
David & Me (2014)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 9М

Директор : Ray Klonsky, Marc Lamy

Краткое содержание

When troubled teen Ray Klonsky began writing letters to prison inmate David McCallum, both of their lives changed forever. Hundreds of letters later, Ray graduated from university determined to set his wrongly convicted friend free.



Ray Klonsky
Ray Klonsky
Marc Lamy
Marc Lamy


The Case of Sally Challen
Jailed for life in 2011 for killing her husband, Sally Challen was convicted on the unanimous decision of the jury. The result provoked little surprise among her friends and family, yet evidence later revealed that Challen was the victim of coercive control from her husband, who would manage her social life and spending. With fewer than 10% of appeals ever quashing a conviction, this documentary is a compelling case for the need for greater nuance in the law and its reporting.
Set in the present times against two backdrops, New Delhi with its shining buildings and apparent cosmopolitan veneer thinly veils an underbelly of crimes against women and corruption at all levels. And a small village just 80 kilometers from New Delhi that is stuck in a time warp. Kajarya a woman in her early thirties has a strange but important place in the village social structure; she murders unwanted girl infants in the garb of religion. Meera is a rookie reporter.
The Messenger
Songbirds are disappearing at an alarming rate. The Messenger is a visually thrilling ode to the beauty and importance of the imperiled songbird, and what it means to all of us on both a global and human level if we lose them.
Rebellious Flower
The film on the life of guru Osho Rajneesh and his spiritual journey to enlightenment.
The Film Critic
Víctor Tellez is an intellectual, world-weary film critic who prefers to think in French and eschew the clichés of romantic movies...until he finds himself living a sappy, feel-good love story of his own.
One Day Since Yesterday: Peter Bogdanovich & the Lost American Film
The grim woes that surrounded famed director Peter Bogdanovich and his film, "They All Laughed."
Машина времени Сэма Клемке
Сэм Клемке, обычный американец, на дворе — 1977 год, и в следующие полтора часа вы увидите Сэма с длинными волосами, с короткими волосами, с брекетами, без брекетов, худым, полным, с блондинкой в постели, с брюнеткой в душе. За это время в жизни Клемке пройдет больше тридцати лет, и в каждый год без исключения он записал видеопослание самому себе в будущем. Клемке не герой и не знаменитость, он патологически ленив и стремительно толстеет, но каждый раз, подводя итоги очередного малопримечательного года жизни, Сэм мечтает, что в следующие 365 дней он сбросит вес, съедет из родительской квартиры и, наконец, найдет работу — надеяться на это вместе с ним решительно невозможно.
Soccer City
Race. Class. Poverty. Faith. Hope. Soccer. Welcome to Alex––the largest and most notorious township in South Africa where soccer is lived, not played. With the first ever FIFA World Cup in Africa as a backdrop, witness the cultural importance of soccer in township South Africa through the lives of five individuals born and raised in the oldest and toughest of South Africa’s townships, Alexandra, locally known as ‘Alex.’ Seventeen-year-old dribbling sensation Nancy ‘Maradona’ Majola, former national team player Isaac ‘Shakes’ Kungwane, current professional Patrick ‘Raiden’ Phungwayo, 69-year-old Jacob ‘Babes’ Bopape one of the first professional soccer players in South Africa, and scholarship-winner Ricardo ‘Rico’ Kutumela will all take you into a culture dominated by soccer and into a storied township still largely unknown and misunderstood even among South Africans.
Друзья и римляне
Группа пожизненных статистов из мафиозного кино монтирует постановку шекспировского "Юлия Цезаря" в своем местном театре на Стейтен-Айленде, чтобы наконец получить несколько говорящих ролей. Но театр-это тайное убежище настоящего гангстера, который воображает себя актером и за которым ФБР охотится в связи с недавним убийством бродвейского продюсера. Федералы вводят своего собственного тайного агента на прослушивание на роль Кассиуса, стремясь определить, кто является настоящим гангстером среди актерского состава вымышленных преступников. Все это время забывчивые актеры стремятся только доказать себе, своим семьям и друзьям, что они больше, чем просто статисты.
Grainger's World: Yindi: The Last Koala?
After his mother is injured in a car crash, baby koala Yindi is raised by humans. Yindi later reunites with his mother, and the two of them are released into the wild, where they adapt to their new surroundings and try to survive a brutal bushfire. Filmed on location in Eastern Australia, this entertaining documentary highlights the many difficulties koalas face and the special ways humans can work to help them.
Delhi in a Day
Jasper has arrived in Delhi to begin a tour of India, where the newness of his surroundings quickly prove overwhelming. As he is drawn into the dynamics of his host family, the Bhatias, he finds that his mere presence has upset the natural order of things. Jasper finds that the first day of his journey is possibly more than he bargained for.
Крапленые карты
Фильм рассказывает историю Бобби, который «пашет» на черновой низкооплачиваемой работе. Мать Бобби тяжело больна, и ему приходится оплачивать немалые мамины медицинские счета. Долги Бобби растут, и чтобы выпутаться из создавшейся ситуации, он придумал «идеальный план». Он решает ограбить подпольный покерный клуб, в котором играют на высоких ставках.
Требуется водитель
Жизнь студента колледжа изменяется навсегда, когда он нанимает водителя Скотта.
Redfern Now: Promise Me
Two young women are raped on their way home. The story follows the lives of both women and the different ways they deal with the crime.
Zoey to the Max
After running away and finally finding her dream forever home, 13 year old foster kid Zoey Manning suddenly finds herself in a fight to protect her new family and their beloved dog Max.
Vlast (Power)
The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a volatile but highly advantageous environment for young Russian businessmen eager to build the fledgling market economy by any means necessary. The most successful of these oligarchs was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who quickly became the wealthiest man in Russia. But Khodorkovsky was invested not only in business, but also in true social reform and a new ideal of an open society, an attitude that ran afoul of the absolute rule of Vladimir Putin. Tracing Khodorkovsky's dramatic, ambiguous rise to power and subsequent fall at the hands of Putin's KGB-infested government, this probing, deeply troubling documentary reveals a nation still unsure of its commitment to economic and social liberties. - Written by Los Angeles Film Festival
In the Name of Honor
During part verité, part exposé road trip, director Pawel Gula proves there is no honor in killing. The film juxtaposes horrific news footage with insights from the families of victims whose lives have been irreparably altered and the killers who are still debating the consequences of their actions. Broader commentary is given by officials and activists fighting this horrific tradition.
Keith Robinson: Back of the Bus Funny
Robinson finds the funny in everything from politics, music and pop culture to growing up in South Philly.
Тяжелое ранение
История одной семьи, члены которой делают все возможное, чтобы остаться вместе, но раздирающие их конфликты и противоречия слишком сильны.
Respectable: The Mary Millington Story
Documentary chronicling the extraordinary life and tragic death of Mary Millington - Britain's most famous pornographic actress of the 1970s.