Fred MacMurray

Fred MacMurray

Рождение : 1908-08-30, Kankakee, Illinois, USA

Смерть : 1991-11-05


Born to Maleta Martin and Frederick MacMurray (concert violinist). Fred sang and played in orchestras to earn tuition. He was educated at Carroll College, Wis. Fred played with a Chicago orchestra for more than a year. Then he joined an orchestra in Hollywood where he played, did some recording and played extra roles. He then joined a comedy stage band, California Collegians, and went to New York. There he joined "Three's A Crowd" revue on Broadway and on the road. After this show closed, he returned to California and worked in vaudeville. He played the vaudeville circuits and night clubs until cast for major role in "Roberta". Signed by Paramount in 1935. MacMurray was raised in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin from the age of 5, eventually graduating from Beaver Dam High School (currently the site of Beaver Dam Middle School), where he was a 3-sport star in football, baseball, and basketball. Fred retained a special place in his heart for his small-town Wisconsin upbringing, referring at any opportunity in magazine articles or interviews to the lifelong friends and cherished memories of Beaver Dam, even including mementos of his childhood in several of his films. In "Pardon my Past" (1945), Fred and fellow GI William Demarest are moving to Beaver Dam, WI to start a mink farm.


Fred MacMurray
Fred MacMurray
Fred MacMurray


This Is Bob Hope...
Self (archive footage)
During his career, Bob Hope was the only performer to achieve top-rated success in every form of mass entertainment. American Masters explores the entertainer’s life through his personal archives and clips from his classic films.
Shadows of Suspense
Self (archive footage)
A documentary featuring film historians, directors and authors discussing the making of Billy Wilder's "Double Indemnity."
Fred MacMurray: The Guy Next Door
Amiable and unassuming, Fred MacMurray went from small-town boy to one of Hollywood and television's most enduring stars.
Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and Desire
Self (archive footage)
Actress Sally Field looks at the dramatic life and successful career of the superb actress Barbara Stanwyck (1907-90), a Hollywood legend.
Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years with NBC
Self (archive footage)
Stars celebrate Bob Hope's 50 years with NBC.
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
Мертвые пледов не носят
(in "Double Indemnity") (archive footage)
Пародия на криминальные фильмы 40-х годов. В картине использованы кадры из старых фильмов с известнейшими актерами тех лет. Джулия Форрест убеждена, что гибель ее отца в автокатастрофе не была несчастным случаем. Чтобы доказать, что это убийство, женщина нанимает частного детектива Ригби Рирдона. В ходе расследования Рирдон выходит на след неонацистской организации, захватившей отца Джулии в плен…
Maj. Clarance Tuttle
В штаб Военно-воздушных сил восточного побережья США поступает сигнал тревоги с одной из баз, расположенных в Техасе, недалеко от городка Моррисвиль. Для выяснения ситуации на базу отправлен отряд во главе с генералом Слэйтером. Прибывшие военные находят всех служащих мертвыми, в живых остался только один человек — энтомолог Брэдфорд Крэйн. Он сообщает военным, что весь персонал был убит африканскими пчёлами-убийцами, рой которых напал на базу. Генерал Слэйтер не поверил Крэйну и связался со штабом, откуда на самом высоком уровне, к своему огромному удивлению и недовольству, получил приказ оказывать Крэйну всяческое содействие. Тем временем в окрестностях Моррисвиля от укусов пчёл начали погибать люди. Всем становится ясно, что город лежит на пути у смертоносного роя, который со скоростью курьерского поезда движется в направлении Хьюстона, убивая всё живое на своем пути.
Over fifty of the greatest living comedians are called to a party at Bob Hope's house, where each of them is systematically killed (and their bodies thrown in Hope's pool!). Hope and the rapidly shrinking cast try to discover who is the mysterious killer known only as "Joys."
Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Harry Ballinger
A retired businessman notices that there has been a rash of ships and planes disappearing off the Florida coast, and he starts to investigate.
The Chadwick Family
Ned Chadwick
A father finds himself taking care of a family that, in addition to his son and three daughters, also consists of two sons-in-law and his youngest daughter's Chinese boyfriend.
Charley and the Angel
Charley Appleby
Charley is a workaholic family man that finds out from an angel that his "number's up" and he will be dying soon so he tries to change his ways and be a better husband and father with the time he has left.
The Movie Orgy
Self (archival footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Самый счастливый миллионер
Anthony J. Drexel Biddle
Счастливый и невероятно удачливый молодой ирландский иммигрант, Джон Лоулесс, устраивается работать дворецким к эксцентричному миллионеру Биддлю. Его дочь, Корделия Дрексель Бидль устала от странных выходок своего отца; особенно с тех пор, как все симпатичные молодые люди в городе боятся его. А вы бы не боялись такого тестя, который вместо собачек держит аллигаторов и на молебнах учит боксу? Корделия решает сбежать от этого безумия в учебное заведение и быстро находит мужчину её мечты. К несчастью, его семья так же не одобряет поведение её отца Бидля. Диснейский мюзикл с акцентами на отличные песни, актерский дебют Томми Стила. Один из последних live - action фильмов, постановкой которых руководил лично Уолт Дисней.
Follow Me, Boys!
Lemuel Siddons
Lem Siddons is part of a traveling band who has a dream of becoming a lawyer. Deciding to settle down, he finds a job as a stockboy in the general store of a small town. Trying to fit in, he volunteers to become scoutmaster of the newly formed Troop 1. Becoming more and more involved with the scout troop, he finds his plans to become a lawyer being put on the back burner, until he realizes that his life has been fulfilled helping the youth of the small town.
Kisses for My President
Thad McCloud
When the women of America join together on election day and elect a Leslie McCloud as the US President, things get a little awkward. Especially for her husband Thad McCloud. He, as First Husband, must take over the job as The First Lady, in the women's groups and garden parties.
Hollywood Without Make-Up
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Son of Flubber
Ned Brainard
Beleaguered professor Ned Brainard has already run into a pile of misfortunes with his discovery of the super-elastic substance "Flubber." Now he hopes to have better luck with a gravity-busting derivative he's dubbed "Flubbergas." Ned's experiments, constantly hampered by government obstruction, earn the consternation of his wife, Betsy. But a game-winning modification to a football uniform may help Ned make the case for his fantastic new invention.
Bon Voyage!
Harry Willard
The Willards from Terre Haute, Indiana travels abroad for the once-in-a-lifetime vacation in Paris, France. Harry Willard believes that the greatest problem will be avoiding tap water, but bringing his three children will prove to be more troublesome
Отмороженный профессор
Prof. Ned Brainard
Профессор живет в маленьком городке, он увлекается химией - изобретает озорное вещество, «плюющее» на законы тяготения. Он называет его «флаббером», летающей резиной, использовать его можно в разных целях. Если намазать им спортивную обувь,баскетболисты совершенно безнадежной команды колледжа обретут удивительную прыгучесть, победят соперников.
Jeff D. Sheldrake
Скромный служащий страховой компании Бакстер, чтобы хоть как-то продвинуться по карьерной лестнице, одалживает ключи от своей холостяцкой квартиры не только приятелям, желающим «погулять на сторону», но и боссу. И действительно, дела начинают идти в гору, но случается непредвиденное: Бакстер знакомится с любовницей шефа Фрэн — несчастной, страдающей депрессией девушкой — и влюбляется в нее…
Gala Day at Disneyland
The gala dedication ceremonies at the opening of three new major attractions at Disneyland—Matterhorn Bobsleds, Submarine Voyage, and the new Monorail—include a parade down Main Street with appearances by Walt and Roy Disney and members of their families, along with Vice President Richard Nixon and family, and numerous film stars. The celebrations end at night with a fireworks display.
The Oregon Trail
Neal Harris
In 1846, a reporter for the New York Herald joins a wagon train bound for the Oregon Territory. He hopes to confirm a rumor that President Polk is sending in soldiers disguised as settlers in order to strengthen American claims to the Territory.
Disneyland '59
Walt Disney and Art Linkletter co-host a live celebration of Disneyland's 1959 expansion that consisted of the debuts of Matterhorn Bobsleds, the Disneyland-Alweg Monorail, and the Submarine Voyage, a project so massive that it was called "The Second Opening of Disneyland". Highlights include a mammoth, star-studded parade and the official launching of the Disneyland submarines by U.S. Navy officers. Among the guests are then-Vice-President Richard Nixon and family, Clint Eastwood, and Meredith Willson, who leads the Disneyland band in his own "76 Trombones." Sponsored by Kodak, the commercial spokespersons include Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.
Face of a Fugitive
Jim Larsen (aka Ray Kincaid)
A man who was falsly accused for murder escapes the sheriffs and starts a new life in a town at the border of the States to Mexico. But he cannot settle in peace as his chasers are trying to find him.
Лохматый пёс
Wilson Daniels
Мальчик Вилби превращается в собаку после прочтения древнего заклинания, написанного на старинном итальянском кольце…
Good Day for a Hanging
Marshal Ben Cutler
As a youth, Eddie came into the town with his gang to rob the bank, but was caught and convicted. Marshal Ben helped him to become a honorable citizen. Now, many years later, the gang returns to again rob the bank. On their flight they shoot the Marshal. Eddie is the only one to identify the murderer - but is in doubt if he shall be loyal to his new or his old friends.
Day of the Badman
Judge Jim Scott
Judge Jim Scott must contend with the vicious relatives of a murderer he's about to sentence...and his unfaithful fiancee.
Банда под предводительством Хеллера ограбила банк и, скрываясь от погони, остановилась переночевать в заброшенном городке под названием Квантес. И тут уже в голове каждого из налётчиков начала созревать идея как бы завладеть деньгами, не поделившись с остальными, прихватив в придачу еще и красавицу Чейни. К тому же городок Квантес находился на территории апачей, которые ждали восхода солнца, чтобы избавиться от непрошенных гостей, о чем грабители даже и не подозревали.
Gun for a Coward
Will Keough
A young cowboy, whose dedication to the principles of peace and reason has earned him a reputation for cowardice, overcomes his psychological aversion to violence after his elder brother unjustly censures him for not joining in a foolhardy gunfight in which their youngest brother is killed.
Всегда есть завтра
Clifford Groves
Клиффорд, рабочий на фабрике игрушек, впадает в депрессию — жена перестала замечать его, а дети считают отца ничтожеством. Но все меняется, когда в его жизни появляется Норма.
At Gunpoint
Jack Wright
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
Дожди Ранчипура
Thomas "Tom" Ransome
Богатые супруги Эскет, брак которых уже давно трещит по швам, приезжают в индийскую провинцию Ранчипур с целью покупки у местной махарани призового скакуна. Здесь леди Эдвина Эскет влюбляется в молодого доктора Сафти. Начавшийся сезон дождей прерывает складывающуюся идиллию: землетрясение разрушает заградительную дамбу и тысячи тонн воды обрушиваются на город, сметая все на своем пути, разрушая дома и ломая судьбы героев...
Далекие горизонты
Cpt. Meriwether Lewis
Это романтическое изложение знаменитой экспедиции Льюиса и Кларка 1803-06 годов с участием Фреда МакМюррэя в роли Меривезера Льюиса и Чарлтона Хестона в роли Билла Кларка. В фильме не делается акцент на вражде между двумя героями (что было на самом деле), хотя очевиден антагонизм между мозгом экспедиции, Льюисом, и ее кулаками, Кларком. Им помогает в экспедиции индейская девушка Сакаджавея, чью роль с неприкрытым вызовом сыграла Донна Рид. Так как межрасовые романтические отношения все еще оставались табу для американских фильмов начала 50-х, Сакаджавея могла только чахнуть и вздыхать, в то время как Льюис и Кларк отбивались от внимания белой женщины Джулии Хэнкок (Барбара Хэйл).
Woman's World
Sid Burns
Needing to fill the position of general manager of his company, and believing that an executive's wife is crucial to her husband's success, auto industry mogul Gifford brings three couples to New York to size up: Jerry and Carol: he hard-driven and self-reliant, she willing to use her beauty to further her husband's career; Sid and Elizabeth, he ulcer-ridden and torn between achieving success and restoring their troubled marriage, she positive that his job will kill him, but gamely agreeing to play the good wife for the duration; and down-to-earth Bill, whose good-natured Katie fears that his promotion would spell the end of their idyllic familiy existence.
A Star Is Born World Premiere
Live television broadcast of the world premiere. Described by various participants as the biggest world premiere in memory, even bigger than the Academy Awards.
Paul Sheridan
A police detective falls for the bank robber's girlfriend he is supposed to be tailing.
Восстание Кейна
Lt. Thomas 'Tom' Keefer
Фрэнсис, Джонсон и МакМюррэй служат на одном эсминце в начале 2-ой Мировой Войны. Новый капитан сразу же железной рукой устанавливает свою власть и обнаруживает явный невроз. Когда он схватывается с Джонсоном, последнего отдают по трибунал, и Хосе Феррер должен его защищать.
Wes Anderson
Уэс Андерсон — скотокрад, которого считали давно повешенным. Однако, как оказалось, рассвирепевшая толпа ошибочно линчевала не того человека. Андерсон сбежал, но спустя годы он возвращается, чтобы свести счёты со своими линчевателями. В главных ролях замечательный дуэт: Фред Макмюррей, играющий закоренелого преступника Андерсона, и Барбара Стэнвик — женщина, когда-то романтично связанная с ним, а ныне представитель закона, и поклявшаяся доставить властям Андерсона живым или мёртвым. И мужчина для неё не преграда…
Fair Wind to Java
Captain Boll
The Dutch East Indies, at the end of the nineteenth century. An adventurous captain of an American merchant vessel is looking for a sunken Dutch vessel containing 10,000 precious diamonds. Unfortunately, he's not the only one and then there's also that volcano on the nearby island of Krakatau, waiting to explode in its historical, disastrous eruption...
Callaway Went Thataway
Mike Frye
Two smart marketing people resurrect some old films starring cowboy Smoky Callaway and put them on television. The films are a big hit and the star is in demand. Unfortunately no one can find him. When a lookalike sends in a photo, the marketing team hires him to impersonate Callaway. Things get sticky when the real Callaway eventually shows up.
A Millionaire for Christy
Peter Ulysses Lockwood
Christy Sloane is sent on a business trip to inform radio personality Peter Lockwood that his uncle has died and left him $2 million. Christy, who's in financial straits, decides to try to snag Peter. Zany hijinks ensue and romantic sparks fly.
Never a Dull Moment
Chris Hayward
Kay Kingsley, a sophisticated and successful songwriter in New York City. falls in love with a widowed rancher, Chris Heyward, she meets at the Madison Square Garden Rodeo and they get married, and leave for his ranch in the west. Her friends warn her of an early disillusionment with life on a ranch, far away from the glitter and bright lights of Broadway. Kay makes one difficulty adjustment after another, as the ranch is presided over by Chris's kids, and an incident occurs with a neighbor that prompts Kay to return to her glamorous life in New York. But she soon finds her heart is with Chris and his children.
Johnny McEvoy, aka Johnny Macklin
Two undercover agents infiltrate a drug-smuggling ring in Mexico, thee find them selves falling in love with each other. Neither is aware of the other's identity As they decide to make a run for the border.
Father Was a Fullback
George Cooper
Coach George Copper's college football team is losing game after game, much to the dismay of stiff-and-stuffy but influential alumni Roger Jessup, and also having trouble at home with his oldest daughter, Connie. The team keeps losing and Coach Cooper is about to lose his job as his efforts to win the last game of the season, against the team's Big Rival, end in disaster. But, unknown to he and his wife, Elizabeth, Connie has sold an article, called "I Was a Bubble Dancer" to a 'True-Confession" magazine, and the girl-who-couldn't-get-a-date becomes suddenly popular and, because of her, the high-school football star from another town decides to play his college-ball for Coach Cooper. Jessup is forced to keep Cooper on as the school's football coach.
Family Honeymoon
Grant Jordan
Grant Jordan, bachelor botany professor, marries Katie, a widow with three kids, despite the machinations of Grant's former girlfriend Minna. But on the wedding day, Aunt Jo, who was to babysit, breaks a leg; so the kids come along on the honeymoon.
An Innocent Affair
Vincent Doane
Vincent Doane is in the precarious position of trying to close an advertising account with his rich ex-fiancée. Unfortunately she is more interested in him than in business. Vincent's wife Paula gets suspicious and finally decides to do some flirting of her own to make him jealous. Unknown to her, she chooses cigarette tychoon Claude Kimball. In fact, Kimball hits it off well with both of the Doanes. The question is whether or not their marriage can survive all the shenanigans.
The Miracle of the Bells
William 'Bill' Dunnigan
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
Наш свадебный путь
Фильм представляет собой альманах из трёх новелл. Оливер Пис работает в известной газете обычным служащим, но своей жене Марте не решается открыть истинное положение вещей, уверяя её, что он вполне уважаемый репортёр. Оливер не подозревает, что Марта уже давно знает всю правду. Желая хоть как-то ускорить карьерный рост мужа, Марта предлагает Оливеру провести на улицах Нью-Йорка опрос случайно встреченных людей на тему: «Какое влияние ребёнок оказал на вашу жизнь?» и рассказанные истории опубликовать в газете. По мнению Марты подобная публикация может иметь успех у читателей, а следовательно поможет карьере Оливера. И вот Оливер, как взаправдашний журналист, начинает интервьюировать каждого, кого встречает на пути. Среди услышанных историй выделяются три: друзей-музыкантов, звезды и иллюзиониста.
Matt Gordon
After the war, Matt Gordon returns to Singapore to retrieve a fortune in smuggled pearls. Arrived, he reminisces in flashback about his prewar fiancée, alluring Linda, and her disappearance during the Japanese attack. But now Linda resurfaces...with amnesia and married to rich planter Van Leyden. Meanwhile, sinister fence Mauribus schemes to get Matt's pearls.
Неудачник и я
Bob MacDonald
Желая начать новую жизнь после возвращения с войны, городской пижон Боб покупает фермерское угодье с большими планами на развитие-взращивание кур и последующей продажей яиц. Правда, своими планами он не поделился со своей новоиспеченной супругой, городской штучкой Бэтти. У молодых разные взгляды на ферму, которая на самом деле требует больших усилий, чтобы превратиться в место, пригодное для жилья и ведения бизнеса. Боб и Бэтти знакомятся со своими соседями, среди которых Бэтти ждет настоящее испытание для терпения: гламурная соседка Харриет Путнэм определенно имеет виды на Боба.
Suddenly It's Spring
Peter Morely
A WAC officer returns from the war to find her husband wants a divorce.
Clint Barkley
Clint Barkley first sees Smoky as a runaway, and drives him back to the ranch where he meets the owner, Julie Richards. He is given a job on her ranch, but the head cowhand is doubtful about Clint and fears that since he refuses to talk about himself, he must have some dreadful secret in his past. Clint and Smoky become close to each other, weathering the hardships of Western life and the suspicions of others together, until one day, Smoky tragically vanishes. Will Clint ever see him again?
Pardon My Past
Eddie York (MacMurray) is mistaken for playboy Francis Pemberton and gets into trouble.
Pardon My Past
Eddie York / Francis Pemberton
Eddie York (MacMurray) is mistaken for playboy Francis Pemberton and gets into trouble.
Murder, He Says
Pete Marshall
Pete Marshall is sent as a replacement to the mountain district town of Plainville when a public opinion surveyor who went there goes missing. Visiting the hillbilly family of Mamie Fleagle, Pete begins to suspect that she and her two sons have murdered the surveyor. Pete then believes that Mamie is slowly poisoning wealthy Grandma Fleagle, who has put a vital clue to her fortune in a nonsensical embroidered sampler.
Captain Eddie
Eddie Rickenbacker
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.
Куда мы отсюда пойдём?
Bill Morgan
Bill wants to join the Army, but he's 4F so he asks a wizard to help him, but the wizard has slight problems with his history knowlege, so he sends Bill everywhere in history, but not to WWII.
Practically Yours
Daniel Bellamy
In this screwball comedy a WW2 US pilot bombs a Japanese aircraft carrier, is assumed to be dead, and then is misquoted in the press as fondly remembering his days back home walking his dog Piggy. Instead of his dog Piggy he is thought to be in love with Peggy, a girl he worked with. The usual farce ensues after he returns home alive and tries to play along with the mistake to save embarrassment for all.
Двойная страховка
Walter Neff
Сластолюбивый страховой агент Уолтер Нефф отправляется продлить полис на машину некоему мистеру Дитрихсону. В его доме он встречается с миссис Дитрихсон и мгновенно воспламеняется. Далее, как и во всех «черных» фильмах, красотка делает Уолтеру предложение, от которого он не может отказаться и… совершает первый шаг в объятия Смерти.
And the Angels Sing
Happy Morgan
The singing/dancing Angel sisters, Nancy, Bobby, Josie, and Patti, aren't interested in performing together, and this plays havoc with the plans of Pop Angel to buy a soy bean farm. They do accept an offer of ten dollars to sing at a dubious night club on the edge of town where a band led by Happy Marshall is playing.
Standing Room Only
Lee Stevens
During WWII, an executive and his secretary arrive in Washington, DC on business but, because of the housing shortage, are unable to find hotel rooms. In desperation, they pretend to be married and hire themselves out as a butler and maid in order to secure lodgings. Comedy.
The Last Will and Testament of Tom Smith
Narrator Prolog (uncredited)
Tom Smith, an American pilot, is shot down and captured by the Japanese. While imprisoned and awaiting execution, he recalls his life at home in the USA.
Above Suspicion
Richard Myles
Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe.
Show-Business at War
A multi-studio effort to show the newsreel audience the progress of the Hollywood war effort.
Flight for Freedom
Randy Britton
A fictionalized biopic about aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart. A female pilot breaks the Los Angeles to New York record and attracts the interest of the U.S. Navy, who want to send her on a spy mission.
Не время для любви
Jim Ryan
Женщина-репортер Кэтрин Грант освещает строительство тоннеля под Гудзоном. Фотографируя рабочих, она становится невольной виновницей несчастного случая, в результате которого пострадал рабочий Джим Райан. Его временно отстраняют от работы. Чувствуя себя ответственной, Кэтрин нанимает Райана своим помощником. Она изящная и утонченная, в то время как он приземлён и практичен. Эта комбинация приводит к конфликтам, но противоположности, как говорится, притягиваются...
The Forest Rangers
Don Stuart
Ranger Don Stuart fights a forest fire with timber boss friend Tana 'Butch' Mason, and finds evidence of arson. He suspects Twig Dawson but can't prove it. Butch loves Don but he, poor fool, won't notice her as a woman; instead he meets socialite Celia in town and elopes with her. The action plot (Don's pursuit of the fire starter) parallels Tana's comic efforts to scare tenderfoot Celia back to the city.
Take a Letter, Darling
Tom Verney
A struggling painter takes a job as a secretary to a female advertising executive. While working to obtain an account from a tobacco company, they end up falling in love.
Звездно-полосатый ритм
Уильям Уэбстер, бывшая звезда вестернов, известный как "Бронко Билли", с возрастом был вынужден оставить карьеру актера и пойти работать вахтером на киностудии Paramount Pictures. Тем не менее, он сказал своему сыну Джонни, который служит на флоте, что является исполнительным вице-президентом студии, ответственным за кинопроизводство. Когда Джонни во время очередного увольнения на берег вместе со своими друзьями-моряками прибывает в Голливуд, Вебстер, не желая, чтобы сын узнал правду, решает разыграть перед ним небольшой «спектакль».
The Lady Is Willing
Corey McBain
Bold, eccentric Broadway performer Elizabeth Madden befuddles her handlers by coming home with a baby she picked up on the street. She wants to keep the baby but has to find a husband to make adoption viable. She offers her new obstetrician Dr. McBain help with his research on rabbits in exchange for marriage - and he accepts. The marriage of convenience turns into a marriage of real love until Dr. McBain's ex-wife comes looking for money.
Breakdowns of 1942
This is a collection of bloopers and film manipulation by The Warner Studio Club for an annual dinner for the staff at Warner Brothers.
New York Town
Victor Ballard
Victor Ballard, a happy-go-lucky albeit impoverished sidewalk photographer, shares a New York City studio apartment with Polish immigrant painter Stefan Janowski. The big city doles out joy and misery indiscriminately: In the apartment below Victor and Steve, Gus Nelson learns that his wife has given birth to quintuplets, while the lonely tenant in the apartment below Gus has given up on life and committed suicide.
Hedda Hopper's Hollywood No. 1
Hedda Hopper guides us through some of Hollywood's sights; the home of William S. Hart and a Kay Kyser recording-session being among them.
Пикирующий бомбардировщик
Joe Blake
Действие происходит в страшный период начала Второй Мировой войны, во время создания зачастую смертоносного пикирующего бомбардировщика. Свободе и даже существованию США грозят Германия и Япония. Лейтенант Дуг Ли, хирург морского флота США, пытается спасти пилотов от потери сознания во время бомбардировки. Оружие, способное защитить свободный мир, стоит пилотам-испытателям жизни. Полюбив Линду Фишер, лейтенант Ли и коммандер Джо Блейк вынуждены забыть о соперничестве, а одному из них придется отправиться в смертельно опасный полет для тестирования нового пневмокостюма - изобретения Ли, способного повлиять на исход войны.
One Night In Lisbon
Dwight Houston
Saucy screwball comedy wherein lovely Madeleine falls in love with flier Fred despite interference from her fiancee and his ex.
Stonewall Elliott
Post-Civil War romantic drama about defeated Southerners, starring Madeleine Carroll and Fred MacMurray.
Rangers of Fortune
Gil Farra
Fred MacMurray stars as a US Army misfit who, with pals Albert Dekker and Gilbert Roland, roam the west in search of adventure. Arriving in a small town, they befriend the elderly newspaper editor (Arthur Allen) and his young granddaughter (Betty Brewer). The trio learns that the community is under the thumb of a covetous land baron (Joseph Schildkraut), who is endeavoring to push out the ranch owners and take over the territory.
Слишком много мужей
Bill Cardew
Считавшийся умершим Билл Кардью возвращается в Нью-Йорк. За время отсутствия его жена Вики находит себе нового мужа в лице лучшего друга и компаньона Билла - Генри Лаундса. Кто из двух мужчин останется с Вики на правах законного супруга, а кого ждёт судьба холостяка?
Little Old New York
Charles Brownne
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
Запомни ночь
Jack Sargent
Накануне Рождества Ли Лиандер поймали за кражей в магазине. Это её третье преступление. Её дело ведет Джон Сарджент. Он просит суд отложить разбирательство дела, так как трудно добиться обвинительного приговора накануне Рождества. Но Джон сочувствует Ли, освобождает её под залог, а в итоге забирает домой к матери на Рождество. В окружении любящей семьи (особенно по сравнению с семьей Ли) Ли и Джон влюбляются в друг друга. Это создает новую проблему: как им вести себя на предстоящем суде?
Honeymoon in Bali
Bill Burnett
Bill Burnett, a resident of Bali, visits New York City, meets and falls in love with Gail Allen, the successful manager of a Fifth Avenue shop, who is determined to remain free and independent. Bill proposes, Gail declines and Bill goes home to Bali. But a young girl, Rosie, and Tony the Window Cleaner, who dispels advice on every floor, soon have Gail thinking maybe she was a bit hasty with her no to Bill's proposal. Ere long she discovers that she does love Bill and can't live without him. She goes down to Bali to give him the good news. He learns that he is soon to marry Noel Van Ness. She goes back to New York City.
Invitation to Happiness
Albert 'King' Cole
An egotistical boxer romances a rich backer's daughter.
Cafe Society
Crick O'Bannon
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
Sing, You Sinners
David Beebe
Of the singing Beebe brothers, young Mike just wants to be a kid; responsible Dave wants to work in his garage and marry Martha; but feckless Joe thinks his only road to success is through swapping and gambling. It seems the only thing all three can join in is their singing act, which Mike and Dave hate. Finally, all Joe's hopes are pinned on a race horse he's acquired swapping, but it's a bigger gamble than his family knows.
Men with Wings
Pat Falconer
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.
Cocoanut Grove
Johnny Prentice
Band tries to get an audition for a job at a prestigious nightclub.
True Confession
Kenneth Bartlett
A writer takes a job as a secretary because her scrupulous husband isn't bringing in the dough as an attorney. When her new employer is murdered, she can't seem to make up her mind as to whether she "dunnit" or not.
Ralph Houston
When Mountain City racketeer Charles Gillette is acquitted, he arrives at the Mountain City World newsroom and vows revenge on the Better Government Committee who put him behind bars. Members of the committee include Colonel Bogardus, owner of the World , Horace Mitchell, a candidate for mayor, and Mr. Franklin, a department store owner. First Gillette buys a rival newspaper, the Sentinel , and offers a pricey editorship to World newsman Ralph Houston, who refuses the offer on principle. That evening, Ralph and his partner, Tod Swain, are greeted at home by a creditor, and Vina Swain, Ralph's fiancée, is furious to find out he turned down Gillette's offer. When she learns Ralph went into debt to put her through college, she warns Gillette of a police raid and pays back Ralph's debt with Gillette's renumeration. When Ralph orders Vina not to work for Gillette, she breaks their engagement.
Swing High, Swing Low
Skid Johnson
In Panama, Maggie King meets soldier Skid Johnson on his last day in the army and reluctantly agrees to a date to celebrate. The two become involved in a nightclub brawl which causes Maggie to miss her ship back to the States. Now stranded, she's forced to move in with Skid and his pal Harry. She soon falls in love with Skid. Skid gets a job playing the trumpet at a local club and becomes a big success. Fame and fortune go to his head which eventually destroys his relationship Maggie and his career.
Maid of Salem
Roger Coverman
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Вальс шампанского
Buzzy Bellew
Эльза — дочь Штрауса, автора многочисленных вальсов. Однажды ей пришлось прийти к Баззи, руководителю джазового оркестра, из-за которого популярность нового музыкального стиля стала стремительно расти. Она хотела попросить его уехать из города, но даже не подозревала, что он настолько симпатичный...
Screen Snapshots (Series 16, No. 1)
Viewers are provided a visit to Ken Maynard's private circus; Bette Davis poses for her portrait; Frank McHugh plays with his children; a visit to the West Side Tennis Club affords glimpses of many stars.
Техасские рейнджеры
Jim Hawkins
Двое пройдох, бывших беззаконников, решают исправиться, для чего поступают на службу в отряд Техасских рейнджеров. Однако вскоре они сталкиваются лицом к лицу с бывшим другом, который для них отныне по ту сторону баррикад...
The Princess Comes Across
King Mantell
A Swedish princess boards an ocean liner in Europe en route to an acting career in America, and finds herself getting inconveniently attached to a bandleader returning home. To complicate matters, a blackmailer on board apparently knows she is not who she claims to be - and he has his sights set on other passengers with secrets of their own. In the meantime an escaped killer has stowed away under someone else's identity, and is killing again to cover his tracks; five international police detectives on board are heading the investigation to find him. When evidence points to the princess and bandleader, they must find the killer themselves - before he finds them.
13 Hours by Air
Jack Gordon
Womanizer and airline pilot Jack Gordon must fly the world's fastest airliner from New York to California while dealing with dangerous jewel thieves on the run from the law.
Тропинка одинокой сосны
Jack Hale
Испокон веков враждуют два семейных клана в горах Кентукки. Никто уже и не помнит, что именно не поделили Толливеры и Фэлины, но жить они продолжают по законам кровной мести. В разгар одной из стычек в городок прибывает Джек Хэйл, инженер, приехавший строить железную дорогу. Волей судьбы он спасает одного из Толливеров — Дэйва. Прошло несколько лет. Предприятие железной дороги приносит большие доходы. Но и профессиональному делу мешает неприязнь семей:на лагерь рабочих нападает клан Фэллинов, в столкновении погибает один из Толливеров. Хэйл продолжает взывать к миру и благоразумию. Дэйв решает послушать его.
The Bride Comes Home
Cyrus Anderson
A penniless socialite is hired by two young men as a front in their plan to start a magazine. Soon, however, they find themselves more interested in her than in their publishing venture.
Hands Across the Table
Theodore Drew III
A manicurist and an engaged loafer, both planning to marry money, meet and fall in love.
Элис Адамс
Arthur Russell
Это рассказ о молоденькой девушке из небольшого городка штата Индиана, которая выросла в небогатой семье, но пытается шагнуть на более высокую социальную ступень. Единственное средство, которое поможет ей обрести вожделенный статус, брак с богатым человеком.
Men Without Names
Richard Hood
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
Car 99
Trooper Ross Martin
A story of the Michigan State Police and the strong sense of loyalty and duty it instills in its men. It follows the career of a newly-inducted rookie, Ross Martin, who has joined the force at the urging of his sweetheart, Mary Adams. Martin soon distinguishes himself by his bravery in the apprehension of criminals. But when the leader of a gang of bank robbers falls into his hands and then escapes, because of carelessness on Martin's part, he is suspended from the force.
The Gilded Lily
Peter Dawes
Secretary Marilyn David falls in love with British aristocrat Charles Gray, to the dismay of her best friend, reporter Peter Dawes, who secretly loves her. When Peter learns that the already-engaged Charles has hurt Marilyn, he fabricates an article casting her as the "No Girl" who refused to marry a callous aristocrat. But when the publicity brings Marilyn unexpected fame, and Charles returns, she is forced to choose between the two men.
Grand Old Girl
An elderly schoolteacher is determined to rid her town of the local gambling den.
Tiger Rose
A mountie pursues a man wanted for murder.