. Pratt portrayed as Simon Legree. The parents react by demoting Mr. Pratt to janitor. They appoint kindly Mr. Swanson, the current janitor, to head the school board. And of course they reinstate Miss Pipps as school teacher. Sometime later, in an act of forgiveness, Miss Pipps and the gang hold a birthday party for Pratt who is then humbled by the experience.
The People Vs. Dr. Kildare
Director of Photography
An ice skater sues Kildare (Lew Ayres) for malpractice after his roadside first aid leaves her paralyzed.
The Bad Man
Director of Photography
Lopez is a bandit who has stolen the herd at Gil's ranch, so Hardy is about to foreclose. But Lucia has come back from New York and Gil is happy until he meets her husband, Morgan.
American Spoken Here
Director of Photography
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short takes a look at the origins of North American slang.
Director of Photography
With the army after him and his partner deserting, Reb decides that a change of scenery would be nice so he heads for Wyoming with Dave.
Phantom Raiders
Director of Photography
In this second Carter mystery, a mysterious rash of cargo ships sinking in Panama leads insurers Llewellyns of London to hire vacationer Nick Carter and his eccentric associate Bartholomew to investigate. Nick recognizes influential nightclub owner Al Taurez as a shady operator, but getting the goods on him depends on slick diversions involving the heavyweight champ of the Pacific Tuna Fleet, a Panamanian bombshell armed with American slang, a young couple in love and a whole raft of crooks and cutthroats.
Bubbling Troubles
Director of Photography
To impress Darla, Alfalfa drinks a concoction of Butch's "dynamite" brew.
20 Mule Team
Director of Photography
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
Director of Photography
A fugitive from a chain gang becomes an oil-well firefighter and meets the man who framed him.
Unseen Guardians
The "unseen guardians" of the title are the Postal Inspection Service, which investigates mail order racketeering; the Underwriters' Laboratories, which are shown testing electrical equipment, fire extinguishers, and large floor safes; and those who run orphanages, who assure that the children in their care are placed in proper adoptive homes.
They All Come Out
Director of Photography
A down on his luck young man stumbles into a gang of robbers who all get landed in prison. Will he be reformed, or is he ensnared into a life of crime?
Bridal Suite
A carefree playboy with an aversion to marriage falls for a lass he meets in the French Alps.
The Girl Downstairs
Director of Photography
A wealthy playboy surreptitiously romances a scullery maid to gain access to her mistress with whom he is in love, but doesn't count on the maid falling in love with him.
Fast Company
Director of Photography
Married book-dealers Joel & Garda Sloane try to clear a friend in the murder of a rival book-seller.
О человеческих сердцах
Director of Photography
В Европе идет война. Силы союзников, которым не чужды всечеловеческие ценности свободы, гуманизма и взаимопомощи, встречают в лице немецких войск полное их отрицание: солдаты кайзера, руководимые единым принципом превосходства "сильного" над "слабым", не гнушаются ничем, начиная с отравляющего газа и заканчивая "живым щитом" из местных жителей, - оставив после себя одни сожженные дома и мертвецов. В далекой канадской деревушке пять сыновей вдовы отвечают на призыв спасти от немцев Бельгию и Францию, вопреки увещеваниям безымянного "друга" - худощавого, неприметного молодого человека с военной выправкой и моноклем, - который убеждает, что не стоит беспокоиться о судьбах чужих стран. Супруга старшего брата Джона, Нанетт, подарив жизнь их первенцу, также не может остаться в стороне и отправляется на войну медсестрой, заботясь о благополучии детей-сирот.
The Bad Man of Brimstone
A ruthless outlaw becomes very protective of a prizefighter when he learns the young man is his own son.
The Good Old Soak
Director of Photography
A small town drunk beats a teetotal banker guilty of a shady transaction.
Ah, Wilderness!
At the turn of the century, a young man graduates high school and realizes the joys and sorrows of growing up, with some loving help and guidance from his wise father. A tender, coming-of-age story, with a wonderful look at a long-gone, but fondly remembered, small town America.
Последний язычник
Director of Photography
В XIX-м веке в южной части Тихого океана существовал обычай, когда островитяне делали набег на соседний остров, для того чтобы найти пригодных для замужества женщин. Во время одного из подобных набегов Таро увидел прекрасную Лиллео и спросил у вождя племени разрешения взять её. Пока Таро и другие мужчины наблюдали за женщинами, плавающими в пруду, местные аборигены, вооруженные копьями, напали на них и принудили к бегству. Таро, однако, задержался, и после непродолжительной борьбы с Лиллео, которая не хотела идти за ним, ему всё же удаётся забрать её на свой остров. По прибытии Таро представляет Лиллео своей матери и своему племени. Позже, после их свадьбы, Лиллео и Таро оказываются в руках белых работорговцев…
China Seas
Director of Photography
Captain Alan Gaskell sails the perilous waters between Hong Kong and Singapore with a secret cargo: a fortune in British gold. That's not the only risky cargo he carries; both his fiery mistress and his refined fiancee are aboard!
West Point of the Air
An army sergeant inspires his son to become an ace flyer.
Остров сокровищ
Director of Photography
1765 год. Юный Джим Хокинс живет со своей недавно овдовевшей матерью в гостинице на западном побережье Англии. Однажды у них на ночлег остановился бывший пират Билли Бонс, который очень переживал, что за ним следят злые люди под руководством человека на деревянной ноге. Они жаждут его смерти. Дабы обезопасить себя, уставший пират отдает Джиму на хранение старую карту, которую он украл у печально известного капитана Флинта. Джим даже и не подозревал до этого дня, что в этот миг судьба приготовила ему и его друзьям самые удивительные приключения в поисках пиратских сокровищ…
Тарзан и его подруга
Director of Photography
Мартин и Гари отправляются в экспедицию за слоновой костью. Их путь лежит через равнины и горы к центру джунглей, где живет Тарзан, его подруга Джейн и шимпанзе по имени Чита. В пути они повстречают диких львов, хищных крокодилов, гигантских горилл и свирепое племя дикарей-людоедов. Гарри и Мартин попробуют уговорить девушку вернуться в лоно цивилизации, ведь в джунглях с Тарзаном, она подвергает себя ежеминутной опасности… Джейн непреклонна, она любит Тарзана, и никакие уговоры не заставят её покинуть девственный лес и своего любимого.
Director of Photography
Счастливая и беззаботная жизнь эскимоса меняется, как только в его жизнь вторгается недобросовестный белый торговец.
Bird of Paradise
Director of Photography
When a young South Seas sailor falls overboard, the beautiful daughter of a Polynesian king dives in and saves his life. Thus begins the romance of Johnny and Luana. Though Luana is promised to another man, Johnny whisks her away, and for a brief time the lovers live very happily together. But, when a local volcano threatens their lives, Luana knows that she must sacrifice herself to the volcanic gods in order to save her island.
Тарзан, человек-обезьяна
Director of Photography
Охотник по имени Джеймс Паркер ищет в Африке мифическую «белую обезьяну». Он воссоединяется с дочерью Джейн после смерти её матери, а затем они обнаруживают, что «белая обезяна» — это в действительности Тарзан, дикарь, выросший в джунглях. Джеймс Паркер хочет поймать Тарзана живым или мертвым и доставить в Англию.
Director of Photography
A sailor falls in love with the admiral's daughter but finds they can't marry because of his lowly rank.
The bitter fruit
Director of Photography
Min, a hard-boiled proprietress of a waterfront hotel, who has as her sweetheart Bill, a fisherman, brings up Nancy, a girl who was deserted by her own mother in infancy. However the Local authorities are trying to persuade Min that she is not a fit mother and that Nancy should be sent to school.
Director of Photography
A widow's decision to run for mayor kicks off a battle of the sexes in a small town.
Trader Horn
Director of Photography
While on safari in an unexplored area of Africa, Trader Horn and Peru find missionary Edith Trent killed by natives. They decide to carry on her quest for her lost daughter Nina. They find her as the queen of a particularly savage tribe, and try to bring her back to civilization.
The Great Meadow
Director of Photography
Pioneers and a family man leave Virginia for Kentucky during the Revolutionary War.
The Pagan
Director of Photography
Henry, the pagan son of a white father and native mother, has inherited land and a store, but he prefers the simple life. When he falls in love with a native girl, her guardian, who is trying to bring her up as a 'proper' Christian, but who also lusts after her himself, plots to keep them apart.
Белые тени южных морей
Director of Photography
Полинезия — «последний уголок земного Рая». Но «белый хищник» бросил несмываемую тень и на эти острова, желая их «цивилизовать». Об этом свидетельствует трагическая судьба доктора Мэтью Ллойда, который, защищая островитян, был изгнан из белого общества. Он берет в жены красивую таитянку и живет с ней какое-то время в полной идилии. Но жажда наживы оказывается сильнее. В тот самый момент, когда он поддается меркантильному искушению…
The Adventurer
Director of Photography
American mining engineer Jim McClellan is in love with Dolores de Silva, daughter of the deposed president of a Latin American country. He becomes involved in the revolution....
The Law of the Range
Jim Lockhart is out to capture the robbing and murdering "Solitaire Kid".
Spoilers of the West
A soldier falls in love with a beautiful settler who has refused his order to leave American Indian land.
Foreign Devils
Director of Photography
Capt. Robert Kelly holds off the foreign mob single-handed and makes good his escape during the Boxer rebellion.
The Frontiersman
Director of Photography
John Dale and Abner Hawkins are members of Andrew Jackson's Tennessee Militia, assigned to make peace with the Creek Indian tribe in general and the treacherous White Snake in particular.
Winners Of The Wilderness
Director of Photography
During the French and Indian War the Indians under Pontiac kidnap Rene. Colonel O'Hara hopes to rescue and wed her.
War Paint
Director of Photography
An Indian chief of the Arapahoe escapes the reservation where he has been living and takes along some of his warriors. The cavalry is sent out for them.
Бен-Гур: Расказ Христа
Director of Photography
«Бен-Гур» — рассказ о богатом юноше еврее, который в результате случайности был обвинен в покушении на римского наместника и попадает в рабство, а его сестру и мать забирают в тюрьму. По пути на галеры, он сталкивается с Иисусом Христом, сыном плотника, который подаст воду страждущему. Когда судно потопили пираты, Бен-Гур спасает римского центуриона от гибели, и тот в благодарность усыновляет его…
The Man in Blue
Director of Photography
Tom Conlin, an Irish cop walking a beat in an Italian neighborhood, falls in love with Tita Sartori, the daughter of a florist. Tita returns Tom's affection but keeps him at a distance, believing him to be married; However she is also wooed by an unscrupulous politician of considerable wealth.....
Sporting Youth
Director of Photography
Jimmy Wood, a chauffeur, is mistaken for famous racing driver Splinters Wood. Because he is deeply in debt, he enters a race on the advice of Betty Rockford, daughter of a wealthy automobile manufacturer.
Crimson Gold
Director of Photography
A low-budget silent comedy Western
The Victor
Director of Photography
In order to save his family from financial ruin, an English aristocrat agrees to come to America and marry the daughter of a wealthy businessman. Once there he can't bring himself to do it.....
Lost and Found on a South Sea Island
Faulke, a swindling white trader who persuaded Madge to leave Captain Blackbird, insists that her daughter, Lorna, marry Waki, a native leader, although Lorna loves Lloyd Warren. While in search of a doll for his other daughter, Baby Madge, Captain Blackbird comes to Pago Pago and gruffly refuses to aid Lloyd and Lorna, whom he does not recognize. A chance encounter with Faulke, however, reveals the trader's evil doings and Lorna's identity. The captain and his men rush to the island and rescue Lorna from the warring natives.
Big Stakes
Director of Photography
Chasing a steer across the border a cowboy meets a senorita and stays on making the Mexican Captian jealous. When the Captain plans to have the cowboy killed, the cowboy gets the Captain to agree to a contest between jumping beans. When the cowboy wins he says he will let the senorita decide between the two. But first he rides off to rescue another girl held by the hooded Night Riders and the Captain follows to back him up
The Face of the World
Director of Photography
Silent Drama
The Cheater Reformed
Director of Photography
Thomas Edinburgh is secretly in love with Carol, wife of the Reverend Luther McCall, and produces evidence that her husband was once an embezzler. Leaving for Cleveland, the minister meets his twin brother, Jordan, the real embezzler, who is evading the law. Luther is killed in a train wreck, and Jordan, assumes his brother's identity....
The Iron Rider
Director of Photography
When law and order fade into distant memory in Angel City, the townspeople yearn for the era of the Iron Riders, a band of men who took justice into their own hands and brought order out of chaos. The organizer of the group was John Lannigan, whose son Larry decides to take up the mantle of the Riders once again.
The Challenge of the Law
Director of Photography
A Canadian Mountie pursues an outlaw across the border into the America...
The Lincoln Highwayman
Director of Photography
Marian Calvert becomes infatuated with the infamous Lincoln Highwayman ....
Playthings of Passion
Director of Photography
Helen Rowland is indifferent towards her wealthy husband Henry and spends most of her time at social events. Henry agrees to give financial assistance to young clergyman John Sterling if Helen can become interested in Sterling's work in the slums.
Director of Photography
Adele Bleneau is a young nurse who assists her father, a renowned surgeon/. While in Washington, DC, she meets and falls in love with a British army officer, Capt. Fraser. While traveling by ship to France with her father, she meets Count von Schulling, a German diplomat who is an acquaintance of her father. Von Schulling falls for the pretty young Adele. While in France, Adele organizes a rescue party to save Capt. Fraser, who has been on a secret mission behind enemy lines and has been wounded. In a twist of fate, Adele finds the wounded Fraser and takes him to a hospital, but Count von Schuling, who has also been wounded, is placed in the same room as Fraser. When the hospital is overrun by German forces, Adele is placed in a delicate position by von Sculling: either spy for the Germans or Fraser will be shot.
The White Lie
Director of Photography
Gordon Kingsley lives happily with his wife Dorothy and little daughter Mary Jane. On visiting the home of San Francisco architect Frank Mason, he is shocked to discover a portrait of his own wife and daughter. Suspecting the worst of Dorothy, he hires a private detective....
Maid o' the Storm
Director of Photography
Scottish fisherman Andy MacTavish rescues a baby whom he discovers washed up on the shore during a storm, and names her Ariel. As a girl, Ariel often dances on the beach and dreams of a man who will appear to her out of the mist. Her dream comes true when she witnesses an airplane crash in which the pilot, Franklin Shirley, is injured.
Director of Photography
During World War I, Robin Cameron transforms her home on the Scottish seacoast into a hospital for convalescing soldiers. Sidney Carson, who owns the adjoining estate, and Dr. Hyde both love Robin, but she gives her heart to John Hamilton, an American soldier whose ship was sunk off the coast.
Rose o' Paradise
Director of Photography
Thomas Singleton broke down when his wife died giving birth to their daughter. He eventually recovered, but his half-brother Morse kept him locked up at the asylum. After seventeen years, Singleton escapes and tracks down his daughter, Virginia, who is due to inherit a fortune on her eighteenth birthday. Convinced that his half-brother will try to trick Virginia out of her inheritance, Singleton sends her to live with his former gardener......
Madam Who
Director of Photography
During the Civil War, Jeanne Beaufort becomes a secret service agent for the South....
Madam Who
During the Civil War, Jeanne Beaufort becomes a secret service agent for the South....
The Hater of Men
Director of Photography
Convinced that her impending marriage to fellow reporter Billy Williams will result in a loss of her freedom, Janice breaks her engagement and enters a period of Bohemian living.
The Flame of the Yukon
Director of Photography
George Fowler arrives at the Mias saloon, and the proprietor, "Blak Jack" Hovey, orders a saloon girl, known only as "The Flame," to fleece him, but he has no money...
Whither Thou Goest
Director of Photography
Donald marries Maizie in order to save his brother. The couple go to Arizona where their love ripens, and through Maizie's prayers, Donald regains his health. Mrs. Van Wye then comes to visit and tells Maizie that she is preventing Donald from assuming his rightful place in society. Crushed, Maizie starts across the desert alone, and when Donald learns of his mother's dreadful behavior, he follows Maizie and begs her to stay.
Wild Winship's Widow
Director of Photography
Widow Catherine Winship cherishes the memory of her late husband so greatly that she has given up her life to the adoration of his memory. However Catherine's idealism is rudely shattered when she discovers a package of love letters in a secret drawer in Winship's desk.
The Dark Road
Director of Photography
Jim Morrison is an English army officer who comes from a very old and prominent family. He marries the ravishingly beautiful but unscrupulous Cleo, who has no qualms about using her sexual allure to get the luxuries her husband can't provide. When Jim is sent off to war, Cleo embarks on a series of affairs, one of which results in her becoming the love slave of a German spy, the very spy that her husband has been assigned to track down.
The Little Brother
Director of Photography
Jerry Ross dresses as a boy and sells newspapers to make money on the street corner. As the result of a chance meeting with Frank Girard, who is interested in the "Big Brother Movement," Jerry is invited to Girard's farm in the country. Later she is sent to a coeducational institution where she assumes the dress and manners of a girl once more.
Princess of the Dark
Director of Photography
James Herron, a consumptive, has built a shack in the hope that the mountain air may prolong his life. With him dwells his daughter, Fay, whom he idolizes. Fay, who has been blind from her birth, has a wonderful imagination, even the town and its sordid inhabitants become invested with romance and take their part in the stories of adventures that her father reads to her.
The Captive God
Director of Photography
A Spanish boy is shipwrecked and cast ashore in Mexico in the sixteenth century. He is raised as a god by the Tehuan tribe, who have never before seen a white man, and is named Chiapa. Then at manhood he rules the Tehuans. Chiapa loves the priestess Tecolote but she is kidnapped by the Aztec warrior Mexitli, so he follows in the hopes of rescuing her.
Director of Photography
Count Ferdinand, a submarine commander and secret pacifist refuses to torpedo a defenseless passenger ship during wartime. His submarine is sunk in the following fracas. In the spirit world, Christ commends the captain, and returns to earth in the commander's body to promote His message of peace.
The Beggar of Cawnpore
Director of Photography
Dr. Robert Lowndes of the British army practices in a small Indian outpost during a cholera epidemic, and to ease his fever, uses morphine. He becomes an addict, but his sweetheart, Betty Archer, makes him promise to reform. Another of Betty's suitors, however, Captain Guy Douglas, uses drugs to tempt Lowndes.
The Three Musketeers
Director of Photography
D'Artagnan leaves home travelling to Paris to join the Musketeers of the Guard. Although D'Artagnan is not able to join this elite corps immediately, he befriends the three most formidable musketeers of the age: Athos, Porthos and Aramis and gets involved in affairs of the state and court.