
Kansas City Bomber (1972)

The Hottest Thing On Wheels

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 39М

Директор : Jerrold Freedman
Писатель : Calvin Clements Sr., Thomas Rickman

Краткое содержание

Roller-derby skater K. C. Carr tries to balance her desire for a happy personal life and her dreams of stardom.


Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
K.C. Carr
Kevin McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy
Burt Henry
Helena Kallianiotes
Helena Kallianiotes
Jackie Burdette
Norman Alden
Norman Alden
Horrible Hank Hopkins
Jeanne Cooper
Jeanne Cooper
Katherine Pass
Katherine Pass
Martine Bartlett
Martine Bartlett
Mrs. Carr
Cornelia Sharpe
Cornelia Sharpe
Tammy O'Brien
William Gray Espy
William Gray Espy
Richard Lane
Richard Lane
Russ Marin
Russ Marin
Dick Wicks
Stephen Manley
Stephen Manley
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster
Georgia Schmidt
Georgia Schmidt
Old Woman
Shelly Novack
Shelly Novack
Jimmy Nickerson
Jimmy Nickerson
Judy Arnold
Judy Arnold
Girl in Dressing Room (uncredited)
Joan Darling
Joan Darling
Woman (uncredited)
Bill McKinney
Bill McKinney
Buddy Taylor (uncredited)
Jon Morgan Woodward
Jon Morgan Woodward
Concessionaire (uncredited)


Jerrold Freedman
Jerrold Freedman
Calvin Clements Sr.
Calvin Clements Sr.
Thomas Rickman
Thomas Rickman
Barry Sandler
Barry Sandler
Don Ellis
Don Ellis
Original Music Composer
Fred J. Koenekamp
Fred J. Koenekamp
Director of Photography
David Berlatsky
David Berlatsky
Joseph R. Jennings
Joseph R. Jennings
Art Direction
Gary Shaffer
Gary Shaffer
Ron Talsky
Ron Talsky
Costume Design
Martin Elfand
Martin Elfand
Arthur Gardner
Arthur Gardner
Executive Producer
Jules V. Levy
Jules V. Levy
Executive Producer
Dan Bronson
Dan Bronson
Richard Cobos
Richard Cobos
Makeup Artist
Bruce Hutchinson
Bruce Hutchinson
Makeup Artist
Lola 'Skip' McNalley
Lola 'Skip' McNalley


Блисс, вечная неудачница и тихоня, живет в маленьком унылом городке. Её мать беспрерывно таскает дочь на конкурсы красоты, которые Блисс не суждено выиграть. Похоже, что из этого омута вырваться невозможно… Но однажды судьба заставляет героиню изменить свою жизнь и стать по-настоящему крутой девчонкой.
Kansas City Bomber
Roller-derby skater K. C. Carr tries to balance her desire for a happy personal life and her dreams of stardom.
The Unholy Rollers
Karen wants more action out of life and quits her job at the cannery to become a skater in the roller derby. She encounters friction from the other skaters - especially Mickey, the current number one star of the team. Karen proves herself a feisty competitor but refuses to be a team player. As she skates her way to roller stardom, she incurs the wrath of jealous team members and the owner of the team.
The Fireball
Johnny Casar runs away from the orphanage to start a successful career as a roller skater and after setbacks learns to curb his ruthlessness and ambition.
Brutal Beauty: Tales of the Rose City Rollers
A documentary devoted to the story of Portland, Oregon's Rose City Rollers roller derby league. The project attempts to answer the question why this revival of the 1970's sport has become a staple in Portland.
Hell On Wheels
In 2001 a rowdy group of Austin women were determined to ressurect an old sport, but with a new spin. This is the beginning of a revolution: HELL ON WHEELS is the ass-kicking documentary film telling the story of a group of Texas women who band together to resurrect roller derby for the 21st century. Emerging from the Austin music and arts scene, these women create a rock and roll fueled version of all-girl roller derby that has spawned the derby craze that's sweeping the nation.
The Demon of the Derby
This documentary portrait follows Roller Derby's "Meanest Mama on Skates", Ann Calvello. Now in her 70s, Ann refuses to give up the limelight - she is still bashing heads on the banked track of any upstart league that will have her. And she's still acting like the bawdy bad girl of the Derby, even as she bags groceries at her part-time job at Safeway. In the two years the documentary follows her, Ann simultaneously grapples with her declining ability to skate and her determination to be the first professional athlete to have competed continuously in a sport for six decades.
This Is Roller Derby
A Documentary that looks at both the origins of modern Roller Derby and charts the rise of two Australian Derby teams.
Hell or High Water: The Story of the Nashville Rollergirls
This inspirational story follows the Nashville Rollergirls through the loss of their practice space, the move to a new game venue, injuries, relocation of key players, huge financial pressures, and even an epic flood. Ever the underdog, and with a burning in their bellies, the Nashville Rollergirls seek to prove themselves at every turn, and nothing will prevent them from achieving the goals they set. On a quest to succeed athletically on the national stage, and to keep their skater-owned-and operated organization afloat, the Nashville Rollergirls, in true Nashville spirit, refuse to accept no, can't, or won't. And in true roller derby spirit, they bring do-it-yourself to the next level.
The Rink
Branch Brook Park Roller Rink, located in Newark, NJ, is one of the few remaining urban rinks of its kind. This concrete structure is nestled in a public park bordered by public housing and a highway. Upon first glance, the exterior resembles a fallout shelter; however, the streamers and lights of the interior are reminiscent of 1970s roller discos. This 55 minute documentary depicts a space cherished by skaters and a city struggling to move beyond its past and forge a new narrative amidst contemporary social issues.
GV13 Roller Gurl:A Complicated Game-Time Love Affair
ROLLER GIRLS an insightful complex look at this reemerging complex sport that has already swept across every state in the USA and found around the world . Set inside the secular underground world of today's Women's Roller Derby filmmaker Bob Bryan probes the gritty reality behind over three (3) dozen Derby women of varying ages and sizes, who have chosen to adopt super-hero and in some cases anti-hero persona's and attitudes to play this exciting, hard hitting and incredibly difficult and fast paced action sport.
Roller Derby Workout
Tired of doing the same old workout videos? Well the Los Angeles's own Heart Attack Roller Derby Team has put a new spin on working out at home. They put together an amazing workout video suitable for everyone looking for a fun, new way to get into shape. Their workout routine cobines strength training and plyometrics perfect for roller derby athletes or anyone looking to tone up their problems areas.Roller Derby Workout is not just for derby girls. Skates are totally optional and all of the excercises are easy to pick up. You don't need any prior skating experience or roller skates to get great results. They'll guide you through full body workout sections on flexibility, abs, legs, buns, and balance. You can do them individually, but for the total body experience body experience tryout the entire routine.
In this short documentary, we take a look at the history and future of roller derby in the Netherlands, while also touching on subjects such as image and the rise of men’s teams in this traditionally female sport. We tried to capture the Roller Derby culture with grungy 16mm film overlays and an eclectic mix of colors, switching from black and white, back to color. This, combined with the use of stock footage, the Whip It trailer and choice of music really help to sell the vibe and sensibilities of roller derby.
Roller Derby Mania
International Roller Derby League presents: Roller Games! An hour of thrills and spills on skates featuring T-Birds, Devils, Outlaws and Bombers
Why Do You Skate?
A short doc on the TXRD Lonestar Rollergirls
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