
The Ferryman (2007)

Жанр : фэнтези, ужасы, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Chris Graham
Писатель : Nick Ward

Краткое содержание

Out on a dead calm ocean, in a thick fog, a group of tourists on a pleasure craft are about to cross paths with an ancient and terrible evil. Sharing the same ocean, a sick, dying old Greek man drifts alone on a stricken yacht. The Greek (John Rhys-Davies) has been cheating death for countless years. Trading broken bodies for new ones over centuries. With him he carries a deadly weapon that allows him to do this. This weapon, the Shifting Blade, gives its possessor an awesome power. But now is the time of reckoning. The Ferryman, the ancient conveyor of death and the path to the afterlife is close and he wants the Greek. There is a payment to be made.


John Rhys-Davies
John Rhys-Davies
The Greek
Amber Sainsbury
Amber Sainsbury
Tamer Hassan
Tamer Hassan
Big Dave
Craig Hall
Craig Hall
Chris Hamilton
Julian Arahanga
Julian Arahanga
Lawrence Makoare
Lawrence Makoare
Kerry Fox
Kerry Fox
Ben Fransham
Ben Fransham
The Ferryman


Chris Graham
Chris Graham
Nick Ward
Nick Ward
Matthew Metcalfe
Matthew Metcalfe
Nick Ward
Nick Ward
Richard Fletcher
Richard Fletcher
Matthew Metcalfe
Matthew Metcalfe
Alan Harris
Alan Harris
Hauk Olafsson
Hauk Olafsson
Special Effects
Haim Frank Ilfman
Haim Frank Ilfman
Aaron Morton
Aaron Morton
Director of Photography
Nigel Galt
Nigel Galt
Daniel Hubbard
Daniel Hubbard
Liz Mullane
Liz Mullane
Gary Mackay
Gary Mackay
Production Design
Robert Bavin
Robert Bavin
Art Direction
Ruth Wynne
Ruth Wynne
Set Decoration
Gavin McLean
Gavin McLean
Costume Design
Donna Pearman
Donna Pearman
Art Department Coordinator
Jason Durey
Jason Durey
Special Effects Supervisor
Julian Bryant
Julian Bryant
Visual Effects Supervisor
Sheila Wickens
Sheila Wickens
Visual Effects Supervisor
Simone Knight
Simone Knight
Assistant Costume Designer
Belinda Schmid
Belinda Schmid
Script Supervisor
Emma Peters
Emma Peters
Makeup Designer
Roger Murray
Roger Murray
Prosthetic Supervisor
Iain Eyre
Iain Eyre
Dialogue Editor
Ricky Butt
Ricky Butt
Sue Harding
Sue Harding
David Smithers
David Smithers
Sound Effects Editor
Paul Cotterell
Paul Cotterell
Sound Re-Recording Mixer


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