
Pulce non c'è (2012)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Giuseppe Bonito
Писатель : Monica Zapelli, Gaia Rayneri

Краткое содержание


Pippo Delbono
Pippo Delbono
Marina Massironi
Marina Massironi
Piera Degli Esposti
Piera Degli Esposti
Francesca Di Benedetto
Francesca Di Benedetto
Giorgio Colangeli
Giorgio Colangeli
Dottor Martello
Anna Ferruzzo
Anna Ferruzzo
Rosanna Gentili
Rosanna Gentili
Maestra Penelope
Alberto Gimignani
Alberto Gimignani
Dottor Castelli
Tiziana Catalano
Tiziana Catalano
Professoressa Garfagnino
Francesco Rossini
Francesco Rossini
Dottor Contengo
Tatiana Lepore
Tatiana Lepore
Gelsomina Benfatto


Giuseppe Bonito
Giuseppe Bonito
Gaia Rayneri
Gaia Rayneri
Monica Zapelli
Monica Zapelli
Monica Zapelli
Monica Zapelli
Gaia Rayneri
Gaia Rayneri
Marco Donati
Marco Donati
Massimo Bettarelli
Massimo Bettarelli
Director of Photography
Roberto Missiroli
Roberto Missiroli


Школа «Диаз»
Ретроспектива событий 21 июля 2001 года на саммите большой восьмёрки в Генуе, когда группа мирно протестующих активистов была жестоко избита и арестована полицией с применением самых жутких издевательств и пыток. Правозащитная организация Международная Амнистия позднее назовёт эти события самым грубым нарушением прав человека в Западной Европе со времен Второй мировой войны.
Любовь и другие лекарства
Девушка широких взглядов Мэгги встречает мужчину своей мечты в лице обаятельного продавца Виагры, Джеми. Они начинают легкую интрижку, но оказывается, что надвигающаяся трагедия переворачивает их жизни. Но между Мэгги и Джеми существует особая «химия», они находятся под влиянием абсолютного наркотика… по имени любовь.
Le frise ignoranti
One Day in a Life
Salvatore is a handsome man edging into middle age who spends his days savoring the beauty of the Italian seaside. One morning, Salvatore is taking in the sunrise over the dunes when he meets a beautiful woman, leading to a romantic interlude between them. It would seem to be an encouraging way to start the day, but Salvatore and his new lover soon happen upon a group of beachcombers who engage them in a conversation about love, philosophy and the future. What began as a beautiful day takes a subtle, unexpected turn and Salvatore begins contemplating the uncertain path of his life and wondering where he could go from here.
Trilussa - Storia d'amore e di poesia
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Одноклассники по-итальянски
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Mirafiori Lunapark
Доброго вечера, миссис Кэмпбелл
Спустя 20 лет после своего первого визита в Италию во время войны, трое американских служащих снова приезжают в итальянскую деревушку. У них много воспоминаний, связанных с этим местом, особенно с девушкой Карлой. Выясняется, что она каждому из них сказала, что он является отцом ее дочери Джиа, и таким образом получала деньги на ребенка от всех троих. Теперь все трое решают позаботиться о будущем Джиа.
Scattered Cloud
Young laborer Diego lives in the Roman suburbs and is about to marry Cinzia, his lifelong fiancée. His uncertain feelings are put to the test on the eve of the wedding, when, engaged in the renovation of a house in Trastevere, he comes across Viola, his boss's granddaughter, and becomes fascinated by her lifestyle, light-years away from his.
The Best Day of My Life
The lively goings-on of a modern family seen trough the eyes of a young girl just about to receive her first Communion.
Tom and Jerry two Italian two bit actors go to America because they hope to take part in a film starring Sylvester Stallone. However when they go to his villa in Beverly Hills, Stallone gets murdered and the two are suspected of the murder. Hunted by the CIA and the FBI they flee across the USA disguised as women and end up working in a restaurant as showgirls. Here Tom meets a Mafia boss who falls in love with him and goes to Mexico with him to escape the police hunt. Some years later the two friends meet again: Tom has married the boss's ex girlfriend even if he still dresses as a woman.
7 km da Gerusalemme
A movie about communication between God and humankind.
Se devo essere sincera
Adelaide is a 40-year-old literature teacher married with children. One day, she learns about the murder of a wealthy and arrogant co-worker of hers, strangled in her own home. Adelaide meets Gaetano, the charming inspector dealing with the case and decides to help him in the investigation, much to her husband's chagrin.
Follow Your Heart
The complicated travails of several generations of Italian women provide the basis for this drama that is based on a novel by Susanna Tamaro. It begins with the peaceful death of Olga, the elderly family matriarch. Marta, her granddaughter returns from the US to attend the funeral and once in Olga's villa in Trieste, begins reading her grandmother's diary. Olga's story unfolds via flashback. As a young woman, Oldga had to marry Antonio a man she didn't love. Later she became passionately involved with a handsome doctor at the local spa. He impregnates her and shortly thereafter dies in a terrible car wreck. The result of their love is Illaria, who grows up to be terribly neurotic. She bears Marta and then she too dies in an automobile accident, leaving Marta to be raised by Olga.
Simpatici & antipatici
The Invisible Wall
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
Amarsi un po'...
In an accident the young mechanic Marco Coccia meets Cristiana. The two fall in love with one another. Cristiana confesses only later that she is a genuine princess. For Marco it is not a problem, but for Cristiana's parents it is a very big problem. The two must separate. When one evening Cristiana calls Marco and lets him know about her forthcoming wedding, Marco with the car races toward Paris and has an accident...
Джузеппе Москати: Исцеляющая любовь
История святого Джузеппе Москати — неаполитанского врача и величайшего гуманиста. Москати всю свою жизнь декларировал, что главная сила — любовь. Он постоянно доказывал это, сочетая блестящие врачебные способности с любовью к ближнему. Москати утверждал, что даже простое сочувствие исцелит больного скорее, чем равнодушное исполнение врачом своих обязанностей, и убеждал в этом своих учеников.
Woman of My Life
Longtime Italian cinema star Stefania Sandrelli (The First Beautiful Thing) is Alba, the mother of two very different adult sons. While Giorgio is a playboy who constantly cheats on his wife, Leonardo (Luca Argentero, Eat Pray Love) is always unlucky in love. When Leonardo finally meets the woman of his dreams, Sara, he brings her home to meet the family, but it appears this is not the first time that Sara has met Giorgio. Directed by Luca Lucini and stars Luca Argentero, Alessandro Gassman and Stefania Sandrelli.
Анна Франк. Параллельные истории
Какой была бы судьба Анны Франк, если бы она выжила в лагере Берген-Бельзен? Могли ли сбыться ее надежды и мечты, о которых она писала в своем дневнике? Каким был бы ее послевоенный рассказ о зле, маршах смерти и концлагерях? И что до сих пор заставляет миллионы подростков видеть в этой девочке себя, понимать ее страхи и страдания и сочувствовать ей?