
She Cat (1983)

Жанр : триллер, криминал, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 26М

Директор : Shingo Yamashiro
Писатель : Chiho Katsura, Makoto Naito

Краткое содержание

Dr. Cat Kagami was hoping to leave her torrid past behind, but a failed assassination attempt has now put her square in the crosshairs of a team of brutal killers. Now no one is safe, including her lesbian co-worker and a mysterious woman with a terrible secret that could bring down an entire Japanese company. Cat must take the law into her own hands and enact her own special kind of revenge!


Ai Saotome
Ai Saotome
Mineko 'Cat' Kagami
Koichi Iwaki
Koichi Iwaki
Yoshie Ohtsuka
Yoshie Ohtsuka
Eiko Kanzaki / Akiko Kanzaki
Kotomi Aoki
Kotomi Aoki
Akane Minagawa
Mariko Nishina
Mariko Nishina
Hiroshi Nawa
Hiroshi Nawa
Taro Irijika
Shôki Fukae
Shôki Fukae
Koji Mizukami
Koji Mizukami
Mamoru Irijika
Mitsuo Senda
Mitsuo Senda
Keiichi Sato
Keiichi Sato
Akira Takahashi
Akira Takahashi
Ryuji Katagiri
Ryuji Katagiri
Hiromichi Nakahara
Hiromichi Nakahara
Film Idol
Madoka Sawa
Madoka Sawa
Sachiko Itô
Sachiko Itô
Kotoe Hiratsuka


Shingo Yamashiro
Shingo Yamashiro
Chiho Katsura
Chiho Katsura
Makoto Naito
Makoto Naito
Mieko Kawasaki
Mieko Kawasaki
Comic Book
Comic Book
Yonezô Maeda
Yonezô Maeda
Director of Photography
Osamu Murakami
Osamu Murakami
Assistant Director
Haruo Kawashima
Haruo Kawashima
Lighting Director
Eiji Kimura
Eiji Kimura
Sound Recordist
Yoshie Kikukawa
Yoshie Kikukawa
Art Direction
Akira Suzuki
Akira Suzuki
Taro Morimoto
Taro Morimoto
Original Music Composer
Yutaka Okada
Yutaka Okada
Yuichi Sawai
Yuichi Sawai


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Эпик о правлении древнеримского императора Калигулы, вошедшего в историю беспримерной жестокостью, коварством и пороками.
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Ниже её губ
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Final Scandal: Madam Likes It Hard
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Мокрая женщина на ветру
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Aroused by Gymnopedies
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Be My Slave
Dan Mitsu stars as Kana, a female employee at a publishing company who strikes up a sexual relationship with a younger co-worker. He soon discovers that Kana's fetishes extend to sadomasochistic tendencies, involving a mysterious man only known as "Sensei". This discovery will push his relationship with Kana to a new, dangerous level that he may not be ready for.
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Flower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope Slave
A perverted dentist (and dental assistant) that likes to sleep with his patients, gets obsessed with one in particular who also happens to be a lesbian. He uses everthing he can think of to abuse this woman and her female lover. Ropes/Dental tools/Ice Buckets/Candles/ (the works) and sometimes he sets the mood with something from his classical music record collection.
Woman with Pierced Nipples
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Nun in Rope Hell
Takako joins a convent after her lover's wife catches them in the act. She soon discovers that the nuns and a successful writer have conspired to engage in decadent S&M orgies. Based on the novel by Oniroku Dan.
Secretary Rope Discipline
Secretary Sayo does some corporate snooping for her boyfriend, an upstart executive with a rival company. But she gets busted by the CEO. Poor Sayo is captured and taken to a private torture chamber in the corporate mansion. While the secretary gets punished, the bossman's son becomes infatuated with her beautiful white skin and he assumes the disciplinary responsibilities. Between the floggings, stretchings, and wooden-horse tortures he finds time to cover her body in an elaborate tattoo.
Beauty in Rope Hell
A mailman becomes obsessed with a pretty, young wife. He captures the woman, tortures her and keeps her in his basement dungeon where she becomes his private sex toy.
Double Rope Torture
Two sisters are captured by a bounty hunter for an S&M nightclub .