Short Orders (1923)
Жанр :
Время выполнения : 11М
Директор : Scott Pembroke, Hal Roach
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Stan plays a waiter at a crappy restaurant and frankly such fare was better done by Chaplin and others. However, in two cute scenes, the film shines. The first is a Limburger cheese bit that is low-brow but funny. The second is the final scene with dogs following Stan at the end.
After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man.
Fulta Fisher runs a boarding house catering to seamen passing through the port. A girl known as Anne of Austria has had many lovers amongst the sailors, but presently she's known to be the "property" of Salem Hardieker, a tough Bostonian. When Anne's eye drifts to a new potential lover, Hans the Dane, he spurns her, knowing she's Salem's girl. But hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....
Three men in succession propose marriage to Grace Darling; she accepts all! Since they are roommates, the three discover their problem in short order; when they return for an explanation, they're in for a surprise.
Mabel sneaks away from her parents for some mischievous fun at the fairgrounds with a pair of impromptu suitors.
Крупный магнат Якоб Бервик получает от предпринимателя Эмиля Дарбо отказ на присоединение к его каучуковому тресту. Чтобы выведать тайны конкурента, Бервик нанимает известного частного детектива Жюлиуса Киффера.
"Max quarrels so with his wife that the lady leaves him. Our hero then attempts to do his own cooking, etc. He buys a fowl, but it proves to be still alive, and after he has chased it with a revolver, partly plucked it, shaved and finally half-roasted it, the bird is still alive and wings its way off. Max next turns his attention to blacking his boots, upsets the liquid blacking, spoons it up, and a minute later is using the same spoon to stir the broth. He writes for his wife to return home, but soon after sending the letter hears he is heir to a large fortune, and lives in the seventh heaven of delight - until his wife returns." (The Bioscope, Feb. 15, 1912)
Renée Carl stars in this lively slapstick silent short as a beautiful lady who causes distractions and accidents among the male population as she walks though the streets of Paris.
The innkeeper's daughter is in love, but her mother has already decided that she is going to be married to another man.
Нет такого положения, из которого не выпуталась бы женщина. Как бы ни был хитер муж, жена все же окажется вдвое хитрее и так сумеет затуманить бедную голову супруга, что тому и впрямь белое черным покажется. Вот и сейчас. Не помогла и знаменитая восточная книга, в которую заключена тысяча и одна женская хитрость. Умная голова жены мигом придумала 1002-ю, чем и доказала несостоятельность всех коварных замыслов против женщины. И одураченный супруг навсегда потерял охоту хитростью бороться против хитрости.
Банда ведёт войну, используя гнилые овощи как боеприпасы. Позже они портят снимающийся фильм двойным разрывом плёнки.
The tyrant Emperor Heliogabalus lives a life of debauchery and set lions loose among his guests.
Lotte Reiniger's earliest preserved fairytale film based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
Windsor McCay's partially lost follow-up to his tremendouly successful Gertie the Dinosaur. Gertie has been brought into the modern world. Continually perplexed by her new surroundings, she begins to explore the new sights. But when she sleeps, she dreams of the way it used to be, in the days when the world was full of dinosaurs like herself.
The first adaptation of Lew Wallace's novel, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.
This short film consists of a crazy old colonel being asked to entertain party guests about his exploits of daring. However, being a totally insane old coot, he runs amok acting out his war-time heroics--smashing and throwing everything in the room!
Неуклюжий работник лесопилки пытается завоевать руку хозяйской дочери, оставаясь при этом вне поля зрения злобного мастера лесопилки.
Когда юная девушка находит в лесу красивую мертвую лилию, она просит дедушку рассказать ей об этом. Лилия в великолепии стоит у ручья, ею восхищаются лесные существа. Но армия жуков, стремящаяся завоевать новые территории, хочет пересечь ручей - и лилия преграждает им путь. Наглая аллегория немецкого изнасилования Бельгии.
Three men go out on the ocean in a row boat. There, they see dancing fairies. Then manage to catch one and take her aboard the boat--taking her back to the castle with them. Then, one of the men asks the fairy to marry him and they do so--though something strange occurs right after the ceremony.
An extremely clumsy man tries to clean a woman's house with disastrous results.