Конец цивилизации настал. Вода и земля отравлены, выжить практически невозможно. Вдоль реки путешествует мальчик, в руках которого таинственный отцовский дневник. Ему надо найти того, кто разгадает тайну записей и поможет ему остаться в живых, ведь он еще не догадывается, насколько теперь опасен этот мир.
Professore Master
Raffaele an off-campus university student, with a strong love for science and for his fiancée Alice. Raffaele is a hard worker, in order to pay the university he does two jobs: he is a bellhop at a flower shop and a clerk in a clothing store, all without the two employers being aware of the other respective job.
An ancient dying land is brought back to life by the primal force of a young mute girl, who witnesses the fatal clash between two fathers.
A Tramway in Jerusalem is a situation comedy that juxtaposes stories and human situations in the context of the current Israeli Palestinian society in 2018. In Jerusalem the tramway connects several neighbourhoods, from East to West, recording their variety and differences.
Vincent was born near Paris, but has cut off every link with his roots. Maria, fifteen years younger, grew up in Ostia, but no longer sees her family. Together they form a couple that does not seem to need anyone. They lead a secluded life in contemporary Rome, indolent and distracted. Furthermore, Vincent and Maria are good at blending in with their environment. When they return home, they make love with the passion of young lovers in a suburban apartment that she has carefully furnished. Yet, on closer inspection, their everyday life betrays what lies behind their seemingly normal appearance: a project carried out by him with a clear determination and accepted by her only by virtue of unconditional love. A plan to help couples who cannot have children. Maria decides that it is time to create a real family. This choice has an inevitable consequence: the rebellion against Vincent, the man of her life.
Pietro, Ivan and their friend Fabio, aka "Cosmic," live in the once-prosperous Po Valley. Post-crisis, this is a vast and alienating landscape of abandoned factories and petty crimes committed by the infamous Candelabra gang. The 19-year olds resist the authority of their parents and their teachers, and resign themselves to a listless fate of foreclosed opportunities. When news breaks of a large asteroid being monitored by the local astronomical station, the boys become convinced that it will collide with earth and destroy mankind.
Ispettore Marino
Three undercover cops in Naples must face their own demons as well as criminals.
Giulia’s is a poised world, made of rigour and sacred texts, which fiercely excludes those who do not belong to it. Libero's world is the world of all the others, of those who make mistakes, who fend for themselves looking for another chance and who love unconditionally. When Giulia meets Libero, she realizes she can have another destiny, one she will have to choose and build.
Pippo is a stage director who visits a refugee center to see how the refugees spend their days, in a sort of limbo made up of painful memories and fears for the future. Little by little, the refugees open their hearts to the director and tell him their stories, some of which will be in this film, others staying secret. In the end, the idea of staging the Gospel takes shape, as incarnated in these individuals, who inevitably find themselves key players in a new age.
Pippo is a stage director who visits a refugee center to see how the refugees spend their days, in a sort of limbo made up of painful memories and fears for the future. Little by little, the refugees open their hearts to the director and tell him their stories, some of which will be in this film, others staying secret. In the end, the idea of staging the Gospel takes shape, as incarnated in these individuals, who inevitably find themselves key players in a new age.
Il boss
Bobo and Michael Lonsdale are alone in the Château de Versailles. Together, they are walking around this ghostly place of power. The director Pippo Delbono offers a singular journey in this exceptional palace.
In October 1995 three French sisters gather in Atlit, Israel to sell the family home. Tensions arise between elders Darel and Cali when Darel proves unwilling to sell. That's when the sisters start seeing apparitions of their dead parents.
Ottorino Barassi
В начале 20-го века несколько энтузиастов из разных европейских стран решили совместно реализовать амбициозную мечту — создать футбольную организацию, которая объединила бы весь мир! Они назвали ее Международная федерация по футболу или коротко — FIFA… В основе фильма лежит интригующая и несколько скандальная история, основанная на реальных событиях, о возникновении Кубка мира по футболу и трех одержимых людях, способствовавших его проведению. Жюль Риме, Авеланж Жоао и ныне действующий президент FIFA Йозеф «Зепп» Блаттер — три столь разных человека жили в разное время в разных странах. Они наживали врагов, шли на компромиссы, становились жертвами предательства — но они сделали все, чтобы Чемпионат мира по футболу стал реальностью. Эта более чем вековая история прославляет игру, которая, несмотря ни на что, стала не только Всемирным Спортом, но и олицетворением Надежды, Силы духа и Единства.
Davide is different from the other teenagers. Something makes him look like a girl. Davide is fourteen when he runs away from home. His intuition leads him to choose Villa Bellini, a park in Catania, as a refuge. The park is a world in itself, a world of the marginalized, to which the rest of the city turns a blind eye. But one day the past catches up and Davide has to face the most difficult choice, this time alone.
Henri Salvatore
The meeting of two lonely, marginal souls. There is Henri, a man in his 50s, limp, resigned, somewhat alcoholic. And Rosette, a (slightly) retarded woman who dreams of love, sexuality, normality
The Priest
Семья Луизы владеет замком в Италии. У них есть слуги и подлинник Брейгеля, но совершенно нет денег на содержание этого богатства, поэтому и с картиной, и с самим замком вскоре придется расстаться. Кроме того, брат Луизы тяжело болен, а она сама одержима идеей завести ребенка. Роман с юным актером Натаном добавляет неразберихи в беспорядочную жизнь Луизы. Сам же Натан, как и Луиза много лет назад, сомневается, что его успешная актерская деятельность — это его призвание. Они похожи на двух тонущих людей, которые цепляются друг за друга, чтобы спасти свою жизнь.
Avvocato Argento
Частный детектив, нанятый известной актрисой следить за ее непутёвым сыном, неожиданно оказывается в центре запутанной криминальной истории, в которой замешаны высшие эшелоны власти.
During the course of a series of voyages, the pocket cameras of Pippo Delbono capture unique moments, ordinary and extraordinary meetings. From a hotel room in Paris to another in Budapest, from Istanbul to Bucharest, the journeys weave a fabric of the contemporary world. Its testimonials – some famous, others anonymous – say or dance their vision of the universe.
During the course of a series of voyages, the pocket cameras of Pippo Delbono capture unique moments, ordinary and extraordinary meetings. From a hotel room in Paris to another in Budapest, from Istanbul to Bucharest, the journeys weave a fabric of the contemporary world. Its testimonials – some famous, others anonymous – say or dance their vision of the universe.
Director of Photography
During the course of a series of voyages, the pocket cameras of Pippo Delbono capture unique moments, ordinary and extraordinary meetings. From a hotel room in Paris to another in Budapest, from Istanbul to Bucharest, the journeys weave a fabric of the contemporary world. Its testimonials – some famous, others anonymous – say or dance their vision of the universe.
During the course of a series of voyages, the pocket cameras of Pippo Delbono capture unique moments, ordinary and extraordinary meetings. From a hotel room in Paris to another in Budapest, from Istanbul to Bucharest, the journeys weave a fabric of the contemporary world. Its testimonials – some famous, others anonymous – say or dance their vision of the universe.
During the course of a series of voyages, the pocket cameras of Pippo Delbono capture unique moments, ordinary and extraordinary meetings. From a hotel room in Paris to another in Budapest, from Istanbul to Bucharest, the journeys weave a fabric of the contemporary world. Its testimonials – some famous, others anonymous – say or dance their vision of the universe.
End of 2011. Pippo Delbono and Giovanni Senzani, the former leader of the Red Brigades recently released from prison, decide to get back together on their relationship with violence, with dreams of revolution, with the world today, and Italy in ruins. For a book, or a movie ... But the reality is that almost making mock of their projects, the death surprises them. Pippo rushed to the bedside of his sick mother, a fervent Catholic and a former elementary school teacher who hated the Communists ... While Anna, after waiting 23 years, her husband Giovanni came out of prison, gets sick in turn. Despite their efforts, the two women die three days apart. Pippo and Giovanni suddenly find themselves orphans, vulnerable, exposed. Meanwhile, L'Aquila, the city disfigured by the earthquake and emptied of its inhabitants, the city of promises and political campaigns, today also lonely and orphaned, abandoned, waiting for someone to finally bring her back to life.
End of 2011. Pippo Delbono and Giovanni Senzani, the former leader of the Red Brigades recently released from prison, decide to get back together on their relationship with violence, with dreams of revolution, with the world today, and Italy in ruins. For a book, or a movie ... But the reality is that almost making mock of their projects, the death surprises them. Pippo rushed to the bedside of his sick mother, a fervent Catholic and a former elementary school teacher who hated the Communists ... While Anna, after waiting 23 years, her husband Giovanni came out of prison, gets sick in turn. Despite their efforts, the two women die three days apart. Pippo and Giovanni suddenly find themselves orphans, vulnerable, exposed. Meanwhile, L'Aquila, the city disfigured by the earthquake and emptied of its inhabitants, the city of promises and political campaigns, today also lonely and orphaned, abandoned, waiting for someone to finally bring her back to life.
Четырнадцатилетний интроверт Лоренцо сторонится сверстников, не находит общего языка с родителями. Когда весь класс отправляется на экскурсию в горы, парень сбегает и запирается в подвале собственного дома, чтобы побыть в одиночестве. Неожиданно для Лоренцо в доме появляется очень необычная девушка, которая загадочным образом оказывается связанной с мальчиком и его семьей.
Samuel van Gouda
Зимой 1590 года в Кольмаре голландский типограф и гравёр Хендрик Гольциус обращается к маркизу Эльзасскому с просьбой о выделении средств на создание типографии, которая будет издавать иллюстрированные книги Чтобы ещё сильнее прельстить Маркиза, Гольциус и его типографские работники готовятся поставить перед свитой Маркиза серию спектаклей по этим эротическим рассказам. Маркиз, человек, известный широтой взглядов, гордящийся своей религиозной и культурной терпимостью, владелец большой библиотеки, с просвещённым интересом к книгам и новым технологиям печати, поддаётся искушению Гольциуса. В присутствии свидетелей Маркиз заявляет, что возместит производственные затраты Гольциуса и компании, при условии, что те будут держать его в состоянии распалённом и взволнованном. Гольциус и его Пеликанья компания печатных мастеров с их жёнами и любовницами из театрального мира приступают к работе…
Artemisio Barbisio
The feat of marathon runner Dorando Pietri, who participated in the London Olympic Games in 1908.
Tancredi Recchi
Патриарх респектабельного семейства Рекки, Эдуардо-старший, предчувствуя скорую кончину, на торжестве в честь собственного дня рождения объявляет родственникам, что собирается передать бразды правления семейным бизнесом своему сыну Танкреди и внуку, Эдуардо-младшему. Но у последнего совсем другие планы: вместе со своим другом Антонио он хочет открыть ресторан, но для этого ему нужны деньги. Пока Эду набирается смелости, чтобы попросить поддержки у отца, его мать Эмма без памяти влюбляется в Антонио и заводит с ним роман Удивительно красивый, эмоциональный и сильный фильм о том, что правила и законы богатой буржуазной жизни не могут устоять перед настоящими чувствами, которые заставляют человека посмотреть на мир совсем по-другому.
Explores the strange routine of three of the Baczynski siblings: from 5pm to 8pm every day, for over thirty years Dorota, Tadeusz and Mordechaj have sat on a blue velvet sofa to wait for death to arrive. This ritual gives them the illusory belief that nothing fatal will happen to them for the rest of the day. But their other brother Leopold, who has always been excluded from this ritual, spies on them to check when the sofa will become free…
Explores the strange routine of three of the Baczynski siblings: from 5pm to 8pm every day, for over thirty years Dorota, Tadeusz and Mordechaj have sat on a blue velvet sofa to wait for death to arrive. This ritual gives them the illusory belief that nothing fatal will happen to them for the rest of the day. But their other brother Leopold, who has always been excluded from this ritual, spies on them to check when the sofa will become free…
A documentary behind the scenes of Luca Guadagnino's ???? ???????? ????????????????.
Shot entirely on a mobile phone, La paura is composed of moments caught 'on the fly' by the great Italian actor -better known for his work in theatre -Pippo Delbono. Over the course of these sequences, with the graininess so characteristic of those miniature cameras, an incisive poetry develops.
The film is the autobiographical history of the theatre director Pippo Delbono, who recounts the most meaningful moments of his life, up to the present day, along with the characters he has met during his career. It is a poetic statement, a portrait of his own artistic journey from theatre to reality and back. The actors play themselves, a typical element of Delbono's work.
The film is the autobiographical history of the theatre director Pippo Delbono, who recounts the most meaningful moments of his life, up to the present day, along with the characters he has met during his career. It is a poetic statement, a portrait of his own artistic journey from theatre to reality and back. The actors play themselves, a typical element of Delbono's work.
GUERRA is a non-linear story and doesn’t have real or proper characters. On the bare space of a stage or in the crowded streets of the Old City of Jerusalem everyone fights – through physical actions, the gestures of the actors and people, through words and music – an ‘inner war that is also the war of the world’. From the travel diaries, the emotions and the glances, the film brings together stories that cross over borders, stories ‘atrocious and happy, simple and full of poetry’, underlying the importance of the theatre and art.
Investigatore Giovanni Andreasi