Man without Pigs (1990)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 2М

Директор : Chris Owen

Краткое содержание

John Waiko is the first Papua New Guinea man to graduate with a PhD and be appointed a professor. He returns to the Binandere clan and his small village of Tabara in the Northern Province of PNG. Once there, he has to organise a celebration for his achievements with his family’s help. Since he has been away for most of his life, he has no recognised wealth in the village (the pigs used for gift giving), nor a network of supporters or knowledge of the preparation and rituals for having such a celebration. He wants the event to happen quickly but that’s not the way it works in Tabara. Man without pigs focuses on the antagonism aroused by the clash between traditional customs and Western values in this remote PNG community.


John Waiko
John Waiko


Chris Owen
Chris Owen


Attenborough's Paradise Birds
David Attenborough tells the remarkable story of how these " birds of paradise " have captivated explorers , naturalists, artists, filmmakers and even royalty.
Birds of Paradise
Living in the depths of the New Guinea rainforest are the spectacular birds of paradise - creatures so beautiful that the first Europeans believed they must have fallen from heaven. Filming their bizarre courtship displays is the Holy Grail of wildlife film makers: some perform like iridescent acrobats, others make hypnotic pulsing sounds as they quiver and vibrate.
Племя Криппендорфа
Профессор антропологии Джеймс Криппендорф получает 100,000 долларов на свои исследования и отправляется в Новую Гвинею, чтобы найти последнее на земном шаре племя дикарей. Вскоре он возвращается без денег и без племени. Коллеги с нетерпением ждут его доклада и пленки, на которой ученый запечатлел таинственных обитателей джунглей. Понимая, что обман вот — вот раскроется, находчивый профессор сооружает на заднем дворе своего дома первобытные шалаши и поселяет туда самых неуправляемых дикарей — своих собственных детей! Съемки прошли удачно, но кое — кто по — прежнему не верит в великое племя Криппендорфа.
Группа дайверов предпринимает очень рискованную экспедицию в самую большую систему пещер на Земле — невероятно красивую и почти недоступную. Неожиданный тропический шторм вынуждает их спуститься глубоко в пещеры. Единственное спасение для исследователей — найти неизвестный второй выход к морю, преодолевая неистовую стихию бушующих вод, коварные ловушки подземелий и смертельный ужас…
Бог людоедов
Этнолог и исследователь Стивенсон, так и не получив официального разрешения на исследования, отправляется в джунгли Марабата в Новой Гвинее для подтверждения факта существования племени людоедов Пука. Вылетев в Новую Гвинею Стивенсон так и не вернулся. Через некоторое время Сьюзен Стивенсон, жена пропавшего этнолога, и её брат Артур снаряжают экспедицию во главе профессора Эдварда Фостера с целью обнаружить пропавшего мужа Сьюзен. В начале поисков компания получает известия от туземцев о существующем в джунглях племени людоедов Пука, однако, якобы, племя считается вымершим. После организации одного из ночных привалов бесследно пропадает один из сопровождающих компанию, после чего нападению подвергается сама Сьюзен. Но нападение не увенчалось успехом — на помощь пришёл Маноло.
Ад каннибалов 2
Оказывается, людоеды встречаются не только в сказках. В недоступных джунглях Новой Гвинеи с давних времен существует таинственная секта, принимающая обряд очищения и единения с природой через человеческую плоть. В том, что это не выдумка, предстоит убедиться героине фильма, отправившейся на поиски пропавшей сестры. И это только начало ужасной истории…
Мистер Пип
История мистера Уоттса, последнего белого парня в Бугенвиле. Он открывает школу и читает детям свой любимый роман — «Большие надежды» Чарльза Диккенса. Это помогает ему наладить связь с ними и помочь разобраться в собственных проблемах.
Новая Гвинея, 1942 год. Австралия воют с Японской империей. Элитный отряд японского спецназа высаживается на берег, где находится небольшой отряд новобранцев австралийской армии. Отрезанные японцами от своих и изолированные в непроходимых джунглях солдаты идут через страшное место — дорогу Кокода. Понимая, что шансы дойти практически равны нулю, солдаты решают принять бой с японцами, даже если он будет последним в их жизни.
Birds of the Gods
Living in the depths of the New Guinean Rainforest are birds of unimaginable color and beauty. When Europeans first saw the plumes of these fabulous creatures in the sixteenth century they believed they must be from heaven and called them Birds of Paradise. The people of New Guinea make even greater claims. They say the birds possess supernatural powers and magic. But to find these birds in New Guinea is one of the toughest assignments and to witness their extraordinary mating displays is even tougher. David Attenborough introduces a young team of New Guinean scientists on a grueling expedition to find and film these Birds of Paradise; the holy grail of wildlife filmmakers.
Золото Флинна
Этот австралийский биографический фильм рассказывает историю приключений Эролла Флинна, которые происходили с ним до того, как он стал известным голливудским актёром.
Dead Birds
The film's title is borrowed from a Dani fable that Gardner recounts in voice-over. The Dani people, whom Gardner identifies mysteriously as "a mountain people," believe that there was once a great race between a bird and a snake, which was to determine the lives of human beings. Should men shed their skins and live forever like snakes, or die like birds? The bird won the race, dictating that man must die. The film's plot revolves around two characters, Weyak and Pua. Weyak is a warrior who guards the frontier between the land of his tribe and that of the neighboring tribe. Pua is a young boy whom Gardner depicts as weak and inept.
Eating With Cannibals
National Geographic joins author and explorer Piers Gibbon as he investigates one of mankind's ultimate taboos: cannibalism. Gibbon treks into the rain forest of Papua New Guinea to find tribe members who ate human flesh. And, meets the members of the once-feared Biami tribe to witness their ritual techniques.
Прощай, Рабаул
Фильм о битве за Рабаул, ключевом форпосте обороны японцев во второй мировой войне на Тихом океане. Фильм не только о войне, но и о любви, человеческих взаимоотношениях в таких тяжёлых условиях жизни.
Black Harvest
Joe Leahy is the half-caste son of one of the first explorers of the Papua New Guinean interior. The documentary explores his relationship with the tribes that work his coffee plantation and explores what happens when the coffee market situation becomes more difficult.
Aliko and Ambai
Aliko & Ambai is a feature film about two young women facing the challenges of growing up in the beautiful Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The challenges are significant: tribal conflict, poverty, bullying, domestic violence,and forced marriage. Aliko struggles to complete her education and Ambai searches to escape her abusive home and reunite with her biological father. They navigate the many obstacles in their lives and endeavour to build brighter futures for themselves, supported by the strength of friendship.
A Blank on the Map
In his now well-known role of narrator of wildlife expeditions, Attenborough accompanies a government-sponsored trek into the central New Guinea highlands to make contact with a group of natives never before seen by Europeans.
Крылатая победа
Pinky Scariano, Allan Ross, and Frankie Davis all join the Army Air Forces with hopes of becoming pilots. In training, they meet and become pals with Bobby Grills and Irving Miller, and the five struggle through the rigid training and grueling tests involved in becoming pilots. Not all of them succeed, and tragedy awaits for some.
Land of the Morning Star
The western half of the island of New Guinea has been known by many names including Netherlands New Guinea, West Papua, Irian Jaya and Papua. It is an extraordinary place where snow-capped mountains drain into massive rivers and 250 languages are spoken. For centuries, the world has jostled for control of this rugged, isolated region, with its abundant natural resources and strategic position. Through eyewitness accounts and rare archival film, this fascinating documentary paints a picture that is intimate in detail but epic in scope. It is a sweeping saga of colonial ambitions, cold war sellouts and fervent nationalism, which highlights the role of players such as Australia and the UN at crucial points.
The Road to Home
The Road to Home (2015), tells the story of Benny Wenda, the Nobel Peace Prize nominated West Papuan independence leader, in his ongoing struggle to free his people from Indonesian colonial rule. Since his dramatic escape from an Indonesian prison in 2002, where he was held in isolation and tortured as a political prisoner, Benny has been an unceasing crusader on the international scene, campaigning to bring about an end to the suffering of his people at the hands Indonesia's brutal colonial regime. Granted political asylum in the UK, Wenda's freedom of movement was restricted in 2011 when, at the behest of the Indonesian government, Interpol issued a 'red notice' putting him at extreme risk of extradition should he travel.
Primitive Paradise
A documentary following famed explorer Lewis Cotlow traveling into the heart of New Guinea in search of unknown tribal cultures.


Paths of Death and Angels
Reviewers found this somewhat surreal film so visually stunning as to be worth watching even when it was not clear to them what was going on. In the story, Jozef Schrevek is a man with unusual powers which he wishes to pass on to his son before his death, which is coming soon. Unfortunately, his son is much more interested in boozing and womanizing and being a well-known habitué of nightclubs, than in taking his father seriously and receiving his powers and the responsibilities which come along with them. The tension between the two escalates when a young woman enters their lives.
Славек и Ивана — молодая чета, с нетерпением ожидающая рождения ребёнка. Когда Славек отвёз Ивану в родильный дом, он очень беспокоился в течение дня о ней, о том, как пройдут роды. Воспоминания Иваны и Славека воскрешают историю их отношений с момента знакомства. Но вот раздался первый крик новорожденного. Славек и Ивана счастливы и в то же время обеспокоены — воспитание ребёнка накладывает на них большую ответственность...
Постель для брата и сестры 1782
Действие фильма происходит в Швеции XVIII века. Молодой дворянин Якоб возвращается домой из Франции. Он вступает в кровосмесительную связь со своей сестрой Шарлоттой, которая собирается выйти замуж. Шарлотта обнаруживает, что беременна от брата, и просит его бежать из дома вместе с ней. Однако Якоб не хочет менять привычный образ жизни. Кроме того, ему известно, что дети от подобной связи рождаются не вполне здоровыми. Поэтому после размышлений он решает отказать сестре, оставив её наедине с проблемами.
Young Dr. Freud
A portrait of Sigmund Freud as a young man.
Eastern Cross
OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The film deploys a neorealist aesthetic to reinforce the difficulties confronting the girl, and by inference, Germany.
Triptych on Matter and Death
Experimental Yugoslav short film.
Путешествие с Жириновским
Путешествие вниз по Волге с российским политиком Владимиром Жириновским и его окружением во время предвыборной президентской кампании 1994 года.
Neurosia: Fifty Years of Perversity
Neurosia is the autobiography of the director Rosa von Praunheim. The movie begins with Rosa presenting his autobiography in a movie theater. Before the film begins, he is shot. But - his body gets lost. A female journalist from a TV station begins researching the life of Rosa. In the course of the movie she speaks to lots of aquaintances, shows short clips from Rosas old movies. Her main aim is to provide sensational and shocking details from Rosas life. It turns out that nearly everybody had some reason to kill Rosa. At the end of the movie, she discovers Rosa at a boat where he is kept prisoner by some of his old enemies. She frees him, and the movie ends.
L'art d'aimer
L’art d’aimer / The Art of Loving (1985), another colour short, is probably the weakest of the ten films, mostly because it’s a blurry monologue (read by Smolders) from the perspective of a man confused about past events from his youth, and the fate of his mother. Smolder’s voice is deadly monotone, and the short drones on towards a climax set in an old age home, and a room filled with men and women suffering from diverse ailments, or seniors trapped in some darkened mental gloom. -
The Wall
Experimental short film from Yugoslavia.
Colorfully edited vignettes of young characters having fun in the town of Onomichi.
Told from the point of view of a rescued buffalo, this is the story of a small town trying to find itself after the Armenian-Azeri conflict. The buffalo's reception by the other farm animals reflects the distrust rife in the countries of the post-Soviet world.
Blind Child 2
Two years after making his film BLIND KIND, Van der Keuken contacted the blind boy that had impressed him most at the time.
State of Weightlessness
A documentary charting the rigors of the Russian space program, where the symbol of national pride would justify the most demanding training conditions.
The Man's Woman and Other Stories
A series of three episodes which explore the relationship between men, women and the physical and mental spaces they inhabit.
Punitive Expedition
The Monarchy leads a repressive campaign against a Serb village, where an Austrian officer was killed.
Inside and Outside
Deals with filmic reality and conformity in East and West. Won acclaim at 1976 Edinburgh Festival.
Washed Ashore
Life on the Danube is essentially determined by two factors: the river itself and the often strange idiosyncrasies of the people who live along its banks. And they are multifarious: fishermen and graveyard wardens, Buddhist monks, allotment holders on Danube Island, stranded shippers, tramps and soldiers. All linked by the great current against which they swim.
Ожерелье из волчьих зубов
Герой фильма - художник - ищет смысл и творческий посыл в своем детстве.
Set in the second decade of the 20th century, this is a story of cinema entering villages of Kerala. The protagonist Diwakaran gets attracted to the new machine, bioscope, at an exhibition by Frenchman DuPont, who does bioscope shows on the coasts of Tamil Nadu.