Shanghai Belle (2011)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 54М

Директор : Jean-Louis Daniel

Краткое содержание

The destinies of five young women from all over the world intertwine in Paris as they embark on a roller-coaster ride of extremes in their search for love, sex and money. Based upon true stories, Shanghai Belle tells the destiny of five young women who all go through 'hell' to finally receive an unexpected redemption. Each of them states her intimate confessions through daily diaries. They experiment a journey on the 'edge'. The result of which is the loss of their innocence...


Wang Xin
Wang Xin
Marie Février
Marie Février
Elena Kuletskaya
Elena Kuletskaya
Kate Rozz
Kate Rozz
Benjamin Feitelson
Benjamin Feitelson
David Atrakchi
David Atrakchi
Nadine Salem
Nadine Salem
Swan Feitelson
Swan Feitelson
Katharina Kowalewski
Katharina Kowalewski


Jean-Louis Daniel
Jean-Louis Daniel
Jean-Louis Daniel
Jean-Louis Daniel
Christa Fenal
Christa Fenal


A dramatic teenage love story set against the backdrop of the Berlin Love Parade.
Angels with Dirty Wings
Three women - no moral. Morality is the excuse for those who don't dare to live their truth.Michaela, Gabriela and Lucy are angels of vice. On their motorbikes they ride through the countryside to live their pleasure. They could see a lot, but only see themselves. They call themselves angels but they are angels with dirty wings. To be a full member in the exile paradise of angels, Lucy has to prove herself and stand the tests. The new film of Roland Reber and Mira Gittner is an anthem of immorality. A holy song of egoism and a painful study about our time and a generation who rent their feelings.
Django's Cut Price Corpses
The Cortez brothers rob a bank and flee beyond the Mexican border. On their trail are various people, each for a different reason: Sheriff Fulton is sent by the robbed bank to recuperate the money; Django, a head-hunter, is after them for the reward money; Pickwick is after a saddle stolen from him by the Cortez brothers; Pedro and Dolores, saloon owners, also would like to have the loot.
Yellow: The Cousins
Following the death of her grandfather, Valentina settles with her husband Pierre, a sculptor, in the old family villa which she partly inherited (half of it belongs to her cousin Marta, who already resides there). Co-habitation proves to be awkward: Valentina is unscrupulous and uninhibited, while Marta is austere and virtuous - at least, on the surface. In fact, when Valentina suddenly dies, the woman initiates a seduction which eventually coaxes Pierre into her arms. The cosy situation soon changes when a police officer turns up to investigate Valentina's death...
Das Einhorn
A copywriter gets famous with his first book. When asked to write a new novel about love for his publisher, he urgently needs tutoring since he doesn't know the first thing about it. His way through the beds leads him to the very young Orli. In her he discovers the true meaning of love, which makes him forget all the wrong paths of the past decades and feel young again.
Ready for Anything
Anna, a young stenography student who after a chance meeting in a park, begins a steamy relationship with Marco (Bekim Fehmiu) a much older married man, who dotes on his young daughter but is quite happy to cheat on his wife. When they first make love Anna reveals her masochistic streak so it's not long before their relationship takes a much darker turn as Marco increasingly pushes the boundaries between love and abuse in the things he asks her to do.
Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer
A single mother of three children lives a chaotic and not very wealthy life in which her oldest daughter tries to manage everything and wants to find a decent guy for her mum.
Hunting for Girls at Kilimanjaro‎
Several German tourists are staying in the "Leisure Lodge" holiday hotel in Africa.
Ritual - A Psychomagic Story
The fragile Lia suffers from a deep depression. Her relationship with her boyfriend Viktor is getting worse and worse and in the last desperate attempt to cure herself, Lia goes to visit her old aunt Agata in her creepy 18th century villa.
Im Winter, So Schön
The inconspicuous greengrocer's daughter Maria had to watch as the adored Italian Pietro broke her best friend's heart. Dressed up as a vamp, the vengeful Maria now sets a cunning trap for the attractive Papagallo. Maria is the daughter of a small German fruit and vegetable dealer, Pietro is the son of a large Italian fruit and vegetable dealer. Both live in Munich and both meet every morning at six o'clock in the Grossmarkthalle. Maria looks inconspicuous, while Pietro looks extremely attractive. Maria is hardly interested in men, whereas Pietro is interested in all girls. Maria doesn't care until Pietro first seduces Maria's best friend and then leaves her unhappy. Now Maria starts a campaign of revenge against the light-footed Casanova, in the name of her best friend and in the name of all the girls who have been seduced by Pietro. Maria lures Pietro, who is now madly in love with her, to his native Italy, where Pietro, blinded by love and jealousy, proposes to Maria.
Lía and Manuel live illegally in a closed house. Tania, trying to regain her rights over the space that her uncle left her, intends to evict them. But the couple is not ready to leave and Tania decides to retrench on the top floor of the house. The war that starts ends up moving them closer.
Одинокий дилижанс пересекает бескрайние прерии дикого Запада, населенные индейцами, весьма недружелюбно настроенными к белым людям. В нем, волею судьбы собираются очень разные люди — банкир — пьяница, беременная женщина, дочь военного, аферист, пьяница — доктор и женщина, волею случая зарабатывающая на жизнь проституцией. С ними произойдет много чего по дороге, и закончить это опасное путешествие суждено будет не всем.
Крутой район
Молодого неопытного полицейского переводят из тихого, благополучного района в заброшеный квартал, населенный в основном наркоманами, проститутками и другими преступными элементами. Его напарником становится опытный и утомленный жизнью чернокожий полицейский. После ряда столкновений с хулиганами и между собой они нападают на след крупной организации похитителей автомобилей и вступают с ними в борьбу…
How to Seduce Difficult Women
Philippe, a French-American writer living in Manhattan, decides to take on ten relationship-challenged men to help them learn the art of seduction.
Maria is a student at the university of Essen, Germany, living and working in a gray, unpleasant, and anonymous environment. While she has little problem finding someone for a one night stand, she rebuffs her lovers in such a rude way that they actually don't know what's going on. But what seems to be a negative attitude at first glance is in fact much worse: Maria is suffering from borderline syndrome, a serious psychotic disease that makes her fail to develop a continuous, reliable personality, from her own perspective as well as from the perspective of those she meets. Then one day, she bumps into Jan, a student who falls in love with her without delay. He's awaiting a hard time when he has to learn how hard it is to stay loyal and faithful to a person who, in her own words, "has a different world inside of her head" and who feels that "there is something inside of me that eats me up."
Нежные растяпы 2
Рикки, Уокер и Шмидгрубер постоянно получают нагоняи от начальника. И это несмотря на то, что на дворе — 2038 год. Все механизировано, автоматизировано, систематизировано, а начальник все пилит и пилит… Как занудливая теща… И тогда трое друзей, справедливо рассудивших, что все дело, видимо, в генах, отправляются прямиком в 1988 год, чтобы разыскать будущую мать своего босса и… попытаться изменить ход событий. Чем черт не шутит!..
The Living Desert
Although first glance reveals little more than stones and sand, the desert is alive. Witness moving rocks, spitting mud pots, gorgeous flowers and the never-ending battle for survival between desert creatures of every shape, size and description.
Экспериментальный интерактивный телепроект Пола Верховена, в создании которого были задействованы зрители телеканала FCCE. Едва перешагнув полувековой юбилей, владелец крупной строительной фирмы, баловень фортуны и любитель женщин, вдруг почувствовал, как удача ускользает из его рук. Прямо на праздновании юбилея от Ремко уходит жена. Партнеры по бизнесу разрабатывают план, как выкинуть его из компании. Но хуже всего — в кабинет вдруг заявляются обе любовницы, чтобы сообщить, что одна из них беременна.
Панчо Вилья
Невероятная, но правдивая история о том, как мексиканский революционер Панчо Вилья позволил голливудскому режиссеру снять фильм о себе; по ходу действия съемок народный герой сам корректировал кинопроцесс, а заодно и ход исторических событий. Фрэнк Тайер на свой страх и риск снимает в Мексике "немое" кино о подвигах Вильи. Оказавшись под перекрестным огнем, в буквальном смысле слова, съемочная группа Тайера рискует жизнью, заблудившись между реальностью и вымыслом.