Suddenly It's Spring (1947)
Macdonald Carey's got a line...and a million bucks to bait it with!
Жанр : комедия, мелодрама
Время выполнения : 1Ч 27М
Директор : Mitchell Leisen
Писатель : P.J. Wolfson, Claude Binyon
Краткое содержание
A WAC officer returns from the war to find her husband wants a divorce.
A college economics professor's "radical" ideas about capitalism get him fired. When he decides to put those ideas into practice, he finds that they actually do generate him huge amounts of money. Soon a local banker and others who scoffed at his ideas see the amount of money he's making and try to cheat him out of his system.
On an ocean voyage, a card shark and her father cheat a naive man out of his money. Things take a twist when the girl falls in love with the man she's just fleeced.
Insulted when his screenwriter wife writes a leading role for a younger man, aging Broadway idol Fitz Wynn disguises himself as a handsome young Italian.
An unsophisticated country girl accidentally joins the army.
A psychiatrist's patient, a nutty heiress, travels west to find gold in her grandfather's abandoned mine. The psychiatrist, unable to talk her out of it, decides to follow her out there.
An heiress and a dog-catcher go searching for a priceless stamp.
In this screwball comedy a WW2 US pilot bombs a Japanese aircraft carrier, is assumed to be dead, and then is misquoted in the press as fondly remembering his days back home walking his dog Piggy. Instead of his dog Piggy he is thought to be in love with Peggy, a girl he worked with. The usual farce ensues after he returns home alive and tries to play along with the mistake to save embarrassment for all.
Kitty Reily (Patsy Kelly) and Lena Marchetti (Lyda Roberti) meet each other at an amateur Radio Show. Kitty quickly learns to greatly dislike incompetent Lena. They keep running into each other until Kitty resigns to being friends with Lena when they become hospital nurses and share a dorm room.
When the co-owner of a secretarial school visits a magazine editor to find out why he runs through secretaries, she's mistaken for an applicant. Drawn to him, she accepts the position.
It’s summer vacation! School’s out and you have all the time in the world to hang with your best bud and...ponder the meaning of nothingness? In What is Nothing? we join two youngsters who, as all rascals do, sit around and contemplate the void.
Elmer Whippet inherits the Whippet Pickles company and sets out to meet the two stars, Mary Reynolds and John Stowe, of the radio program sponsored by his company, as he thinks their on-air quarreling is real. Two former associates, Jules Kinsey and J.M. Snow cross him up by substituting Susan Blair, an office secretary, for Mary and Elmer thinks the show's writer Paul Stevens is John.
Race horse owner pays so much attention to business he winds up divorced from his wife. His alimony payments are so steep he plots with his lawyer to get her married off.
Screwball black comedy about a wacky family that forgets where they've buried a corpse.
Christy Sloane is sent on a business trip to inform radio personality Peter Lockwood that his uncle has died and left him $2 million. Christy, who's in financial straits, decides to try to snag Peter. Zany hijinks ensue and romantic sparks fly.
Главная героиня — взбалмошная дочь генерала, занимающего высокий пост. Она скорее из чувства противоречия, а не по любви, готова выйти замуж за, невесть откуда взявшегося, политического агитатора, который митингует среди студентов, призывая их к беспорядкам в борьбе за лучшую жизнь, против существующих властей. Отец, чтобы уберечь дочь от несуразного поступка, хитростью заманивает ее в самолет и отправляет вместе с матерью в Мексику, но бунтарка и там пускается в бега.
По дороге она знакомится с солдатом, который находится в самоволке и тоже бунтует, вот только сам не знает против чего. В итоге они объединяют свои усилия, чтобы добраться в Америку и начинаются их сумасбродные приключения, приправленные обоюдной неприязнью, которая постепенно перерастает в любовь, но они отчаянно не собираются в этом признаваться не только друг-другу, но и себе…
История об отношениях внутри двух молодых пар и их 10 правилах, помогающих сохранять гармонию и взаимопонимание в любой ситуации.
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
Большая часть фильма показывает Австрию времен Второй мировой войны, рассказывая историю о том, как доктор Паркер, известный хирург, встретил свою будущую жену, но одна ошибка изменит очень многое...
A delightful pre-code cocktail recipe. Take three couples (add gin and tonic), their several divorces and the seven children/stepchildren of their intermarriages and blend thoroughly, and you have a mixture a too-young-to-believe Frederic March will try to straighten out.
Профессор археологии находит останки француженки, которым около двух миллионов лет, и называет ее Лаурой. Скоро он знакомится с американкой, которая работает менеджером по рекламе, но выдает себя за руководителя благотворительной организации, чтобы использовать открытие профессора для своей рекламной кампании парфюмерии…