Himself - Producer (archive footage)
The story of Italian cinema under Fascism, a sophisticated film industry built around the founding of the Cinecittà studios and the successful birth of a domestic star system, populated by very peculiar artists among whom stood out several beautiful, magnetic, special actresses; a dark story of war, drugs, sex, censorship and tragedy.
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Self (archive footage)
The lives of Stan Laurel (1890-1965) and Oliver Hardy (1892-1957), on the screen and behind the curtain. The joy and the sadness, the success and the failure. The story of one of the best comic duos of all time: a lesson on how to make people laugh.
The gang's all here - Our Gang, that is, with Spanky, Alfalfa, Jackie, Farina, Scotty, Buckwheat, Chubby, Stymie, Wheezer, Dickie, Tommy, Mary, Pete and more in uncut versions of some of their funniest episodes. A magic lamp turns two adults into new arrivals at the Happy Home Orphanage in "Shrimps for a Day," while the Rascals show a thief how to "Fly My Kite" when he tries to send their beloved Grandma to the poor farm. The Gang is snubbed after saying "Hi Neighbor" to the new kid on the block, and Spanky has "Beginners Luck" during his debut on amateur night, before they mistake a hungry "Kid from Borneo" for Uncle George.
Recapture the magic of Hal Roach's in this delightful musical comedy compilation released to theaters in 1959 and featuring classics from the peak period of the most popular movie series of all times. Darla Hood makes her Our Gang Debut in their neighborhood musical revue, singing "I'll Never Say 'Never Again' Again," and is designated their entrant in a radio station singing contest, but fails to show up on time. Alfalfa goes on in her places, performing his unforgettable rendition of "I'm in the Mood for Love," while Spanky turns into a pint-sized Fred Astaire when the Adams Street Grammar School stages a musical show.
Featuring the most riotous Rascals of all. This hilarious comedy compilation spans more than twenty years of classic Our Gang comedies to tickle your funny bone and includes rarely seen silent footage. See Alfalfa sing "The Barber of Seville" at the "Our Gang Follies" and Chubby grease Wheezer with Limburger, plus a 1930s bicycle commercial starring Spanky and a 1950s reunion on "You Asked for It". Come join Spanky, Buckwheat, Jackie, Mickey, Farina, Darla, Froggy, Mary, Joe Cobb and many more for the marathon of mirthful moments with the Little Rascals, a must-have for your comedy collection.
Join all you favorites--Spanky, Buckwheat, Alfalfa, Darla, Butch, Froggy and more--in a jam-packed special covering more than twenty years and 200 episodes of Hal Roach's inimitable brand of childhood magic. This fascinating video offers insight into the Gang's personal lives, as rare footage follows each member's career through the joys and misfortunes that went along with being one of America's most beloved kids. See how the series began in 1922 and changed after the first all-talking release in 1929, why Shirley Temple and Mickey Rooney never made the Gang, a fifteenth anniversary reunion, and clips from their only feature.
A film about the career and methods of the master silent comedy filmmaker.
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Peter Fonda host an examination of the history of decency standards for movies from the early 1920s onwards.
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
Documentary looking at how Hollywood went from a small town to a mega center.
Narrated by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, this documentary about "Laurel and Hardy", one of the most popular and critically acclaimed comedy double acts of the early Classical Hollywood era of American cinema. It features interviews with Jerry Lewis, Dick Van Dyke, Babe London, Marcel Marceau, Lucille Hardy (Ollie's wife), Bob Monkhouse, Hal Roach, Marvin T Hatley, Jack McCabe and many more.
A compilation of clips from various Laurel and Hardy films
Executive Producer
Sergeants flirt with a nurse aboard ship and go fishing for a Japanese Sub.
Executive Producer
Two unemployed cowhands help a pill-popping rancher find the nasty varmint who's been rustling cattle.
Executive Producer
A love-smitten cowpoke acciidentally causes a horse stampede.
Executive Producer
Tim McGuerin and Eddie Corbett operates a big taxi-fleet company together and because of a misunderstanding Tim's wife Sadie thinks he is having an affair with his secretary, Ms. Lucy Gibbs. To annoy Tim, Sadie starts taking classes with a fitness instructor, Samson, and later going with him to his out-of-town health club. To sort out all the misunderstandings both Tim and Eddie go to the health club as well.
Associate Producer
An Army sergeant's photographic memory puts him in conflict with a Nazi spy.
The "Flyer" in question is William Marshall, a young man falsely accused of a crime. Escaping the clutches of the law, he becomes involved with several pretty young ladies. Marjorie Woodworth plays the girl who helps Marshall in his escape, pausing occasionally to participate in a some lively but forgettable musical numbers.
Two Army sergeants disrupt a bar, a party and an Army-Navy dance.
Western comedy about a cowhand falling in love with the pretty guest at a local dude ranch.
Two taxi-fleet operators rescue a girl and she follows them to a mountain resort.
A small-town spinster, who's a born romantic, takes on the strict members of the local "Purity League" by spilling a few of their well-kept secrets. Comedy.
Executive Producer
The nosy antics of a honeymooner puts an unwed couple in the same room.
Chubby William Tracy starred as Dodo Doubleday, a feckless Army draftee blessed (or cursed) with a photographic memory. Inexplicably promoted to sergeant, Doubleday becomes the bane of topkick Sgt. Ames' (Joe Sawyer) existence.
A publicity stunt staged on a train known as the Broadway Limited gets out of control, as no one wants to be responsible for the baby that was brought in for it.
В доме по соседству с Космо Топпером убили девушку. Её призрак навещает бедолагу Космо и заставляет искать убийцу.
Rich playboy Drogo Gaines is in imminent danger of marrying a gold digger, and escapes by feigning insanity. The joke's on him when he wakes up in an asylum full of comical lunatics. There he befriends Colonel Carraway, and together they escape, catching a ride with a beautiful blonde who proves to be Penguin Moore, carnival owner.
Rich playboy Drogo Gaines is in imminent danger of marrying a gold digger, and escapes by feigning insanity. The joke's on him when he wakes up in an asylum full of comical lunatics. There he befriends Colonel Carraway, and together they escape, catching a ride with a beautiful blonde who proves to be Penguin Moore, carnival owner.
Bickering husband and wife Tim and Sally Willows mutter a few angry words to a statue of Buddha and wind up living each other's life.
Изгнанный из своего лагеря охотник Тумак находит себе пристанище в более цивилизованном племени, где встречает красотку Лоану, которая начинает учить его хорошим манерам. Однако за учинённую драку Тумака снова прогоняют, и он вместе с Лоаной решает вернуться в родные места.
Изгнанный из своего лагеря охотник Тумак находит себе пристанище в более цивилизованном племени, где встречает красотку Лоану, которая начинает учить его хорошим манерам. Однако за учинённую драку Тумака снова прогоняют, и он вместе с Лоаной решает вернуться в родные места.
A mobster's moll leads a newsman, cub reporter and photographer to a scoop.
Ирландский заключенный, отправленный на каторгу в Австралию, сбегает из под стражи, отправляется в пустошь и там собирает банду таких же беглецов, чтобы бороться с коррумпированным землевладельцем.
Mrs Topper's friend Mrs Parkhurst has convinced Mrs topper, to file for a divorce from Cosmo, due to the strange circumstances of his trip with ghost Marion Kirby. Marion comes back from heaven's door to help Cosmo again, this time only with dog Mr. Atlas. Due to a strange behavior of Cosmo, the judge refuses to divorce them, so Mrs Parkhurst takes Mrs Topper on a trip to France, where she tries to arrange the final reasons for the divorce, with help of a gold-digging French baron, Marion takes Cosmo to the same hotel, to bring them back together and to get her own final ticket to heaven, but the whole thing turns out to be not too easy.
Фильм начинается в далеком 1917 году. Идет первая мировая война, Стэн и Олли в окопах среди других солдат. Часть отходит, а Стэну приказывают охранять объект. Проходят годы. 1917 год сменяется 1918, война закачивается. Годы летят. Наконец, наступает 1938 год. А Стэна так никто и не снял с его поста, никто не сказал ему, что война давно кончилась, ну а сам он... Однажды, увидев пролетающий самолет, он сбивает его. Летчик отвозит Стэна в Соединенные Штаты. Между тем Олли женился, и у него с женой годовщина свадьбы. Случайно увидев фотографию Стэна в газете, Олли решает забрать его из Дома ветеранов... Уморительная, динамичная, легкая комедия! Стэн здесь, хотя и не блещет умом, зато умеет такое!
Детектив Альфальфа и его помощники Баквит и Порки пытаются раскрыть дело о пропаже конфет, но оказываются в доме с привидениями в парке развлечений.
Когда один из детей «Нашей банды» после потери зуба находит деньги под подушкой, все дети решают разбогатеть, вырвав себе все зубы. Они посещают дантиста, доктора Шульца, который отпугивает их от плана (и, вероятно, от того, что они больше никогда не увидят дантиста).
Stan and Ollie are mousetrap salesmen hoping for better business in Switzerland, with Stan's theory that because there is more cheese in Switzerland, there should be more mice.
Дворецкий Батлер Гросвенор обнаруживает за завтраком, что фамильное серебро украдено бродягой, которого хозяйка Эмили Килборн приняла под свое крыло в качестве шофера, в своей последней попытке реформы пригреть и обласкать опустившихся бродяг, создавая этим много напряжения среди остальных членов семьи. Обиженная Эмили клянется больше не принимать участия в облагораживании «павших на дно» к вящей радости своего мужа и взрослых детей, однако позже в их дверь стучится очередной «бродяга» Уэйд Ролинс, который на самом деле является писателем. У него сломался автомобиль и он постучался, что бы позвонить. Его затрапезный вид ввел в заблуждение и дворецкого, и дочерей хозяйки Джерри и Марион и саму хозяйку.
Дворецкий Батлер Гросвенор обнаруживает за завтраком, что фамильное серебро украдено бродягой, которого хозяйка Эмили Килборн приняла под свое крыло в качестве шофера, в своей последней попытке реформы пригреть и обласкать опустившихся бродяг, создавая этим много напряжения среди остальных членов семьи. Обиженная Эмили клянется больше не принимать участия в облагораживании «павших на дно» к вящей радости своего мужа и взрослых детей, однако позже в их дверь стучится очередной «бродяга» Уэйд Ролинс, который на самом деле является писателем. У него сломался автомобиль и он постучался, что бы позвонить. Его затрапезный вид ввел в заблуждение и дворецкого, и дочерей хозяйки Джерри и Марион и саму хозяйку.
Банда устраивает шоу с Альфальфой, объявленным «Королём певцов». Но Альфальфа отказывается от шоу, говоря, что его дни пения прошли, и что опера - его истинное призвание. Но, вздремнув и помечтав об успешном будущем в популярной музыке, он меняет своё мнение и присоединяется к остальной части банды для заключительного номера.
Альфальфа пытается выйти из боя, притворяясь недееспособным.
Сумасбродная пара Джордж и Мэрион Керби гибнут в автомобильной аварии. Они не сразу понимают, что застряли между небом и землей и стали призраками, а когда приходит это осознание они не представляют, что с этим делать. К счастью, им приходит спасительная мысль начать творить добро,....
Kitty Reily (Patsy Kelly) and Lena Marchetti (Lyda Roberti) meet each other at an amateur Radio Show. Kitty quickly learns to greatly dislike incompetent Lena. They keep running into each other until Kitty resigns to being friends with Lena when they become hospital nurses and share a dorm room.
Kitty Reily (Patsy Kelly) and Lena Marchetti (Lyda Roberti) meet each other at an amateur Radio Show. Kitty quickly learns to greatly dislike incompetent Lena. They keep running into each other until Kitty resigns to being friends with Lena when they become hospital nurses and share a dorm room.
На Стена и Олли возложена ответственность доставить документы по ценной золотодобывающей шахте дочери мертвого старателя. Однако они не предусмотрели всех махинаций ее злого опекуна Майки Финна, который намерен забрать золотодобывающую шахту себе и своей жене, салонной певице Лоле.
The gang puts on a musical show at a reunion for some of the former Gang kids.
The gang puts a phony absent note on their teacher's desk so they can go to the circus, then have to get it back when they find out that the class was going on a field trip to the circus anyway.
The gang puts a phony absent note on their teacher's desk so they can go to the circus, then have to get it back when they find out that the class was going on a field trip to the circus anyway.
Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.
Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.
The "Our Gang" kids stage a production of "Romeo and Juliet," but the show is threatened when leading lady Darla walks out on star Alfalfa.
A feisty Irish woman turns a truck driver into a championship boxer.
Charlie tells his co-workers about his event-filled vacation to California, including his run in with two vagabond hitchhikers.
Stan and Ollie travel with a band of 18th-century Gypsies holding a nobleman's daughter.
When Patsy criticises Thelma's poetry, she ups and leaves for a better standard of living.
Charley finds himself having strange spells during which everything around him seems to stop.
A thief on the run dumps some hot money in Thelma and Patsy's lap.
The gang wants Spanky to come out and play football, but he has to make sure his baby sister is asleep first.
Stan and Ollie stow away to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. When things don't quite turn out that way, they unwittingly enlist in the Scottish army and are posted to India.
По соседству переезжает новый патрульный полицейский, и все хотят подружиться с его дочерью.
The gang tries to dissuade their teacher from geting married.
Thelma and Patsy find themselves in a spooky house inhabited by a nut who is a mechanical genius and has made a robot who does everything. The inventor manipulates the robot's control board from a hidden room. The girls are soon in a panic. Patsy gets into an argument with the robot and loses the match of wits. Blackie Burke, an escaped convict, is using the house as a hideout, and this adds to the problems the girls already have.
На сей раз Стэнли снимает квартиру у Оливера, живущего со своей миниатюрной, но боевитой женой. После короткой перепалки, связанной с тем, кто кому зачем и почему должен был давать деньги, в которой принимали участие все трое (Стэн, Олли, его жена) и еще мистер Финлейсон, пришедший за платой за мебель, Олли по совету Стэна решает проучить жену. Думая полностью расплатиться за мебель, он снимает все деньги со своего общего с женой счета. Далее наши друзья заходят на аукцион. Лучше бы они этого не делали!
Сокровищница банды доверена Спанки, который случайно смешивает её с деньгами своего отца.
Spanky's mother's pushes him to join a local theater amateur night.
Stan and Ollie are greeting card salesmen who agree to help a woman put a spark in her loveless marriage by making her husband jealous.
Стэн и Олли решают открыть магазин электротоваров. А рядом с ними бакалейная лавка Чарли Холла, того самого, чья жена попросила у них воды, когда они отдыхали на природе. К старым обидам неожиданно добавляются новые, и начинается новая война.
Добро пожаловать в сказочную Страну Игрушек, где помимо трех поросят и ученого кота проживают Стэнни Дам и Олли Ди — помощники Мастера игрушек, Наши бестолковые герои всеми способами пытаются помешать несправедливой свадьбе городского плохиша Барнаби с малюткой Бо-Пип.
Fish market workers Stan and Ollie are persuaded by a sea captain to shanghai a crew for him at the local bar for a dollar a head. Successful at first, the boys end up getting themselves shanghaied, and the crew vow revenge.
A magic lamp lets a young couple become kids again and exposes a mean old man who runs his orphanage like a prison.
Irvin takes the governor on a duck hunting trip in the hopes of securing a plumb job, but his annoying nephew has other plans.
Accidental meetings and misconceptions lead a blissfully happy couple to fight and squabble.
Богатый мальчик Уолдо пачкает свою одежду, играя в футбол с бандой, как раз перед тем, как ему нужно пойти на светскую вечеринку своей матери. Банда пытается помочь ему очиститься.
The gang goes after pirate treasure they believe is hidden in a cave.
Kentucky humorist Irvin S. Cobb hunts for an escaped felon, but the tables are turned when the criminal nabs him instead.
Практически, это продолжение фильма «Окружная больница». Нога у Оливера болит (подагра) и доктор рекомендует им со Стэном поехать пожить на природе, в горах, на чистом воздухе. И наши друзья, арендовав небольшой трейлер, тронулись в путь. Но надо же было так случится, они остановились невдалеке от избушки, где только что полиция арестовала бутлегеров! А перед арестом бутлегеры успели вылить несколько бочек своего виски в ближайший колодец! Стэну и Олли очень понравилась колодезная вода, вкусная и немного щекочущая горло. А тут к ним в гости зашли Чарли Холл с женой, у которых кончился бензин. Жена попросила попить, а Чарли попросил у друзей канистру бензина, получил ее и пошел за машиной.
Продолжение этой же сюжетной линии – «Tit For Tat» («Зуб за зуб»).
In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.
Betty's father has an invention that looks like a fancy camera; it emits an ultra-lavender ray that temporarily rids the ray's target of inhibitions. To test it, Betty's father zaps Charley hoping his newly-aberrant behavior will cause Betty to end her affections for the milquetoast. Dad's plan backfires: the invention works perfectly, Charley gets a backbone, and Betty loves her new forceful man. However, Charley's courage and lack of a superego get him in trouble with the law. He goes on trial for assaulting a bullying police officer. Is Charley going up the river leaving Betty high and dry?
Jeanette and Eddie get married, but their wedding night is a fiasco. First, their wedding guests follow them, resulting in a police chase, then the guests show up at their apartment, disrupting the building. Then, a rowdy sailor friend of Eddie's shows up, accompanied by a squad of even rowdier buddies and an enormous vengeful mosquito.
Thelma, who came to Hollywood from Joplin to be a star, is ready to go home. She and her pal Patsy are packing up and packing it in. Then, through Patsy's deviousness, Thelma gets a call to come to the studio immediately to audition for a costume drama.
Банда собирается в поход в Черри-Крик в двух милях от их дома, но для них это пустыня. Когда наступает ночь, уханье совы и кваканье лягушек вызывают в воображении призраков. Когда начинается гроза, все бегут домой.
A burlesque impresario is hired to help the failing fortunes of an old opera company.
Charley is one of four identical brothers, which drives his girlfriend nuts.
The gang decides to build their own fire engine.
Oddly enough for a Roach comedy the premise of MIXED NUTS is grounded in topical political satire aimed at the New Deal, although the satire is of a very lightweight (and light-hearted) nature. The film begins at a city council meeting where an unidentified politician announces that the government has released $50,000 for the relief of unemployed plumbers. This prompts applause, but also a pointed question from an angry woman who wants to know what the government is going to do for the members of her profession: chorus girls. The politician glibly replies that the administration has set aside money—two million dollars, no less!—for the re-education of chorus girls, "to fit them for the better things in life."
Barbershop owners Stan and Ollie answer an ad in the newspaper from a wealthy widow looking for a husband. Ollie only mails in his response and is invited to the widow's mansion. Stan discovers his unmailed letter and insists on tagging along. At the mansion, the widow's creepy butler informs them that the woman is crazy. She was once jilted by an Oliver and now her hobby is marrying Olivers and then slitting their throats. Now the boys must figure out how to escape.
Bit Part (uncredited)
Когда Стэн и Олли, собираясь на конференцию, говорят своим женам о том, что собираются совершить лечебное путешествие, у них появляется шанс по достоинству оценить все прелести лжи и правды в семейных отношениях.
Когда Стэн и Олли, собираясь на конференцию, говорят своим женам о том, что собираются совершить лечебное путешествие, у них появляется шанс по достоинству оценить все прелести лжи и правды в семейных отношениях.
Профессор Нуддл долгие годы работает над изобретением – омолаживающим раствором. И – вот оно – наконец, его усилия увенчиваются успехом! Но тут приходят Стэн и Олли. Они трубочисты, и пришли прочистить трубы. Немедленно с усердием они принимаются за это занятие... Но похоже, что Стэн или в первый раз чистит трубу, или начисто позабыл, как это делается. Невозмутимый дворецкий, глядя на усилия трубочистов, потихоньку разрушающих дом, произносит фразу об ожидающем где-то электрическом стуле. А безумный профессор жаждет поставить эксперимент на человеке!
Studio portrait
Родители Спанки берут своего упрямого мальчика, чтобы чопорный фотограф сделал его портрет.
Родители Спанки берут своего упрямого мальчика, чтобы чопорный фотограф сделал его портрет.
На сей раз Олли и Стэнли работники деревообрабатывающего цеха. Прекрасный день, счастливые и радостные, они едут на работу на своей машине. А в цеху их, разумеется, ждут приключения, конфликты с коллегами и друг с другом.
A short film from Hal Roach Studios' All-Star series.
Spanky's parents are trying unsuccessfully to get Spanky to spend a peaceful first night in his own room.
Novice policemen Stan and Ollie bungle a burglary investigation.
Charley and his buddies are captured and imprisoned by an Arabian sultan.
Charley and his buddies are captured and imprisoned by an Arabian sultan.
Two wannabe bandits join the service of a dashing nobleman, who secretly masquerades as Fra Diavolo, a notorious outlaw.
Two wannabe bandits join the service of a dashing nobleman, who secretly masquerades as Fra Diavolo, a notorious outlaw.
On the morning of his wedding to oil baron Peter Cucumber's daughter, Ollie receives a jigsaw puzzle from Stan as a wedding gift. The boys soon become absorbed in the puzzle. A taxi driver, butler, policeman and messenger boy join in as well.
Стэн играет себя и одновременно свою сестру-близнеца, которая вышла замуж за Оливера. А Оливер играет себя и свою сестру-близнеца, которая вышла замуж за Стэна. И вот, у них годовщина свадьб. Праздничный ужин! За семейным столом собираются все четверо - Стэн, его сестра, жена Олли, а также, Олли и его сестра, жена Стэна.
Патрульный офицер полиции замечает детей в парке развлечений. Они пытаются убежать от него.
Although they are successful fishmongers, Stan convinces Ollie that they should become fishermen too, but making a boat seaworthy isn't an easy task.
Charley's boss "rehearses" for his honeymoon--with Charley.
Mrs Hardy is annoyed that her husband Oliver seems to spend more time with his friend Stanley than with her. After a furious argument, Mrs Hardy says that she is through if Ollie goes out with Stan again. Stan suggests that Ollie adopts a baby, which he does. Unfortunately, his wife has left their apartment on returning, and a process server delivers a paper informing Ollie that she is suing him for divorce, naming Stan as correspondent. The boys are now left to look after the infant on their own.
The story begins in 1917 with Stan and Ollie being drafted into the U.S. Army to fight in World War I. While in the Army, the pair befriend a man named Eddie Smith, who is killed by the enemy during a battle. After the war is over, Stan and Ollie venture to New York City, where they begin a quest to reunite Eddie's little daughter with her rightful family. The task proves both monumental and problematic as the boys discover just how many people in New York have the last name Smith.
Ordered out of town by angry Judge Beaumont, vagrants Stanley and Oliver meet a congenial drunk who invites them to stay at his luxurious mansion. The drunk can't find his key, but the boys find a way in, sending the surprised woman inside into a faint.
Банда, играя в пожарных, натыкается на настоящий пожар.
The girls and their pet monkey create havoc on board a train carrying a traveling Broadway troupe.
Ill-tempered Billy proves troublesome for fellow taxi drivers Franklin and Clyde.
У Оливера болит нога, до того болит, что он лежит в окружной больнице, а загипсованная нога подвешена к потолку. Стэнли приезжает навестить его, поскольку ему нечего делать. Ни к чему хорошему для Олли это не приводит, вместо ожидаемого спокойного отдыха в больнице разгневанный неуклюжестью Лорела доктор, переживший не самые приятные моменты своей жизни выгоняет Харди. Но и тут злоключения Харди не заканчиваются. Поездка по городу на машине превращается для друзей в смертельный аттракцион.
Банда пытается спасти Пити от ловца собак.
Банда пытается спасти Пити от ловца собак.
Stan and Ollie play bumbling circus performers who inadvertently drive the circus into bankruptcy. The circus can't pay them their wages so they are given a gorilla and a flea circus as payment. Bedlam ensues.
The gang trades places with a group of orphans about to take a train ride.
The gang trades places with a group of orphans about to take a train ride.
Charley, a travel agent, finds himself in a situation where he has to humor an apparent lunatic.
In this The Boy Friends series short, college students Mickey and Alabam stay at a city friend's place for what they tell him will be one night - though it stretches into several months.
Как легендарный Сизиф, грузчики Лорел и Харди пытаются пронести большое пианино по, казалось бы, непреодолимому лестничному пролёту.
While staging a play, Spanky finds his father's hiding place for the family "fortune."
Thelma and Zasu go to a Turkish bath to try to get rid of a cold.
Stan and Ollie check into a seedy hotel and help a young girl escape the clutches of the landlord. They are forced to flee the hotel with no money and Ollie arranges for Stan to fight at a local boxing hall for $50. Stan's opponent turns out to be Musgy who uses a loaded glove. During the fight the glove is swapped and Stan triumphs only to find that Ollie has bet their fee that he would lose.
A timid accountant for a California cattle ranch and a lookalike dashing bandit become rivals for the beautiful daughter of a wealthy rancher.
Ollie's house is a mess after a wild party from the previous night. Ollie receives a telegram from his wife (who is on vacation in Chicago), which tells him that she is returning home in the afternoon. Fearing his wife's wrath he calls Stan over to help him clean up. Things go downhill and they make more mess not less.
Two young women, Zasu and Thelma, complain that all of their dates take them to Coney Island. The next day a car goes by and they are splashed with mud. The driver stops and offers to buy them some new clothes. They accept the offer and later agree to go on a date.
Two young women, Zasu and Thelma, complain that all of their dates take them to Coney Island. The next day a car goes by and they are splashed with mud. The driver stops and offers to buy them some new clothes. They accept the offer and later agree to go on a date.
Two young women, Zasu and Thelma, complain that all of their dates take them to Coney Island. The next day a car goes by and they are splashed with mud. The driver stops and offers to buy them some new clothes. They accept the offer and later agree to go on a date.
It's in three distinct segments. The first and probably best involves Charley, his girlfriend, and her father foolish her mother and the suitor she prefers into getting Charley into the house for dinner. In the later two segments, in which Charley must get married within minutes to get a job, and then tries to go on a picnic with his new family, are both also packed with laughs and timed with an almost musical brilliance.
Stan and Ollie join the French Foreign Legion after Ollie's sweetheart rejects him.
США. Великая депрессия. Стэн и Олли совсем поиздержались, остались у них старая машина, еще более старая палатка, и, в общем-то, все. А тут еще, по их вечной везучести, палатка сгорает. Делать нечего, приходится побираться, попрошайничать. И когда они обратились за помощью в первый попавшийся дом в одном селении, их встретила сердобольная старушка, не отказавшая им в помощи. Чуть позже они решают выручить старушку из беды, в которую, как им кажется, она попала...
After running their car off the road, a society matron insists that the girls spend the evening at her mansion.
The Hardys wish to have a quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted when the Laurels pay a visit. Stan and Ollie go out for ice cream, and manage to prevent a shrewish woman from committing suicide on the way back home. The woman is ungrateful and makes threats against the them unless they look after her. They spend a chaotic evening trying to keep her hidden from their wives.
1931 год. В Соединенных Штатах сухой закон. И вот, Стэн и Оливер решили заняться бутлегерством. Вскоре они попытались продать бутылку пива полицейскому и… угодили в тюрьму. А у Стэна еще зуб шатается, и он частенько выдает некий шипящий звук, вовсе не благотворно действующий на его собеседников.
1931 год. В Соединенных Штатах сухой закон. И вот, Стэн и Оливер решили заняться бутлегерством. Вскоре они попытались продать бутылку пива полицейскому и… угодили в тюрьму. А у Стэна еще зуб шатается, и он частенько выдает некий шипящий звук, вовсе не благотворно действующий на его собеседников.
Charley's in love with the daughter of a financier who wants her to insist that Chas have a pile of cash before she marries him. But, the Depression is everywhere: Charley's behind on his rent and nearly everyone he meets is down on their luck. After reading a "how to" book on the power of a forceful will, Charley applies the lessons with mixed results, but he does land a job that includes delivering a shake-down letter to his girlfriend's father. Is the naïve Charley going to end up in jail?
Zasu & Thelma go out with two idiots to a nightclub.
Long lost German language version of the Laurel & Hardy film "The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case" When Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies and leaves behind a large estate, they think their days of living off the fish they catch are numbered. But they soon learn that Ebenezer has been murdered. All relatives, including Stan, are under suspicion.
Oliver is making plans to marry his sweetheart Dulcy with Stan as his best man, but the plans are thwarted when Dulcy's father sees a picture of Ollie and forbids the marriage. The couple plan to elope, and run away to a Justice of the Peace. After typical Laurel and Hardy blundering, they manage to sneak the girl away from her father's house.
Ollie is running for mayor and an old flame threatens to blackmail him.
Stan and Ollie try to hide their pet dog Laughing Gravy from their exasperated, mean tempered landlord, who has a "No Pets" policy.
Фарина планирует прощальную вечеринку для Стайми, поскольку власти готовятся поместить его в приют.
Charley agrees to go on a blind date to help out his roommate. But because his last such date turned out badly, he goes all out trying to make himself look bad. He refuses to shave, wears his friend's old suit and even eats garlic. Unfortunately for him, however, his date turns out to be the lovely Thelma Todd.
Ollie is running for mayor when an old flame tries to blackmail him with a old photo.
Ollie is running for mayor when an old flame tries to blackmail him with a old photo.
Having been kicked out by their wives on a wintry night they attempt to smuggle their little dog into an apartment house where dogs are not allowed.
Charley is invited to a high class party, where he feels ill at ease and has no idea how to act, yet he wants to impress his young lady.
Charley is invited to a high class party, where he feels ill at ease and has no idea how to act, yet he wants to impress his young lady.
Louis le Roy a.k.a. Monsieur le Fox, a trapper, is accused of stealing from gold diggers.
Бабушка детей принимает решение продать свой магазин, но не может решить, кому его продать. Дети пытаются ей помочь.
Part of a gold shipment has been stolen and the Sergeant (Robert Elliott) suspects Louis LeBey (Gilbert Roland). When Louis is attracted to newly arrived Nedra Ruskin (Barbara Leonard), Woolie-Woolie (Nina Quartero) becomes jealous and tells the Sergeant where Louis hid the gold. First, Louis rescues the Sergeant whose dog team crashes chasing him and then he saves Nedra from an avalanche. When he returns the injured Nedra to the settlement, the Sergeant takes him prisoner.
Мистер Лорел и мистер Харди частенько попадали в довольно-таки затруднительные положения. В основном из-за несдержанности языка мистера Лорела. На этом раз им приходится спасаться от преследований полицейского. Судьба забросила их в дом полковника Букшота, который как раз сдается внаем. Но сам полковник уехал в Южную Африку, а прислуга, обязанная следить за домой, отправилась по своим делам, и вот, мистеру Харди пришлось назваться полковником Букшотом, ну а мистеру Лорелу исполнять роли одновременно дворецкого и служанки, так как лорд Леопольд Слива с супругой выразили желание снять дом, а на улице караулит полицейский.
The schoolchildren lost their last teacher because she got married and quit her job. When the brother of their teacher Miss Crabtree comes to visit, the children mistake him for a suitor. The children tell abominable lies about Miss Crabtree to try to discourage the man. Meanwhile, one of the children is selling answers to the upcoming oral exam. Unfortunately for the students, the young entrepreneur used a book of minstrelsy and blackface as his source for the "answers".
Charley is about to get engaged to Thelma when his boss foists some clients upon him to entertain.
Spanish version of The Laurel and Hardy Murder Case and Berth Marks.
Charley and Thelma are millionaires, each trying to elude suitors who are trying to marry them for their money. Charlie gets word that a rich uncle has died, leaving him millions. Attorneys advise him to repair to a resort and avoid gold diggers. Once there, word spreads among the single women, and several try to ensnare him. At first he's gullible, then he cottons on, so when Thelma, a wealthy young woman, mistakes him for a fortune hunter, he dismisses her as well. A manager's error puts Charlie and Thelma in the same suite, and both think the other is prospecting. A dressing gown, radio, bare feet, pistol, keyhole, fountain pen, bedcovers, and a suspicious hotel detective join the mix-up. But wait, was the inheritance a mistake?
Part of a gold shipment has been stolen and the Sergeant suspects Louis LeBey. When Louis is attracted to newly arrived Nedra Ruskin, Woolie-Woolie becomes jealous and tells the Sergeant where Louis hid the gold. First Louis rescues the Sergeant whose dog team crashes chasing him and then he saves Nedra from an avalanche. When he returns the injured Nedra to the settlement, the Sergeant takes him prisoner.
Charley suffers a hysterical reaction whenever a woman touches him; a psychiatrist attempts to help him overcome his panicked reflex.
Лорел и Харди устали. Они очень долго искали работу, и вот, решили передохнуть. Стэнли рыбачит, Олли рядом посапывает. Случайно им в руки попадает газета: Некто Эбинезер Лорел умер и оставил кому-то наследство! А может, нашему Лорелу? Друзья пускаются в путь, и приходят в зловещий дом, где Эбинезер Лорел был убит неизвестно кем... Ночь, полная страхов, впереди. Что ждет наших друзей? Богатство, безвестная смерть, арест по подозрению в дьявольском убийстве? Или произойдет еще что-то?
Charley Chase is obsessed with a woman, however his attempt to meet her father is complicated by an asylum escapee.
На сей раз Олли и Стэнли, как, впрочем, и почти в каждом фильме – закадычные друзья. Жена Харди закатывает ему скандал, мол, радио уже три месяца не работает, надо срочно поставить антенну! Нехотя Харди соглашается. Тут как раз подъезжает и Стэн. В общем, Олли и Стэн пытаются установить на крыше радиоантенну.
На сей раз Олли и Стэнли, как, впрочем, и почти в каждом фильме – закадычные друзья. Жена Харди закатывает ему скандал, мол, радио уже три месяца не работает, надо срочно поставить антенну! Нехотя Харди соглашается. Тут как раз подъезжает и Стэн. В общем, Олли и Стэн пытаются установить на крыше радиоантенну.
Зима. Холодно, аж дрожь берет! Снег валит не переставая. Стэн и Олли — уличные музыканты, но какие-то не слишком удачные. Да и песенки они поют явно не зимние. И тут им выпадает...
Зима. Холодно, аж дрожь берет! Снег валит не переставая. Стэн и Олли - уличные музыканты, но какие-то не слишком удачные. Да и песенки они поют явно не зимние. И тут им выпадает...
Stan lies to his wife about going to a nightclub with Ollie but Mrs. Laurel overhears the plot and outsmarts them both.
Stanley and Oliver are trying to spend a relaxing night at home playing checkers, but the antics of their mischievous sons keep interrupting their recreation.
Stanley and Oliver are trying to spend a relaxing night at home playing checkers, but the antics of their mischievous sons keep interrupting their recreation.
Stan fakes receiving a telegram so he can go to a club with Ollie and a bottle of his unsuspecting wife's liquor, but she overhears his plans.
Банда участвует в программе, спонсируемой Драматической лигой Золотого века. Они представляют свою собственную изломанную версию «Камо грядеши». Дела идут все хуже и хуже, когда соседские крутые ребята срывают шоу. Битве пирогов придан новый поворот благодаря использованию некоторых последовательностей замедленного движения.
Незадачивому полицейскому грозит увольнение, и, чтобы повысить свою репутацию, он подговаривает Лорела и Харди, которые в этом фильме попросту бродяги, ограбить дом шефа полиции. И, дескать, он их арестует, а потом все уладит и отпустит.
Stan and Ollie arrive as new inmates at a prison after apparently taking part in a hold-up raid, a raid they tell a prison officer they were only watching. The usual mayhem ensues.
Как известно, Северо-западная конная полиция всегда забирает своих людей, никто не сможет скрыться от них. А вспомогательный отряд службы шерифа заберет все, что угодно - от рояля до Большого Каньона. Именно в таком вспомогательном отряде служат Лорел и Харди. Шериф поручает им забрать у мистера Кеннеди радиоприемник, взносы за который тот не платил с 1921 года и наши друзья решительно отправляются выполнять свой профессиональный долг.
With Wheezer's new baby brother getting all the attention, he tries to send the baby back.
Поздняя ночь. Мистер Харди страдает от насморка. Лорел всеми силами пытается ему помочь, при этом оба они постоянно попадают в нестандартные ситуации.
The Rascals have a boxing arena that could pack them in if they could find fighters who would actually mix it up. Harry and Farina notice a rivalry between two very large young kids, Joe and Chubby, that would fill the bill if only the two heavyweights would put aside their gentle natures. Farina gets an idea: tell each of the lads that the other will take a dive in the second round. So the fight begins and the stands are filled; but will the combatants actually throw a punch? Ernie has one more trick up his sleeve to get the fists flying and the crowd on its feet. Sweet science indeed.
The Rascals have a boxing arena that could pack them in if they could find fighters who would actually mix it up. Harry and Farina notice a rivalry between two very large young kids, Joe and Chubby, that would fill the bill if only the two heavyweights would put aside their gentle natures. Farina gets an idea: tell each of the lads that the other will take a dive in the second round. So the fight begins and the stands are filled; but will the combatants actually throw a punch? Ernie has one more trick up his sleeve to get the fists flying and the crowd on its feet. Sweet science indeed.
While the other kids and animals find things to do on the farm, Farina becomes single-minded in his quest to do nothing at all.
Harry is trapped with a blonde in a burning building.
Ура! Суббота! Чудесный день! Отличный день для пикника. Вот Стэн, Олли и их жены как раз на пикник и собираются. И еще зовут с собой дядю Эда, у которого больная нога - подагра замучила. Сборы и уговоры дяди длятся недолго, итак, вперед, в машину и на пикник! Но удастся ли нашим друзьям отдохнуть в этот чудесный день?
Ура! Суббота! Чудесный день! Отличный день для пикника. Вот Стэн, Олли и их жены как раз на пикник и собираются. И еще зовут с собой дядю Эда, у которого больная нога - подагра замучила. Сборы и уговоры дяди длятся недолго, итак, вперед, в машину и на пикник! Но удастся ли нашим друзьям отдохнуть в этот чудесный день?
Charley falls in love with Mary, but his attack of hay fever alienates her father.
A middle-aged dad gets no respect from his ungrateful family at home, so he goes to the beach for the day. The family decides to go too, bringing the daughter's obnoxious boyfriend.
Sailors Stan and Ollie offer to buy sodas for two women they meet in a park, even though they are short on cash. Luckily Stan wins the jackpot on a slot machine and the boys have enough money to rent a boat to cruise on a lake. They soon tangle with other boaters and everyone ends up in the water.
Sailors Stan and Ollie offer to buy sodas for two women they meet in a park, even though they are short on cash. Luckily Stan wins the jackpot on a slot machine and the boys have enough money to rent a boat to cruise on a lake. They soon tangle with other boaters and everyone ends up in the water.
Charley falls for both a mother and her daughter.
The gang is playing around the railroad station, and Joe and Chubby's father, an engineer, lectures against the kids playing in such a dangerous area. True to his word, after Joe and Chubby's father leaves, a crazy man starts a train with most of the kids on it, save for Farina who is nearly run over several times.
Once Farina manages to climb aboard himself, the kids attempt to stop the runaway locomotive, but have no luck until the engine crashes into a grocery truck. As it turns out, however, the entire incident is revealed to be a dream Farina had as Joe and Chubby's father lectured the kids about rail-yard safety.
Наши друзья на сей раз музыканты. Стэнли играет на виолончели, а Олли его персональный антерпренер. Они едут на гастроли в Поттсвил. Но из-за Стэнли, который немного перепутал время встречи на вокзале, они чуть было не опоздали на поезд. Но чуть-чуть, как говорится, не считается, и вон они уже в вагоне. Правда, в суматохе растеряли все ноты, ну, так это мелочь! Впереди ночь, у наших друзей на двоих одна верхняя полка в спальном вагоне. Наши друзья, с горем пополам залезают на верхнюю полку и готовятся ко сну. Успеют ли они поспать? Вряд ли, ибо уже следующая станция Поттсвил!
Shy Charley tries to win his girl.
The gang are all orphans, hoping to be adopted by nice families where "spinach is not on the menu". Wheezer, the youngest child, gets adopted by a wealthy couple, while his older sister Mary Ann does not. The gang all comes to visit Wheezer in his new home, setting off an alarm that causes the police and the fire department to come over. At that time, Wheezer's new mother and father decide to adopt Mary Ann as well. The couple's friends all each adopt a child as well; even Farina is adopted by the maid at Wheezer's new home.
A family goes on its weekly outing to the movies. Complications ensue...
A heat wave sends the residents of a New York City tenement to their fire escapes for whatever breeze is stirring. The tenants are a cross section of melting-pot culture: Irish, Jewish, German, and Italian dialetcs create a rich aural mix on the sound track. As small talk is exchanged among the residents of different floors, an off-camera hurdy-gurdy supplies an often ironic counter-point to the action
Laurel and Hardy try to entertain a female neighbor, unbeknown to Hardy’s wife.
Laurel and Hardy try to entertain a female neighbor, unbeknown to Hardy’s wife.
На сей раз Стэн и Олли торгуют рождественскими елками! Но что такое! Никто их елки не покупает. Наконец они попадают к некоему владельцу дома. Ему тоже елка не нужна, но они никак не могут от него уйти. Они его так достают, что он берет секатор и начинает резать их елку! Но наши друзья тоже не промах, и начинают потихоньку ломать его дом. Но и он не остается в долгу, начинает ломать машину Лорела и Харди! Видя это, Стэн и Олли с еще большим усердием продолжают крушить его дом, ну и он не остается в долгу, отыгрывается на их машине! Вот такая вот рождественская история!
Наши друзья работают конюшими в фешенебельной школе верховой езды при Пайпин-Рок. Краем уха они слышат, что у одного миллионера украли некоего Принца, и за находку обещана большая премия. И тут им на глаза попадается лошадь, по кличке Принц! Откуда Лорелу и Харди знать, что похитили-то совсем не коня, а знаменитое полотно, картину, которая называется "Принц". Взяв коня и узнав адрес миллионера, они отправляются к нему за наградой.
Наши герои бегут из тюрьмы. Они сражаются за свою свободу на дороге, в лесу, в городе, наконец, на на самой верхотуре многоэтажного дома, который только начал строиться, и у которого есть только каркас, и больше ничего.
Anita and Marion realize that an abandoned baby they sneaked into an orphanage was kidnapped from a millionaire. For the reward, they proceed to break into the institution at night, dressed as men to beat curfew, to get the kid out again. This film survives only in very fragmentary form.
Эта история основана на предположении, что существуют где-то на свете такие мужья, которые не все рассказывают своим женам. Стена и Олли друзья позвали на партию покера. Разумеется, своим женам Стэн и Олли это дело представили таким образом, что получилось, будто бы их пригласил в театр сам босс! До покера, правда, дело не дошло, желая угодить двум дамам сомнительного поведения, Стэн и Олли, сами того не ожидая, угодили в лужу! Да еще в какую! Разумеется, дамы не смогли отказать нашим героям... просушить их одежду! Ну а тут, на беду, в театре, куда, по версии обоих мужей, собирались наши друзья, случился пожар...
И снова безумный ученый задумал поразить медицинский мир новой теорией. Правда, на сей раз, похоже, он действительно безумен. Подвернувшихся Стэна и Олли он нанимает, посылая их на кладбище с указанием принести ему оттуда тело. Ночью. Стэн и Олли, превозмогая страх, вооружившись лопатами, идут в ночи на кладбище. Ох, и натерпятся они там страху!
The pretty daughter of a bank clerk meets a handsome college student who attempts to romance her. Due to the comical nature of the two kids meeting, the father suspects the student to be of ill repute and he and his wife conspire to scare him away by acting crazy.
В этой «морской» комедии наши друзья моряки военно-морского флота США, вернувшиеся наконец в родные Штаты после долгого плавания. Они берут в прокате машину и едут прокатиться и отдохнуть. Вскоре они знакомятся с двумя девушками, и веселье начинается.
В этом фильме Оливеру наконец-то улыбнулась удача. Дядюшка оставил ему наследство. А куда деваться Стэну? Оливер берет его на работу в свой новый особняк дворецким. И вот, у Олли день рождения. Стэн впервые в жизни испек торт и ждет своего патрона. Меж тем, уже три часа ночи. Спать, наверное, пора. Но пришедший Харди поднабрался шампанского и спать не желает!
One of a handful of currently unavailable Hal Roach/MGM “Our Gang” silent films, School Begins was a series of gags built around the unenviable ritual of returning to school during the first week of September. School begins and some gang members are forging notes from their mother wanting out. Then too-young Wheezer parades by the school with escaped circus seals following him, causing a disturbance.
В гости к чете Харди спешит Стэн. Но ждут ли его Олли с женой? Вовсе нет. Однако, как ни пытались они показать, что их дома нет, Стэна в этот раз провести им не удалось. Он зовет Олли поиграть в гольф. Пойдет ли тот? Или женатому мужчине лучше все-таки остаться дома? Впрочем, вскоре уже жена в сердцах говорит ему, «Иди на свой гольф». Веселая и поучительная гольф-комедия.
Олли и Стэн - музыканты. Стэн играет на кларнете, а Олли - на трубе. Дирижер несколько разочарован их игрой и выгоняет их. В съемных комнатах домохозяйка тоже несколько разочарована, они ей задолжали за квартиру, она тоже выгоняет их. Лорел и Харди идут играть на улицу уличными музыкантами.
On the way to his wedding the bride groom finds a nude, married woman in his car
На сей раз Лорел и Харди – официанты, прибывшие обслуживать частную вечеринку. Правда, весь опыт их, как официантов, приобретен ими на железной дороге, в вагонах-ресторанах.
Papa, Mama, Daughter and Son Gimplewort move into their new house. Two movers are talking to each other about the murder of a saxophone player that took place in the house. They say his ghost still roams the house. Night comes and every noise and creak in the house scares the papa, mama and son (the daughter is out on a date). The Mover gives the daughter a parrot saying "It's a religious parrot – I bought it from a sailor". At any rate, the parrot gets into the act by yelling scaring Papa and Son who have come down looking for the source of the noise. Later Daughter and Remover return from a costume party and sneak into the house. The young man is dressed in a skeleton outfit and the fun continues. There has been film reconstruction in a number of places, particularly the last third of the film. In many cases there is a photograph depicting the scene being described.
Papa, Mama, Daughter and Son Gimplewort move into their new house. Two movers are talking to each other about the murder of a saxophone player that took place in the house. They say his ghost still roams the house. Night comes and every noise and creak in the house scares the papa, mama and son (the daughter is out on a date). The Mover gives the daughter a parrot saying "It's a religious parrot – I bought it from a sailor". At any rate, the parrot gets into the act by yelling scaring Papa and Son who have come down looking for the source of the noise. Later Daughter and Remover return from a costume party and sneak into the house. The young man is dressed in a skeleton outfit and the fun continues. There has been film reconstruction in a number of places, particularly the last third of the film. In many cases there is a photograph depicting the scene being described.
В этом фильме Стэн и Олли – отделочники-профессионалы. Их нанимают закончить строительство дома. Ну, и они с усердием принимаются за дело. Правда, неподалеку госпиталь, и шуметь, в общем-то, не рекомендуется. Наконец, дом все-таки достроен! Или не достроен? Это как сказать...
Farina's mother is very ill and the mortgage is due. He tries to take over her laundry business, but the kids just wreck the clothes. Joe takes pity and devises a scheme to make money: the gang builds their own oil well.
В Каменном Веке летали слоны! Не верите? Взгляните на первый скриншот! Вождь Фердинанд издал указ, по которому все мужчины с 13 и до 95 лет должны жениться, иначе они будут изгнаны или преданы лютой смерти. Тут не то что слоны, кто угодно полетит! Мощный гигант (Харди) пришел из-за дальних болот. Там, у себя, он привык брать женщин не спрашивая. Правда, в этих краях это не так просто. Маленький Звездный Огонек (Лорел) – молодой юноша, романтик, искусный ловец рыбы. А престарелый Саксофонус много лет мается зубной болью, и красавица дочь не может ему помочь. В этой обстановке разгораются нешуточные страсти. Поединки не на жизнь, а на смерть. Удары дубинкой неприятны, но привычны, как комариный укус.
В Каменном Веке летали слоны! Не верите? Взгляните на первый скриншот! Вождь Фердинанд издал указ, по которому все мужчины с 13 и до 95 лет должны жениться, иначе они будут изгнаны или преданы лютой смерти. Тут не то что слоны, кто угодно полетит! Мощный гигант (Харди) пришел из-за дальних болот. Там, у себя, он привык брать женщин не спрашивая. Правда, в этих краях это не так просто. Маленький Звездный Огонек (Лорел) – молодой юноша, романтик, искусный ловец рыбы. А престарелый Саксофонус много лет мается зубной болью, и красавица дочь не может ему помочь. В этой обстановке разгораются нешуточные страсти. Поединки не на жизнь, а на смерть. Удары дубинкой неприятны, но привычны, как комариный укус.
В Каменном Веке летали слоны! Не верите? Взгляните на первый скриншот! Вождь Фердинанд издал указ, по которому все мужчины с 13 и до 95 лет должны жениться, иначе они будут изгнаны или преданы лютой смерти. Тут не то что слоны, кто угодно полетит! Мощный гигант (Харди) пришел из-за дальних болот. Там, у себя, он привык брать женщин не спрашивая. Правда, в этих краях это не так просто. Маленький Звездный Огонек (Лорел) – молодой юноша, романтик, искусный ловец рыбы. А престарелый Саксофонус много лет мается зубной болью, и красавица дочь не может ему помочь. В этой обстановке разгораются нешуточные страсти. Поединки не на жизнь, а на смерть. Удары дубинкой неприятны, но привычны, как комариный укус.
Что может быть хуже, чем больной зуб в три часа ночи? Только два больных зуба. Вот такая вот беда – зубная боль – случилась на сей раз с мистером Лорелом. Он ни сам не спит, мучается, и не дает спать мистеру Харди. Наконец мистер Харди решает помочь другу выдернуть его зуб, но максимум, чего он добивается, он будит хозяина снимаемой ими квартиры.
На следующий день у дантиста мистер Лорел боится. Он прилагает все усилия, чтобы избежать кресла зубного врача... В конце концов, совместными усилиями, мистер Лорел и мистер Харди полностью выпускают в воздух содержимое баллона с веселящим газом.
Что может быть хуже, чем больной зуб в три часа ночи? Только два больных зуба. Вот такая вот беда – зубная боль – случилась на сей раз с мистером Лорелом. Он ни сам не спит, мучается, и не дает спать мистеру Харди. Наконец мистер Харди решает помочь другу выдернуть его зуб, но максимум, чего он добивается, он будит хозяина снимаемой ими квартиры.
На следующий день у дантиста мистер Лорел боится. Он прилагает все усилия, чтобы избежать кресла зубного врача... В конце концов, совместными усилиями, мистер Лорел и мистер Харди полностью выпускают в воздух содержимое баллона с веселящим газом.
This western comedy is about rancher Finlayson's beautiful daughter, Martha Sleeper, who refuses to marry the bad guy and how Jimmy and dimwitted cowhand Stan bumble their way into a successful defense of her and the ranch.
В шутку несколько членов банды убеждают Фарину, «храброго, но суеверного», что он стал причиной смерти молодого знакомого и поэтому должен похоронить тело (на самом деле еще очень живое) на старом кладбище под землю у зоркого глаза «кладбищной ведьмы». Эта шутка имеет неприятные последствия для шутников.
Schultz raises prize chickens and roosters that are always getting into neighbor Max Davidson's garden and eating the seeds, leading to constant feuding between the two men. When their children announce their engagement the two men decide to bury the hatchet and Davidson suggests a dinner at his house. He gives his young son, Ignatz, two dollars to buy a chicken but the boy pockets the money and kills Schultz' first place rooster instead. Once seated at the table all but Schultz discover what they are eating and desperately try to hide the bad news from Schultz who is sure to kill Davidson if he knows the truth.
Schultz raises prize chickens and roosters that are always getting into neighbor Max Davidson's garden and eating the seeds, leading to constant feuding between the two men. When their children announce their engagement the two men decide to bury the hatchet and Davidson suggests a dinner at his house. He gives his young son, Ignatz, two dollars to buy a chicken but the boy pockets the money and kills Schultz' first place rooster instead. Once seated at the table all but Schultz discover what they are eating and desperately try to hide the bad news from Schultz who is sure to kill Davidson if he knows the truth.
На сей раз наши друзья, желают заработать денег. Стэнли – боксер, ну а Оливер, разумеется, его менеджер. И вот, грядет Большой Бой! Но это только предверие Великой Войны Тортами, которая развернется после его завершения.
На сей раз наши друзья, желают заработать денег. Стэнли – боксер, ну а Оливер, разумеется, его менеджер. И вот, грядет Большой Бой! Но это только предверие Великой Войны Тортами, которая развернется после его завершения.
Papa Gimplewart chaperones his daughter and her "steady" during a beach adventure.
Papa Gimplewart chaperones his daughter and her "steady" during a beach adventure.
К дяде приезжает племянник из Шотландии. Носящего килт юношу немедленно везут к портному за подходящими брюками.
Зловещая история про осужденного маньяка убийцу, который поклялся сбежать из тюрьмы и отомстить судье, который его осудил. А наши друзья, Фердинанд Финклберри и Шерлок Пинкхэм, - детективы. Они славятся тем, что среди всех детективов мира занимают первое и второе места с конца. Им поручено защитить судью от маньяка, который и впраду сбежал!
Зловещая история про осужденного маньяка убийцу, который поклялся сбежать из тюрьмы и отомстить судье, который его осудил. А наши друзья, Фердинанд Финклберри и Шерлок Пинкхэм, - детективы. Они славятся тем, что среди всех детективов мира занимают первое и второе места с конца. Им поручено защитить судью от маньяка, который и впраду сбежал!
Chicken Feed is a 1927 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert A. McGowan. It was the 66th Our Gang short subject released. The kids go to a magic show and decides to try a little magic of their own.
A man delivering a pair of trousers loses his own pants, setting off a chaotic sequence of events.
A woman's two sons pretend to be insane in order to de-rail their mother's plans to remarry.
A woman's two sons pretend to be insane in order to de-rail their mother's plans to remarry.
Кукушки, как известно бывают двух видов. Одни живут в часах, другие целыми днями кукуют от безделья. Именно такие кукушки – студенты школы дикторов радио – соседи наших героев, представительного отца семейста, его почтенной жены и их веснушчатого отпрыска. Желая бежать от такого почетного соседства, папаша меняет свой дом на другой, не глядя, по одной лишь фотографии. И попадает из огня да в полымя. Новый дом оказался не таким прочным, как выглядел на фотографии. И если бы только это...
На сей раз герои Лорела и Харди коротают срок в тюрьме. Довольно-таки большой срок, судя по всему. И вот, они решают бежать. Но надо же, подземный ход, который они копали, привел их прямо в кабинет начальника тюрьмы! Но они не оставляют своих попыток и пытаются убежать во время обеда. Удастся им это или нет, вы узнаете, посмотрев эту уморительнейшую комедию, во время просмотра которой невозможно ни разу не улыбнуться.
This film was presumed lost for a long time, until the second reel of this movie showed up again in the '90's. So half of the movie can be seen. It's a fast paced slapstick comedy with also a good comical story about a man (Charley Chase) who is being prosecuted for shooting his wife (Edna Marion).
В этой морской комедии Стэн купил место на трибуне, чтобы посмотреть, где кончается мир'. Он работает таксистом, и везет на пристань мошенницу, разумеется, не подозревая об этом. А мошенница надумала проникнуть на пароход, полный миллионеров. При ней муж-карлик, удивительно похожий на ребенка. А на пароходе интендантом наш друг Оливер, имеющий в голове только две мысли: о блондинках и о брюнетках. Волею несчатливого случая автомобиль вместе со Стэном случайно грузят на пароход, и он обнаруживает себя на палубе корабля, который вышел в море. Удастся ли Стэну выбраться из этой переделки без видимых потерь? Ждет ли мошеннику и ее мужа на пароходе удача в их темных делах, или неминуемая расплата?
В этой морской комедии Стэн купил место на трибуне, чтобы посмотреть, где кончается мир'. Он работает таксистом, и везет на пристань мошенницу, разумеется, не подозревая об этом. А мошенница надумала проникнуть на пароход, полный миллионеров. При ней муж-карлик, удивительно похожий на ребенка. А на пароходе интендантом наш друг Оливер, имеющий в голове только две мысли: о блондинках и о брюнетках. Волею несчатливого случая автомобиль вместе со Стэном случайно грузят на пароход, и он обнаруживает себя на палубе корабля, который вышел в море. Удастся ли Стэну выбраться из этой переделки без видимых потерь? Ждет ли мошеннику и ее мужа на пароходе удача в их темных делах, или неминуемая расплата?
While the world watches the Olympic Games in Stockholm, the Rascals gather at the flats for their own games. Whether it's the shot put, the hurdles, the pole vault, or the high jump, not much goes right. There's a deep mud hole that catches several of the kids, and someone out there keeps giving them the razzberry. It's young Wheezer hiding out of sight with his dog Punch, but the kids think it's another boy, so every time they hear the Bronx cheer, they chase the innocent lad and give him a thumping.
Short comedy about airplanes.
В этой "морской" комедии герой Харди – первый помощник капитана. А герой Лорела Вилли Брислинг – простой рыбак, влюбленный в девушку по имени Нелли. И Нелли отвечает ему взаимностью. Но в прошлом Нелли знал капитан, он приходит к ней и утаскивает ее на корабль. Вилли пробирается на корабль. Чтобы спасти свою возлюбленную, ему приходится применить недюжинную смекалку (вовсе не свойственную герою Лорела в большинстве более поздних фильмов). Чуть было все карты не мешает жена капитана, которая догнала корабль своего мужа, несмотря на то, что он бросил ее в последнем порту.
В этой "морской" комедии герой Харди – первый помощник капитана. А герой Лорела Вилли Брислинг – простой рыбак, влюбленный в девушку по имени Нелли. И Нелли отвечает ему взаимностью. Но в прошлом Нелли знал капитан, он приходит к ней и утаскивает ее на корабль. Вилли пробирается на корабль. Чтобы спасти свою возлюбленную, ему приходится применить недюжинную смекалку (вовсе не свойственную герою Лорела в большинстве более поздних фильмов). Чуть было все карты не мешает жена капитана, которая догнала корабль своего мужа, несмотря на то, что он бросил ее в последнем порту.
Max and his son Asher are invited to a party, where Max meets a rich widow, but Asher keeps annoying all of the guests, so Max refuses to speak to him. 10 days later he has married the widow, but hasn't told her about Asher. Asher doesn't like the situation either, and enters the home disguised as the new maid, that leeds to a growing suspicion of his step mother, who has her own little secret.
Джо Кобб - богатый ребёнок, который мечтает о младшем брате. Его няня отводит на другую сторону, где он встречает детей своего возраста (остальные члены нашей банды), где Джо предлагает три доллара за ребёнка. Фарина находит соседку-афроамериканку, которая позволяет ему присмотреть за своим младенцем, которого он затем красит в белый цвет и продаёт Джо. Остальная часть банды установила конвейерную систему, которая моет, сушит, укачивает и кормит младенцев мужского и женского пола.
Сегодня Четвертое июля, и мать члена «Нашей банды» Джо Кобба занята делами у своего киоска с фейерверками. Ненадолго оставшись ответственным за стенд, Джо изо всех сил старается не взорвать себя или своих друзей, но плохо нацеленная ракета, принадлежащая Аллену «Фарина» Хоскинсу, вызывает несколько преждевременное, но, несомненно, впечатляющее представление пиротехники.
Сегодня Четвертое июля, и мать члена «Нашей банды» Джо Кобба занята делами у своего киоска с фейерверками. Ненадолго оставшись ответственным за стенд, Джо изо всех сил старается не взорвать себя или своих друзей, но плохо нацеленная ракета, принадлежащая Аллену «Фарина» Хоскинсу, вызывает несколько преждевременное, но, несомненно, впечатляющее представление пиротехники.
Уморительная комедия о том, как к некоему Титусу Тиллсбери, главе солидной компании, приходит девушка из его далекого прошлого. Она показывает ему фотографию, где сидит у него на плечах, и с сожалением говорит, что фотография в газеты не попадет. Титус приглашает девушку на ужин, думая договорится с ней, но тут приходит его жена и сообщает ему о том, что пригласила на ужин судью Чиггера с женой. И вести девушку в кафе приходится его подчиненному Ромейни Риккетсу. Но у него тоже есть жена!
Уморительная комедия о том, как к некоему Титусу Тиллсбери, главе солидной компании, приходит девушка из его далекого прошлого. Она показывает ему фотографию, где сидит у него на плечах, и с сожалением говорит, что фотография в газеты не попадет. Титус приглашает девушку на ужин, думая договорится с ней, но тут приходит его жена и сообщает ему о том, что пригласила на ужин судью Чиггера с женой. И вести девушку в кафе приходится его подчиненному Ромейни Риккетсу. Но у него тоже есть жена!
Agnes Ayres was apparently a star of feature film who is top billed in this one-off Hal Roach short. She does well as the woman at the centre of the story, but it's pretty plain that it's actually the comic mind and performing talents of Stan Laurel, who plays her butler, that make this two-reel short shine.
На сей раз наши друзья, джентльмены, которые «могли бы стать миллионерами, если бы не опоздали на раздачу», иными словами, они бомжи! В стране бушуют лесные пожары, и на борьбу с ними главный лесничий страны призывает всех лиц без определенного места жительства. Наши друзья аккурат подходят под это описание. Спасаясь от вербовщиков, они укрываются в особняке, хозяин которого как раз уехал на полгода, а прислуга ушла гулять. Олли называется хозяином дома, а Стэн, которого в этом фильме зовут Хайвс – служанкой. Они даже сдают дом почтенной паре, только что вернувшейся из медового месяца. Но тут возвращается настоящий хозяин, позабывший дома лук и стрелы.
Тремя годами позже с участием Лорела и Харди режиссером Джеймсом Пэрротом был снят звуковой римейк этого фильма под названием «Еще одно чудесненькое дельце» / «Another fine mess».
Ten Years Old is a 1927 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert A. McGowan. It was the 58th Our Gang short subject released. It was remade as Birthday Blues in 1932. Nobody comes to Joe's birthday party so he goes to the rich kid's party with his own special cake.
A short comedy by Leo McCarey about a jewish father who is worried about his daughter.
Школьный учитель банды, который везет детей в Европу после победы в местном конкурсе. Он берет их в тур по Неаполю, Помпеям, Риму, Ватикану, Венеции, Лондону и, наконец, Парижу, где возникают проблемы на вершине Эйфелевой башни.
Школьный учитель банды, который везет детей в Европу после победы в местном конкурсе. Он берет их в тур по Неаполю, Помпеям, Риму, Ватикану, Венеции, Лондону и, наконец, Парижу, где возникают проблемы на вершине Эйфелевой башни.
The story involves various misunderstandings and entanglements that occur between two married couples, the Browns (Glenn Tryon & Vivien Oakland) and the Dazzles (Tyler Brooke & Anita Garvin). The two couples have apartments across the hall from one another, and all four plan to attend a costume ball together. But after each husband expresses unhappiness with his wife's costume the women angrily refuse to go to the party. The two husbands decide to go "stag" and pick up dates, but when Mrs. Brown changes her mind about attending, and Mr. Dazzle and Mr. Brown switch costumes, mix-ups result.
Mabel plays an out-and-out crook, a "Girl Bandit," no less. And she quickly hooks up with a male partner in crime, in this case a Gentleman Crook played by perpetually grinning Creighton Hale. Mabel seems a little livelier in this film than in some of her other late works. In the very first scene we find her hitch-hiking, and she's forced to make a mad dash for cover when Hale's car nearly hits her. Soon they team up and crash a swanky party in a mansion to steal a jewel from the host's safe.
Habitually mistreated at the deceptively named Happyland Home Orphanage, the Our Gang kids find a loyal and kindhearted friend in the form of a black grownup named Uncle Tom. Alas, Tom's own children -- including real-life siblings Allen "Farina" Hoskins and Jannie "Mango" Hoskins -- are carted off to Happyland by the cold-hearted county officials. Farina, Mango, and the other kids escape the cruel orphanage in the dead of night, while Uncle Tom, preparing for their return, "borrows" food, clothes, and furnishings from various merchants.
Charley has several dilemmas facing him at Christmas, all posed by his greedy, heartless landlord Noah and his family.
Пэдди по ночам за гроши работает инструктором танцев в клубе, а днём моет полы и сидит с чужими детьми. Ещё и её отец выгонят всех парней, которые хотят с ней познакомиться. И вот однажды Пэдди знакомится с ищущим приключений богачом.
While on a cross-country train trip, the Our Gang kids drive the rest of the passengers crazy with a never-ending game of cowboys and Indians. During a stopover in the sleepy town of Red Dog, the kids disembark in hopes of savoring a taste of genuine Western life. They get more than they bargained for when a trio of bandits rides into town for a showdown with the local sherff.
Charley needs $10,000 right away. Mrs. Schwartzkopple has inherited $2 million from her late husband and wants to marry a younger man. Mr. Blaylock, her attorney, sees a way to solve both their problems, and keep control of her $2 million.
A butler is persuaded to pretend to be a man's wife so that he can inherit a million dollars.
Charlie is the great divorce attorney, in demand by all women wishing to shed their husbands. While explaining to one woman how to obtain a divorce by getting photos in a compromising situation...
The crotchety dean of Pinkham University blames the "bad behavior of the school's female students on a dress shop owned by Helene, and informs her he's shutting her shop down. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Napoleon has invented a plaster that restores youth. The dean accidentally sits on the plaster and reverts back to his younger days when he himself used to chase college girls. Complications ensue.
A young man puts on the play "Romeo and Juliet" as a fundraiser, but has to keep a close eye on his dad, who's had several drinks too many, and a pesky cab driver who's determined to collect his fare.
A young man puts on the play "Romeo and Juliet" as a fundraiser, but has to keep a close eye on his dad, who's had several drinks too many, and a pesky cab driver who's determined to collect his fare.
A boy's family is wiped out in an Indian massacre of a wagon train and he is captured. He befriends a wild colt. Years later, following his escape, he is recaptured by Indians who force him to fight their vicious devil horse . The horse looks somewhat familiar.
A boy's family is wiped out in an Indian massacre of a wagon train and he is captured. He befriends a wild colt. Years later, following his escape, he is recaptured by Indians who force him to fight their vicious devil horse . The horse looks somewhat familiar.
Two rich capitalists want to marry their children, but they don't like the idea at all. She tries to run away, and meets him at the station. They fall in love, unbeknownst to their real identities, and decide each on their own that they have to wreck their parents plan.
Two rich capitalists want to marry their children, but they don't like the idea at all. She tries to run away, and meets him at the station. They fall in love, unbeknownst to their real identities, and decide each on their own that they have to wreck their parents plan.
The rascals once again, now as a plumbers.
The rascals once again, now as a plumbers.
The kids are playing baseball when a man dressed in Middle-Eastern clothing comes out and tells them to be quiet. They join Mary, Farina, and Scooter in the gang's hide-out while Mary is reading ghost stories. While on the other side of the wall, the Arab-looking man is cheating people out of their money by staging a fake séance using state-of-the-art special effects. The cave entrance for the gang's hide-out collapses, so they light candles and dig into the wall, entering into the house. The "suckers" find out they are being cheated and run to get the cops to book the guys. The guys find out that the kids are in the house, and one dresses up in a ghost costume and chases the kids throughout the house.
Разведенная пара пытается притвориться, что они все еще счастливы в браке, чтобы получить 100 000 долларов от не одобряющей развод женщины.
Дети из «Нашей банды» должны присутствовать на свадьбе, и они приносят с собой свою коллекцию блох, которая вырывается на свободу.
Дети из «Нашей банды» должны присутствовать на свадьбе, и они приносят с собой свою коллекцию блох, которая вырывается на свободу.
Casper is the baby-expert at a large department store and his life is less than peaceful as he provides much amusement for the babies at his own expense. On Sunday, he and his wife go on a picnic with the neighbors and hoe comes home on his day of rest with three traffic tickets and numerous stings from the hornets he failed to amuse.
Mr. and Mrs. Weedle are desperate to find two babies, for their rich uncle has sent them money for years thinking they have children. Now that he’s coming into town, the couple must find a pair of babies as soon as possible. The Our Gang kids are ready for the job, but a 27-year old midget is also in the running for the job and he doesn’t play fairly.
An abused chimpanzee escapes from a zoo. On the run, he meets Farina, running away from home and his battling parents. The two become friends and inspire the rest of the gang to put on a show to make money from neighborhood kids. But the chimp has his own idea and runs off creating havoc all over town until chased down by the local cops.
A female secret agent has gotten ahold of a new type of explosive gas. She has to avoid the efforts of two men who are trying to steal it. They succeed in doing so, but the gas turns out to be not quite what they expected.
A man finds out that his wife wishes he would act more like his twin brother, so he decides to impersonate his twin in an attempt to determine his wife's fidelity.
Executive Producer
A cook for bridge constructors is told to collect food for dinner-Ritz style trout, Palmer house rabbit and a 15cm frosted cake. He sets off into the wide open spaces to collect the food, coming into contact with a mad hermit, who hates anybody seeing his daughter, before returning to cook dinner
Glenn's first attempt at wearing long trousers and being a man about town goes swimmingly as he quickly falls for a vivacious young widow who accidentally runs him down. But his father feels she is beyond his abilities and competes for her attention.
Glenn's first attempt at wearing long trousers and being a man about town goes swimmingly as he quickly falls for a vivacious young widow who accidentally runs him down. But his father feels she is beyond his abilities and competes for her attention.
An opportunistic umbrella salesman attempts to save a musician and his daughter from blackmail.
An opportunistic umbrella salesman attempts to save a musician and his daughter from blackmail.
A daughter's rich father wants to marry her off to a rich but older man. The daughter has other ideas however and sets out to find a nice young man she can fall in love with.
James Parrott doing all kinds of handy work.
Short comedy which posits that in a hundred years men's styles will revert to Regency garb, and that there will be a complete gender role reversal, with husband Clyde Cook staying home alone while wife Katherine Grant goes tomcatting around town.
On Christmas Eve, the Gang copes with hardships, helps capture a gang of thieves, and learns that Santa Claus really exists for those who wish fervently enough.
A young man uses tips from an absurd book to woo a woman he fancies.
Mother - The hand that rocks the family - and rocks it often! A family comedy.
A few moments before Charley is going to marry, a friend, gives him an anonymous note, stating that the bride has a wooden leg.
The gang has a taxi, consisting of an old Model T with no engine, pushed by a horse. When the owner takes his horse back, they must rely on motorists to tow them to the top of the hill so they can coast down. Little Farina borrows the car and it runs out of control all over town, causing mayhem everywhere it goes.
The gang decided to go into the movie-making business, using all kinds of sets and props. There were problems as those not involved are trying to ruin their business by playing pranks and even insisting the police to close them down.
The two-reel silent film comedy The Caretaker's Daughter was distributed by Pathe in 1925. Produced by the prolific Hal Roach, the film stars the great Charley Chase in a case of multiple incarnations!
A cowboy and a wild horse find they have some things in common: both have enemies out to get them and both must save their mates from danger.
Charley's battle-axe mother-in-law breaks up his marriage and tries to separate him from his son. Charlie abducts the boy for a father-son outing to the beach. The mother-in-law pursues and comedy ensues.
A couple makes dolls modeled on neighborhood kids. A gardener at a mansion buys four of them for Mary, the girl of the house. He's her only friend: her parents neglect her for work and card games and her governess is humorless. Mary loves the dolls and dreams of them during her nap. While Mary sleeps, the governess throws the dolls in the dust bin. Mary wakes and goes searching - outside she runs into the very same four kids who were the dolls' models, and she thinks she's still dreaming...
A young couple want to marry, but the girl's father doesn't like her beau. To separate them, the father arranges to send the girl on a sea voyage along with a female companion. But the beau, dressed as a woman, manages to fool the father into hiring him as the companion, and they all board the ship together.
Despite his faithfulness, Melvin is always under suspicion by wife Mame. Complications erupt when a woman from a party across the hall passes out in Melvin's bedroom just before Mame returns.
Adults have the Pike and Coney Island amusement parks, so the rascals put up their own rides in a large vacant lot. Mickey's got big plans for expansion when surveyors show up to begin work on a factory. The gang travels by donkey cart to the office of Henry Mills, President of Pan American Export Company, to protest. Henry, in his 60s, is still a boy at heart: he has his chauffeur stop the car so he can join a sandlot game. He bails on a meeting with his board of directors, going with the kids to the factory site where he stops the workers and helps our gang add more rides. The directors follow him, and they get put to work. Will they ever have their meeting?
Nanette sends a letter to her family telling of her new husband, Hillory. When Hillory arrives to meet the family, he gets insulted by each member, including the dog, and loses his wig. After having dinner with the family, Nanette's former lover returns, and Hillory must confront him
A very good as a faithful husband, whose wife is looking for proof that more than his eyes have been roving. She hires a private detective to provide it.
Детям в многоквартирных домах негде играть, кроме как на улицах с опасным движением. Микки приходит в голову идея построить баррикады, чтобы дать банде место для игр на перекрёстке, но полицейский, неприятный «крутой» Макманус, быстро кладёт этому конец. Сочувствующий констебль и детектив, у которого есть собственные дети, даёт банде шанс помочь правоохранительным органам. Пострелята носят униформу и следят за вещами: Джо, например, следит за бананами на фруктовом киоске Тони. Когда теперь уже уволенный Макманус возвращается и жаждет мести, юные полицейские и их взрослые коллеги подвергаются испытанию.
Jamison has a very jealous wife. Mrs. Jamison has a very gossipy friend. When the friend spots Jamison on the street talking to an attractive young woman, she reports back to Mrs. Jamison that her husband is obviously having an affair. Mrs. Jamison storms out, and a few minutes later a guest arrives for a visit -- a Professor Brown. Jamison doesn't realize the professor is a woman, and Mrs. Jamison, who has returned, doesn't realize the woman is Professor Brown. She presumes she has caught her husband with his mistress. A dancing butler, a game-playing dog, and a very accommodating burglar complicate the situation.
Vermuda, a saleswoman in a department store, is very late for work. She relies on a ruse to fool the floorwalker, and when that doesn't work, she relies on her friendship with the store manager. But she is soon disillusioned as to where she really stands with the manager.
Jimmie Jump is returning from Europe to the USA. His parents and an old girl-friend, Sally - whom he hasn't seen for years, are expecting him at the dock. But, due to some unfortunate coincidences they are mistaken about the identity of each other, but meet unbeknownst to that fact. Jimmie decides that he has to find that girl. Finally, after having annoyed a policeman, and a great fraction of the female population, he finds her working as a temperance worker. To get her attention, he dresses up in rags to meet her. But his way of introduction causes more confusion.
Многие дети из «Нашей банды» находятся в своем секретном клубе - настолько секретном, что у некоторых подражателей возникают проблемы, пытаясь найти вход в туннель, - планируя свою следующую игру, которая будет перестрелкой на Диком Западе. Они сталкиваются с некоторыми препятствиями в игре, в том числе с возражениями родителей, и поэтому решают отложить ее до рассвета следующего утра и сыграть в нее на улицах района. Когда тем утром в середине их перестрелки начинается дождь, они решают укрыться в соседнем доме. Чего они не знают, так это того, что дом принадлежит изобретателю У.Р. Джонсу, который превратил его в «магнитный дом», демонстрацию возможного аттракциона в парке развлечений. Незнание о хитросплетениях дома приводит к множеству злоключений банды, не связанных с расстрелом индейцев, когда они пытаются выяснить, что происходит вокруг них.
Jimmy Jump is asked by the Swedish Government to translate for educational purposes "Little Red Riding Hood", but he can't afford to buy the book, so he tries reading it at the book shop, something the owner doesn't like. But with a little help by the owner's wife it is not impossible, even when the book is bought by somebody else, put in a car and the car is stolen...
Фарина, Джо и Микки поражены случайной любовью. После нескольких проблем они идут в салон красоты, где работает Ананас, и начинают его разрушать. Приезжает полиция и арестовывает их, но бабушка приходит к ним на помощь.
In this two-reeler, Jimmy Jump wants to please both of his parents, but they disagree about everything. His father wants him to act more manly, although Jimmy gets his sensitivity from his mother. He wants to wed his girlfriend, and so accepts a job at his father's iron foundry, but does not excel there. Next, Jimmy goes to a tough dance-hall to impress his girl. A highlight is his parody of an Isadora Duncan dance.
Charley has in-laws that look down on him because he's not rich. So, to try to keep up, he rushes out to buy a car--but no matter, they still think he's a drip--as does his wife. Later, when he's given a simple job to do by his boss, he screws it up--and loses face once again with his family.
Mr. Jump has come into some money and informs his wife that they can now hire a maid and won't have to do anymore housework. Circumstances cause Mrs. Jump to suspect that Mr. Jump is cavorting with the new maid.
Мальчики хвастаются друг перед другом своими собаками, когда маленькая богатая девочка Мэри Корнман проезжает мимо в своей тележке, запряженной пони. Когда пони шарахается и убегает, на помощь приходит Микки со своей собакой. В благодарность Мэри приглашает всех мальчиков и их собак на свою вечеринку, к большому огорчению своей богатой матери.
Мальчики хвастаются друг перед другом своими собаками, когда маленькая богатая девочка Мэри Корнман проезжает мимо в своей тележке, запряженной пони. Когда пони шарахается и убегает, на помощь приходит Микки со своей собакой. В благодарность Мэри приглашает всех мальчиков и их собак на свою вечеринку, к большому огорчению своей богатой матери.
Jimmy Jump has a "plain" girlfriend, and becomes intrigued by a "fancy" girl he spots in a park. Eventually he realizes he is better off with his no-frills girl.
Цирк находится в городе и только на один день. Притворившись больными, некоторые члены банды смогли прогулять из школы, чтобы посетить праздник.
Банда играет в товарном вагоне, который внезапно закрывается, запирая их внутри. На следующее утро они оказываются в Нью-Йорке. Увидев некоторые достопримечательности пешком, они крадут автобус на 5-й авеню, и их ловит полиция.
aka Billy, the Ford Buster
Charley Chase is a hapless inventor with a better mouse trap in this silent comedy from 1925.
A pawn shop employee must substitute for a robot in this short silent comedy.
A pawn shop employee must substitute for a robot in this short silent comedy.
Микки Дэниелс изображает из себя Шерлока Холмса, а Джо Кобб - Ватсона, когда они двое пытаются обнаружить местонахождение пропавшего без вести молодого богатого ребенка. Пытаясь найти ребенка, банда также должна попытаться избежать глупого детектива, также работающего над делом.
Charley/Jimmy is a car salesman who takes an unruly family of prospective buyers for a picnic in the woods.
Charley/Jimmy is a car salesman who takes an unruly family of prospective buyers for a picnic in the woods.
Многие здешние мальчики хотят пойти поплавать, но Микки должен сделать доставку. По пути он встречает богатого мальчика, ожидающего на вокзале свою маму, и, когда они начинают разговаривать, они меняются местами, поскольку Микки никогда не видел отель изнутри, а богатый ребенок просто хочет поиграть. Однако, когда богатый ребенок возвращается к банде с повозкой, запряженной козами, они решают отправиться туда, где находится Микки, и именно здесь начинается самое интересное...
A young barber's girlfriend falls into the clutches of a shady nightclub owner and his cohorts, who plan to get her involved in their nefarious schemes. When his efforts to rescue her prove futile, he enlists the help of his father, who was at one time a professional baseball player, and his former teammates to save her.
Charley Chase comedy.
Банда создаёт свою собственную железную дорогу после того, как их прогнали с местной железнодорожной станции, и соревнуется с Тафи.
This funny Hal Roach comedy has Jimmy Jump (Charley Chase) waking up late for his wedding so in the mad rush he ends up leaving his house only dressed in his pajamas. As he makes his way to the church he finds one disaster after another.
The situation is typically embarrassing and unlikely-but-possible for Charley, but it is at the same time such a simple idea -- Charley shows off by taking a pretty girl back home, wreaks havoc trying to get her in, then discovers that she's married.
The main premise for the comedy is the Jimmy discovers he can convince people he is a tough figure to be reckoned with merely by giving them a business card identifying him as the bouncer of the "Bucket of Blood Cafe."
Wide Open Spaces is a 1924 Western silent film starring Stan Laurel.
A man starts working in a department store and has to deal with a female kleptomaniac.
Молодой мальчик, решивший заработать достаточно денег, чтобы купить матери подарок на день рождения, находит множество случайных заработков и, наконец, открывает импровизированный цирк.
Молодой мальчик, решивший заработать достаточно денег, чтобы купить матери подарок на день рождения, находит множество случайных заработков и, наконец, открывает импровизированный цирк.
Don't Park There was one of a series of two-reel comedies Will Rogers made for producer Hal Roach during the 1923-4 season. The story amounts to little more than a one-joke anecdote, but oddly enough the joke is more relevant now than it was in 1924: this is the tale of a man who can't run a simple errand in the city because he can't find a parking space.
Мальчики не могут пойти на рыбалку, потому что должны заботиться о своих младших братьях и сёстрах. После безуспешной попытки продать своих детей странствующим цыганам появляется Мэри и сообщает им, что её младшая сестра только что выиграла приз на выставке младенцев.
Сосредоточившись на последних днях учебного года, это взгляд на жизнь однокомнатной школы. Этот тип учебных заведений давно исчез из ландшафта, сохранившись в общинах амишей и тому подобное. Мы получаем развлечение, ориентированное на детей, поскольку различные музыкальные навыки исполняются подростками, которых, вероятно, родители уговорили взяться за используемые инструменты.
A 1924 silent comedy.
A stallion known as "The Black" is the leader of a band of wild horses. A cowboy is determined to capture and break him.
В начале мы узнаём, что Фарине снятся кошмары каждый раз, когда он ест мясо. Его мама говорит ему держаться подальше от этой еды, но ему это так нравится, что он ускользает из дома и в итоге съедает несколько цыплят. Той ночью она укладывает его спать, и, конечно же, ему начинают сниться кошмары, в которых другие дети преследуют его.
Jimmy Jump is a coward. Everyone and everything makes him afraid. He cowers from the neighborhood children, even though he's old enough to be their father. He is terrified of Lem Tucker, who is his rival for the heart of Dorothy. Only when he mistakenly believes he is about to die does Jimmy find courage. But will it last?
Stan Laurel as a harness racing jockey who must win a big race.
Love's Detour is a 1924 comedy short
Наша банда играет в пиратов и строит корабль, чтобы плыть. Как только корабль попадает в воду, он тонет, но они оказываются на другой лодке, когда собака развязывает веревку, и дети отправляются в море, где их должен спасти флот.
Assistant Director
A young Indiana schoolteacher finds himself embroiled in local conflicts when he falls in love with an indentured servant and must discover the identity of a gang of bandits who are terrorizing the local population.
В этой короткометражке дети управляют собственной парикмахерской с ужасающими результатами. Никто не пострадает, но большинство клиентов лысеют или близки к этому: один ребенок даже получает преждевременно модный ирокез! Сцены с острыми ножницами на близком расстоянии могут заставить некоторых зрителей вздрогнуть, а мастер маникюра использует устройство, похожее на кусачки.
В этой короткометражке дети управляют собственной парикмахерской с ужасающими результатами. Никто не пострадает, но большинство клиентов лысеют или близки к этому: один ребенок даже получает преждевременно модный ирокез! Сцены с острыми ножницами на близком расстоянии могут заставить некоторых зрителей вздрогнуть, а мастер маникюра использует устройство, похожее на кусачки.
After being discharged from the 372nd infantry, on account of a bean shortage, smithy seeks employment. He finds a job on a construction site, where he helps to build a house, and soon causes havoc amongst the other workers. The construction company owner leaves for a week, and tells his secretary to send a letter to Mr. Smith telling him to complete the construction of the house while he (the owner) is away. The letter is accidently sent to Smithy who manages to complete the house. When the owner returns the house is complete, and Smithy is commended until the last support beam is removed...
After being discharged from the 372nd infantry, on account of a bean shortage, smithy seeks employment. He finds a job on a construction site, where he helps to build a house, and soon causes havoc amongst the other workers. The construction company owner leaves for a week, and tells his secretary to send a letter to Mr. Smith telling him to complete the construction of the house while he (the owner) is away. The letter is accidently sent to Smithy who manages to complete the house. When the owner returns the house is complete, and Smithy is commended until the last support beam is removed...
Микки водит свою импровизированную машину с Мэри, Джо и Джеки на буксире. Среди необычных гаджетов: боксерская перчатка, прикрепленная к внешней стороне передней части, которая сбивает с ног любого прохожего! Когда они останавливаются там, где стоят Саншайн Сэмми и Фарина, Сэмми дважды попадает в эту перчатку, а также в движущуюся решетку радиатора! Он делает доставку богатому человеку по имени Дж. Уильям Макаллистер. Этот человек считает, что он очень болен из-за того, что говорят его врач и жена, но после того, как банда приходит без приглашения, они смотрят на него и думают иначе.
A man falls in love with a woman he thinks is a rich lady when in fact she is her maid.
Satire on the epic Western 'The Covered Wagon (1923)'.
Дети отправляются на воскресный пикник в этом раннем изматывании, и после первых десяти минут им удается ускользнуть от взрослых в этом типично очаровательном усилии нашей банды.
Executive Producer
A morals reformer returns from Hollywood to his small town, and shows his fellow citizens the results of his investigation.
A morals reformer returns from Hollywood to his small town, and shows his fellow citizens the results of his investigation.
The misadventures of two intrepid explorers in the Egyptian desert.
The Spats go on a camping trip that begins with the destruction of their cabin and ends with them being pursued by bandits, a railroad bull, and the police. The Great Outdoors is the fourth episode of The Spat Family series.
During the Alaska gold rush, a miner hits the mother lode, but a corrupt sheriff jumps his claim, leading to a tremendous fight.
После того, как банда отправляется на скачки, они решают устроить собственное дерби.
'Save the Ship' is a plotless silent short film which has the 33 year old Stan Laurel acting in a run of the mill production to pay his bills and as a token by Hal Roach.
Two lifelong friends vie for the affection of the same woman.
A prosecutor instructs the audience of a courtroom to observe the tearful and slightly hysterical wife (Helen Gilmore) who is sitting in the witness box, and claims she is this way due to her husband, who shows up very infrequently. For the defence (James Finlayson), he never did anything to be proud of - and was proud of it. He sits there smirking and sipping a glass of water before being momentarily distracted. He goes to take another sip of his drink but instead picks up a different glass containing something very different.
Писательница Фаун Охлетри устраивает благотворительный спектакль по своей последней пьесе, романскому эпосу. Банда и другие соседские дети вынуждены играть главные роли в пьесе, к большому огорчению банды. Они совершенно не могут запомнить свои реплики и с трудом сохраняют самообладание в более серьезные моменты мелодрамы. Наконец, в финале Джеки запускает множество петард, пугая всех участников.
A dog is stolen from his home in England and shipped to Canada to become a sled dog. Based on the novel by Jack London.
A feckless young man who wishes to switch from one streetcar to another is told to follow a pretty young lady-- so he follows her all over town.
A hypochondriac vacations in the tropics for the fresh air - and finds himself in the middle of a revolution instead.
Stan plays a waiter at a crappy restaurant and frankly such fare was better done by Chaplin and others. However, in two cute scenes, the film shines. The first is a Limburger cheese bit that is low-brow but funny. The second is the final scene with dogs following Stan at the end.
Банда делает всё возможное, чтобы скоротать время на летних каникулах. Как обычно, Микки и Джек пытаются завоевать расположение Мэри. Тем временем деревенский кузнец «Папа» Андерсон получает выгодный контракт на производство своего творения - мотороллера с парусным двигателем. Банде посчастливилось раздобыть несколько таких скутеров и удачно покататься по улицам города.
One monkey is stealing eggs from the farmyard. Another monkey, with his dog friend, tries to stop the crook.
Комедия, о том, что случилось однажды на цитрусовой плантации. Множество смешных ударов, падений, путаниц, бросаний - как апельсинов, так и ящиков, людей и всего прочего...
Paul Parrott plays an obsessive-compulsive bill poster in this thoroughly average Hal Roach comedy from 1923. Hired to help publicize a new Gloria Snootful picture, Paul goes bonkers with glue and paper and ends up attaching promotional material to any surface within his reach, including the rear ends of a number of people, though his attempt to nail a poster to a glass window is somewhat less successful.
Это надо увидеть, чтобы поверить. Судя по всему, банда стала свидетелем собрания Ку-клукс-клана. Они решают создать свою собственную ложу. Они называют себя Cluck Cluck Clams (кудахтающие моллюски). Нет ничего расистского в их ложе, в которую входит член Саншайн Сэмми Моррисон. Фильм заканчивается погоней. Банда запутывается с грабителями банков. Саншайн Сэмми заставляет своего дядю и его приятелей преследовать грабителей банков вместе с бандой.
Stan is Phillip McCann, a gas station attendant who arrives at his job by chauffeur and donning a fur coat over his work clothes. After being dropped off, he puts his sign on the doorframe and wanders off to a nearby cafe where waitress Katherine Grant serves him an egg, medium rare, and a cup of tea, well done....
Collars and Cuffs is a 1923 silent comedy film starring Stan Laurel.
Банда ведёт войну, используя гнилые овощи как боеприпасы. Позже они портят снимающийся фильм двойным разрывом плёнки.
Банда ведёт войну, используя гнилые овощи как боеприпасы. Позже они портят снимающийся фильм двойным разрывом плёнки.
The story of the first Thanksgiving is re-imagined as a father tells it to his son.
Pick and Shovel, also known as The Miner, is a 1923 silent comedy film starring Stan Laurel.
Банда управляет туристическим автобусом, приводимым в движение ослом. Позже низкооплачиваемый продюсер водевиля нанимает их, чтобы помочь с его шоу, которое они срывают.
This Hal Roach comedy short I found on the "American Slapstick" DVD collection of rare silent comedies starts bizarre and has an anything goes-quality one rarely sees in Mr. Roach's output. It stars Snub Pollard who is initially introduced as a baby left on a doorstep before we see him fully grown about 20 or so years later still in that basket! From there, he gets bumped car to car crossing the street prior to getting literally thrown through a window as an auction is taking place! Also appearing is James Finlayson as a man who's items accidentally get sold.
Pursued by the law, a street cleaner finds refuge by impersonating a dentist.
Добрый старый школьный учитель помогает банде сбежать из жестокой школы-интерната, но они оказываются в заминированном доме бутлегера.
Действие фильма происходит в 1920-е годы. Главный герой — амбициозный молодой человек, жаждущий сделать карьеру. Он уезжает в большой город и устраивается на работу продавцом в универмаге. Но своей возлюбленной, которая ждёт, пока он добьется успеха, чтобы переехать жить к нему, наш герой пишет письма, в которых скрывает факт отсутствия продвижения по карьерной лестнице. Внезапно девушка приезжает в город и приходит в универмаг, где работает её жених. Одновременно герою наконец-то выпадает шанс проявить себя. Совсем скоро настанет его звёздный час!
Эрни и Фарина злят полицию своей схемой чистки обуви. Позже банда меняется местами с несколькими беглецами, собирающимися сесть в поезд.
Банда устраивает импровизированную окружную ярмарку, посвящённую «кино», которое на самом деле является искусным сценическим представлением.
Сапожник получает свою пенсию и приглашает банду отпраздновать это пикником, но его машина глохнет по дороге.
Executive Producer
Silent film comedy from 1923. Parody of "Nanook of the North."
Микки и Джеки враждуют из-за Мэри, поэтому Сэмми назначает бой за звание чемпиона между двумя соперниками.
Банда ошибочно полагает, что полицейский патруль преследует их за избиение мальчика полицейского; они сталкиваются с настоящей добычей полиции: Красным Майком.
Пастрелёныши, чувствуя себя нелюбимыми дома, решают стать пиратами. Тем временем мать, тётя и камердинер присоединяются к копам в поисках беглецов.
Деревенский доктор Джек Джексон вызван к Больной-маленькой-хорошей-девушке, которая уже обогатила доктора Солсбурга после нескольких лет безуспешного лечения. Его старомодные методы сделали свое дело и шарлатан отправлен восвояси.
Деревенский доктор Джек Джексон вызван к Больной-маленькой-хорошей-девушке, которая уже обогатила доктора Солсбурга после нескольких лет безуспешного лечения. Его старомодные методы сделали свое дело и шарлатан отправлен восвояси.
Мистический Джей-Джей бросает вызов храбрости Эрни; он рассказывает историю о спасении богатой девушки от похитителей и о создании утопии под названием Фритаун.
Неэтичный торговец переезжает в город и крадет покупателей у овдовевшего владельца известного магазина; Банда приходит на помощь.
Неэтичный торговец переезжает в город и крадет покупателей у овдовевшего владельца известного магазина; Банда приходит на помощь.
Paul's career as a shoeshine man is interrupted when he is mistaken for an escaped convict, but after the Station Master gives him a job at the train station he proves his worth.
A landlord is attending his new tenants' rollicking and well-attended housewarming party. As midnight arrives, a ghostly apparition appears outside the window--and our frightened hero immediately breaks out the shotgun to fend off the phantom menace.
Банда формирует пожарную часть; в конечном итоге они мешают бутлегеру, но не раньше, чем их домашние животные напиваются его самогона.
Миссис Пеннингтон Ван Ренссалар, светская матрона, ориентированная на рекламу, спонсирует детскую прогулку, к её большому сожалению и шофера.
Гарольд страдает от того, что все считают его трусом. Тогда бабушка даёт ему «амулет бесстрашия».
Гарольд страдает от того, что все считают его трусом. Тогда бабушка даёт ему «амулет бесстрашия».
It follows Ruth Rowland as the inheritor of a wealthy timber business who tries to stay independent of a cruel man who wants to marry her and steal her wealth. The film is considered to be lost, though the UCLA Film and Television Archive has episodes one, four, eight and nine.
Marie's inebriated husband refuses to go to bed, so she asks Snub, a homeless man she finds sleeping in the park, to assist.
Like many a Snub Pollard comedy, "Years to Come" is a complete flight of fancy. In this one, it is the year 2000, and the roles of women and men have been completely reversed. That's where almost all the jokes come from.
A comedy short subject featuring trained, costumed ducks.
An idle, wealthy playboy foolishly joins the Navy when the father of the girl he wants to marry tells him to get a job to prove himself worthy.
An idle, wealthy playboy foolishly joins the Navy when the father of the girl he wants to marry tells him to get a job to prove himself worthy.
An idle, wealthy playboy foolishly joins the Navy when the father of the girl he wants to marry tells him to get a job to prove himself worthy.
A guy has troubles on a trolley
A guy has troubles on a trolley
Our hero is infatuated with a girl in the next office. In order to drum up business for her boss, an osteopath, he gets an actor friend to pretend injuries that the doctor "cures", thereby building a reputation. When he hears that his girl is marrying another, he decides to commit suicide and spends the bulk of the film in thrilling, failed attempts.
Our hero is infatuated with a girl in the next office. In order to drum up business for her boss, an osteopath, he gets an actor friend to pretend injuries that the doctor "cures", thereby building a reputation. When he hears that his girl is marrying another, he decides to commit suicide and spends the bulk of the film in thrilling, failed attempts.
A top-hatted bill collector is given the unenviable assignment of collecting the debts of a bad-tempered innkeeper.
Comic adventures of newlyweds and children.
Comic adventures of newlyweds and children.
Snub Pollard and Marie Mosquini are to be married, with Ernie Morrison as their best man. It's the usual gag-filled Pollard one-reeler, with William Gillespie pointing out that if she wants to get married, he has a marriage license too.
An ambitious coat-room checker impersonates an English nobleman.
An ambitious coat-room checker impersonates an English nobleman.
Catching a Coon
A young man, unaccustomed to children, must accompany a young girl on a train trip.
A young man, unaccustomed to children, must accompany a young girl on a train trip.
A tenderfoot arrives in a western town and the inhabitants give him a rough time.
Sailor (uncredited)
Молодой человек пытается восстановить отношения с бывшей возлюбленной...
Молодой человек пытается восстановить отношения с бывшей возлюбленной...
Молодой человек пытается восстановить отношения с бывшей возлюбленной...
The comic adventures of a new car owner.
The comic adventures of a new car owner.
Дебри северных канадских лесов, далёкая фактория. Похоронив отца, Нанетта ждёт жениха Рауля, уехавшего в дальнюю экспедицию. Однако Рауль бесследно пропал. Поскольку Нанетта с отцом были бедными и много задолжали магазину фактории, девушка вынуждена согласиться на брак с сыном начальника фактории. Но в день свадьбы возвращается Рауль, а с ним — щенок и ручной медвежонок, которым судьба уготовила сыграть свои роли в этой истории…
Run ’Em Ragged, Snub Pollard’s 39th starring vehicle, uses familiar slapstick-- Over-the-top make-up, ethnic humor, and a chase across Los Angeles’s Echo Park-- But there is more here than knockabout; Sophisticated sight gags test the limits of the characters’ perception, making expert use of such props as a seemingly bottomless rowboat.
Гарольд великолепен в своих чудачествах. На этот раз он их творит во врачебном кабинете. А вот в соседнем кабинете, где его друг установил самогонный аппарат, коварный алкоголь сыграл с обоими злую шутку. Напившись, друзья решили прогуляться. Вот только простой прогулкой это никак нельзя назвать...
Гарольд великолепен в своих чудачествах. На этот раз он их творит во врачебном кабинете. А вот в соседнем кабинете, где его друг установил самогонный аппарат, коварный алкоголь сыграл с обоими злую шутку. Напившись, друзья решили прогуляться. Вот только простой прогулкой это никак нельзя назвать...
Родители отправляют своего непутевого сына на ранчо к дяде. Там, согласно их замыслу, он должен начать праведную жизнь и стать настоящим мужчиной. Возможно смена обстановки и новые знакомства должны будут повлиять на ветреного повесу. Но не тут-то было. По приезду их сын попадает в еще более комичные ситуации, которые похоже его находят больше, чем он их...
Родители отправляют своего непутевого сына на ранчо к дяде. Там, согласно их замыслу, он должен начать праведную жизнь и стать настоящим мужчиной. Возможно смена обстановки и новые знакомства должны будут повлиять на ветреного повесу. Но не тут-то было. По приезду их сын попадает в еще более комичные ситуации, которые похоже его находят больше, чем он их...
Девушка получит наследство, если проживёт в фамильном доме год. Но злобный родственник хочет выжить её оттуда, чтобы присвоить наследство себе. Гарольд поможет девушке.
Девушка получит наследство, если проживёт в фамильном доме год. Но злобный родственник хочет выжить её оттуда, чтобы присвоить наследство себе. Гарольд поможет девушке.
A bicycle messenger is sent to make a posh delivery to a wealthy artist's estate-- populated with attractive models.
Snub and his wife give up their bungalow and allow another couple to move in. Then it develops that they can't find another home, and must live in an improvised tent. (From IMDb)
A young adventurer trades places with a European prince and falls in love above his station.
A young adventurer trades places with a European prince and falls in love above his station.
The film begins with a girl who is supposedly irresistible to all men. Several guys all come to her to pledge their undying love--including Harold Lloyd's brother, Gaylord (who is a dentist). Shortly after this, a new dentist (Snub Pollard) arrives to work in an office across the hall. In a very funny scene, Pollard manages to steal all of Gaylord's patients from his waiting room. However, when it comes to dental work, Snub is highly unlikely to receive the American Dental Association's seal of approval. That's because he's incredibly rough and manages to toss a guy out the window when he pulls his tooth.
As a penniless man worries about how he will manage to eat, he is joined by a young waif and her dog, who are in the same predicament. Meanwhile, across town a dishonest lawyer is working with a gang of criminals, trying to swindle an innocent young heiress out of her inheritance. As the heiress is on her way home from the lawyer's office, she notices the young man and the waif in the midst of their latest problem with the authorities, and she rescues them. Later on, the young man will have an unexpected opportunity to repay her for her kindness.
As a penniless man worries about how he will manage to eat, he is joined by a young waif and her dog, who are in the same predicament. Meanwhile, across town a dishonest lawyer is working with a gang of criminals, trying to swindle an innocent young heiress out of her inheritance. As the heiress is on her way home from the lawyer's office, she notices the young man and the waif in the midst of their latest problem with the authorities, and she rescues them. Later on, the young man will have an unexpected opportunity to repay her for her kindness.
Snub plays a rich guy who wants to impress the ladies with his virility. So he pays a tough boxer to take a dive in a staged fight, though the fight definitely does not go anything like expected.
Snub plays a rich guy who wants to impress the ladies with his virility. So he pays a tough boxer to take a dive in a staged fight, though the fight definitely does not go anything like expected.
Гарольд накануне своей свадьбы неплохо напился. В результате свадьба отменена, а невеста с её мамой отправляются на пароходе на отдых. Гарольд пускается за ними.
Гарольд накануне своей свадьбы неплохо напился. В результате свадьба отменена, а невеста с её мамой отправляются на пароходе на отдых. Гарольд пускается за ними.
A comedy short starring Mildred Davis & 'Snub' Pollard
A young playwright spends his last cent to pay the past-due rent for the pretty dancer who's his boarding house next-door neighbor. Soon after, he winds up at a gambling club, where he wins big - just before a police raid.
A young playwright spends his last cent to pay the past-due rent for the pretty dancer who's his boarding house next-door neighbor. Soon after, he winds up at a gambling club, where he wins big - just before a police raid.
An American short comedy film.
While blindfolded and playing pin the tail on the donkey with some lady friends, our hero is mistaken for an escaped initiate of a kooky fraternal order.
Count the Votes is a 1919 American short comedy film. It is considered to be lost.
Soft Money is a 1919 American short comedy film. The film is considered to be lost.
He Leads, Others Follow is a 1919 American short comedy film. It is presumed to be lost.
A Harold Lloyd short featuring a young Snooky the chimp
A Harold Lloyd short featuring a young Snooky the chimp
Harold and his boss get in a lively rivalry over the new stenographer.
Harold and his boss get in a lively rivalry over the new stenographer.
Harold and his rival fight over Bebe on her birthday, first at her home and then at a nearby skating rink.
Harold and Snub, camping in the wilds, prove too much for the Indians that take them captive.
Chop Suey & Co. is a 1919 American short comedy film
Chop Suey & Co. is a 1919 American short comedy film
Harold becomes the victim of a clever bulldog pup who chases him in and out of various places.
Harold Lloyd! This time, he's the skinny sap who married the hottie, and he doesn't quite have the spine to tell her ex-beaus to blow. The honeymoon finds him mistaken for a boiler worker and yeah well, shovelling coal will beef up anyone. Except he manages to go into the wrong room... What'd you expect?!
Our hero visits the opera, is mistaken for the manager and is treated like royalty until the deception is uncovered.
Our hero visits the opera, is mistaken for the manager and is treated like royalty until the deception is uncovered.
Suburban neighbors join together to build a garden shed, but through carelessness, wind up ruining the garden, as well as the laundry, which is drying in the yard.
Billy Blazes confronts Crooked Charley, who has been ruling the town of Peaceful Vale through fear and violence.
Harold is a bookkeeper who works in an office but can't keep his mind on his job -- the spring weather is too nice to stay indoors. After escaping from his office he romps in the park instead.
Harold Lloyd plays a troublemaker who messes up with strangers and cops along the way. During the confusion he takes a trolley to escape, falling in love with a female collector who doesn't care much about him and he also annoys the trolley conductor. But it seems that odds and luck will be on his favor.
The adventures of a penniless young man, who finds himself in a house full of crooks.
A 1919 Comedy short.
Harold and Snub are self-proclaimed big-game hunters who stop at a remote outpost. They hire two native guides to lead them into the woods, but the guides run in terror when they see a rather tame bear in the distance. Harold is annoyed that he cannot find any bears to hunt--unaware that two timid bears are closely following him. Meanwhile Snub encounters an equally tame wildcat who eats his picnic lunch. Snub sprints away. Back at the outpost, Harold twice rescues Jeanne--once from the clutches of an unwanted suitor and once from one of the bears. The grateful, gun-toting Jeanne tells Harold she wants him to be her "sweetie."
A young man's dreams are shaken by his father's insistence that he get a job and go to work. He becomes a waiter in a restaurant, and has some funny adventures.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
While running away from his girl's father, Harold's car breaks down in front of a dance hall run by crooks. Harold has to not only stay one step ahead of the girl's father, but also those trying to rob them of everything they have.
Harold and Snub take a trip on a runaway airplane and drop off on a native island. Here they have some amusing adventures with the fierce men and beautiful women of the place.
Harold and Snub take a trip on a runaway airplane and drop off on a native island. Here they have some amusing adventures with the fierce men and beautiful women of the place.
A bumbling American soldier saves a girl from a bunch of Cossacks.
A salesman takes a job at a department store to impress a girl and winds up stopping a kidnapping.
A salesman takes a job at a department store to impress a girl and winds up stopping a kidnapping.
Harold is a henpecked husband who suddenly makes a change of front and asserts himself, much to his wife's astonishment.
A story of a love sick youth and a pretty maiden and their adventure, which includes riding around on pieces of steel to the top of a skyscraper overlooking the Los Angeles streets.
A story of a love sick youth and a pretty maiden and their adventure, which includes riding around on pieces of steel to the top of a skyscraper overlooking the Los Angeles streets.
Гарольд собирается жениться. Но случайное знакомство с соседом жены и его семейством, похоже, превращается в проблему.
Гарольд собирается жениться. Но случайное знакомство с соседом жены и его семейством, похоже, превращается в проблему.
Harold is a chef with certain devices for labor saving.
Lloyd is a serious young middle-class guy on the make who wants to marry the boss’ daughter. The problem is getting in to see the boss so that he can ask for her hand in marriage as the office is guarded by a bunch of comic, clumsy flunkies who throw everyone out who tries to get in.
Stan Laurel is picked up at the train depot and brought back by the husband to the family home where the wife is having a suffragette meeting. None too pleased they cause mayhem and then the neighbours are brought into it as Stan cleans up the backyard by throwing all the rubbish into their award winning garden.
Stan plays a janitor at a hotel dropping letters and trying to retrieve them with a vacuum, getting wet, helping a lady shoot her cheating husband and being chased by the police.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
It's a classic boy-meets-girl story, boy-loses-girl, boy gets mistaken for an escaped convict and ruthlessly chased by armies of cops across the countryside in a thrill-packed stunt-addled climax.
История о молодом человеке, который решил покушать на халяву.
Забавная коротенькая комедия, одна из первых, где Стэн начал сниматься у Хэла Роуча. В ней мы видим Стэна Лорела не таким, каким привыкли его видеть по более поздним картинам. Фильм интересен также тем, что в нем играет Кларин Сеймур, молодая начинающая звезда тех лет, снимавшаяся у великого Д.У. Гриффита. К сожалению, не пройдет и двух лет, и она скоропостижно уйдет из жизни. Тут мы можем в некоторой степени прикоснуться к ее таланту, так до конца и не раскрывшемуся.
История о молодом человеке, который решил покушать на халяву.
Забавная коротенькая комедия, одна из первых, где Стэн начал сниматься у Хэла Роуча. В ней мы видим Стэна Лорела не таким, каким привыкли его видеть по более поздним картинам. Фильм интересен также тем, что в нем играет Кларин Сеймур, молодая начинающая звезда тех лет, снимавшаяся у великого Д.У. Гриффита. К сожалению, не пройдет и двух лет, и она скоропостижно уйдет из жизни. Тут мы можем в некоторой степени прикоснуться к ее таланту, так до конца и не раскрывшемуся.
Harold appears as an active young man who gets a job as waiter in a restaurant. Disaster overtakes him and he is hurried off to jail at the close.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
At a masquerade ball, our hero, in a tramp costume, is arrested when they think he is a real hobo. In the meantime, an actual hobo, at the party, is treated like a guest.
Our hero gets a job at a hotel in the country and proceeds to introduce some changes, installing gadgets and time-saving devices.
In this popular two reeler where Harold runs to the rescue of a woman on a fire engine, he is seen hanging on the moving vehicle by the released water hose that forces him closer to the ground.
A mild-mannered young man has left home, and is now playing the piano in a bar in the west. The dangerous criminal Dagger-Tooth Dan enters the bar where the young man is playing. Soon afterwards, the local sheriff also arrives, with some letters that he has received. Dan notices the letters, and he switches the information in them to make the sheriff think that the piano player is the dangerous one.
Bebe is surrounded by suitors, but her father wants her to marry Professor M. T. Noodle. Harold makes his move by impersonating the professor.
Harold has trouble with his father and is ordered out of the house. He becomes a waiter and pulls off some highly amusing stunts at a swell dinner party.
A two-reel comic number featuring Toto the clown in his usual knockabout tricks. He is first seen flirting in a park, but later appears at a moving picture studio. He gets in trouble here and escapes dressed as a girl. He then invades the grounds of a dancing school, and later the winter quarters of a circus.
A two-reel comic number featuring Toto the clown in his usual knockabout tricks. He is first seen flirting in a park, but later appears at a moving picture studio. He gets in trouble here and escapes dressed as a girl. He then invades the grounds of a dancing school, and later the winter quarters of a circus.
In this early short Harold Lloyd sneaks into a movie studio in order to locate an attractive young lady he's just met at a snack bar. He's retrieved a letter she dropped and wants to return it to her, but it's pretty clear that his interest extends beyond mere politeness. (She's the adorable young Bebe Daniels, so this is easy to understand.) The movie studio setting provides Harold with lots of opportunities to do what comedians do in comedies like this one: flirt with actresses, anger the studio brass, and dash through sets disrupting everything.
Harold invades the "Gilded Guzzle" café, where he appropriates a lady's roll of money, hides under a table and impersonates a cigar store Indian.
Our hero is a janitor in a old age rest home who actually runs the place.
A clueless man finds a bomb on the street and keeps throwing it to the crowd around him. The sketch then moves with the clueless nerd getting involved in all sorts of troubles until he accidentally gets into a hideout from a terrorist group that will complicate things for him more than he ever hoped.
On the Jump is a 1918 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Bebe and girlfriend go shopping for new corsets. Harold sneaks into the corset shop and a customer asks him to take her measurements - a ticklish task, as the brash young man suddenly becomes playfully bashful.
A photo studio operator seems only interested in flirting with women. Hilarity ensues.
A rich man's daughter has more suitors than she's interested in, and he's going to marry her off -- even if she doesn't know about it.
Harold Lloyd starred in the successful Lonesome Luke series. However, he soon grew tired of the obvious Charlie Chaplin imitation. In an attempt to reinvent himself, Lloyd donned a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, and thus, a new comedy legend was born. Setting himself against Chaplin, Lloyd's "glasses character" was an everyman, a resourceful go-getter who embodied the ambitious, success-seeking attitude of 1920s America.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
A clerk in a failing antiques store gets a big idea on how to move the merchandise so that he can save the store and possibly win the girl.
Snub Pollard plays a drunken man-about-town who believes Harold has robbed him. Meanwhile, Bebe has her hands full with a lounge lizard who won't take no for an answer.
In order to claim his inheritance, our hero must first produce a wife and family.
Our hero is a police officer who gets involved in a crap game, flirting with a nurse and other amusements.
In pre-historic times (dream sequence), our hero, in a loin cloth, battles other cavemen over the opposite sex.
An Englishman and his valet have adventures in the American West.
A counterfeit count is aided in his courtship of the heroine by her father who is overwhelmed by his "title."
Our vagabond hero dons a lifeguard's uniform and madcap antics ensue on the beach, and in the changing stalls!
Harold's checked cap, blown from his head by a freakish wind, gets him into trouble. First he comes into conflict with the police as a highwayman, then the cap serves to identify him as a housebreaker and lands him in jail, while the innocent cause of his trouble becomes his cellmate for another reason. Eventually a distracted wife rescues both her husband and Harold from the clutches of the law, the cap this time aiding him to regain his freedom.
Snitch steals Ginger's (stolen) baseball tickets and takes Ginger's girl to the game. Finding himself without tickets, Ginger dresses as a baseball player and wins the game. A possible debut of the "Glasses" or "Boy" character.
A Harold Lloyd short in the 'Lonesome Luke' series.
A Harold Lloyd short in the 'Lonesome Luke' series.
Lonesome Luke, Mechanic is a 1917 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
While on the job, delivering a message, Luke finds himself in a girl's seminary.
While on the job, delivering a message, Luke finds himself in a girl's seminary.
Stop! Luke! Listen! is a 1917 short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
Lonesome Luke, Plumber is a 1917 American short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon is a 1917 American short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Luke is a pickpocket, hiding out from the cops in a dive in the slum part of town. He later winds up in a boxing match which again brings the law on his tail.
Luke is a pickpocket, hiding out from the cops in a dive in the slum part of town. He later winds up in a boxing match which again brings the law on his tail.
Luke runs the coat-check concession at the White Light Cafe.
Directed by Hal Roach. With Harold Lloyd, Bebe Daniels, 'Snub' Pollard, Bud Jamison.
Lonesome Luke, Lawyer is a 1917 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
Luke and his sidekick steal a trolley car and create havoc for passengers.
Luke's Busy Day is a 1917 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Luke and his pal find existence in prison so amusing that they depart with regrets.
Audiences may think Luke with his St. Vitus movement never sleeps, but they are dead wrong. Like Bill Shakespeare Luke "blesses the man who first invented sleep." After a screamingly comical search for slumber he finally hits the hay and sleeps without moving to Brooklyn.
As a detective, Luke is after a gang of crooks who are robbing party guests of their jewels.
As a detective, Luke is after a gang of crooks who are robbing party guests of their jewels.
Luke, working in a fireworks factory.
Luke crashes a society affair, thereby livening things up.
Lonesome Luke has a movie theater and also works the box office and as an usher. He has to put up with, among other things, an incompetent projectionist who falls asleep all the time. Complications ensue.
Lonesome Luke has a movie theater and also works the box office and as an usher. He has to put up with, among other things, an incompetent projectionist who falls asleep all the time. Complications ensue.
Luke's Newsie Knockout is a 1916 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
When a doctor is forced, because of a lack of patients, to dismiss his pretty nurse, Luke comes to the rescue and uses his flivver to supply a ready supply of accident cases.
Luke, the Gladiator is a 1916 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Luke's Preparedness Preparations is a 1916 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
A fortune hunter marries a widow, believing her to be an heiress, but she isn't.
Lonesome Luke at the Tijuana Races.
Luke is a bellboy at a fancy club.
Lonesome Luke asleep in the briny deep.
The beginning of the film you find Harold Lloyd playing his "Lonesome Luke" character. Out of the blue, Lloyd decides he's going to join the navy and you really wonder if part of the film leading to it is missing. After all, the decision seemed to come from no where and why Snub Pollard would also join is unclear. And, oddly, they seem to skip all training and are stationed on a navy ship. Soon Pollard's wife comes to the boat looking for him and she's put off the boat as the movie ends very, very anticlimactically.
The beginning of the film you find Harold Lloyd playing his "Lonesome Luke" character. Out of the blue, Lloyd decides he's going to join the navy and you really wonder if part of the film leading to it is missing. After all, the decision seemed to come from no where and why Snub Pollard would also join is unclear. And, oddly, they seem to skip all training and are stationed on a navy ship. Soon Pollard's wife comes to the boat looking for him and she's put off the boat as the movie ends very, very anticlimactically.
Lonesome Luke at the San Diego Exposition.
A day at the seaside chasing a lost child.
A day at the seaside chasing a lost child.
Luke happens into a spiritualist's shop where he is smitten by her daughter. He decides to stick around and take a job there.
Luke happens into a spiritualist's shop where he is smitten by her daughter. He decides to stick around and take a job there.
Out west, Luke changes clothes with an outlaw and proceeds into town. Of course, he is mistaken for the wanted man and a chase ensues.
Out west, Luke changes clothes with an outlaw and proceeds into town. Of course, he is mistaken for the wanted man and a chase ensues.
Hi-jinx at a fire in a Chinese laundry.
Hi-jinx at a fire in a Chinese laundry.
Luke, a mechanic, stands in for a famous violinist. At first, his bad manners and rough behavior are accepted as the eccentricities of genius. Then matters get out of hand.
Luke and friends are crowded into his two-seater, out for a ride in the country. Hayhem ensues when his party of fifteen encounters some 'fashionable folk.'
Unhappy in his job as a butler (although he likes wearing a dress suit), Luke gets involved with burglars and the law.
Luke runs a beanery, in which the bad service, terrible food and filthy conditions lead to hi-jinx.
Luke is trapped and bound by a group of terrorists.
Luke is a movie actor who falls asleep and dreams that he and his fellow actors are school children again.
Luke dreams that he has a double. One 'Luke' gets in all kinds of trouble, while the other pays the consequences.
Luke opens a circus, but when local officials discover that his side-show attractions are fakes, trouble ensues.
Luke runs a bunco booking agency.
Blacksmith Luke and his boss pursue their rival who has taken away the girl. Antics in a mud puddle follow.
Blacksmith Luke and his boss pursue their rival who has taken away the girl. Antics in a mud puddle follow.
Luke's courting of Maizie Nut is interrupted by a villain.
Working as a pastry chef, Luke steals a watch from a customer, which results in a wild police chase throughout the store.
Working as a pastry chef, Luke steals a watch from a customer, which results in a wild police chase throughout the store.
Luke, stranded on a desert island, becomes chief of the natives. When he pursues the affections of a pretty white girl, he runs afoul of her sweetheart and has to swim back home.
As a baggage handler at a terminal, Luke is led on a merry chase by a billy goat.
Luke attempts to sell books to a businessman and his wife.
Luke, a street tramp, is taken to a dance contest by a pretty millionairess, but when he is ejected, he returns with a gun and wreaks havoc.
In pursuit of a pretty miss, Luke gets admitted to a hospital.
In pursuit of a pretty miss, Luke gets admitted to a hospital.
This offering tells the tale of one, Oscar Weeban, a fellow deeply in love with a certain Maisie. He has promised to take her to the Garbage Gentlemen's Rally, that annual society event of the small town in which it is their fortune to reside, and she sends him a note to this effect. He is a rank outsider, but manages to inject himself into the spirit of the affair and enters into the sport of the occasion with a vim. It is at this event that the ashes throwing contest is held every year, and garbage men from all sections, trained to the minute, flock to the party to compete. The contest is at its height and one of the experts is trying for a world's record when Oscar crosses the range. Of course, he and Maisie manage to get in the way of the winning throw and spoil the record which is about to be made.
Luke lifts a wallet from a golfer and thereby gains entry to a golf course. Mayhem ensues.
Lucas and Larkin, his running mate, after looking for a job for some time, finally land one in a photographer's shop and immediately start to take possession of the place. They rule supreme in their own inimitable way until a bespectacled college graduate arrives to have his diploma, and incidentally himself, photographed.
Luke lives the life of a millionaire until it is discovered that a mistake has been made and his inheritance belongs to someone else.
Sourball Joe gets the "can" for sassing the tenants, and Easy Otis supplants him. But the latter does not know an awful lot of the art of "janitoring" and soon gets into many and various jams with the people upstairs.
Lonesome Luke and his accessory, Moke Morpheus, are discovered in bellhop uniform, blissfully dozing on a bench in the lobby of the Bughouse Hotel. Comes a guest, and the desk clerk rings a bellhop. But, in the words of Aristotle, or Ted or someone, "you can ring and you can ring, but the house is boarded up."
Lonesome Luke, working in a shoe store, has difficulty keeping his mind on business whenever a pretty girl is on the scene.
Lonesome Luke, working in a shoe store, has difficulty keeping his mind on business whenever a pretty girl is on the scene.
Farm youth goes to college, pursues the pretty co-eds and joins a fraternity.
Luke dreams of the good times that he will have with a young girl with the expense money he his given.
Maisie Orpe is a dispenser of victuals in a second rate "beanery," and is the light of the lives of several of the town "swells". But Luke de Fluke, an all-round gay lad, and Shorty Magee, the local tough nut, seem to lead the field in Maisie's blue orbs.
A young man promises his girl that he will get Spitball Sadie, a renowned female pitcher, for her all-girl baseball team. When he is unable to get Sadie to come, he dresses up as her and takes her place on the team.
The Hungry Actors is a 1915 Comedy short.
Just Nuts is a 1915 short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd playing the character that preceded his glasses character. It is also the only surviving film featuring Lloyd as Willie Work
Just Nuts is a 1915 short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd playing the character that preceded his glasses character. It is also the only surviving film featuring Lloyd as Willie Work
Punctual Pete prepares the "Shaved in Silence" shop for the day's business. He is as handy as a man with five thumbs. Gertie, almost a soubrette, looking for a job, decides that she is willing to try anything once. Seeing a sign in the barber shop window advertising for a lady barber she beats it home and brushes up on the tonsorial art.
Tony, a little newsboy, witnesses the advent of a dainty Miss, who disturbs his otherwise carefree and happy-go-lucky existence.
Pete is a discontented hostler. Hostlers are always discontented but Pete is a little more so. In fact, he is so sick and tired of his job as the mule's chambermaid that he is fast becoming desperate. He gives Maud her morning "Massage" and is interrupted by his "steady," a queen of the avenue, and a movie fan. She "coaches" and "wheedles" him in the naturally gentle, persuasive way of her class, in this wise: "Aw, loosen up. Separate. Give yourself another frisk," etc. As Pete finds himself unable to supply his "best" with the wherewithal to attend a movie, his discouragement becomes despair.
Willie Runs the Park is a 1915 Comedy short.
The Cowardly Lion (uncredited)
The fairies of Oz gather in the forest of Burzee one evening and weave a magic cloak that gives the wearer one wish, so long as it has not been stolen.
Cowardly Lion / Tottenhot
Ojo and Unc Nunkie are out of food, so they decide to journey to the Emerald City where they will never starve. Along the way, they meet Mewel, a waif and stray (mule) who leads them to Dr. Pipt, who has been stirring the powder of life for nine years. Ojo adds plenty of brains to Margolotte's Patchwork servant before she is brought to life with the powder. When Scraps does come to life, she accidentally knocks the liquid of petrifaction upon Unc Nunkie, Margolotte, and Danx (daughter Jesseva's boyfriend). So all go on separate journeys to find the ingredients to the antidote. (Of course Jesseva has Danx shrunken to take with her, which causes trouble with Jinjur.) Of course, no one ever told Ojo that some of the ingredients were illegal to obtain...
Bearded Philistine Extra (uncredited)
Samson, an Israelite whose enormous strength is legendary, falls in love with Zorah, a Philistine, and marries her, overcoming his father Manoah's objections.
For generations, Our Gang comedies have been enjoyed by millions of fans the world over. Now, celebrate the 100th anniversary of this iconic and beloved film series .
In 1922, producer Hal Roach introduced the kiddie troupe known as “Our Gang” to theater audiences and kicked off one of the most popular and prolific franchises in the field of short subjects, with 220 one- and two-reel comedies released over a twenty-two year period.
This 6-disc set is a must-have for any true Our Gang fan.