
O Klearhos, i Marina kai o kontos (1961)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 26М

Директор : Nikos Tsiforos

Краткое содержание

The Clearchos order to escape the unbearable and domineering wife Marina and found a lively geitonisa of Iro, will invoke the alleged suspicions that the Mahos groom, husband of their daughter Rhea has a mistress and will follow up the Fthiotida, where do you go to spas for a sore arm ...


Vasilis Avlonitis
Vasilis Avlonitis
Klearhos Zougalas
Georgia Vasileiadou
Georgia Vasileiadou
Marina Zougala
Nikos Rizos
Nikos Rizos
Mahos Zarkadopoulos
Popi Lazou
Popi Lazou
Elsa Rizou
Elsa Rizou
Rea Zarkadopoulou
Giorgos Tsitsopoulos
Giorgos Tsitsopoulos
Giannis Vogiatzis
Giannis Vogiatzis
Aggelos Mavropoulos
Aggelos Mavropoulos
Nelly Pappa
Nelly Pappa
Gorgo Hrelia
Gorgo Hrelia
Zeta Apostolou
Zeta Apostolou
Giannis Avlonitis
Giannis Avlonitis


Nikos Dimopoulos
Nikos Dimopoulos
Giorgos Mouzakis
Giorgos Mouzakis
Nikos Tsiforos
Nikos Tsiforos
Theatre Play
Polyvios Vasileiadis
Polyvios Vasileiadis
Theatre Play
Mary Vessi
Mary Vessi
Markos Zervas
Markos Zervas
Yiorgos Stamboulopoulos
Yiorgos Stamboulopoulos
Assistant Director
Ilias Psaradakis
Ilias Psaradakis
Makeup & Hair
Markos Zervas
Markos Zervas
Production Director
Nikos Tsiforos
Nikos Tsiforos
Nikos Tsiforos
Nikos Tsiforos
Polyvios Vasileiadis
Polyvios Vasileiadis


Обитатели дома престарелых обнаруживают, что если искупаешься в близлежащем бассейне, то начинаешь чувствовать себя совсем молодцом. Но вдруг выясняется, что на дне бассейна хранится чудодейственный кокон, поднятый из глубин океана и принадлежащий инопланетянам, когда — то навестившим Землю, а теперь вернувшимся. Старички резко возжелали омолодиться и увязались в увлекательную, но небезопасную авантюру, которая сопряжена со множеством нарушений и шума.
Отель «Мэриголд». Заселение продолжается
Отель «Мэриголд» не был бы экзотическим, если бы не поселил двух незнакомых друг с другом людей в один номер; и он не стал бы лучшим, если бы из этого не произошло ничего хорошего.
Никогда не поздно
Прошло много лет с тех пор, как Кейн, Бронсон, Ангус и Венделл сбежали из вьетнамского лагеря военнопленных. Теперь они живут в новой тюрьме - в доме престарелых Хоган-Хиллз для ветеранов. У каждого есть нереализованная мечта, которую они хотят осуществить, пока не стало слишком поздно. Парни снова объединяются, чтобы придумать план побега, но правила ведения боевых действий изменились, а сами они порой их даже не помнят.
Кокон 2: Возвращение
Продолжение истории о чудодейственном коконе, который когда-то забыли на Земле инопланетяне. Те же бравые старички, которые хотели омолодиться с помощью инопланетной силы, вновь ввязываются в увлекательную, но небезопасную авантюру- ведь чужаки в коконе опять вернулись на Землю, чтобы доставить массу беспокойства ее обитателям.
Суперполицейский Джейк Стоун получает очередное задание — схватить опасного преступника, находящегося в розыске. Для этого ему необходимо установить аппаратуру слежения в частном доме, где проживает типичная американская семья Робберсонов. Джейк приступает к своей обычной работе, но встречает на своем пути неожиданное препятствие в лице старшего Робберсона, который оказывается горячим поклонником полицейских сериалов. Всю жизнь этот великовозрастный балбес мечтал принять участие в настоящем расследовании. Он с радостью готов помочь служителям правопорядка, хотя его об этом и не просили. Теперь Джейк должен не только поймать преступника, но и обезвредить своего новоиспеченного напарника…
Oldies but Goldies
A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in life has various foibles that complicate life for his son and daughter-in-law. Moreover, he has a complicated and risky eye operation ahead. That is why Ota decides that this is the time to look up Jana, the retired actress who had influenced the course of his life many years ago. However, his reunion with Jana - who lives in a retirement home - works out differently to his expectations. Although disappointed at first, it is actually this zestful lady who sets Ota in the right direction again. Thanks to Jana, Ota finds the courage to set out on an exciting road-movie trip of the kind he would never have had the courage for in his youth. Their meeting and the excursion, full of unexpected turns and new impressions, give their lives a new dimension.
Уступи место завтрашнему дню
На семейном собрании, Куперы обнаруживают, что родители теряют права на свой дом. "Временно" мама переезжает к семье сына Джорджа, папа к дочери Коре. Но родители подобны песку в шестеренках хорошо организованных домашних хозяйствах своих детей. Могут ли старики взять дело в свои руки?
The Munsters' Revenge
The lovable Munster family finds their placid world turned into turmoil by the diabolical Dr. Diablo, the mastermind of an art heist using monster robots, including clones of Herman and Grandpa.
Призрак виллы Натхов 2
Бхутнатх, вернувшийся в мир Бхут, был встречен насмешками со стороны других призраков. Из-за его действий был подорван авторитет сообщества призраков. Чтобы избежать унижения Бхутнатх решает искупить свою вину, запугав кучу детей…
Щелкни пальцем только раз...
Посещение родственницы в доме престарелых оборачивается для почтенной пары Бересфордов неожиданными и опасными приключениями. Из приюта пропадает странная старушка, твердящая о зловещих преступлениях, и неугомонная Таппенс Бересфорд отправляется на ее поиски.
Игра Джин
This powerfully bittersweet comedy follows the relationship that develops between nursing home residents Fonsia (Mary Tyler Moore) and Weller (Dick Van Dyke) during a series of gin games in which their ailments, misfortunes and losses are exposed in funny, honest and increasingly heated moments.
Age-Old Friends
John Cooper is in a retirement home. There are strict rules for the residents, but he refuses to fall into passivity. He flirts constantly with Nurse Wilson and spends time with his best buddy Michael Aylott, who's slowly drifting into senility.
How The Young Ones Changed Comedy
This documentary explores the legacy of one of the most notorious British sitcoms of all time. Launching alternative comedy onto our screens, the show made household names of its performers and writers and proved to be a huge influence, despite the BBC reportedly being baffled by what they'd commissioned back in 1982. Never before had a flagship comedy show contained so much violence, depravity and anarchy - it was a shot across the bow to mainstream comedians that things would never be the same again.
Wet Bum
An awkward teenage outcast finds unlikely companions in two aged residents of the retirement home in which she works.
The Cousins
Экспериментальный ситком, снятый в стиле немого кино начала ХХ века. Пародия на военно-патриотические фильмы. Сюжет фильма - Битва русской армии с Наполеоном в 1812 году.
Last Man Club
A WW2 veteran destined for life in a retirement home escapes his difficult family situation and embarks on a cross country adventure to find the last remaining members of his B-17 bomber crew with the help of a beautiful accomplice.
Judi Dench: All the World's Her Stage
This documentary celebrates one of Britain’s greatest actors, Dame Judi Dench, and looks back over her remarkable 60-year career.
Tango Argentino
A boy who is helping lonely, elderly people revives their urge to live and receives in return their love and understanding, which have been denied to him by his parents.
A negative free and playful sitcom is hijacked by an entity daunting a pig mask, as it tears apart the mindless glee hiding the real horrors.


Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα
A major hit in the Greek cinemas at the time, this comedy by Omiros Efstratiadis is about a bunch of teenagers who make things difficult for their teachers.
Darling, Let's Get Loved
Stathis, a naughty young man whose father owns a coffee shop at the island’s central square, picks up attractive tourists. His neighbor Rena, who is in love with him, stands in the middle of his love affairs and does her best to win him. Moreover, his sister Kaiti, a cute and tender girl, falls in love with an young guy who met while traveling, and who stays on the island for her sake. After many humorous events, both couples find happiness.
Makrykostas and Kontogiorgis
Stelios Kondogiorgis (Dinos Iliopoulos) and Thomas Makrykostas (Costas Hajihristos) are two quiet men that come from the same Peloponnese village yet do not know each other. Their families however are involved in a bloody feud that started 80 years ago. Stelios and Thomas are the last male members from each family. After the last murders in the village where a member of each family died, Stelios' uncle (Pantelis Zervos) urges him to find and kill Thomas for revenge lest he finds him and kills him first. At the same time Thomas is visited by his aunt (Joly Garbi) who asks of him the same and provides him with weapons. Despite everything, neither Stelios nor Thomas are interested in murdering one another and they are both terrified from the idea that a stranger is looking for them in order to kill them. So, they decide to leave their respective jobs and hide at some remote hotel. Luck brings them together without them knowing of each other's identity as they share a room.
Kamikazi, agapi mou
Stathis loves bikes, Rena wants to dance all the time and Aleksis goes crazy for rock music. They are three crazy siblings. One of them, Stathis, doesn't seem capable to keep a job and when he loses his girlfriend, his mother decides to give him what he loves the most, a motorcycle!
Фальшивая монета
Из рук в руки переходит фальшивая лира, которую на беду себе изготовил афинский гравер Анаргир. Нет, не принесло ему богатство ремесло фальшивомонетчика. Сколько волнений, сколько страха натерпелся Анаргир, пока сумел сбыть монету слепому. Так начала свой путь фальшивая лира. Где только не побывала она: в дырявом кармане нищего, в худенькой руке девочки-сироты, в рождественском пироге скупца-богача и в копилке молодого талантливого художника...
The Cruise of Love
Jealousy is a reasonable indication of love and expressions of interest for the other half. But when it exceeds the reasonable limits, is suffering for both. Typical is the case of a jealous wife who during a cruise in the Mediterranean, will upset everyone with her antics.
If Luck Favors You
A poor but very decent teacher, Telis, who has resigned from his job, finds a winning lottery ticket in the street. Suddenly, his life changes radically. But he then discovers that someone has put it in front of him deliberately.
Descended from Heaven
The late Pericles gets permission from God to return to earth and help his family, who has gone astray after his death. Invisible to all but present everywhere, he is able to eavesdrop on what's going on: his youngest daughter lives it up with some Teddy boys, his eldest do not intend to marry her fiancé, his son has become a crook, and his wife a gambler.
Η Κυρία Του Κυρίου
Οικογένεια Χωραφά
The consistency of a family with 13 children tested when a childless couple asks Americans to adopt the 14th located in his mother's belly.
Ο Εξυπνάκιας
Ζητείται τίμιος
Stournara 288
Through the narration of a tenant of a block of flats on 288 Stournara street, we watch the everyday stories of people living in the city, their problems, their comic situations and their love affairs.
Ξύπνα Βασίλη
Vasilis is a poor conservative man who works in a company and tends to buy the lottery very often - but with no luck. His life will turn upside down when his younger sister turns out to be an anarchist and gets involved with a leftist rebellious man he already knows and hates. Eventually, in an ironic twist of faith, the two of them will earn millions and gain the exact lifestyle they used to fight against and Vasilis will lose his mind.
Μάντεψε τι κάνω τα βράδια
Kosmas (Stathis Psaltis) grew up in the gypsy camp and the only thing he does well is to beg. This opens a Beggars school where he teaches. With several other scams succeeds and becomes wealthy. All this until a couple rogue and reverse the situation.
Πάρε Κόσμε
Thanasis tries to reunite with his wife.He is having for obstacle her mother, which did not want him because he helps anyone in need with any way he can.
The Tough Guy With the Tricycle
Tonia, the director of an advertising company will visit along with the employee, Kostas tavern. There will fall on the cross, the dude in the region and will be surprised by their rude ways. Then Tonia would wager that can transform him into a man of high society in a few days.
The Woman Driver
Mary and Nikos are a happily married couple whose life turns upside down when Mary’s friend, Lilly, borrows their new car. When Lilly crashes the car, she asks Mary to cover for her so that her husband doesn’t find about her new affair. The case of the car crash is brought to court, and Mary is accused. Things get so complicated that not even Lilly’s confession can solve the misunderstanding.
Twenty Women and I
A bunch of women dominates Kostas Filipou's life. His mother Smaro and his three sisters: married Rika - who wants to take a divorce -, religious Fanouria and Tzela the student. The last two have to get married. There are also the women who work at the women's lingerie business that he runs, many of whom see him as a potential husband, as well as Betty, a colleague deeply in love with him, whose mother pressures her to get married. When Kostas secretly marries Betty, who rents with her mother an apartment above theirs, Smaro decides to find both of them a mate. She suggests to Betty the neighborhood's electrician- but Kostas finds a way to break the match- and to Kostas a young woman from Veroia- but Betty manages to break the match. The revelation of the couple's marriage relieves everyone and the fact that Betty is pregnant brings the desired peace and serenity.
Father-in-Law With a Heart of Gold
A few hours after the arrival of Aristeidis (Dinos Iliopoulos), Mary's (Kakia Analyti) soon to be fiance, her father Andreas (Vasilis Diamantopoulos), an upstanding citizen, lies about having a meeting with the Bishop and instead goes to meet his neighbor Betty (Anna Kyriakou). Aristeidis, on his way to Mary's house as a series of misfortunes and ends up in a fight with Andreas (whom he does not know) while he is with Betty at a studio apartment.