John - AA Member (uncredited)
Молодой менеджер по продажам, испытывающий сложности в своей карьере, теряет своего отца, с которым у него были натянутые отношения, на похороны которого он даже не явился, но явился на завещание. А получает в нём лишь просьбу передать 150 000 долларов некому Джошу Дэвису, который, как в дальнейшем становится понятно, является его племянником и сыном его неизвестной сестры…
Travel across four continents, through 19 countries, and into dingy Cambodian karaoke bars, Amsterdam’s infamous red-light district, Moldovan orphanages, legal Nevada brothels, and the street corners and alleyways of metropolises worldwide for more than a glance at the fastest-growing organized crime industry in the world with the groundbreaking, tell-all Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.
Set in a 1910 circus, young Charlotte travels from city to city with her acrobat family who perform on the Trapeze. With her training almost complete, she already takes on the daring Blindfolded trick. Despite never having successfully completed the trick, Charlotte is determined to do the trick at the upcoming performance. But worries about that take a back seat when Charlotte learns about the circus potentially going out of business. She's determined to find the truth about whether or not she- and her daring Trapeze act- are the secret to saving the circus. But to do that, she will have to get into the Forbidden Train Car Z.
Michael Michino
Anya's dream turned into a nightmare when she was accused of killing 3 men. For her to regain her freedom she had to share her secret with world. With help of her sister Chioma and an inexperienced attorney Ijé tells the story in a riveting way with an unexpected climatic ending. It's a story that conveys the fusion of the African culture with the American culture in a court room like no other.
Roger / Infant Man
A 20 year old girl, sick of being broke, begins work as a "fantasy girl" where she acts out any fantasy a guy wants as long as no sex is involved and is 100% legal.
The American with the Sign (uncredited)
Весь мир замер в ожидании свершения древнейшей церемонии — выбора главы католической церкви Папы Римского, но в судьбоносное решение вмешивается некая могущественна сила — заклятый враг католической церкви — таинственный орден Иллюминатов! Кандидаты на священный пост подвергаются свирепой ритуальной расправой один за другим.
Concessionaire (uncredited)
Roller-derby skater K. C. Carr tries to balance her desire for a happy personal life and her dreams of stardom.