
New York Portrait, Chapter I (1979)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 16М

Директор : Peter B. Hutton

Краткое содержание

Hutton's most impressive work ... the filmmaker's style takes on an assertive edge that marks his maturity. The landscape has a majesty that serves to reflect the meditative interiority of the artist independent of any human presence. ... New York is framed in the dark nights of a lonely winter. The pulse of street life finds no role in NEW YORK PORTRAIT; the dense metropolitan population and imposing urban locale disappear before Hutton's concern for the primal force of a universal presence. With an eye for the ordinary, Hutton can point his camera toward the clouds finding flocks of birds, or turn back to the simple objects around his apartment struggling to elicit a personal intuition from their presence. ... Hutton finds a harmonious, if at times melancholy, rapport with the natural elements that retain their grace in spite of the city's artificial environment. The city becomes a ghost town that the filmmaker transforms into a vehicle reflecting his personal mood.



Peter B. Hutton
Peter B. Hutton


Огни большого города
Маленький Бродяга встречает красивую слепую девушку, торгующую цветами на улице, которая по ошибке принимает его за богатого герцога. Узнав о том, что операция может вернуть ей зрение, маленький Бродяга пускается на поиски денег.
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Носферату. Симфония ужаса
Молодой клерк Хуттер из Бремена первой трети XIX века отправляется за тридевять земель, в карпатские леса, к инфернальному графу Орлоку, владельцу замка, решившему перебраться в крупный город. Гость выясняет, что Орлок, известный и как Носферату, — вампир, и от его заражающего укуса Хуттера спасает лишь супруга Нина, сверхъестественно сильно влюблённая в скромного и безвольного служащего конторы по продаже недвижимого имущества. Именно она понимает, какое зло несёт в себе мрачный граф.
Новые времена
«Новые времена» — это эмоциональный, выдержанный в комическом ключе, отклик на перекосы машинной эпохи. Маленький Бродяга не желает быть «винтиком» в огромной мега-машине промышленного производства и так похожею на него человеческого общества. Чарли сражается с тупыми богачами, всесильными полицейскими, бездушными начальниками конвейерного производства. Иногда он выигрывает в этих сражениях, но чаще проигрывает, в конце концов, бесстрашно идет навстречу рассвету. Хотя «Новые времена» считается последним немым фильмом Чарли Чаплина, в нем Маленький Бродяга в первый и в последний раз обрел голос. Правда, он не заговорил, а запел в финальных кадрах картины, символизируя прощание с прекрасным периодом немого кинематографа.
Mia recounts her most intimate confessions, uncensored, in her first approach to a totally new world of domination and submission.
The Water Walker
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Trust Me
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Облачно с прояснениями
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In Titan's Goblet
In Titan's Goblet refers to a landscape painting by Thomas Cole circa 1833. The film is intended as a homage to Cole, who is regarded as the father of the Hudson River School of painting.
New York Portrait, Chapter II
Chapter Two represents a continuation of daily observations from the environment of Manhattan compiled over a period from 1980-1981. This is the second part of an extended life's portrait of New York.
24 Realities per Second
A portrait of a dedicated filmmaker who is a charming yet elusive figure in thrall to cinema and the constant perfection of his craft.
Migration (for Jack Nelson)
Migration is an analysis of an image, a metaphorical exercise in perception and representation, illusion and reality, microcosm and macrocosm, nature and consciousness.
And There Was No More Sea
Short poetic documentary about the southern sea in the Netherlands.
Time and Tide
Peter Hutton’s meditation on the Hudson River.
Killing in the Name
In 2005, a suicide bomber walked into Ashraf's wedding, killing 27 people. Now he is on a quest to confront terrorism around the globe.
Enjoy Poverty
An investigation of the emotional and economic value of Africa's most lucrative export: filmed poverty. Deep in the interiors of the Congo, Dutch artist Renzo Martens single-handedly undertakes an epic journey and launches an emancipatory program that helps the poor become aware of what is their primary capital resource: Poverty. After three years of traveling through the Democratic Republic of the Congo he asks the question: "Who owns poverty?
A stunning study of real-time light changing from day to night which was filmed in a forest high up in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains
The Pottery Makers
Raymundo Gleyzer's documentary on o community of Pottery Makers in the west of Cordoba province in Argentina who create pieces to sell to the tourists.
Story of Night
It’s a black-and-white record of European cities in the dark (2-5am), from Basle to Belfast. Quiet, and meditative, what emerges most strongly is an eerie sense of city landscapes as deserted film sets, in which the desolate architecture overwhelms any sense of reality. The only reassurance that we are not in some endless machine-Metropolis is the shadow of daytime activity: a juggernaut plunging through a darkened village, a plague of small birds in the predawn light. The whole thing is underscored by a beautiful ‘composed’ soundtrack, from quietly humming streetlights to reggae and the rumble of armoured cars in Belfast. A strange and remarkable combination of dream, documentary and science-fiction.
4 Elements
Documentary about men who are fighting one of the elements in the 21st century: mine workers in Germany, king crab fishers of the Bering Sea, Russian "Smokejumpers" and astronaut training.
Trypps #5 (Dubai)
A short treatise on the semiotics of capital, happiness, and phenomenology under the flickering neon of global capitalism.
An off-screen narrator remembers a time he was five years old, walking to school in a heavy rain, wearing a yellow slicker and cap. He relates to us that a boy he'd never seen before ran up to him and said that it was raining worms. Our lad of five is on the cusp between believing anything he hears and entering the age of reason. He asks for proof. He holds out his hand.
Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita is a lensless film whose cloudy pinhole images create a memory of history. Ancient and modern explorer texts of Easter Island are garbled together by a computer narrator, resulting in a forever repeating narrative of discovery, colonialism, loss and departure.
The Johnstown Flood
On May 30, 1889 the South Fork Dam, which maintained a pleasure lake for wealthy Pittsburgh industrialists and their families, failed due to very heavy rains and poor maintenance by the dam's owners. The burst dam sent a wall of water and debris, 40 feet high and half a mile wide, 14 miles downstream to the bustling industrial city of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. More than 2000 people lost their lives in the disaster. This documentary tells the story, and tells us that the disaster was easily avoidable.
Study of a River
The first part (winter) of a seasonal study of the Hudson river in New York.
American Colour
American Colour was funded by the Images Festival and the Deluxe Cinematic Vision Award. "Joshua Bonnetta’s American Colour (note the bi-national spelling), was shot on old rolls of 16mm Kodachrome during a pilgrimage from the stock’s birthplace in upstate New York to Kansas, where its final rolls were processed earlier this year. Like a postscript to Dean’s Kodak, American Colour explores Kodachrome’s historic use and singular hues, doing so with digital means in the wake of its obsolescence.
From the Depths